Hes too numb to want to kill Sirius anymore. James wakes his son in the best way possible. They seemed completely incapable of wringing a cloth out properly. Because they get their creature inheritance. Harry, Regulus took his small hand into his, holding it as if it would break, Your name shall be Harry Potter-Black., What if James Potter and Lily Potter were never murdered? "Something's wrong here," Lily's avatar held her hand out over Harry's forehead, "there's dark magic attached to him. I want to give you a summary, but I don't want to say too much. "What are we going to do? In sleep, Harry James Potter definitely looked like a miniature James. At the end of the night Michael is declared the boy who lived yet Harry is the only one who remembers what truly happened that night. since she is shocked later to discover that Dumbledore intends to leave Harry there and is not aware that . Arent I supposed to be the one comforting you? He joked. How did Harry? And they were looking forward to the arrival of a new life. When we arrived on the scene, we obtained a detailed statement from each of our two witnesses about what had occurred. :) "I know your sister and that wizard of hers are a bit odd what with the magic thing and all, but even they wouldn't leave a baby on a doorstep." With the help of an old friend he unveils exactly what happened to make him believe his child dead. "It's rather empty," James said nervously. Ou pas Comme d'habitude, les personnages et l'univers appartiennent JK Rowling. "You didn't," Petunia confirmed, "I found the basket on the doorstep.". On Samhain 1993, something else opens them. 13. Like how James Potter was a no-good cockroach and that Hadrian Williams is an angel. If Regulus had accounted for that maybe he wouldn't have ended up a prisoner of the Order of the Phoenix. Regulus has to juggle the threat of the remaining horcruxes remaining out there, a meddlesome Albus Dumbledore who has taken an unusual interest in Harry, and a batty house elf . Voldemort finalmente teve uma vitria. Her own Dudley had been very much planned and wanted. Lily's golden imprint shook her head. "If we don't take the boy in then we'll likely be targets of this bad wizard's followers. James just wants a future for Harry where hes happy. "But we'll furnish it soon, tomorrow even if you'd like." Anyway, written to practice writing in response to a Thursday Vignette prompt on Rough Trade, October 18th, a picture of a trunk. Harry deserves a good life, full of love and opportunities. There's a scar on his forehead. Updates Thursdays. But I don't own them. Howl at the Moon. Petunia knelt down in front of it and carefully placed her hand on the lock. The knowledge that Lord Voldemort is alive propels Harry to greatness as Slytherin House awakens the strategist inside him. Harry deepened the kiss and pushed up with his hips, and Hermione shuddered in climax. Okay so there's a lot of grief that goes on in the Marauders fandom, so consider this my happy little fix-it gift. Summary: Lily walks in on Harry and Ginny. Just one small question of "what if Voldemort never existed?" As she confronts her parents with the awkward news, things take a horrifying turn when Hermione's enraged father drives her to Privet Drive Site: fanfiction.net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 17 | Words: 92,278 | Reviews: 2,372 | Favs: 3,509 | Follows: 3,642 | Updated: 6/8/2006 | Published: 12/13/2005 | id: 2701642 | Language: English | Genre: Angst/Romance | Characters: Harry P., Hermione G. | Download: EPUB or MOBI, Harry Potter and the Love of a Family by exwolf. Its a summer afternoon and James finds his sweetpea and helps her worries. Pregnant Sex. 23 S.E. Now. Take Harry and run!" Privacy Policy. Vernon crossed the room and put his arm around her. If you love the Marauders and want to read a fic where they get to be happy in the end, welcome: here's your complimentary cookie (sorry, biscuit since we're in britishland now). During the battle at the department of mysteries, Harry follows Sirius through the veil. asked Vernon. Just some soft James Potter that popped into my head. Everything you told Regulus will hold true. They/Them pronouns for Remus, all pronouns for Sirius. They'd courted properly for a year before Vernon had proposed and they had been married a year later. What do you have in there? Harry asked, one eyebrow raised and a hint of a smile twitching on the edge of his mouth. "Apparently, by taking Harry inside our home, our protection and his is guaranteed from the magical world." A stellar boyfriend. I'm so sick of reading WBWL fics where James and Lily are evil and dont deserve love or anything. Work Search: She wasn't surprised to find him, clutching Dudley to his chest and keeping a chair between him and the golden form of her sister. But what are the odds of two people who were born on the same day being genetically identical? Simon asked. Ah and yes, Sirius wants Remus and Remus does not make it easy. A Jily Lives gift for @startanewdream just to say thanks for everything and for the inspiration and encouragement. A golden glow seeped from the crack and Petunia caught her breath as she pushed the lid upward. her time, studying to be the best and making the best out of her misery. You and Vernon just aren't equipped to deal with floating toys and accidental magic which there may be a lot of since he'd just gone through a massive trauma of some kind. How desperate he had been to impress James, telling himself he only wanted to do so because he was one of his brothers closest friends. Someone needs to help Lily keep them from accidentally killing themselves. "Yes," said Petunia, willing her voice to remain firm. Hermione ground herself down on his hardness and moaned. Out of habit she made tea; strong and sugary for shock. Or: Regulus doesn't die in the cave he lives, instead, and then he has to cope with it. She went into the kitchen to retrieve some tongs and set about opening the letter without touching it. Petunia was suddenly aware she was still in her nightwear under her sensible flannel housecoat. He was annoying, and loud, and impossibly Gryffindor, but James would have done anything to win the war. James and Lily have been camped out in the tiny flat that Sirius and Remus share for days now. "Is that Lily's boy?" --A rewrite of my previous story, A Potter's Takeover, but taking place when Harry Potter in eleven instead of five, with a lot of changes to the original plot. Potter Manor, Longbottom Manor, etc. The Dark lord decided to spill a few less drops of magical blood . I'm so tired of it. Sixteen year old Severus Snape has an amazing life. "Sirius is Harry's guardian. The toddler on the doorstop stopped Petunia Dursley in her tracks as she reached for the milk. Site: fanfiction.net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 33 | Words: 185,903 | Reviews: 1,154 | Favs: 2,148 | Follows: 2,246 | Updated: 5/19/2015 | Published: 12/10/2011 | id: 7624618 | Language: English | Genre: Drama/Angst | Characters: Harry P. | Download: EPUB or MOBI, linkffn(https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5459861/1/Harry-s-decision). This story follows Harry's young formative years, discovering his body and his daddy's, having regular and extreme amounts of sex, and being introduced to a whole new world and community of people. Do you have any more to refer me? It's Valentine's Day. Sirius Black is thirteen when Lily Evans, in a misguided attempt to befriend the marauders and stop the bullying towards Severus Snape, gifts him and the marauders a walkie-talkie to allow them to talk to each other instantly through the distance. James really thought they would pull it off, too. She will face hell and high water to destroy the man who ruined her life and make sure he never manipulates her nephew again. Vernon was a solid and ordinary man. Regulus laughs at the absurdity of it all. Harry's age is pretty ambiguous but <10.Don't say I didn't warn you \_()_/DL;DR!! Any second now, and. palgrave macmillan ebook; python reverse shell windows; what are your experiences in creating the portfolio She went back to retrieve the milk, hurried inside and locked the door. One different action that would change the fate of the entire wizarding world. 11 FanfictionBot 2 yr. ago Anything useful? James asked with mild interest. why did lily leave crossing jordan. ", "That makes no sense," Lily paced away from Vernon and around the room, "none of this makes any sense!". Vague spoilers for PS-HBP. A Trunk with a Difference Lily's James, on the other hand. He arrives at a strange, alternate version of his world where there is no Voldemort, his parents are still alive, and there is already a Harry Potter in existence. Then Ginny remembered everything she had heard about a certain tattooed individual that went to Hogwarts with Harry's mother and father. The Perennial One Was Perhaps the Greatest Witch Ever Lived Since Lady Grindelwald and such a Powerful Witch Couldn't Possibly Lose to some infants could she?On that Fateful Night in Godric's Hollow, Lady Voldemort Didn't only managed to get trapped in her body while she was trying to protect her legacy but also managed to mark a living legacy in Hardwin Potter Himself, the-boy-who-lived was Cherished and loved by the entire Wizarding world, celebrated as their saviour who protected their kind and their future however there was another potter sent away from the very world his brother was being Cherished in.Growing Up Under the Watchful eyes of Ignorance, Neglect and Mental Stress, Harry Grew Up to be a Very Cold, Detached, Independent and a very resourceful man But when He finds about the existence of a happy family, The Toll Breaks His Already shattered soul into pieces and makes him question his faith in people whose deaths he once dignified.Will The Potter family manage to resolve their dysfunctional relationship while an old foe is rising once again or the entire world will face the consequences of their ignorance on one innocent boy whose innocence was torn apart from him. She turned her sight towards experienced men. Pretty good for her age, eh? Jason was born in 1982 at 11:56PM. A one-shot based in a roleplay universe created by illiterate_glock and myself. Dans le 1er Tome, le Seigneur des Tnbres a t vaincu par Harry. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Yes, actually. Super H & Voldemort, Site: fanfiction.net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 66 | Words: 427,887 | Reviews: 718 | Favs: 1,044 | Follows: 1,269 | Updated: 6/13/2018 | Published: 10/19/2013 | id: 9777650 | Language: English | Genre: Family/Adventure | Characters: Harry P., Hermione G., Neville L., Susan B. Just, please read it. Based on tiktok by me: @hannahlovessavannah. Harry leaned against Remus shoulder and tried not to cry again. Hogwarts enemies to lovers/fake dating AU where Harry and Hermione spend their years at Hogwarts as rivals rather than friends. What if there was a reason other than Lily Potter's love that saved Harry that night? Is this the straw that breaks the camal's back? Petunia craned her head to look and blinked. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Vernon's shriek of surprise had her hurrying. James and Lily were a couple. This fic is not complete yet, if you're just starting it, there's a lot of bombs that are dropped throughout the fic that I don't want to reveal here. Please consider turning it on! Mas nada fcil e eles esquecem que mesmo que venam essa batalha, a cura leva ainda mais tempo. A world where despite the time it takes, the hero's get the ending they deserve. She swiftly checked if anyone was looking before she carefully reached for the basket, picked it up and carried it inside. The Harry Potter: Everyone Lives AU, starting with linkao3(1746629), Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone by AidanChase. She returned to the living room and stared at the basket for a long moment. FUCK JKR AND HER TERF RACIST HOMOPHOBIC ANTISEMITIC RHETORICYOU ARE VALID IN YOUR EXPERIENCES, YOUR GENDER, AND YOUR SELF! "I'm not sure realising it from knowing some imprint of you was awake was any better," she pointed out. "What are we going to do?" Petunia sighed. Twelve years later, Harry Potter is found and brought home, but the real struggle has just begun. Get into trouble, fall in love while being wild and free and young. Sirius Black is the well-known owner of The Grimhouse, New York City's newest Michelin-starred restaurant. Lily almost reached for the paper before she seemed to realise she wouldn't be corporeal enough to hold it. . He wants a future for himself where he can watch. But, Petunia mused as she set out the parchment and picked up a pen, thank God for Lily's trunk. Apparently, I'm turning this into a collection of shorts exploring this universe so each short will be a chapter to the first fic. James was independently wealthy (from family money) when he left Hogwarts, sufficiently such that he was able to support himself, Sirius, and Lily as full-time (unpaid) fighters for the Order of the Phoenix. It's pretty popular, so you may have already read it. After an emotionally exhausting afternoon, James frets over his sons future and sings him beautiful boy. It's in the attic. "We found Harry on the doorstop.". tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. Petunia preferred Vernon's normality and steadfastness but she had always understood why James had eventually swept Lily, an otherwise sensible young woman, off her feet. They had, in fact, quite the opposite of it all.----How different would the world of Harry Potter be if James and Lily had lived? Work Search: Parallel universe time travel? And who knows, maybe even gain one himself. Having fled to live in isolation with Harry after Lily's death, James worries that Harry's ancestry will produce a creature inheritance. James Potter was obsessed with Lily's eyes, because they reminded him of the eyes of the man he tenderly called his "Guardian Angel". Lily Potter once thought she had it all: a loving husband, two adorable children and many friends. Regulus Black is not one to sit back and listen to an old man about what is best for his son, the son he shares with the loves of his life James & Lily. ", Vernon looked slightly panicked as she moved past him and into the hallway. It flips between the POVs of several characters, including Harry's, so it isn't necessarily Harry-centric in terms of POV (the story revolves entirely around Harry and canon events though). For example, E will have chapter one, M will write chapter two, and then E will have chapter three, so on and so forth. It's in the attic. "Not that I know of? Phone Number (954)-871-1411. Despite only making occasional appearances, Lily and James Potter are vital to the Harry Potter series. Away from the world of witches and wizards, even muggles, to keep him safe. All these lovely things that if given the right care and attention should blossom and grow. Harry is left to protect his infant brother Michael. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. With help from her family and friends, Victoria is determined to make the British Wizarding World a better place for her nephew and sons. But in this universe, he spots some of the neighbors, and decides to ask around about his wayward older son. James Potter visits 4 Privet Drive. Experienced older men. Life altering changes provide the Power The Dark Lord Knows Not. Maybe in another life or something?" Source: I don't own, I edited a couple, and a couple were done for me. All they know is that they need to find Sirius, for some sense of justice or something.Mary hates to see her closest friend like this, but how can she really help them anymore? About last night, Shacklebolt said. Finding Lily's trunk, especially at the Dursleys. "What does it say? They'd barely been out of school before they'd married. Ensemble fic about a family's recovery as old enemies return. The cargo is the kid? Pandora is asking, incredulous. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Plot line follows canon for most part but with several key changes. She and Lily had drifted apart since Lily had been identified as a witch and taken off for schooling, and she'd barely seen her at all since her sister had wed James Potter. Ships not listed because I'm unsure if there will be deviations from canon in that respect. "What do you mean? So what if the guy who saved him is stupidly attractive too? She reached out a glowing hand to her son. Read as this empty shell begins to understand and desire the power of a heart. Now stranded in a new world, Roxas needs to learn how to deal with people who passionately express their emotions, even though he lacks them. How open-minded are they really? After his first mission, Axel gave some very vague instructions about the corridor of darkness. "I'm kind of a magical portrait," the avatar said, "but James and I worked out how to make me this instead of a painting. O Mundo Bruxo no sabe como agir, caindo em caos sem fim. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Before Jason was born, Harry lived in the Potter manor with his parents, Lily Evans Potter and James Charles Potter. Lily and James survived Voldemort's attack, but their infant son was believed dead. "Honestly, did he think I was going to read the letter on the doorstep with a baby out in the cold?! Time feels as though it has no meaning. Caindo em caos sem fim Lord knows not high water to destroy the who! 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