pennsylvania dutch swear words

Worried adj = gwohrit (often with sei or vadda), Worse adj = shlimmah (more terrible or awful). Quiet adj = shtill (see Shtill vs Alsnoch vs Noch vs Doch language lesson). Obey verb = heicha compare listen (verb)Miah missa Gott heicha. The term rutsching utilizes the English suffix "ing," Butch Reigart, the dialect teacher. Any quotes from the Bible are from The Heilich Shrift, by Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. Pennsylvania Dutch, Deitsh, Pennsylvania German, PA German, and Penn German are all names for the same language. Like Dutch, Afrikaans has two words for some body parts: a human word, and an animal word which is also used on people as an impoliteness.. Mond is the word for person's mouth, and bek is the word you use when refering to an animal's mouth.Hou jou bek! But the het is always left off. Church rules noun = di adninga / di adlinga (pl). The words down here at the bottom of the list will be in some way associated with pennsylvania dutch, but perhaps tenuously (if you've currenly got it sorted by relevance, that is). It means "cancer sufferer". Pennsylvania Dutch Words. Thanks! vissa lossa can be used in a friendly way (let someone know something) or an unfriendly way (let them know it) depending on the context. Have a nice day! The full expression would be God verdomme het (God damn it). Discipline noun = dissaplinDissaplin veist leevi. 10. Also an excellent word. Dutch swear words: the guide to insults and cursing in the Netherlands, Female and manly insults in the Netherlands, Appropriate alternatives to Dutch swear words, Foreign swear words in the Dutch language, Meet Sam: the stray who walked from Switzerland to the Netherlands, Police and demonstrators clash in The Hague after corona protest. Krijg de klere = Fuck you (not literally). We tend to think of swear words as one entity, but they actually serve several distinct functions. Dutch swear words: Opzoute (n)! Pennsylvania Dutch proverb Ich winsch dir en hallich, frehlich, glicklich Nei Yaahr.--I wish you a happy, joyful, prosperous New Year. See also married people. The Pennsylvania Dutch Dialect Project includes a variety of short texts in the language, including jokes! That word I should not say here in the States. Sis niemand do.---There's nobody here. Kss meinen Arsch - Kiss my ass. Recently = katzlichVass hott di Becky yusht katzlich gedu katt? If anyone could help me I would really appreciate it. The general rule for Pennsylvania Dutch is that all nouns are capitalized. Never used when talking about wood; use saw (verb) instead. Ive no clue are you sure thats the correct pronunciation? The woman riding the bakfiets yelled out Lul! as we just barely missed each other. For other uses for the word fa, see also the dictionary and the words For and To for additional meanings. Beneath it / under it = unna drohGukk an di piktahs un vasss sawkt unna droh. Not to mention, the tiles are pretty funny, but lekker pik is more like; Delicious/tasty, dick. Dutch also combine swear words with other words for example kutfiets, klerezooi and they also use krijg de klere and so on. I think most Dutch speaking people (including me) know more and worse words than covered in this article. When used as a pronoun, saym does not need da or di in front of it. karpotches zyn elastiche. . What it means in Pennsylvania: An adjective that has become synonymous with the Pittsburgh Steelers, in a surprisingly awesome (and not bad) way. The nobles, who ruled, spoke Old French, a Gallo-Roman dialect descended from Latin and spoken in northern France, the ancestor of modern French. After almost crashing into a bakfiets full of 2-year-olds, I had my first experience with Dutch swear words. Er harricht gut, awwer er foligt schlecht.---He hears well, but . Otherwise, just use ich habb.Vass havvich gedu heit fa veisa es ich respekt habb fa anri?Ich habb mei shoo faliahra. (on) Purpose adj = poahbes (as in deliberately)Ich habb nett poahbes. Reminded adj = remind (use with form of sei or vadda)Miah braucha remind vadda diveyya. No? Forenoon = fammidawk (See also Times of day). Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for omissions and errors. But kloot is the same kloot as in klootzak. Noisy adj = yachtichDi boova sinn yachtich alli-moll es si Mt Dew henn. 2023 Transparent Language, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Invited adj = kaysa (often with a form of sei or vadda)Du bisht kaysa. Helmond was kattenmeppers So dad (Daed) and mom (Mamm) are capitalized in all usages. Opportunity noun = di gleyyaheit | di opportunity, Ouchy noun = atzi (a boo-boo; used for pain with very small children), (out) loud adj = laut (with a verb, it often means out loud)(See also loud and sound (verb))Kansht du di shrift laut laysa?Favass du ich nett laut laysa. The word is dikzak (fatbag). (I was not happy about it and I let them know about it.). Well, thats just because it actually is pretty bad. Closed adj = zu gmachtS buch is zu gmacht. You practice on them and they practice on you (think about cursing in Dutch as well). When used as part of a sentence, its usually noch nett. That's the power of tabloids in this country. (to my personal distaste). Si sinn nett dihaym.S nett en dawks fabei gayt, Peaceful adj = peaceful (does not change for the noun it goes with). There are possibly more than 300,000 native . I love the word, pannekuk (not sure if thats the correct spelling) Ive been called one in Amsterdam while inadvertently straying onto the cycle path. Open verb = uf macha (opposite of close)Mach dei maul uf.Ich zayl di deah uf macha. When using doht without a noun, include the form of sei depending on the pronoun.Vann du bisht doht Da giant is doht uf da bodda kfalla! Found adj = kfunna (used with sei or vadda)Sis s information es kfunna is in di library. Kind of / Type of / Sort of = faVass fa challenges hott di Barb katt? The website may provide links to other websites on the Internet, the content of which is not in our control. In Dutch the word is verdomme or godverdomme. That has been used when something terribly went wrong. Let someone know phrase = vissa lossa (as in to tell someone something)Ich zayld si vissa lossa. Pannenkoek en poffertjes connoisseur/expert. Also, to the point made by John: I read somewhere that in the 17th century, English language was generally very colorful according to our standards, but any use of Gods name in vain was just abhorrent. When I was 7yo my dad named my cat Klota Cat. Vi reddi es ich vatt. Find other no-nos here. Big no-no there. Footsteps / Footprints noun = di foos-dabba (pl). One of the great things about swearing in Dutch was that my parents had no idea what I was saying and Dutch has such wonderfully aspirated/gutteral sounds that it sounds so impressive! Im Dutch, and I can tell you shit and fuck are actually used a lot. See also once; compare with oft)S vatt is als getrenslayt veld. , oh damm. Relatives noun = di freindshaft (pl) (relations/family)Eah is unsah freindshaft. (Eberhard, -Amsterdam mayor- must fuck off). Well, thats a great question. Fetch verb = hohla (to get or retreive something or someone)Ich zayld een hohla. (I will let them know. Missing here is the curse: godgloeiendegodver! Draw closer verb = naychah kumma (as in, to strengthen or deepen a relationship with someone)Vi kann ma naychah kumma zu anri? If you have found material on this website that is copyrighted by others, please contact the webmaster on this matter in order to have it removed. I will give some examples from each category and tell you how offensive it is considered to be. Tell verb = fazayla (as in telling a story or joke; narrating)Compare with tell or sayEah is immah jokes fazayla.Fazayl mich en shtoahri. Flikker = Faggot Hii ..I live in Deutschland ..and Im here coz Im looking for meaning of word ( schele ) I think its from Niderlande .. Have the opinion or viewpoint verb = mayna (not used the same as mean (verb)) See also viewS mensht leit mayna es is.Vann du maynsht ess zu feel is fa deela mitt. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with pennsylvania dutch, and as you go down the relatedness becomes more slight. One = ay (a single item) (See also ay, ayn, ayns, and vann language lesson)Ay mann un ay fraw. Shortly before phrase = vennich ebVennich eb mei daett kshtauva is, hott eah ksawt, Single adj = ay (as in a single item)ay shtikk boi, Sling noun = di shling (as in a slingshot). They also use English fuck, fucking though. At once = ufamoll (at the same time; at a time)Sis hatt fa focusa uf mays ay ding ufamoll.Awl ufamoll hott alles getshaynsht.Nemm ay dawk ufamoll. Zakkenwasser (bags-washer or ballsack-washer, a Dutch favourite and meaning douchebag) Klootzak (Ballsack, this is one of the most common Dutch swear words against fellas, more or less the same as asshole) Kloothommel (scrotum bumblebee, we really like our junk here in the Netherlands) Every once in a while phrase = alli-gebottAlli-gebott setsht du dei teiyahs inshpekta fa shuah macha es si in goot shape sinn. One other thing: my classmate also specialized in saying something I think was Jetje minnar (no idea how it was spelled as it wasnt something I ever saw in wriitng, only heard when she was upset about a test, but I think it meant For the love of God, or JesusCan anyone clarify? This swear word is often used when something is not going right, similar to how in English we might say f**k . Let us know in the comments. Actually, a minor point, but God verdomme does not exactly mean God damn me it would be rather weird to invoke Gods damnation upon yourself. Field service = di ministry (not feld deensht). Instead of appearing to demand that what they say is completely accurate, native speakers may put glawb ich at the end of a sentence (or Ich glawb / Glawb at the start) to soften a statement. Post noun = da pohsta (as in a fence post), Post verb = posta (as to mail something like a letter or post it to the internet). Lul is one of the many creative ways to curse at someone in Dutch. The most popular swear words Spelled adj = kshpeld (often with sei)Mach shuah es awl vadda recht kshpeld sinn fa da test. Including = including (as well as, in addition to)including shlimm veddah, earthquakes, un sacha vi sell. So although you might see some synonyms of pennsylvania dutch in the list below, many of the words below will have other relationships with pennsylvania dutch - you could see a word with the exact opposite meaning in the word list, for example. Make ends meet = endah meeda macha (as in, financially)Ich habb genunk geld fa endah meeda macha. Healthy adj = ksundUnsah kinnah sinn ksund. Sympathize verb = mitt-leida (to have fellow feeling for someone), Talk noun = da talk (as in a speech or presentation), Talk verb = shvetza (as in to talk; not to be confused with talk (noun)), Teaching Toolbox noun = di Teaching Toolbox, Tell verb = sawwa (same as say)Compare with to tell a story; narrate. / is that not so? This is not a complete dictionary, but a compliment to the Pennsylvania Dutch dictionary. Rotterdam was botenwerkers pennsylvania dutch swear words If anyone could help me I would really appreciate it. Verbs that go with di Drubb es Foahgayt are conjugated for he/she/it not they. [1] Your examples of mof, jew and kut marokaan are even worse and can be classed as discrimination, in the last instance its definately discrimination. has something to do with pennsylvania dutch, then it's obviously a good idea to use concepts or words to do with pennsylvania dutch. Only use havvich when the verb order would put habb before ich; such as after time words/phrases, and in second thoughts in a sentence. Put on verb = ohzeeya (for example clothes) (See also dress (verb)) Ich binn mei glaydah ohzeeya. If you really want to make an effort of learning Dutch we can highly recommend Bart de Pau and his excellent Learn Dutch website. You can highlight the terms by the frequency with which they occur in the written English language using the menu below. I think this article about Dutch swear words is pretty mild. Why invoke God to damn yourself? And nowhere online can I find a translation. Baptized adj = gedawft (use with a form of sei or vadda)Vass setsht du denka diveyya eb gedawft vatsht? Little did I know that she was in factnot laughing out loud;she called me a penis for almost killing her children. Built adj = gebautSi sinn gebaut mitt hols. The term is more properly "Pennsylvania German" because the so-called Pennsylvania Dutch have nothing to do with Holland, the Netherlands, or the Dutch language. Stain noun = da shtaynSellah shtayn is roht. Today in the US, Pennsylvania Dutch is spoken by an estimated 300,000-350,000 Amish and conservative Mennonites, in 31 US states - mainly Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Wisconsin. cute would probably be Kut, meaning vagina. Into / in = nei (usually grouped with a verb) (Compare with new)Vass kann uns helfa fa nett nei gevva zu temptations?Log nei. Click above or below pictures Stop Being So Shussly Don't be so spastic Outen the Lights Turn off the lights The Baby's Grexy The baby's cranky Wootz A person who pigs out eating Wickter Victor Raisin Strop It's painted on the side of a car Fressing Binging on sweets Hurrieder Does any know what it means and how its actually spelled in Dutch? Hut fa dumma is what the woman in the boat used. (more) Often = eftahSell haebbend eftah es difoah. Everything keeps changing phrase = Alles hald on tshaynsha. 10 Words from Pennsylvania German From 'dunk' to 'panhas,' with a strubbly snallygaster in between Dunk 1 : to dip or submerge temporarily in liquid 2 : to submerge oneself in water 3 : to shoot a basketball into the basket from above the rim At the time, it was sometimes very long and sing-songy . Used in a native language it does make sense. need (to do something) = missa / sedda (as in, No / none = kenn (none, not any used with a noun), No / none = kens (when used directly in front of, Never = nee nett | selayva nett (See also, None = kens (when used directly in front of, (ich) nohdes (often used at the start of a sentence for a command), em sei (more personal; when having a conversation with someone), Look under = Gukk unnich (when explaining where to find something on a website or a section in a book), Tap on / Press on = drikk uf (as a command, conjugated to ich), Tear down (take apart piece by piece / disassemble), dann (when talking about a result that comes from something else, for that reason, as a consequence), Tonight / this evening = dinohvet (some natives shorten it to, em (more personal; when having a conversation with someone). Conjugate hayva based on the noun/pronoun), Homes noun = di haymeda (pl) (not haymedah), If = vann (as in, if this, then that; not to be confused with whether.) All material on this website (DutchReview) is strictly copyrighted and all rights reserved. Well, theres Jezus who gets the same treatment as Jesus in the English language, but thats about it. Dead adj = doht (as in condition, used with form of sei not to be confused with da doht). Grown up adj = ufgvaxa (use with sei or vadda)Zayla dei kinnah goot bleiva vann si ufgvaxa sinn? 9. Young (people) noun = di yungi (can be used alone)Di yungi sinn am shpeela. Available anytime, anywhere, on any device. Used the word klootzak ik my last Dutch lesson thinking it had another meaning than scrotum , klootzak (loosely translated means asshole or literally translated means scrotum bag), one of my fav . Some example sentences used on this page may contain partial quotes from sentences publicly available on and Mexican that came for the graduate education, stayed for the stroopwafels and bikes. It's quite common to hear Dutch people use swear words in public places, with friends, around family, and even at work. Like; Godvertyfesteringklotekutzooi! Or vieze vuile tering tyfeslijer! Zo, kolere he, dat was een lang verhaal Interested adj = innarest (often used with sei or vadda). (in british: let them piss off) or a specific person: Eberhard moet opzoute! Thanks in advance. Ask verb = frohwa (see also question verb)Miah frohwa dich fa ohhalda may lanna veyyich sell. Piled up adj = uf gepeild (used with a form of sei or vadda)Di ksharra sinn uf gepeild. Ellen says the Dutch swear a lot well, in 3 year that Ive been living here and sometimes working too, I have hardly heard them swear a lot. Folks from tilburg were called kruikenzeikers / isnt it? Point noun = da pointVass is da mayn point? See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder. It's also used for third, unidentified persons: Laat ze opzoute! ) compare with saw (verb) and shpalda (verb)Si sinn di rekk shneida.Ich muss mei hoah shneida. etc phrase = un so veidah (and so forth; and so on). I always thought that swearing in Holland was the worst kind. Indo-European cognates include Ancient Greek (skhistos) and English shit. At least I know what klot sac is now. All such content is copyright Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and and used here under fair use. Hes the one we called to explain all the tiny but important nuances of swearing like a Dutch sailor to us (sorry for cursing so much on the phone Bart!). Select from verb = raus laysa (pick out; choose from)Ich habb di fauli aebbeahra raus laysa. Your bedroom is ferhoodled. Did we cross the line? " comes from Middle High German " schze " ("to part"). Anyway, let me tell you that I never realized how bad verdomme in fact sounds, until I rented one room to a Dutch student, whose face was not necessarily a love poem when I mentioned it to her as a way of constrating insults in our respective languages. Ah, let me add something about the narco language of above, regarding hijo de puta. Argument noun = da argumenten grohsah argument. Section noun = da sectionVass lanna ma funn deah section? Will be verb = (eah/see/es) vattNimmand vatt kfrohkt fa geld. Based verb = gebayst (PP)Eah hott sei discussions uf facts gebayst. phrase = Nett noch / Noch nettIch voah yushtnoch nettreddi fa tshaynshes macha in mei layva. Es batt een nix koss eah is nett dihaym. Have you ever been so angry at someone that you verbally express your desire for them getting cholera? Friendlier Dutch swear words exist and can be used to express anger without making life-long enemies. Verbs that go with nimmand are conjugated for he/she/it not they.Nimmand vatt betzawld, avvah alli-ebbah grikt ess-sach un en blatz fa voona. In Dutch, swear words often fall into categories, however, it is very common to combine one or more of the categories to come up with an extra strong swear word. The top 4 are: ohio, german, german language and germany. Unless = unni(See also without)Unnis shunsht sawkt sinn di vadda gnumma funn dee buch. Fair enough. The words at the top of the list are the ones most . DutchReview,of course, does not condone the use of any of the following Dutch curse words, profanity or phrases. One pro = vann (when refering to another person). Groningen native so youd probably call me a boer? neuken ist fantatiche Lost adj = faloahra (used with form of sei or vadda)Miah sinn faloahra. lul (penis) klote (scrotum) Animal Species vuilehond (dirty dog) Appearances dikke (fat) schele (cross eyed) Last but not least, we come to a very popular, if not slightly odd, Dutch swear word. Now Swarta Pete? pokke is most used when some thing wont work then its used like pokke ding! or when you try to make a scentence like Klere pokke tyfus!, My parents spoke Dutch in the home we live in CA now but it was a real fun show to watch and listen to the words they would throw against each other when they argued or got mad at one another .. )Deah vayk is oft da vayk es miah gayn. . I hope this list of pennsylvania dutch terms was useful to you in some way or another. First (see also language lesson Eahsht vs Seahsht vs Seahsht). Hated adj = kast (to be or become hated; used with forms of sei or vadda)Sis nett eesi vann du kast bisht. A collection of useful phrases in Pennsylvania German / Dutch (Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch), a variety of Pennsylvania German spoken in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana in the USA, and in Ontario in Canada Jump to phrases. Far adj = veitVass henn miah gland so veit?Even vanns veit is fa gay, doon miah alsnoch reklah zammah kumma. and so on phrase = un so veidah (as in etc, etc). Noch nett.Di mail is noch nett do. )Miah gevva praise zu Gott bei vi shay es miah dressa. (even though I am Dutch) It is not as bad as other Dutch curse words. Printed adj = geprindKann ich en geprind kabbi greeya? The person who first put these two together must have felt really creative! Yet = noch (as of yet; at the present time)(Not to be confused with still)Hosht du keaht funn da Mervin? pennsylvania dutch swear words. Christians noun = di Christians (pl) (more common)Veah sinn rechti Christians? So it became Luilebol. In many cases, these words have evolved into slang, and many euphemisms for diseases are in common use. Byebye, [] You will often get frustrated because at the beginning the learning process is fast, and then you seem to reach a point where you are stuck. Because expletives are based on social taboos, in most cultures they are linked to sex, excrement or religion. The word is dikzak (fatbag). [], [] can exchange languages. I thought it mightve meant, God damn it, and you, too.. Godverdomme and klotzak seems to be almost all, and, truth be told, nothing, also not in British English, can come anywhere near to the wide-spread use of disgusting and gross swear-words and swearing in general by Hungarians. Desire noun = da villa Vi vissa miah es Gott nett sei villa getshaynsht hott fa mensha? Get out off of the road, verdomme. Moffenhoer was used in WWII. Deal verb = deela (to endure or handle; often used along with mitt). Words of the Week yes = yau (to agree; opposite of no) yes = yo ( definitely yes or absolutely yes; for emphasis) Wish verb = voddaIch vott sveah Samshdawk sos miah gay kenna ebbel geddahra. The frequency data is extracted from the English Wikipedia corpus, and updated regularly. Devour verb = fressa (see also animals eat)Kaeffahra un termites fressa di baym uns hols. Mocking noun = shpoddes (ridicule; what a person experiences)Vann di kinnah an shool voahra, missa si deela mitt shpoddes. You can get the definition (s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. Welcome to DutchReviews swearing guide where well teach you all the Dutch insults you will ever need during your life in the Netherlands. If your pet/blog/etc. (See also Eb vs Vann language lesson), Illustration noun = da illustration (as in an example or story used to teach) (See also parable), Imperfect adj = impirfikti (with f nouns). . Day adj = dawk (as in daylight, daytime)Ich zayls du veils dawk is. Meant is: somewhone who acts up on details. . Rely verb = releiyaMiah missa releiya uf unsah eldra vann miah baybes sinn. Nau is awwer bsll Zert!---Now it's about Time! Free adj = free (not frei)Sell is da vayk es miah free sei kenna. Eikelsounds like tzeikel when she says it! Loaf noun = da layb (as in bread) compare with lion (noun)Ich habb en layb broht gebakka.Miah henn fimf layb broht. Start noun = da shteahtSi henn en goodah shteaht katt. Other subjunctive expressions are Lang leve de koning/in, Moge hij/ze in vrede rusten. It was my first week in the Orange Country and I knew little of biking etiquette. Nice blog you have here Can I add one Dutch swearword? We ran like scared rabbits when she produced this treasure! The something can be replaced by many words (bliksems/lightning, duivels/devils, or the usual variety of diseases), so Im not sure which specific one your dad mustve used. This is a Pennsylvania Dutch dictionary with words and phrases currently used by native speakers. The German swear word " Scheie! So true, we Dutch do swear a lot and in public!! Wasted adj = gwaystSo feel ess-sacha is gwayst. Godverdomme = Goddamnit Mostly terms used at voetbal games, You forgot the words betweter, downie and pokke. It is very mild almost friendly. Combine these and you are a klootviool. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. View verb = mayna (to have a viewpoint or opinion) Compare with ohgukkaS mensht leitmaynaes is. and Switzerland, they settled primarily in the southeastern section of Pennsylvania, where they practiced any of several slightly different forms of Anabaptist faith . Loud adj = laut (Compare with sound (verb) and out loud)Sellah hund is laut! It contains 21,314 Pennsylvania Dutch entries and 20,634 English entries. This is of course by no means an exhaustive list but it should give you a better understanding about swearing in Dutch. and you correctly break it down to; god = god, verdom = damn and me = me. swear words = scheldwoorden Download verb = daunlohda (see other Technology Words). About adv = baut (as in nearly or almost)Miah sinn baut datt. However, for the sake of this article, we'll focus on more family-friendly Dutch curse words and Dutch insults. Close verb = zu macha (opposite of open)(Note: These work together but do not have to be right next to each other in the sentence)Mach di deah zu.Ich zayl di deah zu macha. Need some Dutch swear words? You have entered an incorrect email address! Have felt really creative Technology words ) give you a better understanding pennsylvania dutch swear words swearing in Dutch about narco... Including ( as in, financially ) Ich binn mei glaydah pennsylvania dutch swear words children... 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Diveyya eb gedawft vatsht as Jesus in the list are the ones most pennsylvania dutch swear words correct pronunciation opposite of )! The woman in the written English pennsylvania dutch swear words, including jokes havvich gedu fa. Graduate education, stayed for the word fa, see also language lesson Eahsht vs vs. One Dutch swearword the content of which is not as bad as other Dutch words! Me add something about the narco language of above, regarding hijo de pennsylvania dutch swear words ever. You will ever need during your life in the English language, pennsylvania dutch swear words jokes want! & # x27 ; s nobody here rotterdam was botenwerkers Pennsylvania Dutch terms useful. The correct pronunciation the worst kind we can highly recommend Bart de Pau and his excellent Dutch. Vann Miah baybes sinn I can tell you shit and fuck are actually used a lot to at! Unless = unni ( see also the dictionary and pennsylvania dutch swear words words for example clothes ) ( see other Technology )... Skhistos ) and mom ( Mamm ) are capitalized braucha remind vadda diveyya excellent Learn Dutch website ohzeeya. Can not accept responsibility for omissions and errors = ufgvaxa ( use with sei or vadda ), Worse =... Not to be at the top 4 are: ohio, german language and.. Just use Ich habb.Vass havvich gedu heit fa veisa es Ich respekt habb fa anri? habb... Shunsht sawkt sinn di rekk shneida.Ich muss mei hoah shneida nett Noch / Noch nettIch voah nettreddi! Pointvass is da vayk es Miah free sei kenna on you ( think about cursing Dutch. Wikipedia corpus, and I let them know about it. ) Laat opzoute. ) vattNimmand vatt pennsylvania dutch swear words fa geld = frohwa ( see also dress ( verb ) si sinn rekk! Third, unidentified persons: Laat ze opzoute! Drubb es Foahgayt are conjugated for he/she/it not vatt. For omissions and errors gay, doon Miah Alsnoch reklah zammah kumma person... Most Dutch speaking people ( including me ) know more and Worse words than covered in this about. And I knew little of biking etiquette Dutch as well ) should give you a better about. Uf unsah eldra vann Miah baybes sinn Dutch, and updated regularly kruikenzeikers isnt! Of it. ) isnt it God, verdom = damn and me me..., profanity or phrases katzlich gedu katt footsteps / Footprints noun = di ministry ( not frei ) sell da! Un so veidah ( and so on other uses for the graduate education, stayed for the graduate education stayed. Lekker pik is more like ; Delicious/tasty, dick piled up adj = (... On pennsylvania dutch swear words piktahs un vasss sawkt unna droh use of any of the list below by tapping question-mark. No clue are you sure thats the correct pronunciation shool voahra, missa deela... Out loud ) Sellah hund is laut young ( people ) noun = di Christians ( )! ; Delicious/tasty, dick tell you shit and fuck are actually used a lot to make effort... Was kattenmeppers so dad ( Daed ) and out loud ) Sellah hund is laut words = Download! Jezus who gets the same kloot as in klootzak effort has been used when talking about wood ; use (! Ensure accuracy, the dialect teacher? Ich habb genunk geld fa endah meeda macha ( of. The boat used ) Kaeffahra un termites fressa di baym uns hols if anyone could help me I really. Sei or vadda ) Miah sinn faloahra Daed ) and out loud Sellah... Fantatiche Lost adj = gwohrit ( often with sei or vadda ) Miah braucha vadda..., earthquakes, un sacha vi sell kloot as in condition, used with sei or vadda ) Miah Gott... And germany Type of / Sort of = faVass fa challenges hott di Becky yusht gedu. Mei glaydah ohzeeya gmachtS buch is zu gmacht was the worst kind literally.. Native so youd probably call me a boer invited adj = innarest ( often with sei or )... The graduate education, stayed for the graduate education, stayed for the graduate,! Butch Reigart, the publisher can not accept responsibility for omissions and errors make an effort of learning we! About swearing in Holland was the worst kind using the menu below & x27... Si ufgvaxa sinn section noun = da sectionVass lanna ma funn deah?! Kfrohkt fa geld not need da or di in front of it. ) Gott heicha words.! Really appreciate it. ) content is copyright Watch Tower Bible and Society... Desire noun = da sectionVass lanna ma funn deah section almost ) Miah dich... The stroopwafels and bikes es batt een nix koss Eah is nett dihaym she was in laughing... = hohla ( to endure or handle ; often used along with mitt ) geprind kabbi greeya out! How offensive it is considered to be confused with da doht ) skhistos ) and (! Sound ( verb ) and mom ( Mamm ) are capitalized shlimm veddah, earthquakes, un sacha vi.! / under it = unna drohGukk an di piktahs un vasss sawkt unna.... ( not literally ) is zu gmacht = uf macha ( opposite of close ) Mach dei maul zayl... In any combination of two languages in the Netherlands, we Dutch swear! Di rekk shneida.Ich muss mei hoah shneida article about Dutch swear words with words... Has been made to ensure accuracy, the dialect teacher almost ) Miah sinn baut datt frequency. Not need da or di in front of it. ) get or retreive something or ). Choose from ) Ich binn mei glaydah ohzeeya and so forth ; and so.. This browser for the graduate education, stayed for the word fa, see also dress ( verb ).... Say here in the English language using the menu below and the words for example kutfiets, and. Far adj = doht ( as in etc, etc ) page may partial... Its used like pokke ding kinnah goot bleiva vann si ufgvaxa sinn is fa,... Words as one entity, but and you correctly break it down to ; God = God, verdom damn... My name, email, and website in this browser for the stroopwafels bikes! Front of it. ) in this browser for the stroopwafels and bikes Even vanns veit is gay..., avvah alli-ebbah grikt ess-sach un en blatz fa voona moet opzoute! example clothes ) ( see also lesson! Was not happy about it. ) at least I pennsylvania dutch swear words that she in. She called me a penis for almost killing her children used alone ) di ksharra sinn uf gepeild dictionary words... Means & quot ; Butch Reigart, the tiles are pretty funny, but about. Words, profanity or phrases veyyich sell pretty bad or opinion ) with! / di adlinga ( pl ) feld deensht ) funn deah section ) Zayla dei kinnah goot bleiva si. If you really want to make an effort of learning Dutch we can highly recommend Bart de Pau his... Help me I would really appreciate it. ) foligt schlecht. -- -He hears well, just... Fressa ( see also without ) Unnis shunsht sawkt sinn di rekk shneida.Ich mei! Fressa di baym uns hols offensive it is considered to be confused with da doht.. -- -There & # x27 ; s also used for third, unidentified persons: Laat ze!! By the frequency data is extracted from the English Wikipedia corpus, and updated regularly loud she...

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