open motor winding failures can be identified by

The questions are based on these four criteria. Switching power circuit, capacitor discharges, or solid-state power devices can also cause this type of motor winding damage If the motor is less than 1/8 HP, it is almost always replaced. Why is that, and which isotope is located near the axis? A single-phased winding failure is the result of an open in one phase of the power supply to the motor. However, if the motor is more than 10 years old and less than 1 HP, the motor is usually replaced. Unfavorable operating conditionswhether electrical, mechanical, or environmentalcan dramatically shorten the life of an electric motor. |, free online repair or replace decision-making tool. A. Bonnett and C. Yung famously compiled survey data and identified the five most common causes of electric motor failure, which can be linked to stresses related to normal operation as well as flukes. Are you interested in learning more about how to determine the true cause of an electric motor failure? (a) 1-Methylcyclohexene or 3-methylcyclohexene (b) Isopropenylcyclopentane or allylcyclopentane (c) Bicyclo[4.2.0]oct-7-ene or Bicyclo[4.2.0]oct-3-ene (d) (Z)-Cyclononene or (E)-cyclononene (e) (Z)-Cyclooctadecene or (E)-cyclooctadecene. The strength of an electric motor is rated in: The RPM of a belt driven blower can be determined by: B) Multiplying motor RPM and motor sheave diameter and then divide by the fan sheave diameter. Simply stated, harmonics are any unwanted additional source of high frequency AC voltages or currents supplying energy to the motor windings. Bearing failure can be caused by several things: A heavier load than designed for Inadequate or incorrect lubrication Ineffective bearing sealing Shaft misalignment Incorrect fit Normal wear Induced shaft voltages When an electric motor fails, theres one question that must be answered. How static motor testing can support preventative maintenance programmes. Impact: Arcing across bearing surfaces create pitting and fluting resulting in excessive vibration and eventual bearing failure. Check the bearings to make sure they can spin freely. This additional energy is not used to turn the motor shaft but circulates in the windings and ultimately contributes to internal energy losses. The most common example of this is in simple motor/pump combinations, where something applies force to the pipe works such as: Those forces can put an angular or offset force on the pump, which in turn causes the motor/pump shaft to be misaligned. Any of these, if present in enough concentration on the windings, can lead to an early failure. Temperature plays a major role in motor failure. However, its important to move toward predictive maintenance programs. We've put together a post onwinding failure, with awesome photos courtesy of EASA, if you're looking for examples. Document operating condition, machine specifications and performance tolerance ranges. The structured process of report writing gets you to think more and differently about what happened. PM has been shown to reduce downtime by as much as 50%. Electrical failures disrupt the power supply to the motor. Impact: Motor winding insulation breakdown leads to early motor failure and unplanned downtime, Instrument to measure and diagnose: Fluke 438-II Power Quality and Motor Analyzer. A simple motor failure decision tree can form the foundation of a plants motor failure policy. Do you need OEM parts or can your motor shop fabricate or source OEM-enhanced parts? An open internal motor overload is distinguished by: Motors that sit on resilient rubber rings typically use which type of mounting? Why. From live engineering support to technical training and resources, EASA offers the solutions you need to elevate your business! Weve put together a separatepreventive maintenance guideto help you out. Insulation failures like this usually are caused by voltage surges. Buy copies for your salespeople to distribute to your customers and put your companyfront and center byimprinting your company name, logo or otherinformation on the cover! Cost. There are two kinds of soft foot: In both cases, soft foot can be caused either by an irregularity in the machine mounting feet, or in the mounting foundation upon which the feet rest. A) 240 volts. e) all of these, When measuring the leads of a multispeed shaded pole motor, there should be measurable resistance between all the leads. Another common fault stems from mechanical rubs, which can be the result of looseness of the motor shaft and/or the motor bearings. We can see your eyes rolling. This section is where you give the evidence for the cause of the failure. The Effect of Repair/Rewinding on Premium Efficiency/IE3 Motors. In addition, misalignment may feed vibration into both the load and the motor drive shaft. A single-phased winding failure is the result of an open in one phase of the power supply to the motor. Sounds simple. What term expresses the ability of the motor to work beyond its rated output? Other tests includeinsulation resistance testing(ensuring the insulation resistance of the motor decreases after it starts),DC step voltage testing(plotting the current that results from increasing the voltage applied to the insulation to look for a non-linear graph),HiPot testing(looking for leakage current as a way of establishing the effectiveness of insulation). Fluke Reliability helps you find the best solutions for your electric motor problems. Know the breakpoints at which youre willing to repair vs. replace. Non-rotating looseness happens between two normally stationary parts, such as a foot and a foundation, or a bearing housing and a machine. 13% of motor failures are caused by bearing failure, and more than 60% of the mechanical failures in a facility are caused by bearing wear, so learning how to troubleshoot this potential problem is important. Thermographyuses infrared thermometers to detect abnormal heat patterns that may signal potential problems such as inadequate airflow, bearing problems, insulation breakdown and unbalanced voltage. That way you can save your bearing next time, instead of simply having it fail again. Electric motors serve as a critical component for any facility. c) 1/64th inch deflection per 1 inch span between drive shaft and driven shaft An open internal motor overload is distinguished by: The RPM of a belt driven blower can be determined by: Multiplying motor RPM and motor sheave diameter and then divide by the fan sheave diameter, When checking the resistance of a dual voltage wye motor, there should be ______ resistance readings. And those issues will have another cause. For decades, plant personnel have performed insulation resistance tests with handheld megohmmeters to prevent motor failures that lead to costly unplanned shutdowns, failure-to-produce penalties and rewinding repairs. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Include data and observations. Yet, monitoring the health of electric motors is not typically a priority for most organizations. Are the techs CSA-certified? Three-phase distribution systems often serve single-phase loads. In other words, the return current from the drive would be equal to the current to the drive. By continually asking why, youll get a deeper understanding of what happened. Motor design. For example, your plant may decide to repair an off-the-shelf motor if the repair costs less than 60% of a new premium high efficiency motor. Winding shorted phase-to-phase This type of insulation failure is typically caused by contaminants, abrasion, vibration or voltage surg The primary symptoms that accompany a motor overload are excessive current draw, insufficient torque and overheating. To get a complete picture, evaluate the likely failure modes and match the right maintenance technologies with the most likely failure mode. Potential relays measure the back ________ developed across the ________ winding to operate the relay. It is found that one isotope is more concentrated near the axis of rotation of the chamber and the other is more concentrated near the cylindrical wall of the chamber. Explain your reasoning. Investigating the cause of a failure in an open-type motor is comparatively simple. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Know the breakpoints at which youre willing to repair vs. replace. Lack of secondary air or a stopped up vent will cause: When is the igniter energized on an induced draft furnace that uses hot surface ignition? If its a mission critical motor and downtime is costing the company big, is a spare available while you wait for a repair or replacement? You need to consider the cost to replace, cost to repair, cost of down-time (including domino effects on the plant and company as a whole) and long-term costs, such as repairing an old motor thats an energy hog. relay coil in series with the run winding and the contacts wired in series with the start winding, When checking the resistance of a dual voltage delta motor there should be ________ resistance readings. This is another biggie. If writing the odd report meant you could spend more of your time getting sh*t done instead of fixing stuff that broke when it wasnt supposed to, would you be willing to give it a try? Its easy to blame motor failure on age, but the reality is that the unstoppable creep of time is responsible for fewer than 20% of motor failures. Failuresare shown here to help identify the causes of failure, so that, where possible, preventative measures may be taken. d) all of these are indicators of correct tension, d) all of these are indicators of correct tension. Motors that sit on resilient rubber wings typically use which type of mounting? A common cause of an open winding is undersized lead lugs. Imbalance is a condition of a rotating part where the center of mass does not lie on the axis of rotation. (Note: almost all misalignment is compound misalignment, but practitioners talk about misalignment as the two separate types because it is easier to correct a misalignment by addressing the angular and parallel components separately.). This space between the rotor and stator is sized specifically to ensure proper interaction between magnetic fields and optimal performance of the motor. runs a motor through its paces while its turned off. When a split AC system using a capillary tube is overcharged: Three general areas of problems in air-conditioning systems include electrical problems, mechanical problems, and: The evaporator coil operating temperature for a system with a 20F split, 85F return air, and 71F supply air is: A high temperature differential (more than 2 degrees) between return air temperature at the grille and the return air temperature at the unit indicates: When an air-cooled split system operates at low ambient temperatures: C) Low ambient controls are necessary for safe operation. Find out in less than 2 minutes. A Weibull-shaped parameter in the range of [ 20 ] 2.8-3.0 was used to describe bearing failures and indicated an increasing failure rate and worn-out . Chances are, you arent the final decision maker on larger operational and capital expenditures. This offline testing, often called static testing, looks at insulation resistance, wire damage and current leakage. Before diagnosing the problem as a failed compressor, always allow the motor protector time to reset, usually until the upper housing is within 5F of ambient temperature (this can vary by unit); EASA-validated. Adding a little extra refrigerant over the amount recommended by the manufacturer: C) Reduces both system capacity and efficiency. A simple way to do a root cause failure analysis is using the 5 Whys technique. Get thebearing failure checklist. This guide is intended to help you identify the most common types of bearing failures and know how to prevent them from becoming an unnecessary maintenance expense. D) Suction pressure goes down and superheat increases. When working on a type of system that you have never seen before, you should: A) Locate the manufacturer's troubleshooting guide. Youll notice there are no solutions or implementation sections. In other words, there is a heavy spot somewhere on the rotor. What term expresses the ability of the motor to work beyond its rated output? quent compressor failure can result within a few hours. VIEW THE LISTLEARN MORE ABOUT THE PROGRAM, REGISTRATION OPTIONS & PRICINGSCHEDULE OF EVENTS. But a bearing failure will always be the result of another issue, either in the motor or the plant, such as vibration, high ambient temperature, moisture, misalignment, shaft voltage and motor overload. Bearings are the culprit in more than half of motor failure cases. Infrared sensors can seamlessly integrate with a software platform that gathers data from many other sensor types. However, electric motors can be prone to any number of issues that lead to motor faults and failures. More than one response required. The first signs of this problem will be noise and overheating as the bearings begin to lose their original shape and metal fragments mix with the grease and increase bearing friction. Which type of drive is used to make large changes in RPM or torque from the RPM and torque of the motor? Bearing failure is an expensive problem both in terms of motor repair and downtime, so helping to prevent this by measuring shaft voltage and bearing current is an important diagnostic step. Copyright 2016-2021 Duke Electric. c) are hard to detect Your motor shop can help you. Timing. A clean, climate-controlled, organized shop makes it easier to work efficiently and take proper care of the motors that are in for repair. The best way to diagnose an ECM motor is to: Turn off power to the unit, remove the control harness, and connect a test controller. We've turned EASA's decision tree into a free online repair or replace decision-making tool to give you a repair or replace answer right away. Motor starting components can be made up of: Internal centrifugal switches, relays, starting, and running capacitors. The suction pressure on a split AC system that is running with an excessive evaporator heat load: The manufacturer's data on a split AC system indicates that the normal temperature drop should be 15F at the current operating conditions. Here is a list of the common winding problems found in an electric motor: Shorted to ground winding failure. d. It flexes the humerus. Adjacent loads turning on or off, power factor correction capacitor banks or even distant weather can generate transient voltages on distribution systems. The sign to look for is a resistance reading that is different from the manufacturers stated resistance for the winding. C) Unusual airflow restrictions in the duct. The winding failures illustrated here are typical of what can happen is such circumstances. Open windings are also caused by shorted turns, phase-tophase shorts, ground-to-frame shorts, faulty internal coil-tocoil connections, severe overloads, and physically damaged coils. Design is critical to the repair-replace decision. But, while predictive maintenance techniques, such as vibration analysis, are often used to . Because 30% of motor failures are caused by overloading, it is important to understand how to measure for and identify motor overloading. Plot individual measurements to establish a baseline trend. Manufacturer's troubleshooting charts typically ask: D) Yes/no questions to determine the cause. Improper lubrication, inappropriate mechanical loads, heat, contamination and shaft currents are all the usual suspects when it comes to bearing problems. The benefits of detecting, identifying, and evaluating electric motor abnormalities are decreased motor failures and less unexpected downtime. (If youve had small children in your life, youll also have flashbacks.) Located between the stator and rotor, bearings are used to keep the rotor centred and shrink the air gap. Maintenance teams can cost-effectively implement this technology platform to address their needs with ease. a. An effective PM program requires a culture change in many companies, but the work is worth it. near the wall? The most common types of single phase compressor motors are: Permanent split capacitor (PSC), capacitor start (CS), capacitor start/capacitor run (CSCR), and split phase, Motors with shunted field windings: b. We start with a fast review of the parts of an AC and DC electric motor so were all speaking the same language. Abnormally low resistance in the electric motor can be a sign of shorted to ground winding failure. B) Call the equipment supplier and provide the system model numbers. Third, make your motor repair and replace decisions using an industry-accepted decision tree oronline decision toolto standardize and speed up your process. It may also occur as a result of excessive starts or reversals. Thats because a lot can be learned from a standardized reporting process. Given that early damage to a motor is usually subtle and hidden, motor testing is usually performed as part of regular preventive maintenance rather than when a motor is acting up. b) will not run at full speed or strength Using a decision tree or flow chart takes the guesswork out of the repair-or-replace decision process, making it easy to defend recommendations to management. These losses dissipate in the form of heat, which, over time, will deteriorate the insulation capability of the windings. These values could be affected by the position of the squirrel cage rotor during testing. Motor control systems are being utilized in critical processes throughout manufacturing plants. What is the first step in the operational sequence? Lets take bearing failure, for example. You can identify early signs of motor trouble by performing ongoing monitoring of motor health. Fault isolation diagrams and troubleshooting tables help the technician locate problems through the process of: The refrigerant condensing temperature for an air-cooled system having a 20F split is: The most common airflow problem experienced on air-conditioning systems is: C) Low airflow caused by dirty or plugged air filters. Click to reveal But anyone in the biz knows that behind that question is a whole lot of hemming and hawing, made worse by pressure cooker environments and a lack of information. As a technician's rule of thumb, fan speed should not be adjusted more than ________ percent above or below manufacturer's specifications. Troubleshooting motor failure signs to look for, Storing motor in a location without adequate climate control, Corrosion of motor shaft, bearings and rotor, Leakage current from the armature windings (DC motors). 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