I was watching "Pretty in Pink" the other day and my mouth was watering watching Duckie eating those chips! Passengers aboard the luxury liner R.M.S. I love chips, mainly thick ridged potato chips. Space Raiders were launched in the late 1970s and were just 10p. Details And Dimensions. Whatever it was, those were some of the best chips I ever had. So sad. Awsome taste!!!! All Rights Reserved. I used to like Salt 'N Shake and occasionally you would get more than one salt packet in the bag - this made me extremely excited! The following are comments left about Lay's Barbecue Potato Chips (Original) from site visitors such as yourself. It became really The sour cream and onion ones were dream stuff from my past! I googled the chips because I just tried another brand and I always remember them and hope the next thing I try will be as good, nothing has ever come close.. Its weird that 20 years or so onwards, I still want a bag of O'gradys Chips in Cheddar flavour. local shop to get 10p back. in the UK (perhaps canada too?) They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy. Yeah!! As a kid, I always hated the taste of green and red bell peppers, so I was a bit reluctant about the picture on the bag, but once in my mouth, it tasted like perfection, period. so they have reissued them in some form many times in the last decade. That all changed in the 1920s with the invention of the mechanical potato peeler. The facebook page idea is great! Many claim potato chips are America's favorite . A more recent theory, apparently first advanced by Stiles, is that the Lake Houses potato chips actually precede even Crum and Wicks. From about age 7 to 12, my grandmother would always have an entenmann's raspberry danish when we came to visit. I used 3 large potatoes weighing 550 grams, or about 20 ounces. You could have T-shirts, bumper stickers, and the whole works. Bring back OLD BBQ. Our family just loves my husband's version of store-bought pizza rolls. 2023 A&E Television Networks, LLC. Everyone leave a comment on Frito lay site, maybe we'll get them back! The best BBQ chips were original in orange bag. Same flavor as original lays. Everytime I see that picture I get the craving!! Lays, please bring these back to stores and retire BBQ masterpiece chips. Gosh, they were good. We promise." Then they would suck! My siste and I used to save our pocket money every week and come Thursday (Shopping Day) we would rush to the supermarket and buy O'Gradys. Who was the genious that allowed them to go off the market. Submit a link to more information about O'Grady's Potato Chips. There is not a picture anywhere on the internet that is a crying shamePlease lays give the 60's generation our hearts desireyou won't be sorryits a guarantee it would be a hit for today's generation as well. _yts.push(["_siteId", tracking_tag.getAttribute('data-id')]); Ham sandwiches with mayo and stacked with O'Gradys Au Gratin is what I remember best from childhood, Dang I wish they would bring back that cheesy yumminess. Hey Lay's! 16 Grab N' Go Cans Variety Pack Pringles Potato Crisps Chips. In the '80s, the Keebler Elves backed up Tato Skins chips in flavors like bacon and cheddar or sour cream and chives. Well, I have three actually; Ready Salted, Cheese & Onion and Roast Chicken. I tried the new ruffles, they are sort of like the OG's but the ridges are wider. Keebler Magic Middles. FANCIEST FLAVOR. I might as well add my love of the old Lays BBQ chips to this list, just in case we can turn it into a petition. How to make crispy potato chips at home? Also in the video playlist is a classic Walkers Crisps advert from the 80s, before Gary Lineker got involved. I just wish FL would discover this post and come to the realization that they already have what we want instead of spending a fortune to seek out flavors no one is interested in. When I was little, my dad would take me with him while he shot pool. As a travelling gymnast I happened upon some in Vancouver in 1992 long after they'd disappeared in Montreal. Amen. Peel and slice the potatoes. 2 Lay's Classic Potato Chips, 1.5 Ounce (Pack of 64) Pack of 64, 1.5 ounce large single serving bags (total of 96 ounces) so missed. Fads & Fashion Section Navigation Follows. I've been looking for them and am not successful. 7) The Real Ghostbusters King Cone was an alternative to Wall's Cornetto. This would have made sense since their marketing department was trying to capitalize on nostalgia. My family was very poor back then and these were a little bit more expensive than other chips(If I recall correctly). CHIPS. Flavored products in the traditional fried varieties include Sour Cream & Onion, Barbeque, Chipotle Ranch, Cheddar & Sour Cream, Hidden Valley Ranch, Salt & Pepper, Flamin' Hot, Limon,' and a thicker' "Deli Style" chip.' I remember thinking I could get a bag or play another game of kung fu at the store loved that game . Get the best local snacks in Thailand with the delicious taste of salted eggs. Submit a story or info about Lay's Barbecue Potato Chips (Original), Food of the Eighties, Lay's Barbecue Potato Chips (Original), Loading images, if this message doesn't go away you may need to enable javascript in order to see pictures. Much of that is sold in bulkor merely in bags bigger than the standard ones mentioned above. there are mccoys extra thick. _yts.push(["_partnerId", tracking_tag.getAttribute('data-partner')]); POTATO CHIPS ORIGINAL 160G, disponible dans votre magasin Leader Price LP Possession LP Possession (Retrait en magasin) Modifier. I loved O'Grady's. We loved them so much we wrote to the company and told them and they sent us some stickers with the blue label white writineg and red line underneath. That meant making potato chips was a lot of work. The KP initials originally stood for Kenyon Produce. The radio: Guglielmo Marconi or Nicola Tesla? Sometimes it was pacman or haunted house instead of pitfall (but mostly pitfall), but it was always O'Grady's Au Gratin. To bring that back would be a profit gain for the company. I know they would get my money. Still being made by walkers, the flavours I remember most were spicy They take some time to make, but they freeze well so we get to enjoy the fruits of our labor for a long time. ads of the decade. I know so many people that have all said the same thing over the years, so I know there is a demand for this flavor. I remember there being mint and orange flavours, although I think there may have been a caramel flavour, too. O'Grady's Au Gratin were the best potato chips ever made; when I was a kid and go to the grocery store with my Mom, I would actually sneak off to the chip/soda aisle and just open up a bag and start eating it! At first, Saratoga chips were a gourmet delicacy served at fine hotels and restaurants. Miss emloved emneed em. I've been telling my kids about them for years! Pat dry. Was just sitting here telling our youngest children about how delicious these chips were, can't believe how all the good snack foods are no longer around. I just so happen to be an O'Grady and an old friend used to call me potato chip because she loved the chips and my name was O'Grady! o'gradys cheese flavoured,they were in a blueish bag .old chedder cheese and close spaced ripples,tight.they were and if still r someonewhereout there,are my favorite chip of all time.me and a friend were just talking about them the other day.I'd pay 5 bucks for a bag right now.Love them love them love them.bringem back pleeeeeeeeeeeease please please please. The global potato chips market size reached US$ 32.2 Billion in 2021. They were friggin' awesome! I ate them as a youngster. In time, chips became a universal treat, with potato chips alone becoming a $10 billion industry in the U.S. I didn't make the chips, but I sure had a special bond with them. And one day it just hit me, this is NOT the "hickory" I remember. I can still rate themz they were fantastic. I was just trying to explain to a friend how unbelievable the O'grady's Hearty Seasoning chips were so thick, heavy, and a strong unbelievably tasty flavour that hasn't been replicated since so if the ruffles still make the au gratin flavour, is there a hearty seasoning version available too? A really thick ridged chip, I think that Lays made them in different flavors. Maybe it was a stolen recipe or someone bought it out. instant potato mix was launched in the 60s by Cadbury. If we could bring them back, I would buy a bag every 2 days, thats how good they were. Lisa Shin When Covid-19 forced people to stay home, many of us found solace in a snack: potato chips. EC food colouring laws (miserable lot! I really wish Lays would bring back the original BBQ chips in the orange bag that I ate all the time in the 80s. The credit for Americas greatest inventions is often a matter of controversy. I have been missing the O'Gradys sour cream and bacon for years and would love to see them back. Yummmmmm. I still remember them every time I'm in the chip isle. On a fine July day on Prince Edward Island last summer, farmer Peter Roberts rolled up the door on a 200-by-80-foot storage shed, and out wafted an incomparable aroma: sweet cream and fresh-dug soil. According to Market research, France purchased about 522 Million Euros (600 Million USD) worth of chips in 2018, which has increased by about 6 percent each year. In fact, given the ubiquity of the potatolong a staple throughout the worldit seems likely that the potato chip has been invented and reinvented by countless cooks, possibly for centuries. ice lolly - remember this one? Why!? The Extraaa brought back memories of the O'Grady's chips that I had back in the 80s, and unfortunately Lay's discontinued them shortly after. I wish they start making them again! The WOW! Perhaps Peanut Butter and Jelly, Tuna Casserole, Raspberry Vinaigrette, or Birthday Cake! This rather erotic ad is a fine example of what they used to get away with back in the day! Still remember my brother Glenn riding his bike up to the Little Chicago store to buy us a couple bags of the tastiest potato chips ever. 4) Chipsticks These tasted absolutely amazing, especially if you were a salt and vinegar fan. They taste like pretty much what I remember from the '80s. Designed with one dark side to mimic the skin of the potato, these chips are now sold under the TGI Fridays brand. Why did they chg. Now they look for crap flavors, Waffles, chicken, etc. I had a computer class back in the 80's and the text mentioned that the OG ridges were designed by a computer. There were probably 200 calories in each one, but we didn't care. I can still taste their rich thich flavor. Then they were gone. These chips pop into my head every now and then. The gum had a liquid filling and emulated Dr. Pepper's fruity, slightly spiced flavor. I LOVED 'EM!!!! I remember finding them at my college's snack bar in about 1984 and became instantly addicted. Hettle has a crinkle cut cheddar flavor as well and I will be sure to buy them on my next trip to the store to see if they can even come close. 1853 Kettle Cooked Lattice Cut Classic Potato Chips with Sea Salt. ads of the decade. Soft shortbread surrounded rich fudge, whoever invented these should be given an award. No substitutions, no ingredient changes to be "healthier." Then they dissapeared, we were devastated, we thought they were popular and hared to get. Item Number (DPCI): 071-06-1052. My mom and I would have late night munchies and we would drive to the nearest 7-11 for RC cola (in glass bottles!) Me and my best friend would eat O'Grady's Au Gratin for lunch EVERY DAY in High School! For another, Crums supposed role in inventing the potato chip seems to have gone largely unrecognized in his lifetime, even though he was widely known across the U.S. and celebrated for his brook trout, lake bass, woodcock and partridge, among other dishesmaking him perhaps the first celebrity chef in America. It wasnt until the 1930s that two companies, Lays and Fritosthe latter of which made their chips from corn, not potatobegan their rise to becoming national brands mass-producing and distributing the popular snack foods. George Crum, a famed chef of Native American and Black heritage, took umbrage at the request and, in an Ill show him! mood, sliced some potatoes as thin as he could, fried them to a crisp and served them to Vanderbilt. God they went good with a beer. Keeping in mind the uncertainties of COVID-19, we are continuously tracking and evaluating the direct as well as the indirect influence . It was available in the mid-late 80s at IGA grocery stores in Pennsylvania/New York. including including Walkers, KP and Smiths Crisps. We loved them in Kentucky, too! There isn't another nor will there ever be a chip that even comes close to o'gradys. Voir plus de rsultats. There isn't another chip that even comes close. However, that was in the 1890s, some 40 years after the Crum and/or Wicks discoveryand a good decade after the chips had become commercially available far beyond Saratoga. 6.Let it dry in the sun or dehydrator. Thanks in advance. Fried Potato Chips 130/ kg Get Latest Price Type: Fried Flavour: Classic Salted Brand: Jhumar Namkeen Expiry Date: 4months Country of Origin: Made in India read more. My whole family were addicted to them. 1. yts.src = document.getElementById('site_analytics_tracking').getAttribute('data-url'); Please bring it back at least online orders. and more than $80 . The Daddy Crisps promise.. We Promise: Daddy Crisps is 100% natual. Smiths Crisps Pickled Onion flavour 1980s KP Dry Roasted Peanuts packet from the 1980s that's what we called it b/c of the distinct hickory flavor. That way you could sell a lot of chips to the young punks and also give us old people what we've been dying for forever! I worked for FL for a few years straight out of college and right when the original BBQ chips were replaced with KC flavor (1994). I was coming on here to post what the Disco Ninja did. yts.async = true; The new Lay's BBQ is not good like the Old Fashioned. have been looking for ogrady's chips for a while now my neighbour is pregrant and craving these chips why can't we fine them did they go off the market. Those packets look like they're bulging with crisps, too. I remember sitting with my family in loungeroom and watching Star Wars while eating them one ridge at a timeBRING THEM BACK LAYS!!!! I do have some pics from the internet and pretty in pink. The KC Masterpiece BBQ chip is disgusting. That was more than 20 years ago when I was 10. Staying with crisps, can you remember the TV advert for KP featuring the cartoon monks? it's absolutely free. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a128d734fb63a70 There isn't any chip that comes close. The Ruffles Thick were GREAT, haven't found them in years though. I asked my roommate if she remembered them, and she couldn't. Total O'Grady's junkie at 9. looking for a group for this, this superhero will make this
Clue: Me. i'm looking all over but they don't seem to have em where i live in mass. why is every single lays bbq flavor too sweet? Then peel and slice potatoes using a mandoline or a slicer directly in the bowl containing water. Made in MI. The origins of the crunchy snack date back to at least the 1800s. If these got you in the mood for a crisp feast, load up your trolley down at Asda where they currently have an offer on for three multi-packs for 3. My luck is that he now is the CEO of Frito Lay, and he's pushing hard to release a Paste flavor. i hope if the do bring them back i hope they use the original reciepes unlike the good and fruity's that they are remaking which are nothing like we had in the 80's. In the United States, Lay's offers a number of flavor combinations, in addition to the classic chips. oh, so sad. You could scoop ice cream with those chips they were soo hearty!!! I only buy the Old Fashioned. I'm with everyone else, I loved these chips and still crave them. Hey, I found a pic of them, its from the movie "Pretty in Pink" its in the scene when Ducky and Dice are talking on stool outside of club. Here are the discontinued foods we miss the most. Geez, so wish they were on the shelves again. Had these chips when living in Canada, they were the best chips ever and nothing else comes close. We loved that Flavour! Those were the days.:^). Didn't even cross my mind they were big in the US before I thought to Google them today. In my opinion I think we should go back to a lot of things the way they used to be and again thats just my opinion but it sure would be awesome to start with this OGrady potato chip please do the right thing and bring the OGrady chip back there has never been another chip made that comes close to the taste of an OGrady potato chip so if your reading this frito lay bring em back please!!! Insane they aren't made still?!?!?! A wife bringing her husband beer and potato chips while he relaxes, c. 1965. Your IP: I would pay $100 for a bag of any flavor O'Gradys today. My particular favorite was "The Works" They just disappeared off the market. var _yts = _yts || []; The original lays bbq were great.. Can't believe they killed the brand. Now I live in NY and I really miss them. For a true Mexican chip, cover them in hot sauce as well. BOO on you Frito-Lay, this really was an awesome mid-west/south-west product. hi guys I know what you mean the thick chip with like double the flavour? One recipe, potatoes fried in slices, sounds remarkably like todays potato chip. lol. These Extraaa chips seem to be sold only in full-size regular Sobeys stores, not the smaller Sobey's Urban Fresh ones. I miss the lays bbq in the orange bag! Place the bag into the microwave and cook on high for 6 to 10 seconds. This in itself should open up the eyes of every chip aficionado that since they can't create their own flavors they rely on the public to do it for them. Please bring them back! definitly our loss. ring em back and get rid of some of the dumb flavors that nobody likes! I think that the company could make more money if they brought that flavor back, even if it was only for a limited time. I read on a site that Frito Lay had to stop making them because the way they were made (super thick cut and the type of oil used etc) was no longer economical. The company itself founded in 1853 as Kenyon & Son and became part of United Biscuits in 1968. This was before they started using foil on the inside, so you could actually see the real crisps through the clear window. Thanx. Bring back glass bottles, I say! Highest margins are corn products so they're always pushing corn. then they were gone again. Well, just one thing, and that is BRINGING BACK ORIGINAL BBQ CHIPS! I miss the O'gradys too the flavors i remember the most were Au'gratin & Hearty Seasoning. Thick and harder than the usual Ruffles and its ilk. Worst move ever, I truly hope they loose sales :), Yes. SO TOTALLY AWESOME!! READ MORE: Why the Candy Market Exploded After World War I. Lay's Kettle Cooked Sharp Cheddar is really, *really* close (flavour, not texture) to O'Grady's Au Gratin. So that's something! Rinse the potatoes first. I'm 5) Potato Puffs These were fantastic but were made up of about 90% air. On a whim, I googled them and stumbled on this siteso very cool to read how a single product can evoke such strong fond memories for so many people. The following are comments left about O'Grady's Potato Chips from site visitors such as yourself. Not $39.95. WATCH: Full episodes ofThe Food That Built Americaonline now. 2. Jeneen - May 29, 2008 - Report this comment So, while its possible she learned to make potato chips there, she seems unlikely to have been present at the creation. Yeah, man, I miss these. I can't seem to find a photo of the original packets Thanks for your support! So, yeah, I ate a lot of these. Do the same and tell all of your friends to as well. I just thought I would get an update or some news, which much to my chagrin I haven't. Children of the 1970s and 1980s had a veritable smorgasbord of ill-conceived and nutritionally suspicious fare to enjoy, and still miss their unusual packaging, unique smells, off-the-wall flavors, and the sheer insanity that went in to conceptualizing them. I dont like the kc master piece.. does anyone remember ruffles bbq in the early 80s? I think my kid's would like to try them and have those same kind of "firsts" memories to reminisce about. I sure miss these chips. Always my favorite! They remake crappy movies these days because the new generation hasn't/won't see the old ones. .. Ca n't believe they killed the brand Dr. Pepper & # x27 ; t care %! My roommate if she remembered them, and that is sold in bulkor merely in bags bigger than standard. Thinking i could get a bag of any flavor O'Gradys today absolutely amazing, if... 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