Mention the importance of good family reputation. Value refers to what a society regards as very important and is held in high esteem. Students should be able to: Raising and proper upbringing of children: This is another. Solakat New Syllabus on Social Studies book 2 by OluwasolaOyewole. The teachings of Islam are contained in the Quran which is the Holy book of the Muslims. Jss1-3 Scheme of Work Which of the following does not belong? In order to avoid the negative effects of gender stereotyping, we must promote gender equality because of the following reasons: Solakat New syllabus on Social Studies book 2 by A. Oluwasola Oyewole. Death: The loss of either of the couple through death poses a great challenge to the family. Solakat New Syllabus on Social Studies book 2 by A. OluwasolaOyewole. Socialization is the process by which individuals learn the values and culture of the society. What are the effects of crime on the society? Copyright 2019 - 2023. 05 Human Trafficking I. Expired Foods, Drugs or Drinks: They are items that have stayed longer than their consumable periods. What are the benefits of religious institutions? PRIMARY SCHOOL NOTES Voluntary organizations e.g. The meaning of family bond and cohesion The Edo people call God Osanobwa. They are: Solakat New Syllabus on Social Studies book 2 by A. OluwasolaOyewole. What are the factors that influence gender roles? Students should be able to: The Yorubas call God Olodumare or Olorun. Death: The loss of either of the couple through death poses a great challenge to the family. Some professions are regarded as exclusive career for males. This post is quite a lengthy one as it provides in full detail, the government-approved lesson note for all topics and sub-topics in Social Studies as a subject offered in JSS Two (JSS2). Pages 10 14. For prospective school owners, teachers, and assistant teachers, Social Studies lesson note is defined as a guideline that defines the contents and structure of Social Studies as a subject offered at JSS level. Marriage is an important means of reproducing man in the society. Some feel the best way to forget their sorrow suppress, anxiety, frustration and sadness is to drink heavily, smoke cigarette or take any hard drug, Need to exhibit negative behaviour or face people. Family with good reputation can present one with social advantages in life. Fighting in a school is a form of A. courage B. self control C. indiscipline D. self determination. Gender roles are taught from the birth to death. HistoryWorld ReligionsGeographyU.S. Itemize the objectives of social studies. Culture and Social Values II: Marriage I. Economic instability: This occurs when the couple finds it difficult to meet the financial and needs of the family. Another name for Muslim marriage is Nikkah. There are two common types of family in our society. It is love that binds members of the family together. Mutual Respect: Respect for each other reduces challenge in marriage and also promotes cooperation. All the following professions are regarded as male professions except A. nursing B. bricklaying B. carpentry C. plumbering D. truck drivers. Court Marriage: Court marriage is performed in a court registry by a court registrar or a magistrate. Infidelity: Extra marital relationship by either of the couple can cause misunderstanding and divorce. MEANING AND EXAMPLES OF GENDER STEREOTYPES. Downloads. The Benefits and Functions of Religious Institutions. Culture, traditions and beliefs of the people influence gender roles. Differentiate between primary and secondary socialization. Identify five cultural similarities in Nigeria. The following are biological roles of women except A. women menstruateB. List and explain three forms of corruption. The following are gender similarities except A. males and females have the same genitals B. the essential needs of both males and females are the same C. they both go through puberty and romantic feelings D. they can play different games. B. nursing, hair dressing etc. Some professions are regarded as exclusive career for males. Explain the characteristics of group behaviour. Type 5. effects of drug abuse 6. Confide in a good counsellor particularly the school counsellor, your parent or your spiritual guardian i.e your pastor. Males can perform manual jobs while females take care of domestic duties. Macmillan Social Studies book 2 by M.A. What are the roles of government agencies that fight corruption? The sudden increase in the search for JSS2 Social Studies lesson note for Third Term is expected because every term, tutors are in need of a robust lesson note that carries all topics in the curriculum as this would go a long way in preparing students for the West African Junior Secondary Examination. Members of the family with good reputation serve as role models to other families. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Students should be able to: Good family reputation enhances trust and confidence. 2. Some professions are regarded specially for males e.g. Time lines, websites and posters are also used often as social studies projects. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. What are the benefits of a group behavior? Self control: Being able to control your own actions. Mention the five cardinal Principles of servicom; 4. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. some professions are regarded specially for females e.g. Marriage is for companionship between husband and wife. Social studies subject focused on studying various aspects of human society covering several areas of social science/ humanities, among which are economics, civics, history, geography, culture, sociology, political science, archaeology, law, philosophy, religion etc With our Social Studies lesson notes JSS1, JSS2 and JSS3, you don't have to worry about a lack of material for teaching. Parental influence gender roles as they may serve as role models to their children. Women should raise the children since they carry and deliver the babies. Mathematics Topical Question and Answers JSS2 Business Studies; JSS2 Christian Religious Studies; JSS2 Civic Education; JSS2 Computer Studies; JSS2 English; JSS2 Mathematics; JSS2 Social Studies; JSS 3. What do you understand by drug trafficking? Intra Ethnic Marriage: This refers to a marital relationship between a man and a woman from the same ethnic group e. g when a Yoruba man marries a Yoruba woman. There is also exchange of rings. Gender stereotypes can limit achievements. Sexual abuse can happen to men, women, teenagers and even children. They investigate financial crimes including fee fraud, money laundering, etc. chemistry practical notes Values promote peace and progress of the society. GEOGRAPHY NOTES This lesson note covers the following topics for JSS2 Third Term Social Studies: TOPIC. All religious institutions forbid lying, stealing, adultery and murder. A personalized learning resource for all ages You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Both men and women have the same rights under the law e.g. We should treat people equally and fairly B. Voluntary organizations e.g. SCHEME OF WORK JSS 2 SOCIAL STUDIES SECOND TERM WEEKS TOPIC S Values Meaning of Values and their Importance Sources of Values Factors that Influence our Values Values Clarification Understanding one's own Values 2. Value clarifications serve as a guide to achieve set goals in life. In traditional society, marrying many wives gives the man a high status. Similarities in The Lessons Our Religion Teaches Us. BIOLOGY PAST PAPERS Males dominate certain professions like engineering, security, piloting, boxing, politics etc. Social Studies lesson note for Junior Secondary School-2 Second Term, is now available for free. Word Document File. Females are regarded as cooks in the families. Members of the family should live in unity and love one another. KCSE FORM 2 NOTES Without marriage, the dead members of the society cannot be replaced. One of the following is the importance of values A. Performance objectives: Students should be able to: Explain the meaning of family bond; Explain the need for bond and cohesion in the family setup; Content . It encourages the exploitation of the weaker sex. Which of the following is not a harmful substance? Self control: Being able to control your own actions. Explain the following. Do you want the complete Second Term JSS2 Social Studies Lesson Note? Privacy Policy For Schools and Teacher who want to subscribe to all of the subjects, a class or term at a discounted price. Your email address will not be published. Social studies prepares us to participate competently and productively as a concerned citizen and teaches us to address societal and global concerns using literature technology and other identifiable community resources. Critical thinking: Social studies teaches students about history and enables them understand how society has evolved. Good social behaviour: The family provides avenue for the teaching of acceptable cultural values by parents to their children. Introduction of civic and moral instructions. It allows the husband and the wife to assist each other. National Economy I:Savings and Ways of Saving. - Meaning of Science and Technology. Make sure your foods are properly cooked. Females are regarded as cooks in the families. The basic needs are food, shelter and clothing. Their main day of worship is Sunday. Drug abuse is the abnormal intake of drug or any other substances. What are the roles and responsibilities of the children? Mutual Respect: Respect for each other reduces challenge in marriage and also promotes cooperation. Which of the following is not a harmful substance? Use a sharpener instead of a razor blade. NYSTCE CST Social Studies (2023 - 2024) Questions With 100% Correct Verified Answers What did the English Parliament create in 1689? Religious institutions provide explanations to some of the mysteries of life. When people break these stereotypes, they are sometimes forced by their culture to accept them or be ostracized by their communities. ss1-3 Scheme of Work Women are stereotyped as being caring, less rational, more prone to tears, more gentle, talking more and wanting to take care of children. African Traditional Religion. Extended C. Compound. UNEB UCE PASTPAPERS Thorough study guide for Praxis 5081, 5086, and 5089 covering:World HistoryU.S. Culture and Social Values Religion: Meaning and Types Names we call God in Different Communities in Nigeria Benefits of Religion Update: March 18, 2022 9:17 am SECOND TERM SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES CLASS: JSS 2 SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC Values Meaning of Values and their Importance Sources of Values Factors that Influence our Values Values Clarification Understanding one's own Values Culture and Social Values The husband should love the wife and the children and the wife is expected to submit totally to the husband. This could lead to divorce. Males are stereotyped as being the following except A. caring B. uncaring C. strong D. brave. You can get access to this lesson note as well as every other lesson notes on this website and that is all Secondary school lesson notes for all subjects from JSS1 - SS3, (first, second & third term) as an EduPodia Premium member. JSS1 Agricultural Science; . Honesty, integrity and hard work should be rewarded, Government should give ICPC, EFCC free hand to administers justice on corrupt citizens, Mention three effects each of corruption on the nation and society. Close and intimate relationship is a feature of A. 1. Values also mean the worth of a particular thing in monetary terms. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Educational Influence: School academics and activities also influence gender roles. Values are also defined as the degree of importance an individual attaches to a particular thing. Marriage provides a framework for the raising and training of the children. It ensures gender balance in education and development. zimsec o level history green book pdf Family with good reputation can present one with social. WAEC WASSCE SYLLABUS A child may also observe what his or her parents are doing and try to imitate them. The youths and children often times seek guidance and counseling from their peers instead of their parents. TRADING This is the act of buying and selling of goods and services to sustain the economic life of a nation. block moulding, bricks laying, carpentry, tanker, and lorry driver etc. Mention the states that are found in the South West geo-political zoneof Nigeria. GRADUATION AND END OF SESSION CEREMONY PACKAGE, Phonics and English Diction Scheme from Pre nursery, Nursery and Primary school, Primary School lesson notes for First, Second and Third Term Download, Basic Science and Technology First Term Topics, Basic Science and Technology Second Term Topics, About us -Get Lesson Notes, Lesson Plans, Exam Questions from, FIRST TERM SCHEME OF WORK FOR SOCIAL SOCIAL JSS1 (BASIC 7), Lesson Note on Data Processing SS3 Second Term, Further Mathematics Lesson Note SS1 Third Term, FIRST TERM SCHEME OF WORK FOR HOME ECONOMICS JSS 3(BASIC 9), SECOND TERM MATHEMATICS SCHEME OF WORK FOR JSS1/BASIC 7, ENGLISH LANGUAGE SECOND TERM SCHEME OF WORK FOR JSS1, JSS1- JSS3 MATHEMATICS SECOND TERM SCHEME OF WORK, Teaching Jobs in Port Harcourt and other Towns in Rivers State, Akoto ode-oni Asa Ikini sa Pataki ni ile Yoruba, SECOND TERM SCHEME OF WORK FOR MATHEMATICS SS1, MATHEMATICS SCHEME OF WORK FOR SS2 FIRST TERM 2020, Lesson note on Literature in English SS2 Second Term, THIRD TERM CIVIC EDUCATION SCHEME OF WORK FOR PRIMARY FIVE (5), THIRD TERM MATHEMATICS SCHEME OF WORK FOR PRIMARY THREE (3), Abuses to which children could be subjected, Drug trafficking; the meaning of drug trafficking, reasons, types, the danger of drug trafficking, People and their environment, group behaviour, Corruption II: effects on individual & community. For instance, the roles of males and females in child bearing are determined by nature. - The English Bill of Rights What was King John of England forced to sign in 1215? Females are responsible for general house chores. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). Lesson Note Subject: Social Studies Class: JSS2 Topic: Government Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to: Define the term government; State and explain the three Your email address will not be published. Another name for Muslim marriage is Nikkah. Etc. Our mission is to provide a worldclass education for anyone, anywhere. Social Studies J.S.S 2 First Term. zimsec o level history notes All religious institutions forbid lying, stealing, adultery and murder. Macmillan JSS Social Studies book 2 by M.A. School: The schools inculcate values in the children and students. The essential needs of males and females are food, clothing and shelter. Why is family regarded as the primary agent of socialization? 01 General objectives of social studies 02 Family 2 03 Family bond and cohesion 04 Living together as one family 05 Meaning and types of marriage 06 Social Studies JSS2 First Term Mid-Term Assessment All the following are sources of values except A. One of the most useful resource available is 24/7 access to study guides and notes. The lesson note for Social Studies for JSS stage maps out in clear terms, how the topics and subtopics for a particular subject, group works and practical, discussions and assessment strategies, tests, and homework ought to be structured in order to fit in perfectly, the approved academic activities for the session. Mention the importance of good family reputation. Changes in gender roles could be as a result of religion, politics, economic conditions, laws and education. Remove all dangerous things from the ground that can cause accidents. Generally, social studies educates students on citizenship, providing them with the knowledge, skills and attitude that will help them become responsible citizens. Please check through the topics down and be sure it conform with the scheme you are using. Explain the purposes of marriage, Students should be able to: Females are to wait for male to initiate relationships and sexual advances. Harmful substances are food, water, fruits or drugs that are unfit for human consumption. Mathematics Notes Social Studies JSS1 Lesson Notes with Fun Quizzes, Evaluation Questions, and End of Term Examination for Second Term! Types of marriage, Students should be able to: These agents of socialization are sources of values. It also has the potential to supply an individual with great opportunity. This could be football match drama concert etc. Extortion: This is an act of forcing some one or an individual to pay for a service that should be free example. Bride price is paid by the husband or family of the husband. Careless usage of chemicals in the school laboratories will causes accident in the school, Exposed live electricity cables or wire will cause accident in the school, Students playing rough plays and running on the staircase will cause accident in the school, Student climbing trees in the school will cause accident in the school. However, you can download the free PDF file for record purposes. The government agency that fights against expired, fake and adulterated drugs in Nigeria is A. Nigeria Medical Association B. Harmful substances are also contaminated food, drinks and drugs that destroy the body. Responsibility: We should carry out our duties and must be responsible for our actions. Report accident to parents, elderly persons and teachers. Raising and proper upbringing of children: This is another problem parents face in marriage. Separation: Separation in marriage is when the couple is no longer living together. Suggest ways of preventing intake of harmful substances. Women are regarded as the cooks in their homes while the men are to provide the money needed to purchase the food stuffs. A married man or woman is regarded as a responsible person in the society. Males are the dominant partner in relationship. What are the roles and responsibilities of the mother? Stop running in the classrooms and stairway. Islam iii. while males are more likely to study courses such as engineering, building, architecture etc. Values clarifications prevent us from making mistakes in life. This Social Studies lesson note serves as a handy reminder of the objectives, content, activities, and teaching aids of a lesson. Marriage between people from the same ethnic group is known as ________ marriage A. Nikkah B. polyandry C. inter ethnic D. intra ethnic. How does an individual acquire the right types of values and attitudes? A group of senior students may force the junior over to donate. A. stool B. acid C. tables D. hydrogen, All the following items are found in the first aid box in the school except A. plaster B. iodine C. Panadol D. acid. What are the steps to take when accident occur in the school? Break these stereotypes, they are sometimes forced by their communities carpentry C. plumbering D. truck drivers to opt-out these... Relationship by either of social studies note for jss2 following is the Holy book of the subjects, a class or Term at discounted!, they are sometimes forced by their culture to Accept them or ostracized., activities, and 5089 covering: World HistoryU.S visit `` Cookie Settings '' to provide a worldclass for! Guidance and counseling from their peers instead of their parents: court:! 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