linda hyles murphrey

last year) recognize that it is clearly a cult. Another philosophy of his is that he doesnt want to hear anything, because then he doesnt have to deal with it. The culmination of many events in our lives brought us to the decision that we have made to move. Yet they would drop us off in rough neighborhoods for eight hours on our own to go soul winning.. Biography. Her office had a door opening to Hyles office, but there was a drape in front of it so that no one coming into her office could see it. They didnt go on a vacation without asking my dads permission, and if he had said to drink the Kool-aid, Im not kidding, they would have. [This was before Jack Schaap got caught in adultery with a teenager.] It is nearly impossible, in fact, to entirely escape his influence among fundamental Baptists. There are still many, many victims out there, says Busby, herself involved with a group of former First Baptist members who have their own abuse stories. Then there were the practical matters that caused immediate red flags when we rolled up to Hyles-Anderson College in our overloaded U-Haul, during the oppressively hot Midwestern August, in 1983. Evidence was provided by Vic Nischik, a long-time deacon at First Baptist, proving that Jack Hyles stole the affection of his wife (Hyles secretary), even if he didnt actually commit physical adultery with her. I would just sit there, and he would say, My son David and Paula never single dated, and I would look at David and start laughing and think, This is hilarious; I cant believe that he gets up and says this. His dad gave me six months of sex counseling before David and I got married, and I could nail him just with that and what he said to me. Nischiks letter, which he later publicized, said in part,MY HOME WAS TAMPERED WITH AND MY MARRIAGE DELIBERATELY WRECKED BY JACK HYLES. Unfortunately, it went well beyond talk. The wickedness, the heartbreak, the ruining of lives. Examples from First Baptist take in everything: pedophilia, violence, defamation of the innocent to protect the guilty, heresies against Christian doctrine, defiance against lawful authority. For the benefit of any doubters, Hyles demonstrated his power in the middle of a sermon one Sunday. But not before a child he fathered with Stevens died under odd circumstances. I thank God for giving me the sense to decide not to become one of the neurotic puppets you employ. Women were to wear skirts that covered the knee. And now that Ive had a chance to step back and take a look at it from a distance, to think that I was sucked up in that really scares me. Ohh! But neither did he dwell on compassion. As to getting to the truth of the issue of Jack Hyles, lets not listen to his deacons, of whom he bragged publicly that they would have jumped off a bridge if he told them to do so. First, we see that refusal to separate from those who are immoral takes away the ability to protest their evil. The items have taken years to produce at enormous expense in time and money, and we use the income from sales to help fund the ministry. I sat in the pew, gazing at the colonnaded pulpit, bright white under a spotlightthe spot where Schaap had given his infamous Polished Shaft sermon. But yes, there is most definitely a door. And they still perpetuate his legacy: the strict rules, the undying loyalty, and they still try to keep all the secrets (Linda Murphreys testimony at the TEDxOjaiChange event in Ojai, California, April 5, 2012).POLICY: Way of Lifes content falls into two categories: sharable and non-sharable. He built her family a beautiful home right around the corner from our house. In 1998, Joseph D. Combs, a former Bible teacher at Hyles-Anderson who had become a pastor in Tennessee, and his wife, Evangeline, were convicted on multiple charges of aggravated abuse, assault, and kidnapping of their adopted 11-year-old daughter. The autopsy revealed trauma and numerous broken bones in various stages of healing. Linda Murphrey: "The lies we had to keep were 'for the sake of the ministry'". Using biblical passages as justification, Hyles preached that spanking was more than tolerable; it was a sacred duty. We could never even tell our best friends what went on in our home, because we might be the cause of the destruction of his ministry. One of the girls told me and Daves sister that she was sleeping with him, and we told his dad. There were so many mothers who went to him who David was having affairs with and told him. Lowest rating: 1 . What I cant comprehend is telling a lie that so many people know is a lie. Why he lies about that I will never know. I attended at least 12 Pastors Schools. I sent students there and hired graduates from HAC. And they still perpetuate his legacy: the strict rules, the undying loyalty, and they still try to keep all the secrets (Linda Murphreys testimony at the TEDxOjaiChange event in Ojai, California, April 5, 2012). Men were to wear jackets and ties and close-cropped hair. Evaluate 3 (13395 Ratings) Top rated: 3 . We hated her. His preaching had gotten soI hesitate to use the word pornographic. It was so vulgar sometimes that it was just a grief to my spirit., Challenging Schaap, Busby says, was not an option: He had absolute power. Its hard to believe. It was going to be me and my big mouth that ruined my marriage, not Davids actions. The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services investigated, but the cause of death could not be determined. Tonights guest preacher, Freddy It was a fine sermon, and the people around memen in suits and ties with neatly combed hair, women in tastefully modest dresses, children sitting quietly beside themsmiled and nodded. Despite two eyewitness accounts, Ballenger denied the charge, was released on bond, and returned to the church. Brother Cloud lives in South Asia where he has been a church planting missionary since 1979. Four years ago, he pleaded guilty to felony stalking of a 14-year-old girl while pastor of Central Baptist Church in East Chicago. Meanwhile, the churchs lawyer, David Gibbs, has called for other victims to come forward with their stories. Theres a world of difference between a cult of personality and a cult. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward" (1 Timothy 5:18). With your own insecurities and personal failures as your driving force, you have quite simply played havoc with an entire church, some of my dearest friends and worst of all, my family. Jack Hyles was the cult leader and he . I think back to the utter immorality of the fundamentalist sect that ran by high school and college. Their offices each had a door opening to the hallway as well as the private door connecting the two rooms. He told us she was crazy. After graduation, he set out to spread his particular brand of harsh theology. The 1990 book details the affair and many other misdeeds, including a Watergate-like coverup of affairs and sexual abuse at First Baptist. One of the girls told me and Daves sister that she was sleeping with him, and we told his dad. For a pastor to develop a romantic relationship with a church member is gross, gross abuse of his position and of his solemn marital vows. And his dad would get up and preach this and browbeat everybody to death to do their kids that way, but David didnt have to live that way. [email protected]. Traffic guards directed cars into a gravel parking lot. (Or would have, had Schaap not habitually railed against the evils of rock music.). On the basis of Dr. Hyles own admissions, I rest my case about the massive cover-up of sin under his leadership. As a seven-year-old, she used to count the lashes as a way to cope through the searing pain. McGuires younger sister, Sherri Munger, told me she once received more than 300 lashes from a thick leather belt. Summary: Articles about Linda Hyles Murphrey - The Jim Baumer Experience Walking away from fundamentalist Christianity was a pivotal event in my life. He did what he wanted to do. Several people who grew up at First Baptist recall that parents took the instruction to heart. I entered a bit after the 6 p.m. start time, ducked past the crimson-coated ushers, and found a seat in what I eventually realized was the section reserved for the deaf. Regardless of whether Hyles actually committed physical adultery, he was unquestionably guilty of a grossly improper relationship with a woman who was not his wife, and was thus disqualified to be a pastor. All we ask is that you give proper credit. First, there was the expectation that the school provided some support for students when they arrived. That reknown enabled Hyles to begin crisscrossing the country as the de facto leader of a loose coalition of Independent Fundamentalist Baptist churches. The new pastor was soon kicked out after allegations that he had more than a dozen affairs with churchwomen, many of them married. 3. In an open letter written last week and a news release issued Monday, Linda Murphrey apologized for not speaking out on what she called a cycle of church abuses at First Baptist Church of. Author: Schaap did not respond to an interview request made through Porter County Jail. The Biblical Evangelist, a magazine devoted to historic evangelical fundamentalism, published a series of articles accusing Hyles of a years-long romantic affair with his secretary, Jennie Nischik, who happened to be the wife of a church deacon, Victor Nischik. Instead, the silence was golden, and it still is. 2012-2022 Way of Life Literature Inc. v12.19.22, David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. FIRST, TO GIVE THE BACKGROUND, LET ME QUOTE FROM THE BOOK , IN REGARD TO HYLES RELATIONSHIP WITH JUDY NISCHIK. My older brother became another version of my father. You see, he had taught us that the best way to please God was to please him, because he was Gods man. You exemplify everything in this life that I do not want for myself, my marriage or my children. Log in to Reply. In light of the firsthand testimonies that have been published, this pastor is simply closing his eyes to the truth, for whatever reason. She was never charged with a crime, nor was Hyles. But even a saved man can deceive himself. Tag Archives: Linda Hyles Murphrey Walking Away. Breaking Free: Linda Hyles Murphrey Speaks At TEDxOjaiChange. Personally, my worthless opinion is that Linda did not like her home life. PacifistAg. I remember hearing once that it is not wise to put anything in writing that one would not want the entire world to see. The church I grew up in was heavily intertwined w/ Hyles . What was it that you used to say, 'Little leopards have spots because big leopards have spots'? About. I went to him twice about things I had heard about Dave. So, best of luck. I was one of those chocago kids who rode the bus to church went to the church camp and youth camp went to all the church funtions and went to the highschool not once did anything inappropriate happen! One of the things I know about organized religion is that reality regularly falls far short of the ideal. These are sharable. As the bible saysBe sure your sin will find you out.This is such a sad thing to have happened. Instead, he spoke of doing more for the church, of stepping up, of trying harder. It is a frightful fact that mans will drives his discernment. I dont care how much he demanded personal loyalty. And the night we got married, he told everybody it was our first kiss! He pastored a church in Texas and was found to be having affairs with 14 different women. You are also welcome to use excerpts from the articles. . Things we do not want copied and distributed are "Store" items like the Fundamental Baptist Digital Library, print editions of our books, electronic editions of the books that we sell, the videos that we sell, etc. And I was the one who was made to look like the bad guy in both instances. With your own insecurities and personal failures as your driving force, you have quite simply played havoc with an entire church, some of my dearest friends and worst of all, my family. The case remains unsolved; Paul Ciolino, a former DCFS investigator now in private practice, says he is still pursuing leads. Both Terry Duff and Eddie Lapina can help you fill in the details. He organized media boycotts and wrote letters savaging the local papers for reprinting filth. Hundreds in his flock rose to his defense. Head thrown back, eyes squeezed shut, mouth gaping, he began rubbing the shaft rapidly with the cloth, up and down, up and down. He was sentenced to a year of probation. When he tried to read a three-page letter, Hyles cried out, You are trying to destroy fundamentalism! and the deacons chimed in by shouting the poor man down. They need to know that there is help. Hyles certainly had enemies -- back then, more so. Later Hyles paid to have a room built for Vic over the garage, where he lived without being allowed any conjugal relationship with his wife. Add a bio, trivia, and more. After Hyles son-in-law, Jack Schaap, got caught in an adulterous relationship with a teenager recently, Judy sent the following e-mail to David Gibbs, who is helping the church at this time: From: Judy (Nischik) JohnsonTo: [email protected]: Monday, August 6, 2012Mr. How I emerged from such a pit of secret sin, manipulation, and hypocrisy with the slightest interest in my professed religion at all, I do not know. The sister that Linda Murphrey mentions, is Jack Schaap's wife, Cindy. The pastor continued in this vein at some length, proving himself adept at building straw men, creating smoke screens, and straining at gnats. Much of our material is available for free, such as the hundreds of articles at the Way of Life web site. They also corrected a previous repo You could see their family from our back door. A lot of discretionary income flowed through his hands, says a former church member. 12:9). He will abhor that which is evil (Rom. The fire-and-brimstone words of his mother burning in his head, Hyles then enrolled at East Texas Baptist College in Marshall, Texas, where he became a student pastor. Other items we sell to help fund our very expensive literature, video, and foreign church planting ministry. There will be nothing swept under any rug. ), If a man did stumblehaving an affair, say, or visiting prostitutes or abusing childrenthe question wasnt how he could have but rather what the woman, or the child, did to drive him to such sin, some former church members say. . We trust that your Christian honesty will preserve the integrity of this policy. Speaker: Linda Hyles Murphrey Date: April 5, 2012 Event: TEDx Conference Continuity 1. There was a door knob there, but it looked like part of the paneling, and there was a picture hanging there, so you really had to be studying to notice that there was a door there from his office. Sadly, in your very heart of hearts you must be the most miserable, lonely person alive. He lifted a stick in his left hand and a silver cloth in his right. Her office had a door opening to Hyles' office, but there was a drape in front of it so that no one coming into her office could see it. Since Schaaps arrest, a Facebook page dedicated to supporting victims has popped up. Schaap continued to rub the stickup and down, up and downand converse with God, sometimes angrily, sometimes ecstatically, for more than a minute. My older brother became another version of my father. First Baptist Churchs longtime lawyer, David Gibbs, declined a request for comment on this story. Hes never said that he loved Mrs. Hyles. Having been an independent fundamental Baptist preacher for nearly 40 years, I am convinced that Bigism and Big-Manism is a major disease. Dr. Hyles lying was blatant just like Davids. Victoria And even turned his own children against their mother. I mean when I was dating David, the books that Hyles has written on teenagers and dating, we never did one thing that he taught. Nobody there ever drank Kool-Aid. After serving in the army in World War II, he married his sweetheart, Beverly Slaughter. What he was doing was unmistakable: simulating masturbation, in front of thousands of children, in the middle of a church service. His strategy: Send a fleet of buses into some of the roughest neighborhoods in Chicago and northern Indiana, pack them with the poor and underprivileged, and drive them to First Baptist to experience the Gospel according to Hyles. He left nothing to his children. . These items have taken years to produce at enormous expense in time and money, and we need the income from the sale of these to help fund the ministry. In fact, the church had by then built its own grammar school, middle school, and high school. Here are just eight of the men affiliated with First Baptist Church or educated at Hyles-Andersonmost of them pastorswho scattered around the nation committing crimes. And the night we got married, he told everybody it was our first kiss! In the beginning1959, in this caseJack Hyles arrived at the First Baptist Church of Hammond as a skinny, charismatic Bible thumper with a Southern-fried drawl and a couple of cheap suits. But in July 2010, an hour into the Polished Shaft sermonin a church packed with thousands of teenagers there for a youth conferenceSchaap went further. That boy had not one rule for his life. Chicago magazine newsletters have you covered. (He says he is not familiar with the details of First Baptist.) These are not sharable. , because his influence is so pervasive even to this day. Posted on September 8, 2018 by Jim. I am continually amazed at the pastors who defend Jack Hyles, denying that he was a moral reprobate as well as a dictatorial cult leader. I told his dad about that. Enough with the Jack hyles worship there Eddy. Former principal at Liberty Baptist Academy, Lake Station, Indiana, Convicted in 2002 of crossing state lines with the intent to have sex with an 11-year-old girl, 7. Instead, the silence was golden, and it still is. To heart sad thing to have happened lives in South Asia where he has been a church planting.... Kicked out after allegations that he had more than 300 lashes from thick! Hearing once that it is a major disease instruction to heart I grew up in was intertwined... Puppets you employ and numerous broken bones in various stages of healing the who. Articles at the Way of life Literature Inc. v12.19.22, David Cloud, Way of life Inc.. Tedx Conference Continuity 1 utter immorality of the girls told me and Daves sister that she sleeping! Of life Literature, P.O the case remains unsolved ; Paul Ciolino, a former church member first.. 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