Pronounced may-ly-hee-nee (better get that straight, tourist!) WebHawaiian Dictionary. 21. "Work is finished," 3. Below, five phrases and words unique to Hawaii that can teach all of us to live happier, more fulfilling lives. The idea started back in 2020 during the first months of the pandemic when the school converted to online learning, and Kamehamehas faculty and staff were forced to adapt to virtual meetings. No haole is ever going to live in our neighborhood., Haole, a Hawaiian word with meanings that include foreigner and white person, is central to the case. Hawaiian word literally translating to "help," or "to give aid," 2. The beaches on Oahu are such great place to spend some time relaxing a Are you ready to experience your dream vacation on Oahu? Used in a sentence: "It's 5:30 p.m. Let's get out of the office and pau hana at the bar!". Aina is pronounced eye-nah and it means the land or, literally, that which feeds us. But the tipping point came when Kunzelman cut locks to village gates, they said. This exclamation is a fairly recent addition to the Hawaii kine vernacular. Usually applied only to Caucasian people. In Hawaii, you Attending an authentic Hawaiian Luau is a great way to learn a bit about the Hawaiian culture, Hawaiian history and enjoy dancing, entertainment, music, tasty Hawaiian dishes. Often you may hear about a Kamaaina discount that is created for locals. To celebrate Hawaiian Language Month, you can find them in Olelo Hawaii! means since its a colloquial exclamation in todays Hawaiian slang. To help you learn these 22 Hawaiian Phrases to learn before you visit Hawaii, consider printing out this list and study on your flight, which leaves in an hour hurry! Slang in Hawaii is a reflection of the diverse culture and history of the islands. Everyone is about 195701976 ethnicities, so there isn't much racial discrimination. In some cases, it can refer to a child, offspring, descendant, progeny, boy, youngster, son, lad, nephew, son of a dear friend, calf, colt, kid, cub, worker, shoot or sucker, as of taro, or to have or have What Does Kiki Mean Urban Dictionary Pupu These types of friendships can even reduce your production levels of cortisol, the hormone that causes stress. Grinds (Grindz) Refers to food, pronounced with a z at the end, not s. Howzit Howzit refers to Hawaiian-style greeting asking in the easy, short form, How is everything going? Shaka Shaka is the universal hand gesture of Hawaii that refers to thanks, a greeting, or a goodbye. So often in Hawaii you will hear directions that refer to Go towards the mauka or the makai.. Acting haole means acting out of entitlement, and like you own the place, she said. 12. We also offer usage examples showing dozens of translated sentences. One of the most iconic phrases in Pidgin is da kine, which can mean just about anything. She's my hnai sister.". Saying this one to the wrong person can definitely land you in jail. Hawaiian Legal Land is truly a force. A send button is provided in the mobile version to send the text to any social media. 2 Alabama rallies, beats rival Auburn 90-85 in, Kevin Durant scores 23 points in Charlotte in Suns, Baylor women showing they can win, even without Big, The Carters: What you know may be wrong (or not quite, Carbon dioxide emissions reached a record high in, Trump cowboy found not guilty of campaign finance, SpaceX launches US, Russia, UAE astronauts to space, Over 26,000 evacuated as floods hit Malaysia again;, India urges G-20 ministers to look beyond East-West, Disgraced ex-Haitian soccer president announces hes, Waco marketing agencies explain if Meta Verified, Could a four-day school week be coming to Killeen, Christina Applegate makes last red carpet appearance, Bryan search warrant results in five arrests, Student in custody after attempted attack on another, Army officially rescinds COVID vaccination requirement, Burger King brings back fan-favorite item for limited, N. Korea wants more control over farming amid food, Rights lawyers seek ICC probe into Turkey allegations, China, Belarus presidents call for Ukraine cease-fire,, Report criticizes Dutch protection system after 3, Pakistan aims for tighter security in 1st digital, At least 22 people, including children, abducted, Shipwreck off Italy: stadium filled with coffins, Asian stocks mixed after Wall St falls on inflation, Obama praises woman behind Fired up chant as she, Labor judge: Starbucks violated worker rights in, Latest Forecast with Chief Meteorologist Mike LaPoint, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Hawaiin Slang. HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - More and more, youre seeing animated messages that promote the Hawaiian language showing up on social media posts and in online chats. Used in a sentence: "I had a stressful week at work, I'm going holoholo this weekend. 2. Both men were prosecuted in state court for the assault. Chinn came up with the concept and created the GIFs, animating Hawaiian words and layering some over backgrounds that match the message. demonstration. In a single click, It will switch to English to Hawaiian translation, Out of these, Google translates Hawaiian to English sentences most accurately. It was obviously a hate crime from the very beginning, she said. Hawaii is an English-speaking state, but it was only made a state on August 21, 1959. Its not old school pidgin since by no means did Andy Bumatai shout out cheehoo! 1. Aloha also means kindness, love and affection. If you want to enjoy the most of Oahu during your time on the island, see this Oahu Travel Blog article, Best Road Trips on Oahu. Learn more about fun day trips from Waikiki that will show you the best of our island including waterfalls, beaches, food trucks and lush valleys. WebPono is a Hawaiian word that is often translated as righteousness. However, like aloha, its meaning extends far beyond this simple definition. 3. Note: We are committed to user privacy, so we never save any kind of data on our server. Mauka means towards the mountains, while makai means towards the ocean. We were spending so much time online in these virtual arenas that it just made sense for us to bring a little bit of Hawaiian into that context, said Keoni Kelekolio, Kamehamehas director of Hawaiian Language Advancement. In Glosbe you will find translations from English into Hawaiian coming from various sources. Of course there are many more words and phrases you will see and hear during your visit, we hope this article has given you an introduction and sparks your interest to learn more about Hawaiian phrases. ", When someone is going holoholo, he is adventuring for the fun of it and to clear his mind. Aloha wau i 'oe Talk story means chatting or casual conversation and Talk stink means talking bad about someone else. with an exclamation point. Watch local deejay, Slick Vic, demonstrate the proper cheehoo! But he did not know it, nor did anybody else guess it except that cursed hapa-haole, Stephen Kaluna. Aloha can be used to say Hello or Goodbye. and it has a deeper meaning to the Hawaiian people. stop the most powerful man in America. Mahalo (Mahalo Nui Loa) Mahalo means Thank The Ambassador Hotel Waikiki is currently closed and undergoing a property transformation through Spring of 2023. If you find such an issue, please reach to our. This exclamation is a fairly recent addition to the Hawaii kine vernacular. Join over 600.000 users and help us build the best dictionary in the world. Also, used to remind people to be mindful and respectful of the surroundings and each other. A heiau (pronounced hey-ow) is a shrine or place of worship, or a sacred place. Spacious rooms, prime location, convenient parking, and fun beach cruiser bikes are just some of the unique amenities that set us apart. It is always best to use the proper Hawaiian terms when speaking with locals or participating in cultural activities. - Pulpconnection Hawaiian Slang: Cheehoo! It originated in the 1800s when plantation workers from various ethnicities, including Chinese, Filipino, Portuguese, and Japanese, needed to communicate with one another and with their English-speaking supervisors. Fishermen find remains of missing man inside shark, Man arrested after search warrant executed at Waikiki cannabis kiosk, Couple files suit, alleging Maui snorkeling tour company left them behind in the water, 'The Other Side of Paradise' with Lynn Kawano. You can use this to politely tell whoever you need to, that you have to go pee. When we are mindful and supportive of our communities, we allow ourselves to feel a sense of belonging, which will ultimately benefit our own mental health. Glosbe is a home for thousands of dictionaries. want to communicate their feeling to other language-speaking people. The GIFs come from Kamehameha Schools Communications and Hawaiian Language Advancement teams and coincide with Mahina Olelo Hawaii or Hawaiian Language Month. Ive learned in Hawaii, coming from the outside in, its a good thing to live by the people around you and not tell them to live by you and your values.. The GIFs come from Kamehameha Schools Communications and Hawaiian Language Advancement teams and coincide with Mahina Olelo Hawaii or Hawaiian Language Month. Auntie & Uncle In Hawaiian culture, family is everything. No, it is not 100% accurate as a professional translator. If you want to start adding Kamehameha Schools GIFs to your social media posts, search for them in Instagram and Teams under Mahina Olelo Hawaii. All rights reserved. People here are generally friendly (with A corruption of the word Haole, Hawaiian slang for foreigner. Download the free KHON2 app for iOS or Android to stay informed on the latest news. Even those lucky enough to call Hawaii home enjoy a getaway to our beautifu Take a tour of our hotel & the beautiful island of Oahu, See the best attractions Oahu has to offer, Oahu Things to do: 5 of the Best Hikes on Oahu. WebAloha Kakahiaka (ah-lo-ha ka-ka-hee-ah-ka) good morning Aloha oe (ah-lo-ha o-eh) farewell Mahalo (ma-ha-lo) thank you Mahalo nui loa (ma-ha-lo new-ee lo-ah) thank you very much Kokua (ko-ku-ah) help, assitance Wahine (va-hee-nay) woman Kane (ka-nay) man Keiki (kay-kee) child Kuuipo (ku-u-ee-po) sweetheart Informally used to describe celebrating the end of the work day. A Shaka is the very popular hand gesture of extended thumb and pinkie. A malasada is a Portuguese donut and likely the best donut you'll ever eat. On the mainland, we use this term to refer to our parents brother or sister. 22. Kkua luau is an extension of the saying, and directly translates to a stronger form of assistance, 21 Slangs Words You Should Know Before Visiting Hawaii (Part 1), 21 Slangs Words You Should Know Before Visiting Hawaii (Part 2). Therefore, this free Hawaiian language to English translation online tool will be beneficial for Hawaiian-speaking people. Specifically, the Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle is the only indigenous reptile in Hawaii. Kanaka specifically means a person of Native Hawaiian ancestry. If you come across a heiau in your wanderings, please assume it is kapu and stay out of it. Sending a GIF? Do you need to translate a longer text? His injuries included a concussion, two broken ribs and head trauma. Communicate smoothly and use a free online translator to translate text, words, phrases, or documents between 90+ language pairs. It consistently ranks as one of the happiest states in the country, and its unique mixture of cultures, spirit of aloha, and carpe diem lifestyle can all be summed up in the words -- or rather, the slang -- of the islands' kama'aina, the people who call Hawaii home. Among the countries where Hawaiian is spoken (United States). No problem, in Glosbe you will find a English - Hawaiian translator that will easily translate the article or file you are interested in. Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 This online Hawaiian translator can be used for both personal as well as commercial purposes. This is pretty much what you say if your vehicle shits the bed. Witness a hearty cheehoo! 13. Aina Its just Which means white person. It is spoken by 24 million people representing 0.3117% of the worlds population. 4. Tom: They had little incandescent lights that illuminat Tom: The kids today when I was younger there was no Tom: Cant say Im looking forward to the follow up netgear extender: Wow, I really loved this post. 21 Slang Words You Should Know Before Visiting Hawaii (Part 1). The Hawaii Tourism Authority has a list of Hawaiian words to help visitors get by. To all of our Olelo Hawaii speakers out there and those who are just learning, E Ola Ka Olelo Hawaii. Celebrate Hawaiian Language Month this February and do whatever you can to advance Olelo Hawaii, Kelekolio said. 9 Texas a B12 title, La Vega Girls Basketball ready for its return to, No. 7. For example, in Hawaii people do things with aloha like surfing, working or living, etc. We loved Maui; we loved the people, Lori Kunzelman told The Associated Press, describing how her husband planned to fix up the house himself. Examples of Hawaii slang include da kine, which refers to Theyre pictures from movies or pictures form professional athletes or cartoons and stuff like that. (among Hawaiians) a term formerly used to refer to any foreigner. This month weve been averaging about 140,000 views a day. Awa - bay, harbor; Ea - to rise up from below, as waves lift up; Eo - to win, as a contest or race; Hala - to pass by; Haluku - thunderous roar of big surf; Hana - an activity one does, such as surfing; Haole - a non-native Hawaiian person; He'e nalu - to surf waves or surfing; Hio - ghost or spirit; Find your local Poke Bros location on our map! The Hawaiian language is recognized as the second official state language of the State of Hawaii. to Matt Lauer and Savannah Guthrie when the Today Show visited the islands. If you are thinking about thanking someone from the heart, this is what you would say!. Let's find out! Updated: Mar 2, 2023 / 12:23 AM CST. Except against haoles. 16. In Hawaiian slang, the word kiki refers to a woman who has Polynesian or Hawaiian ancestry. comes from the soul and isnt for the meek. It has a distinct grammar and vocabulary, and is spoken by an estimated 20% of the population in Hawaii. Chika gossip or casual conversation. Attorneys for Aki and Alo-Kaonohi say it wasnt Kunzelmans race that provoked them, but his entitled and disrespectful attitude. The locals may teach you incorrectly, just to have a laugh at you. This platform is very easy to use to translate into English from Hawaiian words. Official languagein: 67 countries 27 non-sovereign entities Various organisations United Nations European Union Commonwealth of Nations Council of Europe ICC IMF IOC ISO NATO WTO NAFTA OAS OECD OIC OPEC GUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic Development PIF UKUSA Agreement ASEAN ASEAN Economic Community SAARC CARICOM Turkic Council ECO, Native to: Hawaiian Islands Take a chance ," 2. Translations from dictionary English - Hawaiian, definitions, grammar The term Ohana emphasizes that families are bound together, and members must cooperate and remember one another. Aloha can be used to say Hello or Goodbye. and it has a deeper meaning to the Hawaiian people. Examples of Hawaii slang include da kine, which refers to something you cant quite put your finger on, and ono grinds, for delicious food. 2. WebThis platform is very easy to use to translate into Hawaiian from English words perfectly. Of course there are many more words and phrases you will see and hear during your visit, we hope Kamaaina Notice too that I list cheehoo! Stay 1 night for 20% off, 2 nights for 25% off, 3+ nights for 30% off! The Hawaiian slang phrase, The most common phrase you will hear relating to this word, is Mahalo for your k. kua, which basically means thanks for your help! This pidgin phrase is important, because as a visitor, if a native asks for your brief assistance, you should be able to understand and offer it out of respect. It means I love you. Surfing also plays a significant role in Hawaiian culture, and as such, has contributed its own set of slang terms. Pau Hana It's scientifically-proven to be good for your health! Were going to the other side of the island today, Lets have a drink on the lanai. Visit ourOahu Visitors Guidefor more recommendations for all there is to do, see and experience when visiting Oahu. Taylor Lautner, the Next Calvin Klein Underwear Model? A plate of appetizers is called a Pupu platter. HONOLULU (AP) In a case that reflects Hawaiis nuanced and complicated relationship with race, two Native Hawaiian men are scheduled to be sentenced Thursday for a federal hate crime in the No matter what you want to do there's something close by. "Take a chance," 2. All jokes aside, its a very nice place. We provide not only dictionary English - Hawaiian, but also dictionaries for every existing pairs of languages - online and for free. Hawaii's a pretty cool place, if you like Asians and Quicksilver. WebHere is a list of some common Hawaiian language terms and their English counterparts: Aloha: Hello, goodbye, love; A hui hou: Until we meet again; Mahalo: Thank you; Keiki: You will read this term on many of the restaurant menus you see in Hawaii, it means appetizer. We will be announcing the new hotel brand and concept at the end of 2022. Squared away means to be well-organized and ready for duty, and liberty refers to free time off base. When you go through an Instagram feed, youll see all kinds of people using them, he said. I have lived here for 50 years, said Bruce Turnbull, a white, retired teacher who lives near Alo-Kaonohis family. To locals, the Honu is a symbol of wisdom and good luck. The word paka translates to tobacco, and lolo means crazy; hence. We provide not only dictionary English - Hawaiian, but also dictionaries for every existing pairs of languages - online and for free. Text can be copied by clicking on the copy button and it can be downloaded as .txt and .doc file. (among Polynesian Hawaiians) a term used to refer to a non-Polynesian, especially a white person. 11. "How are you" meaning in Hawaiian is "Pehea 'oe". Aloha wau ia oe - this phrase is a favorite of ours. An important word in the Hawaiian culture, Ohana means family in an extended sense of the term, including blood-related or family of an adoptive nature. Now heres an interesting one cheehoo! Pronounced a-lo-ha, it actually means love. By saying aloha, youre giving your best wishes for a Here is a list of some common Hawaiian slang terms: Here is a list of some common Hawaiian language terms and their English counterparts: Its worth noting that while some Hawaiian words, like aloha and mahalo, have become widely known and used outside of Hawaii, it is important to respect the culture and use these terms appropriately. In Hawaii, English and Hawaiin language are the official languages. help kkua. Haole definition, (among Polynesian Hawaiians) a term used to refer to a non-Polynesian, especially a white person. Hapa-haole, was the answer; he was a half-caste, you know, and we of the Islands have to think about our children. WebAnswer (1 of 14): Bachi is a Japanese word used in Hawaii pidgin (the local dialect that adopted many words from immigrants and Hawaiians). 14. Honu means turtle and is an important term to Hawaiians. 1. by: JENNIFER SINCO KELLEHER, Associated Press. Aloha also means kindness, love and affection. Through his research, neuropsychologist Rick Hanson found that we can wire our brains for happiness by focusing our attention on moments that bring us joy. Copy your translated text by clicking copy button. E hele kua i ke kahakai Just type or paste your Hawaiian text in the left input box and press the space-bar key to get the translated text into English in the right output box. WebGlosbe Dictionary English - Hawaiian English Hawaiian Glosbe is a home for thousands of dictionaries. 2023 Pulpconnection. E.g. Aloha So we went in a year from zero views a day to 140,000 views a day, he said. Awa - bay, harbor; Ea - to rise up from below, as waves lift up; Eo - to win, as a contest or race; Hala - to pass by; Haluku - thunderous roar of big surf; Hana - an activity one does, such as surfing; Haole - a non-native Hawaiian person; He'e nalu - to surf waves or surfing; Hio - ghost or spirit; Mahalo means Thank you. A jury convicted Kaulana Alo-Kaonohi and Levi Aki Jr. in November, finding that they were motivated by Christopher Kunzelmans race when they punched, kicked and used a shovel to beat him in 2014. A photo posted by Flynn Novak (@flynn_novak), children who have been adopted into new families, reduce your production levels of cortisol, we should be putting money back into the community here where I grew up, allow ourselves to feel a sense of belonging, is kind of like a journey without a destination, focusing our attention on moments that bring us joy, improves the encoding of passing mental states into lasting neural traits. This term can often be meant as derogatory, although this is not always the case. Talk story refers to having a casual conversation, and choke means to be overwhelmed or stressed out. 3. Hiking at the Akaka Falls State Park and Trail, Da kine: A filler word that can mean just about anything, Broke da mout: Something tastes so good it breaks the mouth, Squared away: Well-organized and ready for duty, Hang loose: A laid-back, easygoing attitude, Break: A wave that is breaking and suitable for surfing, Poi: Staple food made from pounded taro root, Tiki: Wooden or stone carving of a human or animal form. Youll notice some of our signature bowls are reflective of local, Our Oahu Hotel boasts the best rates in Waikiki, yet the location is extremely desirable. 10. Whether youre a barney looking to hang loose or just trying to talk story, learning some of the local slang will surely enhance your experience in the Aloha State. | Privacy Policy, In Hawaii, English and Hawaiin language are the official languages. Kamaaina also describes a local Hawaiian resident regardless of ethnicity or racial background. Many businesses have a sign placed above their door that reads, E como mai. The whole time theyre saying things like, You have the wrong skin color. 8. Used in a sentence: "I know Melissa would drive a thousand miles if I needed a hug or share the last bit of food she had just so I wouldn't go hungry. Ambassador Hotel Waikiki Beach is anideally-located Waikiki Hotel featuring 311 well-appointed guest rooms located in the heart of Waikiki and just 9 miles from Honolulu Airport. Pau hana is more than just a happy hour; it's all about making the decision to leave work behind for the day and enjoy your free time. So it befell at last that he was recommended to a Haole in Beritania Street. ina Land, earth; especially Hawaiian ancestral land Akamai Smart, clever, If you see signage that announces Kapu, it indicates Keep Out! Lolo Ohana We're kind of backwards like that. Copyright 2023 Hawaii News Now. Hawaii slang words often draw on Hawaiian language roots or reflect the laid-back Hawaii lifestyle. It can directly convert the typed text into Hawaiian script and, at the same time, translates it into the output language. 5. WebHawaiian Swear Words - Learn how to curse in Hawaiian. Quickly search the Hawaiian language resources provided by . As slang goes, is pretty versatile. It is also the name of one of our delicious signature bowls!, Surf Movies to Get You in the Aloha Spirit. You also may hear a lot of the local Hawaiian, Many words in Hawaiian pidgin are derived from the Japanese language. It is considered a time for relaxation, informal socializing with friends and family (Ohana), and enjoyment. As an example, she cited efforts to revitalize the Hawaiian language after it was banned in schools in the wake of the overthrow. Mauka and Makai The Hawaiian slang phrase kkua simply means to help or assist. key to get the translated text into English in the right output box. State Department Murder Suspect Chris Deedy Was a Benghazi Security Agent, The Spell of the Hawaiian Islands and the Philippines. The word kahuna has gone through many variations in translation until it finally joined the English language in the middle of the twentieth century in the idiom the big kahuna, a term many Hawaiians find offensive. 19. Reservations: Email. Lori Kunzelman acknowledged being unaware of Hawaiian history and said she has since learned about it. 1. As always, if you have any questions about the information included in this article or any questions about what to do and see while visiting Oahu, please feel free to ask our Concierge for more information or additional suggestions.. We wanted to make custom things that are culturally appropriate, said Jacob Chinn, Kamehameha Schools senior multimedia specialist. It also has a different meaning when used alone or combined with another word. Used to describe a non-blood relative one would consider family. It has been recognized as an official language in different regions such as, Therefore, translation becomes important for those people who are more comfortable to write in Hawaiian and. These terms are often used to refer to the bases themselves or to the people who work or live on them. Hawaiian Time. Tiare Lawrence, a Native Hawaiian community advocate on Maui, said she doesnt condone the attack but is deeply familiar with the tensions that permeate the case. Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. Ainokea is spelled like I no care slowly and there you have it. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. Were used to being in the majority and then we get to Hawaii and all of a sudden were not in the majority, and that makes us uncomfortable.. Native Hawaiians account for about 20% of the population. WebThe Hawaiian word, which literally means to slice, or cut, wood or fish into crosswise pieces, is often used to describe sliced, or cubed, fish that is ready for consumption. Region: Worldwide Aloha is the most common word used in Hawaii. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. This Hawaiian slang term can literally mean anythingseriously! Cheehoo! I am 82 years old. The translations are sorted from the most common to the less popular. British English and American English are only different when it comes to slang words. "In an increasingly competitive, cautious and accelerated world," Margie Warrell writes in Forbes, "those who are willing to take risks, step out of their comfort zone and into the discomfort of uncertainty will be those who will reap the biggest rewards. In otherwords, holoholo often and lasting happiness will follow. Used in a sentence: "I noticed you picked up all your trash after you left the beach. Taking risks can be difficult, but in Hawaii people use "chance 'em" as encouragement to face fears and try something new. 20. The most common and recognized word of Hawaiian is Aloha. We also need to hear what the phrase or sentence sounds like. Reservations & Front Desk: 808-941-7777 Hapai means pregnant while Hapa means half. 3. Kunzelman and his wife purchased the house sight-unseen for $175,000 because she wanted to leave Scottsdale, Arizona, to live near the ocean after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. WebHike wikiwiki ia ka wehewehena a . "It's also the very definition of how we heal.". All rights reserved. To go out for pleasure. Kunzelman testified that whats not audible in the video is the men calling him haole in a derogatory way. All of these signs and symbols and sayings just remind us who we are as Kamehameha Schools, who we are as a people, Kelekolio said. Its also a great to be able to say, Hello, Thank you, and a few more key words. Its a word often misunderstood by people who dont comprehend Hawaiis history of U.S. colonization and the 1893 overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom by a group of American businessmen, said Judy Rohrer, author of a book titled Haoles in Hawaii., White people who move to Hawaii are unaccustomed to being identified racially and are not used to thinking about whiteness, said Rohrer, who grew up white in Hawaii and is now a professor at Eastern Washington University. The term Hickam refers to Hickam Air Force Base, and Kaneohe refers to Marine Corps Base Hawaii. To do something with Aloha means to do it with your soul. Malasada [3] 4. This is a fun phrase: E hele kua means lets party. Jack Johnson, the famous Hawaii-born musician, embodied the spirit of kkua when he started the Kkua Hawaii Foundation, a nonprofit organization that provides environmental education and activities to schools and communities in Hawaii. 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