prayer against the spirit of lawlessness

Look for the vision casters and there is a good chance that either they are themselves strategic in Satans plans, or they will lead you to the person who is. Father God in Jesus name may we be ever mindful that as much as this is disturbing, sad, violent, and disrespectful to all may we be reminded of your word of the evil that shall happen in the last days, as the times grows closer and closer to the coming of the LORD where every eye shall see Him. Purge from me any temptation to be unfaithful in my marriage. In Jesus Name, Amen. Do we live in a bubble- no. Box 8930 Destroy the wickedness inside me that wants to do want I want, rather than Your holy will for my life. Your email address will not be published. We have chased after our own ways, ignoring Your ways and are now reaping the bad fruit of wrong political decisions. Just as You set the captives free, set me free. Help us Lord to do what is right in Your sight. Focus my mind on ways to be a blessing to the people around me. Give them courage and strength to uphold the law of the land. Amen. For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead mens bones and all uncleanness. Father, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I decree that, by your grace and wisdom, I, my family, my church and all those that concern me are well taught of You. 3. I went and looked at it and agree! . Grow my hope in You for victory in eternity. Let my eyes be anointed by Your Sons blood. Protect me from the spirit of laziness, oh Jesus. Cause the sin of rebellion to come to the surface of our hearts to be excised by your Holy Spirit and replaced by the gifts of the spirit to do your good works so that the enemy will long for your mercy and let loose his grip on the unsaved. As you can see fromvideo footage of the incident, the young people seemed to take great joy in the crimes that they were committing. Father, I pray that your will come and visit with us a great move of Your Spirit and begin with The Church which is failing in Her mission. You are Lord of glorified in the the mighty name of Jesus Christ! We are getting guidance that before and during this weekend, November 3-5, 2017 the Lord is calling us as intercessors into the gap to pray in the name of Jesus Christ that the high level demonic spirit (an archon) who may be named and described in biblical terms as the hidden power of lawlessness (2 Thessalonians 2:7), who is manifesting as anarchy and violence, must be exposed and bound in the name of Jesus Christ. The Spirit of Understanding. Our Story David Wilkerson Gary Wilkerson Essential Beliefs Speakers, Daily Devotional Newsletter Podcasts Sermons Promise Calendar Updates, Donate Now Planned Giving Offline Giving Why Support WC Gift Acceptance Policy Give to Israel State of the Ministry, Connect with WC Contact UsWorld Challenge App FAQ Careers Privacy Policy, 2023 World Challenge, Inc | All Rights Reserved. 1. Amen. We have discernment to differentiate the clean from the unclean and the true from the untrue. In Jesus name. Subdue my raging hormones and flow Your mighty power through me to make me strong. You say that the fate of the people who practice these things is in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and mold me as You desire. As we stand in the gap over the lawlessness in our land, we pray for Your mighty arm to push back the forces of darkness and usher in the light of Your glory! It's easy to accuse rioters, for example, of operating from a spirit of lawlessness. Increase my trust and faith that You alone are God, all-powerful, all-knowing, all-good, and the creator of heaven and earth. Therefore, I want to encourage all of our intercessors to pray into this. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Depression God of Victory, thank You for dying for my sins on the cross. Let the power to achieve my destiny faster, fall upon me, in the name of Jesus. . Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Adultery The King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, I bow before You and worship You. He has a razors edge of what I find to be balanced and justified critique that spares no issue and no leader including President Trump. Take away from me the desire to party and get drunk. As we pray we need to remember again and again to let Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, direct us in our prayer and intercession. With Me! Blessed are those whose lawless deeds have been forgiven, For I will be merciful to their iniquities, some worthless men have gone out from among you and have seduced the inhabitants of their city, saying, . Give me discernment so I can see when people are trying to take advantage of me or trying to deceive me. under the authority of The Holy Bible as the Word of God Make my flesh and mind strong so that I can overcome my desire to use drugs/alcohol and stay sober. Protect me from the devil, who will try to manipulate me into straying from Your will. The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness. I believe that for most of us this call to engage the demon of lawlessness will not be direct but as it is manifesting through the human beings. O: Lord, have mercy: A: Christ, have mercy : Lord, have mercy : Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. His return is nearer than what a lot of people think. The church congregation was supposed to be the salt of the earth, but they are more concerned with money, church sizes and church announcements! This week, when ICE officials showed up to arrest an illegal immigrant in Nashville, the mans neighborsformed a human chain around himin order to keep that from happening: When U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents arrived at a Nashville home Monday in an attempt to detain a man there, neighbors and activists gathered to support the man, who remained shuttered in a van with a child for hours before the agents left. Whenever a prideful group makes statements and threats against law and order we must assume their words are true until proven otherwise. this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death. Concerning the last days, Jesus said, "And because iniquity [lawlessness] shall [multiply], the love of many shall [grow] cold" ( Matthew 24:12 ). They are wicked and lack judgment. 3.Wrong mind-set: A man's mind set . Draw me near to You and my spouse. As we do this the following prayer strategies and tactics may be employed. Jesus says that the reason for this upsurge of cold, hypocritical love that eventually betrays a brother is owing to the increase of lawlessness. What is Repentance? For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way. Some say it is the Holy Spirit, others say it is the Church. Your Son said the greatest commandment was to love God and the next greatest commandment was to love one another. Second, we need to confirm this guidance wherever possible by the rational evaluation of the information received through news media. If you wonder why I would say such a thing, just consider what just happenedin New York City: In a series of shocking videos, NYPD officers can be seen being doused with buckets of water and pelted with projectiles as they tried to do their jobs (in one video, the officers were in the middle of making an arrest). Father, I thank you for your spirit of love and mercy upon my life. Lord Jesus, every knee shall bow down before You, and right now, I command the spirit of lust to bow down before You and leave my life. Lord Jehovah, Self-Existent One, today as I walk on Your beautiful earth, deliver me from the spirit of fear. Jesus, Your Scripture says: the devil entered Judas, then he betrayed You. Everything seems empty and blank., Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36. Would you be the mighty shield around those who go to the scenes of rebellion and hatred, seeking to keep the laws of our land. Satans plans are to stir up racial hatred and division by playing on past and present injustices. One of the weapons that can fight fear is faith and when this is absent, then there is a chance for fear to penetrate. As you will see below, all over the nation, young people are brazenly flouting the law, obstructing and assaulting law enforcement officers and committing criminal acts in large groups. These seven spirits are said to work together, bringing forth the power of God to wars, judgments, and other forms of divine intervention . I believe one of the roots of this problem is that the government has subsidized having children without marriage, which therefore has been penalized. We say NO to the evil being perpetuated over the youth who lack a knowledge of You and Your love for them. Will you pray? If you are the site owner (or you manage this site), please whitelist your IP or if you think this block is an error please open a support ticket and make sure to include the block details (displayed in the box below), so we can assist you in troubleshooting the issue. May many people have a genuine encounter with Yeshua, repent of their sins and lawlessness This shows that the "Comforter"the Holy Spiritwas sent to bring repentance, a change of direction, a turnabout in one's life. We are desperate My Father, please hear our prayers as we pray them to You in the name of Jesus Your Son, Amen! This is not a natural problem, but a spiritual one.Please let your heart overflow with love toward our land, and pray with us for the will of God to be done. The Man of Lawlessness vs. the Man of Saving Justice/Righteousness We begin, then, with Paul's reference in v. 3 to the man of lawlessness (1ho anthrdpos tes anomias).12 For Paul, lawlessness (anomia) is a sinful pattern of activity that exhibits wanton disregard for God's design for human life or the well-being of others. Let my weakness be penetrated with Your strength this very day that I may fulfill all the duties of my state conscientiously, that I may do what is right and just. When I was in Richmond, VA at St. Giles Presbyterian Church on Oct 13-15, I was led to gather a group of Anglo, Jewish and African Americans attending the prayer meeting to have some prayers together to confess our own and our ancestors sins of racial hatred, and pray to forgive one another. This development could increase the conflict taking place in Europe. His grace never leads to license and always leads to repentance!. The Bible talks about the mystery of iniquity or in some versions the spirit of lawlessness. I often feel this evil at this time of year, and many have experienced its manifestations. Focus my thoughts on You as the stronghold of my life. Send your Angels to keep police, Ice, border patrol and firemen safe from harm. The violent video sparked outrage when it was shared online. Amen. This took place 11-16-2016 but gives you a flavor of the tactics being used all over the country. Flow Your power through me so that I run the race of this life to receive the eternal prize of being with You in heaven. Help me to speak gentle words to people, especially in the middle of an argument. Restore us to Your Law and Order, remove the chaos and confusion from the minds of our youth and clearly show them a better way, Your way. In Jesus name. You are so righteous and holy, oh Lord. Women acting as men, men acting as women, children disrespecting parents and being raised to believe they are the center not a part of Your bigger picture of the family as the training ground for the necessary understanding of law and order. LORD, I ask that You give parents commonsense in how to raise their children and to discipline them. we thank You for what You are doing in Asbury. Father and Creator of all peoples, and nations, universes, have mercy on those men and women who have been called to be the protectors and enforcers of our laws, civil and Biblical; for all righteousness, all good comes from You. But lets move decisively into seeking guidance for prayer. Prayer of Protection and Safety from Evil Spirits. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Fear. But as part of Gods overall strategy to defeat this evil, we as intercessors must do this in every context. For Permission to Quote Information visit I pray they fear God not man and that they make decisions according to his word, will and way. Your email address will not be published. He is an orthodox Jew and a fearless and brilliant defender of our Judeo-Christian values on his TV show and on college campuses. But intercession at this level should only be engaged in at the direct leading of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit may highlight one name mentioned among many others. Strangle the spirit of depression that has overtaken me. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Death God of Heavens Armies, I repent of all my sins. We can as a way of taking back ground yielded to Satan in our own hearts and in the corporate culture. Although not reported in much of the USA news media, interestingly this article from Great Britain gives us some insight into the activities of Antifa: Department of Homeland Security has reportedly been warning about growing threat of violence between left-wing anarchists and right-wing nationalists since early 2016, Lucy Pasha-Robinson @lucypasha Sunday 3 September 2017 23:00 BST. I take my authority, and I command all seducing spirits of deception, delusion, confusion, compromise, complacency, laziness, manipulation, and fear to leave my spirit, soul, mind, body, health, finances, family, relationships, business, and projects according to the will and word of God. The word, work is the same Greek word as in I Thessalonians 2:13 which speaks of the Word of God at work in us who believe. (for by what he saw and heard that righteous man, while living among them, felt his righteous soul tormented day after day by their lawless deeds), Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a man attested to you by God with miracles and wonders and signs which God performed through Him in your midst, just as you yourselves know. The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Fear Lord Jehovah, Self-Existent One, today as I walk on Your beautiful earth, deliver me from the spirit of fear. From Daily Beast. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Abaddon (Destruction) Lord God, my Shield, You are the one who cast out the angels who disobeyed You from heaven. Hope you enjoy. Banish every spirit who follows Abaddon, a destroying demon, from my life. Amen. This tactic of Satan to destroy America and the Kingdom of God, was exposed in the conflicts in Charlottesville. Welcome to the prayer against evil spirits. They were still there a few hours later, and so the president of the . I nullify you in the name of Jesus. In each of these occasions the Lord has led the African Americans to confess their own hatred toward white people. Many groups are already praying about these threats and I urge all who read this Discerning The Times to gather around like-minded believers and intercessors to be co-laborers with Christ in this battle. The attacks on the officers started as they were arresting another young man, and in the video, they can be seen handcuffing the man while he was splayed out on the hood of a car.e. Turn off the news, Turn off the frequency of Satanic Music and Negative News. If you have benefited from IFA's resources and community, please consider joining us as a monthly support partner. You have the ultimate authority over the spirit of death. Instill hope in my heart that the future is bright. In the powerful name of Jesus. Transforming Lives Through the Message and Mission of Jesus Christ Amen. The apostle is saying, Those who refuse to obey or respect Gods Word will fall under a powerful delusion. Prayer for Protection from Selfies (or the Spirit of Pride) Sovereign Lord, I love You so much. STOP GIVING THEM YOUR TITHES- it is not biblical. You know all that is happening LORD, and you have told us in your holy word to watch and pray, and to pray without ceasing, give us the strength to do so LORD as our hearts are melting over all that is happening in this world. Be my help and my shield, Lord. It is the very force behind the legislation that seeks to banish God from our society; the same spirit that Satan used to deceive Eve when he told her, in so many words, "God won't punish you for disobeying. You alone are everything I need. Forgive our sin and violence. Build a holy fortress in my mind to protect me from my anxiety. I need Your divine intervention to cast the spirit of addiction down to the lowest part of hell. 2:7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. Revive my spirit, in Jesus' name, amen. Lord, I pray that every door I have opened that has allowed witchcraft to come into my life is closed. Often, I have found this guidance to come as I have kept up with the news. Of course there are exceptions when help is needed and should be given,but marriage needs to be encouraged, not discouraged. Authority in Christ for Binding and Loosing Matthew 18:18, Mark 3:13, John 20:23. In good times and bad, unite my family through Your Holy Spirit. Almighty God, as we look at the lawlessness in our land , We want to take responsibility as the church of our Lord Jesus Christ, confessing on behalf of the previous generations that did not pray and stand guard against the advancement of the enemy, that spirit of lawlessness, in our land.. These would be those who are funding, enabling and leading those in Antifa and in other expressions of this stronghold. realizing the fact that law is not made for a righteous person, but for those who are lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers. Where sin abounded, All I ask you to do, is to agree with me as I pray, and together we will seek our Heavenly Father. My inner man receives energy in the name of Jesus. Ask for angels to HELP in this structure of lawlessness that is operating in this part of the earth. These young people are just doing whatever seems right in their own eyes, and similar things are happening all over the nation. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This ministry is part of the great wave of the Holy Spirit that is advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ world wide. Help me to stop doing what belongs to the darkness and instead be like You. Click below to log in. In Christ, Brad Long, Martin BoardmanWith the Discerning The Times Discernment Team, Learn More: Presbyterian-Reformed Ministries International. When the spirit of adultery came, he ran away and let the Lord fight his battles. Psalm 91 is our only refuge as things will continue to get worse. The Scripture says lawlessness will increase the closer it gets for the return of the LORD. Have Mercy on us Most Merciful Father. Lord, this is great! Nearly 8 of 10 Americans told the Pew Research Center that supporters for both sides could act on the politically charged rhetoric with violence. Place the fear of You, oh God, in my heart as Joseph had. New American Standard Bible Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. The spirit of lawlessness, a spirit that despises authority and that cultivates chaos. GIVE TO THE POOR NEEDY AND & WIDOWS AND ORPHANS LIKE THE SCRIPTURE TELL US IN ISAIAH. Jesus, I have more of a craving for food instead of a craving for the Word of God, and for this, I repent. We have identified five particular prayer foci which are vanguard movements of the Holy Spirit: 1. King of the Universe you are Holy and you are a God of Order! Exalting Jesus Christ! being without law; uncontrolled by a law; unbridled; unruly; unrestrained: lawless passion, a state of disorder due to a disregard of the law, anarchy, a state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government). Here is one of the many articles to be found on the web about their plans: Big -Tent org is tied to crowds supporting violent revolution and notorious terrorist groups, Posted October 20, 2017 04:25 PM by Jordan Schachtel. Bind the Spirit of Lawlessness Our authority, in Jesus Christ, for binding and loosing is found in Matthew 18:18, Mark 3:13, and John 20:23. Baruch ha Shem, may your name be blessed today and forever. Please remove the veil from the eyes of the church and sound an alarm that will move us to our knees in holy fear of You Almighty God, in repentance, and in the release of your power through our prayers and petitions to take back the ground from the enemy has taken! You are the God of revival, what You have done there, You can do anywhere. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Delusion King Jesus, I worship You. To read more please visit our website: Crucify all forms of greed in my life to the cross. 7. Be the first one to post one! COME OUT OF THESE PLACES- FOR GOD IS NOT THERE. First Prayer Tactic: Piercing the cloaking. The third step, getting to the demons who are working behind a particular leader, is more difficult. Amen. a flash mob stormed a Walgreens in Philadelphia on the Fourth of July: Philadelphia police have released surveillance video showingdozens of teens vandalizing and stealing from a South Street Walgreens on the Fourth of July. They are finding many willing human agents who are cooperating with them because hatred and division gives both the demons and their human collaborators spiritual and political power. You say that even satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Do it for me! Amen. The demons are working to prevent healing and reconciliation. Chapter 3 deals, finally, with the conduct of these believers in the face of difficulty and pressure. Help me to foster physical intimacy often with my spouse so that we meet each others physical needs. Protect everyone LORD, and dismantle every evil agenda against our youth, and young adults, who are doing adult crimes at a such young age, for they are to be joyful, and happy in their young years, but instead are heeding to the enemys will, and evil works, because their minds are open to him. Yes, it is hard for the righteous to overlook these things. A Prayer To God In Time Of Great Sadness A Prayer To Know Your Grace In My Life A Prayer To Prepare My Mind A Prayer To Produce The Fruit Of The Spirit A Prayer To Remove Hindrances To Fruitfulness A Prayer To Share The Gospel A Prayer To 'Be Holy As God Is Holy' A Prayer When Feeing Lonely A Bond Of Unity In The Body Of Christ God You are calling the Bride of Christ as One New Man (Jew and Gentile) to discipline ourselves to pray and praise 7 times a day for our Nation, the next 3 years and You will remove the chaos in our land! Amen and Amen. Precious Holy Spirit, I have had enough drunkenness and wild parties in my life. I have not seen the holes in Your hands or in Your side, but I believe. Let me be taken up in the Holy Spirit which gives life. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Corruption Righteous Savior, I adore You. Jesus warned that in the end times lawlessness will increase and "the love of many will grow cold" (Matthew 24:12). May Your light bring truth and justice once again to this land, not for any goodness of ours, but so that You alone will be glorified and honored as the one true God! So you, too, outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. It means you disregard and oppose the law - God's law. I cannot do this on my own. Igniting the Church in the Power of the Holy Spirit Biden Loan Forgiveness Plan Before High Court Today. In addition, this demonic power of lawlessness is also at work in the strongholds of Radical Islam. The hidden agenda of the enemy has tricked and fooled many into believing that choice other than Yours in worldly political agendas is good. Let my charity be such as to offend no one, and hurt no one's feelings; so . Prayers for divine protection: Father, I thank you for the gift of life and sound health, in Jesus name. There are other factors at work in leading us to this discernment: Laura told me that she had watched a video of students at the University of Wisconsin shutting down the freedom of speech at a lecture that Ben Shapiro was giving. Click below to log in. Position Paper - College of Prayer International - College of Prayer . I have subscribed to his show the and find them extremely insightful. Energize me to pick myself up and take at least one positive step today. As a 501(c)3 organization, it's through your support that all this possible. Healing is a Part of the Great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus holy name. Absence of justice is lawlessness - the spirit of Antichrist. Also, look for those at the center of a creative minority, giving them the means of implementing their plans. Our historic roots are in the Presbyterian and Reformed stream of the Christian Faith but we are called to serve the whole Church of Jesus Christ. Overcoming the effects of Covid-19 We need to pray that the impact of Covid-19 would be overcome through the healing ministry of Jesus Christ. Get ready for more things to come as we usher in the Glory of God. This last weekend leading up to Halloween, I had a deep awareness of some brooding evil being unleashed. Your IP address is listed in our blacklist and blocked from completing this request. But soon theyll actively seek out a message of easy grace. Bring Your Presence, Wisdom and Peace to our political system and destroy the strangle hold the enemy has on our people and Nation. 1. The main word is shoob ("turn, turn back, return") and the other is nacham ("comfort"). SJW confront Ben Shapiro at the University of Wisconsin. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in Jesus name. The most powerful antidote for the times we are living in is to strengthen our "prayer muscles." Paul says this deception will come because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved (verse 10). We are Your Nation and Your people and are called by Your name. Help me seek Your kingdom and righteousness. We Produce our. This is where prayer for discernment and binding plans of the enemy are needed. I bow my head before You and ask that You cast the manipulating spirits in my life into the lake of fire where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. And once the agents and police officers they had called to the scene finally drove away, neighbors who had kept the man and the boy fed, hydrated and cool, formed a human chain from the van to the house as the man and the boy shuffled inside. Removing the leader from the core of Satans stronghold through conversion to faith in Jesus Christ. Make me brave, so I can stand and fight the spiritual battles in my life and in our world. I have so much respect for the good law enforcement officers across the country who put their lives on the line day after day to protect all of us, but I wouldnt want to be in their shoes at this point. Father, I pray that the tide will be turned from parents who teach their children they are to get whatever they want, to parents who believe in discipline and teaching their children to respect authority, and other peoples possessions. Thank You for Your cleansing blood that has washed away all my filthy sins. God does not answer pray we because we pray only he said seek my face and turn from our wicked ways then he will hear from heaven our nation is full of wickedness his word changes not murdering babies marriage is a mockery. And without a doubt, our nation is on the brink of great chaos. Apparently after chapel on Wednesday, February 8, a group of 20 students decided to stay to sing, pray, and share testimonies. In Your holy name, I pray. Intercessors Cooperating With The Holy Spirit, Discerning The Times, High-level Intercession / November 3, 2017 by Brad Long / 1 Comment. In the name of my resurrected Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. When an attitude of lawlessness pervades the atmosphere, people stop wondering about right and wrong. Amen. In agreement, I pray for parents to wake up to the Truth of the Bible and raise children to respect life, respect parents and teachers, give honor to God in their lives from an early age. Thank you, Lord. dozens of teens vandalizing and stealing from a South Street Walgreens on the Fourth of July. Pray for the voice of God to be heard from the church concerning justice (Psalm 72:2; For Hard Times For Financial Prosperity For Physical Health For Emotional Health For Protection For a Marriage For Babies and Pregnancy For Family For Spiritual Warfare For Spiritual Health For a Death For the Workplace For Bedtime, Bible Commentary Bible Verses Devotionals Faith Prayers Coloring Pages Pros and Cons, Philippians 3:14 Meaning of Press on Toward the Goal, 40 Most Powerful Bible Scriptures on Gods Will, 50 Biblically Accurate Facts About Angels in the Bible, 50 Most Profitable Youth Group Fundraising Ideas for Your Church, 250 Ice Breaker Questions for Teen Youth Groups, 25 Important Examples of Pride in the Bible, Why Jesus Wept and 11 Lessons from His Tears, 25 Different Ways to Worship God and Praise the Lord. Nearly 8 of 10 Americans told the Pew Research Center that supporters for both sides could act the. 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