my ex narcissist hasn't contacted me

He had so much hate towards me that I couldnt even fathom what I did that was so wrong. After months of no contact and his pitiful attempts at contact, I relented to a limited contact relationship as long as it didnt affect my significant other. I was a confident guy and her confidence and ability to challenge me is what drew me in and kept me stringing along. Thank you. Just like in your situation, I was blamed everything she did to me. But now youre gone, the narcissist misses the ability to control you. some deep childhood trauma WHY DO I WANT HIM BACKWHY CANT I JUST FORGET ABOUT HIMIM SCARED THANKS FOR HEARING ME OUT, You have to realeyes that being involved with an narc is no thing like being with someone who is not a narc. I also have a lot of rage and I am so cynical and pessimistic of everything .I think I have ptsd. They can move on as if nothing ever happen and never want to speak on or own the nasty fake people theyve become. Everyone experiences jealousy because its a natural emotion. I was one of his secrets too! Hes cheated on me multiple times and then come home to tell me how many times they had sex and how incredible it was. Ah, just whispering, or secretive etc. So, after theyve broken up with you and in a new relationship, the narcissist might feel that the supply theyre getting from their current partner is not as good as the supply, they got from you. Gosh, I dont know. Yes ! He was cool and calm and thought he was in control until I declined his offer with certainty. Went no contact 4 months ago after almost 11 years with my Narc. She will do the same thing to the new guy. Just to demonstrate I am including a note from my ex too. Its only for a few months, a few, LONG months of sheer hell! Right now Im 5 years out and we talk occasionally. This is the same selfish shite who left me in debt with unpaid bills, and in the time that he had stayed in my house he had bought two investment properties and of course he also left me his cat. I nicely asked him for respect and told him what he was doing was verbally abusive. 3 weeks later she called to drop off the key to my house and let me know shed met someone on a dating site. Now all of a sudden, its not mine. I just filed for divorce after 22 months of no contact because though He discarded me, he will NEVER file. It was within a few short weeks after that I was cut out of her life. -Isolation Just apologizing in general. My beautiful Dad went before her and she was changing Wills the day he died, even changed his whilst he was alive and got away with it! Sorry if my sentences are all over the place but I tried to hurry. I actually see that my relationship with this person has made me more determined to win by being the best me! Its normal if youve been in a relationship with a narcissist or a psychopath to try to read the signs and figure out how to know if a narcissist is finished with you. Since you mentioned that they usually come back eventually after using the silent treatment, do you think she will come back around? Relationships with narcissists have a cycle to them that plays out again and again. We talked he told me he would change . We finally spoke via phone in July and we got into a huge argument and I let him have it; this time verbally and he almost lost his mind. I must say this. Always. This is not a means for them to get back to you at all. The time line fits the puzzle. Because as far as the experts are concerned; narcissists have dark personality traits, lack empathy and narcissists rarely change. Even tho I know his MO I still get hurt by the things he says and he has this ability to make me question everything I know to be true about him. The sacred place where no one can get but i do. He started popping pain pills right after the third year. Anyway, you read the story. The more attached you are, the harder it is to see what is them and what is you (and we all play a part in the narcissists game). I was on the phone with a cousin and he calls. Hopefully, youve never been punched in the gut before, so you dont know how it feels. I take responsibility of this mess, as I should have understood my actions and those of my wife. She does not even know me. He left me alone, only sending a text once a month to say hello and miss you. Ive stopped for the most part questioning why understanding an N is like the Borg in Startrek no thought no feeling. At this point your Narcissist has gotten what they wanted - contact. And if you do let them back into your life, you can be sure that they will do the same thing to you again but make it even worse for you the second time around. He lies about his past, even when I know things, he still lies. So now i did not hear from him clearly. I was hooked on how wonderful he treated me before he found his next victim and the lying and calling me crazy started. The new supply doesn't know the narcissist's agenda and will go along with whatever the narcissist asks of them. I myself went three months w/o contact before I caved in and agreed to a disastrous conversation. Whatever the future holds in store for us I dont know I do know that every fiber in my body loves you tremendously and I cant wait to see our relationship grown and strengthen. So theyll get in there first. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hi sorry to hear everyones painful stories, it truly is the most awful thing ever. It was self d fense. He forgot about the online accounts and when he called a month ago, I let him know I knew where his new address was. He does have borderline traits as well. May God help and heal us all. The sooner you see that everythjng is about them, their is a pattern you get caught up in with them. The woman whom he triangulated me against reached out and were now friends-acquaintances again. He will just pull you into all the drama and also he is not a sincere friend. A extremely stressful time in med school. Narcissists act (or refrain from acting) based solely on the availability of Narcissistic Supply (or lack thereof). Now I have these legal troubles. I say, yes, why? When it comes to the ex-partners of a narcissist, they fall into two categories. Now another gold ring is been missing and he denies it. See, it was all a plan to slowly work his way back. Suddenly, all his love for me was gone and he couldnt trust me anymore (which was a joke since he never trusted me even though I never did anything to this man but Narcs never trust anyone because they project themselves onto everyone and know that they are not trustworthy). Of course, the narcissist refused to accept our reasons or acknowledge what happened. He texts me last night angry and drunk (super attractive that is lol) and I responded one time, quite rudely, and then blocked the bastards number and went to sleep. He became a drug using front-man/bartender /food server who contacted me 25ish years after graduating high school and the nostalgic memories of our youth attracted me towards him when we talked about how cute we were in 7th grade holding hands and kissing by the school bus. Eden I hope you heal and acceptance that it was never about you will help. Ah this is a great insight. I can see youre struggling to figure out. I am the ho, bitchI am not getting any help and find it very hard to ask for help. LMAO. But he is, I think, a covered narcissist. my narcissist is a parent. On top of that he lied on all his financials and Mr. Millionaire is paying 1/2 the child support he should and living between his four houses while my daughter and I share a small room at my mothers. Ive been there , you get stuck into what he is doing instead of focusing on your which is soooo important. And he is holding on, believing I am the love of his life. I must commend you on your understanding of this personality type. Everytime he sent a message just to say hey he would include i miss you and it would send me back into the past, missing him and wondering why things couldnt be the way we wanted. I grew up with an emotionally abusive father and he was aware of this. Wow! My N ex left me. I am struggling. My monkeybranch was so humiliating for my nex that he hasn't been out to the clubs for nearly 3 weeks since he saw me out with the guy. With everything else around me changing I suppose that I fear for our relationship because this is one of the only things I KNOW I want. I never said ALL of them.. What I said was they OFTEN are. Today after 6weeks.txt.i found a job we could meet to straighten things up. good bye. Johns eloquence at the end is poetically breathtaking too. He had called me a b*tch more than once, would use things I told him in trust to help win the argument or put me down. I dont know if i ever hear from him again. Mine too he literally dumped me off at a new townhouse with our daughter and said goodbye! You cant imagine how many of us went (or are still going) through the same hell as you This blog is one of the best I have ever found since I woke up in 2007, for reliable, thorough, and most of all not judgmental info. I dated a true narcissistic woman years before her, and this person hurt me as well, but she was easier to see coming and her meanness made her easier for me to get over her. But basically, its a low and painful blow that knocks the wind out of you and may take you out of action for a few hours. What did he do? Try any kind of pattern interrupt, like self administered bilateral stimulation, which can calm racing thoughts and neutralize your emotional connect to events. My ex narc, after returning from a wonderful weekend away with me, promised to take me away on a surprise trip the following week. I'm afraid I'll forget her. Where they accuse you of not making sense. Congrats on ur joirney to recovery, Your email address will not be published. In fact, your ex would probably be annoyed and even angry at you. When it comes to severing ties with him. Anyhow, Im glad both of you men are posting here. It is her way of getting back at the people who raised her. I mean, why the hateraid? My ex was a fullfledged NARC to the tee. He plays a role in a lot of storys because he is part of my history. Grrrr so bad!!! I have to add I moved on and had a new boyfriend within 3 months so part of me was guilty for moving on so fast after a 10 year relationship. Be Safe Youve made a decision now stick to it for your childs sake too!!!!!! We all die alone. Then he leaves me with a weak excuse. Now, I dont know if that unhappy look was due to the way I lookedlike he might have been thinking..damn! Are these guys just everywhere?? The last outing he attended was 19 years ago. Hopeless romantic, he would light candles and have music playing. Im not going to lie, for the first time in a long time, i actually felt that love and heartbreak feeling when thinking about never seeing and talking to her again. Before I learned about narcissism, I just couldnt understand his Jekkyl and Hyde behaviorIve been four months no contact, and he hasnt tried to contract me once, which hurts me a lot, even thought I should be happy. When he couldnt get his way the nastiness started again. you will go on for a far greater than you can ever imagine LOVE yet to be. So I fled to clear my head, get all the support legal and otherwise, and am now returning to finslise this. I am trying to encourage a relationship between him and kids. (Ignoring would be better), but you have to hold fast to what you know is right. I feel i need him. when narcissist has canceririna emelyanova pasternak 26th February 2023 / in coastal carolina football camp 2022 / by / in coastal carolina football camp 2022 / by Then came the crack. Later I learned he was an x-con by doing research. I needed support for the situation with my mother. Feel free to submit a guest post anytime! Sally. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Free Training 7 Proven Strategies to Defeat Narcissistic Abuse. And finally, I was stupid enough to let her borrow $3,000 to help her pay off her automobile. That seemed to work like a charm. Almost three weeks still not heard from him. Its also why they appear so happy with the new supply. Next day he calls at 6:50 am and woke me up, didnt even look I answered. I viewed my daughter as a previous God that I should be there for support when needed. Here are some of the statements you can expect your narcissist ex to make: The narcissist knows full well theyre crazy, and if you left, they know that you know. Does that say something about us? so my humor is waning.) Part of this healing process is giving your younger self more grace, huh? When he gives me the old lets meet for dinner line I tell him yea when I free up. Just give it time. And they can because we let them. She told me the very same thing happened to her and she could not make herself forgive after this, my ex says she is full of shit, because he went to her for advice on marriage and she obviously had different intentions. Im so sorry to say this to u because I know how u feel. I think in some weird way I keep contact to somehow get to the bottom of it. I just couldnt ignore, 1. But on an emotional level it is so hard to accept that the man I so loved is just an empty shell. It is sooo difficult when they are the nice narcissist. In short, they never really let their exes go. As I read it, many common themes emerged. Any thoughts?? I was with him lived together in his house with a narcistic mother all day long in his house. They mirror us & so We all basically fell in Love with Ourselves !!.. When I rebuked him and told him his gf wouldnt like that then he said they werent sexual. Early in our relationship my ex hubby wanted to get back together and he said while he loved me, he understood that my children needed their dad and if it was something I wanted he would step aside for the sake of my family. Reading your comment was as if I had written it myself. Having trust issues, no friends. We had so many plans holidays etc. He follows her and her young nephews (a teenager and 20-something) on social media to see if their outing was held. You are one of them whether its because Ive wanted you for sooooo long, or because you possess so many more positive qualities than I ever couldve thought came in one person, or because of the strong love I feel for you that warm, tingly feeling when I touch you or even think of you, the respect I have for you, the weight of your not being close by these past few weeks. All of these factors are a recipe for disaster and are why its so extremely difficult to detach. throwing his best friend up in my face how she was loyal to him . So dear friend I understand how difficult when it appears to the rest of the world that you have a great partner and marriage when you know the reality of it all. I cant make you happy. I am in the middle of my Ph. But a little. I love the way I feel about me when you are with me. I think he could not control the new supply, he has to be at his best behavior so he can get what he wants from the new supply. When it comes to sexual things we were on the same page. We have all been there. I dont acknowledge her birthday or anniversary. Im down to less than 100 pounds Im about to lose everything I got and he takes my fight to survive and I have to survive my kids mean more than anything and keeping their home and me being happy. Hurting you makes her feel better. Although you didnt need to be a rocket scientist to workout it wasnt new. Come to find out that he hasnt changed not was it a mistake. Thank you. She looked even better than she did in high school, and more importantly, she was 100% my type. He was unable to take criticism and would devalue my feelings and input about the relationship if those feelings made him appear wrong in any way. Its not your job to stay friends with this person on FB so they can cyber-stalk you. Good riddance. I know several. However, in the case of Character Disordered ones, the unconscious, as underlying cause SHOULD BE LEFT OUT. It drives humans to seek rewards and motivates them to act and live their lives in productive ways. My exs dad is schizophrenic and so is one of his brothers. Again, I apologize for the hurt I caused, and I ask for your forgiveness for all the hurt and pain I have caused you, and pray you are healed of that pain soon.. sure. You have to find a way to get your own closure. I shouldnt feel bad but its like I dont exist and hes behaving so well for her and he was horrible to me. Bottom of it, I was blamed everything she did in high,. The nasty fake people theyve become should be left out a narcissist, never. I read it, many common themes emerged his way back I have ptsd loved is just empty... An emotional level it is so hard to ask for help will help werent sexual we... Pay off her automobile is been missing and he denies it due to the bottom it. Few months, a covered narcissist get to the tee 19 years ago in love with Ourselves!... 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