Contact Us. Accessible recreation sites throughout New York State that are owned, maintained or jointly managed by DEC. These fees apply to each barrel of petroleum the first time that the petroleum is imported into New York State (see Navigation Law Section 174). This dataset has the following 24 columns: Manufacturing (Other than Chemical)/Processing, Underground including vaulted with no access for inspection, Aboveground on saddles, legs, stilts, rack or cradle, Aboveground - in contact with impervious barrier, Aboveground in Subterranean vault with access for inspections, {"coordinates":[-77.62818,43.1972],"type":"Point"}, {"coordinates":[-75.4181,43.22263],"type":"Point"}, {"coordinates":[-73.66532,42.81715],"type":"Point"}, {"coordinates":[-73.89871,40.58804],"type":"Point"}, {"coordinates":[-76.08436,43.06226],"type":"Point"}, License number which identifies the facility, CBS: Chemical Bulk Storage; PBS: Petroleum Bulk Storage Program; MOSF: Major Oil Storage Facility Programs; LNG: Liquefied Natural Gas, Type of Storage Facility: Storage Terminal/Petroleum Distributor; Retail Gasoline Sales; Other Wholesale/Retail Sales; Manufacturing (Other than Chemical)/Processing; Utility (Other than Municipal); Trucking/Transportation/Fleet Operation; Apartment Building/Office Building; School; Farm; Private Residence; Airport/Airline/Air Taxi; Chemical Distributor; Municipality (Incl. For a safe closure, you need qualified professionals who will use standard safety practices. As applicable, both on-shore MOSFs and MOSF vessels must submit monthly license fees and surcharges to DEC. The dataset represents the watershed boundaries of New York waterbodies that have a completed Nine Element (9E) Plan. The dataset shows status information for: Information may include: Program Number; Program Type; Site Type Name; Program Facility Name; Address; Locality; County; NYSDEC Region; Tank Number; Tank Location; Tank Status; Install Date; Capacity in Gallons; Tank Type; Close Date; Material Name (of substance in tank); Percent (of material in tank - if hazardous substance - CBS tanks only); Expiration Date; (of license or registration); Site Status Name; UTMX and UTMY location coordinates. See for guidelines and best practices for post-flood stream reconstruction. Construction material of the tank: Steel/Carbon Steel/Iron;Galvanized Steel Alloy; Stainless Steel Alloy; Fiberglass Coated Steel; Steel Tank in Concrete; Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP); Plastic; Equivalent Technology; Concrete; Urethane Clad Steel; Other. Examples include: parking lot, lean-to, campsite, trail structure and many others. Date a tank was permanently closed. A public service is listed below. Awards are given annually in recognition of outstanding, innovative and sustainable projects or programs and unique partnerships that are contributing to a healthier environment and economy and serving as models of excellence. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. If your oil tank is 30 years old or older it may be about ready to fail. However, at this time, only existing facilities can make information corrections/updates to their registrations. . You can also visit NEIWPCC's website. UST Operations and Maintenance. For more information on becoming a Class A/B/C UST OperatorCLICK HERE. PETROLEUM BULK STORAGE (PBS) UPDATE APPLICATION This form can be used to update or correct information for existing facilities. This dataset is developed by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Division of Water to delineate the boundaries of the areas subject to SPDES General Permit for Phase II Stormwater Regulations. EPCRA Section 313 Industry Guidance for Petroleum Terminals and Bulk Storage Facilities (pdf) (297.58 KB) Section 2 sets forth the effective date. Use OData to open the dataset in tools like Excel or Tableau. Data are a combination of layers from the 1997, 2002, 2007, 2014, 2016, and 2018 SAV data sets, representing a culmination of all areas where SAV habitat has been documented. County name in which the facility is located. Storage and handling of LNG poses primarily fire safety concerns and risks from handling a cryogenic (extremely cold) material. For these facilities, the information released is consistent with what is provided on the NYDECs website including facility name, address, facility status (i.e., active, closed), and the date that the facility registration/license expires. Atlasers were directed to work in a block until 76 species had been recorded; therefore the list of species reported breeding within a block was not intended to be comprehensive. This layer shows the location of primary aquifers in New York State. ECL 15-1501 requires a DEC permit and annual usage reporting for all facilities using water for any purpose and having the capacity to withdraw 100,000 gallons or more per day of surface or groundwater. Data is currently collected in accordance with the requirements of ECL 15-1501. Facilities must be licensed by DEC and managed in compliance with applicable regulations for the storage and handling of petroleum. The percentage of hazardous substance material in tank. Spills that meet the following criteria DO NOT need to be reported: It is known to be less than five gallons in total volume The Municipal ZEV Clean Vehicle (CV) Rebate Program provides rebates to cities, towns, villages and counties (including New York City boroughs) to purchase or lease (for at least 36 months) new clean vehicles for fleet use. Date the tank was installed at the facility. The ALLD evaluation should be performed at the same time. For example, New York State taxes for both diesel and gasoline rose $0.088/gal in January 2023 compared with July 2022. . This information is withheld in accordance with the Public Officers Law (POL 86.5, 87.2(f), 89.5(a)(1)(1-a)). ); Tank with 10% or more below ground; Underground including vaulted with no access for inspection; Aboveground in Subterranean Vault w/ access for inspections. In addition, used oil burners must comply with the following requirements: (a) aboveground used oil tanks must be equipped with secondary containment: Existing facilities will need their PBS number and associated PIN to access their registrations. Spills that meet the following criteria DO NOT need to be reported: If you use fuel oil to heat and/or provide hot water to your home or business, you should consider the following facts: A TANK THAT HAS LEAKED CAN BE VERY COSTLY!!
The dataset reflects the status of the wells as of the previous business day. Total consumption of natural gas increased 3%, or 0.6 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d), week over week in the Northeast, according to data from S&P Global Commodity Insights. The NYSDEC developed an implementation plan for the Brownfield and Groundwater GIS Program, and one action identified in that plan was the development of spatial datasets of the aquifer maps published by the U.S. Geological Survey Detailed Aquifer Mapping Program. Additional resources It displays the locations public fishing stream parking areas in New York State. secure websites. The tax imposition occurs at different points in the distribution chain depending on the type of petroleum product: You are viewing a mobile version of this dataset. In addition, per the used oil regulations, all aboveground and underground tank systems designed to store used oil, regardless of size, must be registered with DEC and managed with applicable regulations for storage and handling of petroleum. (1982) and Dickinson (1983). Universal Citation: NY Env Conserv L 17-1015 . Our Process . Operating and Maintaining Underground Storage Tanks Systems, 2016, EPA 510-K-16-001. 01/11/2022 Location: Data will display when it becomes available. Please contact the Office of Toxic & Hazardous Material Regulation at (516) 227-9691 for a complete list of Certified Tank Installer/Removers and Tank Testers in Nassau County. Such council shall consist of seven members, at least one of whom shall be a representative of operators other than owners in the state, at Child and Family Health. US Army Corps of Engineers charts of the Hudson River from City of Hudson north to Troy. Important Areas include the specific locations where the animals, plants, and/or ecological communities have been observed, but go beyond these to also include: additional habitat for the rare animal and plant populations, including areas which may be used by rare animals for breeding, nesting, feeding, roosting, or over-wintering; and areas that support the natural ecological processes critical to maintaining the habitats of these rare animal and plant populations, or critical to maintaining these significant communities. Mines have areal extent but are represented as points, and coordinate locations are approximate. The present book has evolved from a host of sources, including notes, homework problems, and exam problems prepared by several faculty for undergraduate courses offered at Utah State University and Manhattan College, several other books by L. Theodore and R. Dupont, and a host of Theodore Tutorials published by Theodore Tutorials of East . You can also request your PIN by contacting your DEC regional office by email (see list of contacts for each region below). RED HILL BULK FUEL STORAGE FACILITY: THE CURRENT CRISIS, THE RESPONSE, AND THE WAY FORWARD 117th Congress (2021-2022) House Committee Meeting Hide Overview . These data are not to be used for navigation, but are intended for use in various environmental analyses. The burden for determining fitness for use lies entirely with the user. The online form tool, nForm, requires a account. There is hereby created within the department the "state petroleum bulk storage advisory council" hereinafter referred to as the "council". Functionality Tests involve an evaluation of a tank systems sensors, automatic tank gauging, leak detection equipment, sumps, and valves amongst other items. The information balloon for each census block group area displays the census block group ID, total population, percent minority, percent below poverty level, and a link to more information on the Department of Environmental Conservation's website. The City has tried to provide you with correct information on this website. Point locations for: Chemical Bulk Storage Facilities pursuant to the Hazardous Substance Bulk Storage Law, Article 40 of ECL; And 6 NYCRR 595-599. The goal of the matrix forest selection was to identify viable examples of the dominant forest types that, if protected and allowed to regain their natural condition, would serve as critical source areas for all species requiring interior forest conditions or associated with the dominant forest types. The proposed regulations seek to modify existing terms . Individual tanks of more than 1,100 gallons in capacity storing fuel oil used solely for on-site space or water heating. Additional information about used oil can be found on the Used Oil page. Forms and Instructions for the Bulk Storage Program, Chemical or oil spills hotline: (800) 457-7362. This view is currently private. Facilities that contain underground storage tanks (USTs) that contain non-heating oil petroleum products must designate Class A/B/C UST Operators as per NYSDEC requirements. PETROLEUM BULK STORAGE. The original published aquifer maps contain additional base and geologic information not included in these map layers. This information can be used in conservation priority setting., NYSDEC_BulkStorageFacilities_Overview.pdf, NYSDEC_BulkStorageFacilities_DataDictionary.pdf,,, To measure a new distance, click on Clear Result. This type of data file can be used with a free virtual globe program, like Google Earth or ESRI's ArcGIS Explorer. You will now access. Assets represented as point features are man-made items, which require periodic maintenance or inspection. When emailing the DEC regional office for your PIN, please use an email address listed on your registration so that we can easily verify your identity. Communicable Diseases. Upon scheduling, the Department will issue a confirmation number that must be associated with the job as well as documented on the test result report. To access the full This data set contains polygons showing the distribution of tidal wetlands from Hastings-on-Hudson to Troy. A letter from the property owner and the project consultant must be submitted as well. This zip file contains polygon and point shape files of New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) detailed Regional boundaries, clipped to the state shorelines, and point locations of DEC offices and other DEC facilities. Benefits include leadership recognition, free technical assistance, and access to grants. If your looking for Energy & Resources in Flagstaff, Arizona - check out Canyon State Oil Company Inc. public before people will be able to see it. Mar 1, 2023 | Equipment, General News. This is a point data set with a centroid for all the waterbodies in New York State that have had contour maps created and scanned. 17-1013. This data has not been field verified but is expected to be within 100 meters of the actual facility location. Latest Mailing Database provides you 95%. When first opening the nForm page, you will be prompted to enter your account. Improper handling and storage of petroleum, hazardous substances/chemicals or liquefied natural gas (LNG) can result in spills that threaten the environment or pose health and safety risks to nearby persons. This effort has been organized through several separate projects including the Benthic Mapping Project that has mapped the physical environment, the Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Mapping Project that has mapped the extent of submerged aquatic vegetation, and the Biocriteria Project that has conducted extensive sampling of chemical contaminants in the sediments of the estuary floor as part of an effort to develop one or more biological indicators that can be used to assess the ecological condition of the estuary through long-term monitoring. This layer depicts natural land areas greater than 100 acres in size throughout New York State. According to the latest report by IMARC Group, titled "Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2022-2027, "The global liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) market reached a value of US$ 128.4 Billion in 2021.Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 164.4 Billion by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 3.8% during 2022-2027. This provides a direct connection to the data that can be refreshed on-demand within the connected application. Bulk Storage Sites in New York State Data Set Details: Point locations for: Chemical Bulk Storage Facilities pursuant to the Hazardous Substance Bulk Storage Law, Article 40 of ECL; And 6 NYCRR 595-599. Data was interpreted from an aerial photo inventory. This data set contains polygons showing the distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) from Hastings-on-Hudson to Troy. Frankly, with regards to the Climate Act transition they are in a very difficult position because New York . The Climate Smart Communities grant program was established in 2016 to provide 50/50 matching grants to cities, towns, villages, counties and boroughs for eligible climate adaptation and mitigation projects. Physical location of tank: Aboveground-contact w/soil; Aboveground-contact w/impervious barrier; Aboveground-no contact (on saddles, legs, stilts, rack or cradle, etc. The digital map layers contain original mapping units and aquifer boundaries as well as new standardized mapping units and updated aquifer boundaries. Description: This online database search can generate KML files that display information about bulk storage sites in New York State. Users should contact the NYSDEC Bureau of Fisheries, Public Use Section (518-402-8893, [email protected]) for complete, up-to-date data or for more information about the data. Geo-referenced scanned images of the official 1974 tidal wetlands inventory maps of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). They represent tidal wetlands within the marine district of New York State (Tappan Zee Bridge, south to and including Staten Island, east to and including Long Island and Fishers Island). For general information and help, see DEC's main Chemical and Petroleum Storage Web Site and the Petroleum Bulk Storage (PBS) Inspection Handbook (PDF) (103 pages, 1.3 MB). - Manage and maintain state and federal environmental permits (Air, SPDES, Chemical Bulk Storage, Water Withdrawl) for site by identifying permitting needs, anticipating permit renewals, preparing . For more information on standard safety practices, underground storage tank owners and closure contractors should refer to "Closure of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks," API Recommended Practice 1604 (1996), which is available from the American Petroleum Institute (API), 1220 L Street, Washington, DC 20005, or call (202) 682-8000 for assistance. Petroleum Bulk Storage (PBS) Facilities registered pursuant to title 10 of Article 17 and 6 NYCRR Part 613. View More (63 Lines) S841A (ACTIVE) - Bill Text download pdf Across the state, there have been instances of spills of petroleum or chemicals that have caused groundwater contamination including some public water supplies. The NYSDEC Hudson River Estuary Program in collaboration with numerous partners has supported the mapping of vegetated habitats of the Hudson River Estuary. KMZ: Metadata : Bulk Storage Facilities Database Search - NYS (NYSDEC) - KML Files: Description: This online database search can generate KML files that display information about bulk . The Breeding Bird Atlas is a presence/absence survey. A digital Elevation Model (DEM) contains a series of elevations ordered from south to north with the order of the columns from west to east. Petroleum Bulk Storage (PBS) Facilities registered pursuant to title 10 of Article 17 and 6 NYCRR Part 613. The program will be evaluated for improvements to productivity, quality, data/specimen management, and reporting for concrete, masonry, and grout compressive and . BlueSky Alto Syn PAO 32 $260.55-$2,075.75. ); Refinery; Railroad; Vessel/Barge; Chemical Manufacturing; Swimming Pools (Other than Municipal); Auto Service/Repair (No Gasoline Sales); Religious Building (Church, Synagogue, Mosque, etc. This disclaimer applies both to individual use of the data and aggregate use with other data. New facility, renewal, and transfer of ownership applications must be submitted using paper forms available on our website. redirected to the State of New York website where In proposing, preparing and compiling such rules and regulations, the department shall include consideration of the future Experience with storage tank, manufactured gas plant, renewable energy, landfill, and/or air projects. Petroleum Bulk Storage (PBS) Facilities registered pursuant to title 10 of Article 17 and 6 NYCRR Part 613. Local agencies may designate specific geographic areas within their boundaries as a "Critical Environmental Area" (CEA). Open Data/Socrata-generated geocoding information from supplied address components. Heating oil tanks that store less than 1,100 gallons are exempt from this registration requirement. Purpose & Organization This handbook provides guidance for New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Division of Environmental Remediation (DER) staff on conducting inspections at Petroleum Bulk Storage (PBS) facilities to determine compliance with New York State (NYS, State) statutes [Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) The 2011 Forest Health Aerial Survey Report is a narrative for the aerial observations from the 2011 general forest health aerial surveys conducted for New York State, associated ground crew observations, and other forest health related information. Coverages are based on official New York State Freshwater Wetlands Maps as described in Article 24-0301 of the Environmental Conservation Law. This dataset provides an approximation of the watershed boundaries of water bodies classified as AA and AAs in Title 6 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York (6NYCRR) Part 800 et seq. ); Hospital/Nursing Home/Health Care; Cemeteries/Memorials; Marina; Other; Unknown, Street address or location for the address for the facility, Additional street address or location information for the facility, City, town or village of the address for the facility. These applications will soon be available online as well. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation obtained 9 inch by 9inch paper prints of panchromatic aerial photographs from the US Army Corps of Engineers for internal use and distribution to the general public. SBAs are 22 landscape areas with a high concentration of biological diversity or value for regional biodiversity. Major Oil Storage Facilities (MOSF) pursuant to Article 12 of the Navigation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 610 This view is currently private. The SPDES permit program in the Department's Division of Water regulates municipal and industrial wastewater treatment facilities that discharge directly into navigable waters. This data comes from the Division of Mineral Resources Mined Land Reclamation Program files and depicts point locations of most New York State Regulated mines permitted since 1975. You can measure by feet, meters, yards, kilometers, miles or nautical miles. Additional Mapping Resources Major Oil Storage Facilities (MOSF) pursuant to Article 12 of the Navigation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 610
The dataset provides a summary of general water quality conditions, tracks the degree to which a water body supports its designated uses, and monitors progress toward the identification and resolution of water quality problems, pollutants, and sources. PETROLEUM BULK STORAGE (PBS) UPDATE APPLICATION. Experience with petroleum-contaminated site, inactive hazardous waste site and/or NYSDEC . The Bulk Storage Program includes three types of facilities: Petroleum Bulk Storage (PBS), Major Oil Storage Facilities (MOSF), and Chemical Bulk Storage (CBS). (Note: NYS is zone 18 for UTM), Y coordinate (longitude), represented in UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) units. Updated NYS PBS Regulations. The Ins and Outs of Oil Storage: What is the Shelf Life of Oil? The dataset shows status information for:
If your looking for Energy & Resources in Scarsdale, New York - check out Global Assets Innovators LLC. The photography was flown in 1978 and 1986 at a scale of 1:5000. This form can be used to update or correct information for existing facilities. Petroleum Bulk Storage Facilities registered pursuant to title 10 of Article 17. the .gov website. Within the NHD, surface water features are combined to form "reaches," which provide the framework for linking water-related data to the NHD surface water drainage network. State petroleum bulk storage advisory council. To stop using the measurement tool, click . This office strongly recommends utilizing those forms when conducting each functionality test in order to be sure that all required items have been evaluated. you will be prompted to sign in. 6 CRR-NY 613-4.3. The report documents below include all the items that NCDOH requires as part of a functionality test. This page is available in other languages, Facility information (phone and geographical location), Property owner information (not including transfers of ownership), Tank information (tank equipment, new tank installation, tank closure). organization in the United States. Facility, renewal, and access to grants Article 17. website connection to the and... In a very difficult position because New York State globe Program, like Google Earth or ESRI ArcGIS. Monthly license fees and surcharges to DEC with the requirements of ECL 15-1501 free technical assistance, and locations! Waste site and/or NYSDEC the Climate Act transition they are in a very difficult position because York. Engineers charts of the previous business day is expected to be sure that all required have... Include leadership recognition, free technical assistance, and access to grants http: // for guidelines best... 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