coworker constantly sniffing

Im sure she encounters scents she doesnt care for every day that she has no control over and she just deals with it. Q: Someone who sits near me (who I don't work with directly) has the most annoying habits. Men also use this gesture to stake their territory or to show other men that they're not afraid. Im off kale FOREVER. My heart rate goes up, my brain scatters, I get queasy and headache-y, etc. Calmly and professionally call out the patronizing person without making a scene or being dramatic by pointedly yet politely saying, "Gee, that comment sounded a bit condescending to me. Thrown everything in the washer when I get home, may not wash it than and there, and take a shower before heading to bed. Especially since she mentioned using oils if the oils get onto fabric, they may be especially persistent and OP may not even notice at all anymore. Bravo. But as I would have liked to tell some otherwise lovely people I encountered during my time in Santa Cruz, it is NOT a substitute for a shower. People are pretty accommodating when its a medical reason. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Cant they pick a food thats less nice? If she tries cornering you and directly accusing you, you just shrug your shoulders confused and say you dont know how you can help her solve her problem of the phantom scent. give you the smell test. This. Don't tell a coworker, 'You people are always causing problems' Topics like religion, politics, and child-rearing sometimes come up in the workplace. Ah, I see you already made my point about how other people might have conflicting allergies. Anyway, since then the smell is so offensive to me. Because if it is lingering on a jacket or handbag (or even jewelry), she wont be able to smell it. I have nothing to add other than Good Luck getting this worked out. Flash forward another month later, she accused me of wearing perfume. Your coworker could merely be bothered, in which case its up to them to get over it. Dont spend any more time thinking of things you can do, where the smell might be coming from, thatll make you crazy. If the coworker is treating this as a medical sensitivity, or is escalating her complaints to your boss, then I think you need to get some help with the situation. I have coworkers who occasionally wear scents, but we work in different areas, and I only have to endure the smell during the elevator ride, etc. So Im pretty inclined to read the comments as coworker being a jerk instead of actually having difficulty working with a smelly coworker. should I be so emotionally drained by managing? But frankly, you shouldnt be expected to cut something you enjoy out of your life entirely just because it annoys her. Then again, here the people rocking the strong scents tend to be older and more senior in the organization. Not only that, but it can also be a sign that your female coworker likes you but is hiding it. I hesitated, but in the end, I just couldnt ride in such a small box with him smelling like that. But do what Alison suggests. Yes there are some scents that set me off, but most of the time its the carrier for me. Say nothing. This must be resolved with management/HR. I dont think she should have to stop wearing perfume on the weekend or totally change her hygiene routine. If its not a health problem, and she just wants to never ever smell even a whiff of anything she doesnt like, then shes being an unreasonable jerk. I can tell you, its really hard for me not to come across as rude. I used to wear Body Shop Moroccan Rose perfume and it had some staying power. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. You can take chlorophyll tablets called Body Mint that neutralize lots of odors. I actually have a diminished sense of smell but patchouli is one scent that penetrates my nose. I recommend using those products only with direction from your doctor., Nasal obstruction. Skinless chicken breast with salt and pepper and grilled on a George Forman grill so tastes like bugger all else? And that's because your coworker might not even know that she likes you yet. My wife gave up chewing gum around me years ago, before I realized I was the one with the problem. OP has done put in a ton of effort to alleviate the smell. It may not register with me that Im smelling something, but if Im in a good mood and start getting irritable for no apparent reason, I usually think about the smells around me to identify the culprit. If the OP isn't comfortable or friendly enough with the sniffer to ask what it's about, they likely won't be OK being more direct with a request. Its actually one of the reasons I left. to me and I find it nauseating. Im bringing this angle up because your coworker was wearing it after a weekend and doesnt seem to wear it every day. update: how can I turn down training requests from my clients? But doesnt hurt to try, and Alison and others offer great suggestions. It sounds like you have misophonia. I nearly had to go to the ER due to a lady meeting with my boss about Rotary. :D (Rabbit is pretty up there too actually and remarkably similar to chicken.). Im actually surprised to see the majority of the comments focusing on try X, when it seems pretty clear that the coworker has become the problem, regardless of what smells may or may not be lingering on the OP or her belongings. Many problems can lie behind that runny nose. I wouldnt wish that on anyone. Cleveland Clinic 1995-2023. And if that doesnt work, go to HR. But Im not going to ask another person to never drink that tea again. It strikes me that she was initiating a power play. Sounds like this is a common bullying tactic. At my last job, a coworker suddenly complained about the fragrance of myself and another coworker. I would be very surprised if everyone in that office besides OP is living a committed scent-free lifestyle. She was here before me, and Ive been here three years. Should we talk to the manager or HR about that? Its kind to cut out scent free hygiene products, but at a certain point the coworker is going to have to just deal with it. Theres a point at which the OP is entitled to stop trying to change her life to accommodate this, and that point is now, given how unhelpful and rude the coworker is being. I think shes using bother in the I dont like it sense. But its not just adjustingits spending a fair whack of money on new products, an expense that can be a considerable burden at some income levels. Some scents are just super-persistent that way they arent technically on you but clothes absorb them like a sponge. Sure, it could be that theres a specific scent here (like patchouli) that others in the office dont have, but it does seem a little unusual that the OP is the only one getting complaints. Consider having a friend/family member (who doesnt live with you!) Has your boyfriend gone to an ENT? Industrial carpet glue and some wood furniture finishes does it for me. Wash and dry clean any clothing that you wear thats kept in your office. Do you have a sweater or jacket that you wear on a regular basis that you keep in your office? The only other thing I could think of is if OP is a smoker and/or uses incense or oil diffuse-ers at home. It's a little passive aggressive but can't hurt. I agree with the other posters who mention getting a second opinion and Alisons advice to bring in your manager to mediate. So I had creme brulee the night before a gallbladder attack the ended in surgery. Yes, this. The limbic center is the part of the brain that controls emotional, physical, and psychological responses. She shouldnt have to cut out all nice-scented things in her life because her coworker is a jerk. Your boss took this seriously the first time. The friction of interacting with an annoying co-worker actually presents a chance to cultivate essential leadership skills like assertiveness, self-awareness and confidence. Its tough to describe. Gym stories. Being told I smell when I know I dont would make me feel a tad insane and like I couldnt trust my senses. However the company could send an office-wide email advising folks be aware of strong scents causing issues. For a while I just wore grapefruit scented essential oil on my wrists and neck instead of perfume, but it would fade away so fast I eventually just stopped. I would still never buy it or order it in a bar, however. Same goes for Sambuca (or anything licorice-smelling) and lavender-gin cocktails. And it smelled *horrible* and wouldnt come out; I tried vinegar and Oxi-clean after about five washes and that seemed to help. I literally had to blow my nose all through my second pregnancy. Even if OP did use scented candles/incense, I think shes well within her rights to use them. If it were a worse reaction I might say something, but right now I dont. I think a lot of people like the stuff you put on chicken; by itself, it doesnt taste like much. I do have patchouli-scented perfumes, but nothing like body wash, incense or diffusers. Another thought that just occurred to me is a cloth car seat, so maybe while the clothing items were washed, perhaps its being transferred from other places. Allergies suck man. Its not a neutral and pleasant sort of floral whatever. Im allergic to a ton of fragrances. Policy. Sinus infections famously cause your head to pound and your eyes to throb. On an airplane I dont need to interact with others, so being anti-social is not an issue. I think considerate coworkers like you should do what they can to help out other coworkers, but at the same time, you shouldnt have to give up something you enjoy using in your free time because of a work conflict. I also had a situation similar to this i never wore perfume and switched to unscented everything to accommodate a coworker who kept complaining that I smelled. Issues are raised. I am sorry youre going this. Or she may simply be nuts. Best of luck OP and as an aside, I LOVE patchouli. If not, I need you to stop commenting about something that I cant do anything about. Do not reply with anger just because the customer is being immature and working through their anger in an unhealthy way. Does she comment on people in the office who take smoking breaks and come back smelling slightly like cigarettes? It meant Christmas shopping really sucked for her because that is such a common smell that time of year and shed get migraines walking into stores that smelled like that. I will ask do you still use your perfume on the weekends? Either way, what your coworker is doing is not cool, and you have standing to talk to your manager if it continues. Youre sensitive to her complaint & youve already spent time & effort that for you to do even more is becoming a type of hardship for you [hardship in the sense of harassment as Alison described]. I had a coworker who happened to have her desk right below one of the (old) building's AC vents, and she would sniffle / cough at least several times every single hour. We used to talk and be cordial but I cant even say hello to her anymore because Im afraid if I look at her stupid face Ill punch her. Regardless of what is going on with the scent mystery, the coworker is handling it tremendously inappropriately and management needs to address that. That said, I havent seen a lot of patchouli-scented hair products (I mean, maybe 1-2 from the natural shampoo section? If OP regularly wore scents, it is possible the scent is there and she is noseblind to it. Other commenters have made some potentially useful suggestions about other sources of scent; however, my reading of this is that your coworker is being a jerk. I developed a sniff several years ago. Id be pretty miffed if I had to stop using things in my personal life. I've already encountered six this morning and didn't even get public transport to work (the worst danger zone). As a fragrance-sensitive person I dont want to dismiss the co-workers concern about smelling the offending patchouli. I have miso and I sniffle. Im in the US and this started fairly soon after the last Presidential inauguration, so I thought maybe we were aligned differently politically. .true story, I made my partner change laundry detergents after wed been together a few months. Am I the only one whos honestly shocked about how were trying to make the OP tiptoe around her co-worker? It was just easier to ask me not to let it bother me and keep asking me to try new products and deal with her myself. Which is a good thing to have anyway. I find it best to be open with people about misphonia, most people dont understand and say "just ignore it" but I just shrug and say "I cant, its called misphonia, look it up, its a real thing". Smells sink into our brain and memory and association in a way almost nothing else does. Maybe a therapist is in order? Some infections present with unusual symptoms (like bad breath) or no symptoms at all. Totally agree with this. Youve done all that it is reasonable to ask of you. If its patchouli in particular that your co-worker is commenting on, is there ANYTHING patchouli-scented in your house or your car that might be getting picked up by your clothes? Thats so interesting! Just because she can smell something doesnt mean its bothering her. Back to old man smell. Myself and my father could countinue to smell it; but my sister & my fathers girlfriend could not. All the more reason to use AAMs scripts to squash the problem. If shes got a serious problem with it, she needs to talk to the boss and make some sort of arrangement so she doesnt have to get next to you, and also so the boss can make a general announcement about a scent policy. Oh college lol. Im a grown-up, so I wouldnt do that, but oh, Lord, would I want to. Someone I was around complained about my patchouli smell. She may have to wear one of those paper face masks. Febreeze is the worst. It may be that she or he is having an psychosomatic reaction to a scent however. Still cant eat red velvet after a stomach bug. The scent I was wearing suddenly started being unbearable right after I received a promotion. And yeah, it really makes me feel for the OP here. Im late to the party, and havent read all the comments, but Im finding this fascinating because I could imagine being the coworker writing to Alison about this same issue: Id appreciate feedback on how I can approach an issue in my workplace. Washing with unscented or mildly-scented bath productsmaybe reasonable, depending sometimes the only shampoo/conditioner that works well for someones hair has an unavoidable scent and I dont think its reasonable to expect someone to figure out an entire new hair routine (which is a process that takes time and money and trial and error, not to mention bad hair days in the interim, with the concomitant hit to self-esteem that may cause) to accommodate a coworker. Yeah, I get not bringing scents into the workplace and all, and Id try to be cognizant of it, but I love patchouli and I have a serious smell problem I need to deal with at home that I use a lot of incense and scented oils for (and patchouli is one of the smells I use specifically because its strong enough to deal with it). We ended up going out to a bar that evening in a group, and as the night went on, people slowly peeled off until it was just the two of us. Im scent sensitive myself (both nose wise and skin wise) and Im absolutely repulsed by scents, where Im sure I gross others out with my lack of scents. LPR causes post-nasal drip, a lump in the throat feeling, and can cause . With all due respect to your coworker, all of the medical research I have read states that it is almost impossible to be allergic to scents. Scent can also be a trigger for good or bad memories. I would sit with all the other allergic/asthmatic people (this was a call center without assigned seats), or in a more isolated area when possible. The only thing Id point out is that the coworker specifically mentioned patchouli when making comments about the smell, and lemon definitely does not smell like patchouli. 15) She makes you feel special. I didnt believe her till I lived in a house with nasty water and it helped to neutralize the smell on my clothes. She is forever grunting, snorting and huffing and puffing, not to mention wheezing and coughing. Smoking stinks, in addition to all the other negative side-effects. Yeah, I have definitely smelled things that werent there. On me, personally, alcohol-based eau de parfume scents last way longer and have a lot more throw than my oils do. How is 24/7 sniffling allowed in an office space without repercussions? In particular Ive heard white people comment on how black people smell, though Im sure other POC have similar experiences. Telling someone they have to drastically alter their *non work life* to accommodate someone that doesnt like a smellhell, even someone with allergies or migrainesisnt cool. Privacy Policy and Affiliate Disclosures, our group member has a fragrance sensitivity - and we're supposed to be hugged to check for any scents, my employees husband wont stop calling me to complain about her evaluation,, should I tell my coworker about our colleagues criminal record, I deeply regret joining my companys leadership program, and more, my company is cutting my overworked teams pay as punishment for mistakes. *grin*. For the most part, he leaves juuuust late enough 4 days out of 5 that it happens either as everyone else is about to leave or has already left, so no one has ever said anything to him about how unpleasant it is. The office is not fragrance free O had air quality come in. I went to the doctor because the constant sniffing causes my chest to feel tight (like an over worked muscle). No one else can smell it. I just wanted to thank you for being considerate to your coworker and refraining from wearing your perfumes to work. When she complained, I told her she could either get a doctors note and take it HR, she could quit, or she could go pound sand. Ugh, I am going to go here, but I will point out that indie oil scents tend to not be worn by white people, at least not in the majority non-white city I live in (do other cities have oil sales guys set up on the street?). Of not, then she can be moved to a less bothersome location. For some reason I have developed hay fever symptoms, runny nose, it Hi. Allow your puppy little sniff breaks along the walk to decompress from walking alongside you in Heel and get their fill of scents. My MIL uses a very nicely scented oil diffuser in her house (several, actually, its a big place) and whenever my husband visits I can always smell it on him and all his clothes, even after a plane flight. Lets figure out something you can do to make yourself more comfortable.. But not always. Often I come across as rude, and I sincerely dont mean it. Thats not happening, sonny Jim.. Or florals or vanilla or whatever. Im sorry youre dealing with this. I cant go into a store that just had new carpet put down. I only hope people can try to understand and have some compassion for people like us. Is the problem with ME personally or something that I am wearing or carrying? Let her sniff your jacket or your bag for example. Nasal sprays. OP, I think you can let yourself off the hook at this point. OP tell your coworker that youve done all you will do and to knock it off. (I say this as a person who finds patchouili nauseating, but it is clear you have gone the mile on this front now it is she who is the problem). People often turn to over-the-counter nasal sprays to clear a stuffed-up nose. She pounced on that and tried to make it seem like using soap was somehow inconsiderate. I ended up leaving for another job. OP, youve done all thats reasonable & more. Oh yeah, thats smart too. There is an FREE (unscented) Febreeze for fabrics. Stop using the lemon-scented body wash for a few days and see if she keeps making the comments. Even if she still can smell something on you that youre not noticing, shes not bringing it up in a productive way at all exaggerated sniffing and snarky comments are not helping anything! Maybe others are more accommodating, but I personally would do what I think is reasonable under the circumstances, and then after that its kind of her problem, not one that I can control for. One of your co-workers is making that incessant and distracting sound again and it's driving you insane. Its not like youre shoving incense sticks up her nostrils. I had to have an accommodation that I was warned early enough to take PTO for the day of and the day after, and that it HAD to be approved at no penalty to me, because I just could not be there. Even in Oakland, until the past 10 years or so, it was really common for Black women to be the predominant group wearing indie oils.. Yes, I also wondered if OP is using the perfumed oils on the weekend, and if it was lingering in her hair, coat, handbag, car, scarves, etc? And honey. The last time she used baby powder on a babys bum was approximately 31 years ago. I always try to leave and go to the bathroom when I need to blow my nose because it's embarassing doing it in a quiet room and I don't want to do it around people who are trying to eat. 2. McCoy is a journalism graduate of Ryerson University. ), just so she can say shes done everything she can. She stunk two coworkers cars, a 2-hour townhall meeting, the cinema, and after a brisk walk outside. When you start sniffling and sneezing, you know spring has sprung. Had this and it turns out. I dont use scented stuff, I bake if I want the house to smell nice., And I finally sat her down and said Hey Coworker, I want you to know that I dont dislike your perfume/lotion/candle scent ( although I did dislike them) I just have a strong, physical reaction, and when its pollen season, or mold season, Im extra sensitive and really cant handle any of those products in the air.. Same goes for my scented lotion after a nightly shower with my scented soap. Once that boundary is understood, you can use that to have a productive discussion with the coworker. Its possible were dealing less with a misidentified scent and more with a clumsy insult. I love perfumes and scented bath products, but my scalp is really allergic to many fragrances. I like the idea to get a blunt friend to do the sniff test, but basically I think the ideas about limiting physical contact are the best way to go at this point; Im a little afraid of sending the OP down a rabbit hole of onerous scent minimization that may not solve the problem. I have to use unscented shampoo due to a skin allergy. Thank you! :). I have a coworker who DROWNS himself in cologne at the end of the day, every day. I dont experience essential oils as lasting longer, much the opposite. We've compiled some of the signs that your coworker might be flirting with you so you can look out for them next time you're at work. Therefore, I only bring it up to people if I cant avoid the person and just deal with it because I feel that I shouldnt dictate how others live their own lives. BINGO. Because unless the company is paying a fortune in extra costs, carpet cleaners are awful for people who are scent reactive. How best to handle a situation like this? I supervise a manager who falsified an employee write-up but I dont think she should be fired, getting out of shared intern housing, why are so many executives condescending, and more, interviewer fake-rejected me to see if I would fight for the job. Coworkers complaint was legit, but everything shes done since then is snarky and petty and mean (even if she really can still smell whatever scents OP was wearing a month ago). coworker is constantly coughing and blowing her nose, legal names and job applications, and more by Alison Green on September 24, 2015 It's five answers to five questions. But Id be pretty cranky if someone at work told me I had to stop using some hygiene product unless it was REALLY egregiously strong-smelling (looking at you, beloved Soap and Glory lotion that I wont wear in public). In fact, unless the scent comes from something that uses natural chemicals (most dont) or uses a couple of synthetic chemicals mostly used in paints or plastics, it is physically impossible for her/him to have an allergic reaction to it. OP, Im someone who doesnt always do well with strong scents, and I think your coworker is acting like a jerk. No. Either way, the coworker needs to take control of her sensitivity instead of expecting her coworkers to bend over backwards for her. , since then the smell might be coming from, thatll make crazy. Infections present with unusual symptoms ( like an over worked muscle ) how can I turn down training from... Up, my brain scatters, I havent seen a lot of patchouli-scented hair products ( I mean, 1-2! Fortune in extra costs, carpet cleaners are awful for people who are scent reactive noseblind to it control. A friend/family member ( who doesnt live with you! job, a suddenly... 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