Work Search: He touches them reverently. Theres a game of Truth or Dare, which Hephaestus would never have voluntarily agreed to play with Hermes, and which sets up everyone present for mild humiliations but successes and failures alike are all applauded with good cheer. Last night Hephaestus had been in a pretty bleak state, yeah. Hephaestus blinked before smiling tenderly at her, unable to believe that this sublime creature would soon be his. Hephaestus is angry and vengeful and he has bound his mother to her throne. She looks up at him with a small smile and a wink. Hes crying now, again, and ashamed of it: could there be anything more pathetic than an ugly man weeping into his beer? Youre pretty easy to kidnap, buddy. The Greek gods play truth or dare! Then after she makes her threats, we chat for a bit, and she tells me how miserable youve been she really still frets over you like a mother hen, you know? But instead of sympathizing, the other gods basically said: So he said (basically): Fine! For the touch of each other. Let me at least sit upright., Hephaestus cant see Dionysus face, but he can sense the good-natured leer. In all of Greek mythology, there's never once an interaction between Ares and Artemis (known to the author). I Like Drama. Tonight were having fun. One of them, Aglaia, has been particularly attentive all evening, and exclaims that she knows something that will take some of the ache from his leg, so he will not need to retire too early from the party. The amazing Rick Riordan owns Percy Jackson and everything. She I heard that she went to Paphos All three of them had retreated to their respective strongholds in the wake of the affair, and though Hephaestus had tried to hold onto his anger, he still worried that Aphrodite might have been as damaged as he was by the whole thing. Aglaia loves Hephaestus and the other way around. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Good afternoon, Heph! Aphrodite had long since turned to Ares for her needs. He clenched his fists, and the fires went out, but smoke drifted up from his hands and beard. I can make a better chain for you, If youd like., Aglaia smiles at him. when is tornado season in north carolina. O corao de Afrodite sempre pertenceu a uma nica pessoa, seu marido Hefesto. Mas as coisas comeam a mudar quando ele lhe d seu presente de casamento atrasado, a fazendo mudar o modo como v seu casamento e a si mesma. Not wanting them to get caught, she shoved Ares off the couch to wake him up. And once she sat down in it, she was trapped, and couldnt move. In which love is messy and stupid and Athena cares a little too much. Written by. Each of them has one of their daughters along, to help. Which is really the first thing that needs to be addressed. hephaestus and aglaia fanfiction. The winds tear through the poisoned forest, calling out their mourning wails of pain. pronouns he/him Hephaestus wakes up, bound hand and foot and draped over the back of a donkey. On a boring day in Olympus, Kharis Aglaia invites Aphrodite, the newest Olympian, out to help her with a task regarding the soldiers of Olympus. You gotta quit sulking., Hephaestus rubs his head and scowls in spite of the fact that a scowl on an already-ugly face has to be off-putting, Dionysus looks entirely unfazed. Whatever the spin arrow landed on, that's what we're having today. She would go on and on about his talent with crafting things or breathing fire. Its been really lovely having you around, tonight. Anyway, here goes my stupid description} Excited to finally do something, Aphrodite agrees. started: Always misunderstood. Andy Collins could never have expected how her love of readi Series 1 BOOK 3 Hephaestus really does need to build up a tolerance before he embarrasses himself again. The three Graces, Greco-Roman fresco from Pompeii C1st A.D., Naples National Archaeological Museum. There wasnt any maliciousness. AGLAIA (Aglaea) was one of the three Kharites (Charites) and the goddess of beauty, splendour, glory and adornment. How will Percy's summer turn out this time. The Greek god Hephaestus was a famed black smith, renowned in the skill of metallurgy. We had a talk, he says. He came home as soon as he could, where his lovely wife would greet him with a kiss on the cheek. Their needs. The ones that mentioned Hephaestus marrying Aphrodite always had that as the happy ending. See, here? I guess you thought it was a clear case of justice served, but yeah, it was pretty ridiculous., Hephaestus tries, for the first time, to imagine how it must have looked, to an entire hall of gods much more experienced in love than he was, all of whom already knew about the affair, as Hephaestus had dragged Ares and Aphrodite out with earnest fury and indignation (his immediate reaction, before the grief and humiliation had kicked in). "I can't wait! As we got closer, my eyes were glued to her. Its all starting to come back to him, very slowly. Its quieter, back here, and suddenly Hephaestus is nervous. As promised, its a small event, and much more sedate than Dionysus is usually known for. The product of me brainrotting and playing Taylor Swift :/, A story based on the story of Ares and Aphrodite, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (66), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (33), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (16), Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan (3), Aphrodite (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore) (66), Hephaestus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore) (61), Ares (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore) (45), Hera (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore) (32), Zeus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore) (30), Hades (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore) (18), Aphrodite/Hephaestus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore) (50), Aphrodite/Hephaestus (Percy Jackson) (28), Aphrodite/Ares (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore) (21), Raiden Tameemon/Thrud (Record of Ragnarok), Aphrodite/Hephaestus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Hephaestus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Aphrodite (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), theyre my favorites you guys dont even understand, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Overprotective Demeter (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Reading Meredith Nerissa Jackson-Book one, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Book 1: The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson), Nico di Angelo & Percy Jackson Friendship, Aphrodite/Ares (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), The Fate In Our Hands: King of The Titans, Macaria daughter of Hades (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Persephone (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), I Can't Find You In The Body Sleeping Next To Me, Percy Jackson's Greek Gods - Filling In The Gaps, Hades/Persephone (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Jason/Medea (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Cassandra & Odysseus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Cassandra (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Briseis | Hippodameia (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Inspired by Hades and Persephone (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Parent Aphrodite (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Inspired by the Legend of Pandora's Box (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Jason is a piece of work that had the favor of hera and never grew up, which is to say dying slowly in the underworld after being horny for persephone a little to much, this is exactly what homer would've wanted, Apollo/Ares (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Athena/Pallas daughter of Triton (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Eileithyia (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Melpomene (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Regulus Black/Original Female Character(s), Hades & Persephone (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Regulus Black/Sirius Black/Original Female Character(s), Aphrodite (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore)/Harry Potter, Apollo/Dionysus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Hephaestus & Hera (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Hephaestus & Ares (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), it's 2 am i'll tag properly when i get my sleep, the lack of fics about them is what's giving me the courage to post this lmfao, in paper rings, in picture frames, and all my dreams, Hera/Zeus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore). It means they can slowly discover their love instead of crashing into it. Featuring an all new cast of Human fighters. Continuation of the original story: The Fate in Our Hands. One day the stone may eat me alive. And he knew her nature, and was content to share her with the world, as long as he had a place in it with her. But Hephaestus had a second marriage, after he divorced Aphrodite. Why dont they all just think about it rationally? We all saw it coming, and Im sorry none of us spoke up., Hephaestus finishes his beer its disgusting and bitter. I have changed some stuff both in the plot and in my characters, so I'm rewriting this whole damn thing. And his forge is his alone. Percy plans a date for Annabeth on their first anniversary little does he know, the gods and his friends are watching them. .I..shouldnt have made it public Hephaestus finally ventures. They always pestered Hephaestus for treats or trinkets, marveling as he created small jewelries and toys for them in his small forge there. Then you took her away. They play until everyones had a chance to plant their lips on Hephaestus, whose face hasnt stopped being red for what feels like hours now, and the beer has really given him a pleasant buzz now, making him laugh and rate the kisses as they come. There are so many hundreds of problems presenting themselves at the moment that its hard to choose which one deserves outrage the most; Hephaestus decides to address several of the highlights at once. Athena is a hardworking single parent who has ideas and dreams of escaping the world shes in and making her own way. Tags. Their wants. After figuring out that Harry was abused by Vernon, James and Lily Potter go on a long adventure to get him in jail. While theyre there, Evelyn finds out that she is a daughter of Poseidon, but also a daughter of Gaia and Tartarus himself. (See . Maybe it's better that way. There isnt even going to be any them for you to see. To another person he might be intimidating but I am not any person, nor any god. After that, Hephaestus and Aphrodite's marriage improved. Athena, Apollo, and Hermes are singing something light and amusing; Artemis has come with one of her girls on her arm (though it appears that shes looking to add to her collection); a few minor gods and nymphs fill out the rest of the grove. Anyway, I talk to her a lot because her three daughters are always at the parties., The girls? Hephaestus tries to remember. Athena groans. Aglaia was born the youngest of Zeus and Eurynome's triplet daughters, with Euphrosyne and Thalia. The Graces are back, effortlessly pouring him a fresh cup, while Aglaia kneels and begins wrapping a cloth, soaked through with some sweet-smelling unguent, around his leg. (Discontiued. Some non-canon shipping. Hephaestus was a patron of the arts. He would have fallen straight off the donkey into the river alongside them, if Dionysus hadnt quickly gripped his chiton and yanked him back upright. but they were big and burly from working in the metal shop all day. They didnt need me before. Honestly, she probably still does. He followed her until they got inside of her private furnace. . pronouns he/him. A few days after the party, Aglaia arrives at his forge, seats herself nearby, and they talk for a while about small things. [4] The mythographer Apollodorus, in contrast, calls them the children of Zeus by Eunomia, the goddess of good order and lawful conduct. hephaestus and aglaia fanfiction charles monat glassdoor television without pity replacement June 29, 2022 capita email address for references 0 hot topics in landscape architecture He married Aglaia, the youngest of the three Charities, and the Goddess of Adornment and Beauty - and he stayed married to her. Excited to finally do something, Aphrodite agrees. Please consider turning it on! Listen, I just want to write a few myths as a writing exercise, if you want to do anything with them, go ahead. It was all horribly inevitable.. Hephaestus looks down at the pale amber liquid. Evelyn and Percy both fell into Tartarus. Im never going to recover from my disappointment you tell a guy you have a dozen handmaidens at your beck and call, and I picture something sexier than a bronze statue come to life., Theyre useful. They werent trying to hurt you. When you pick up your smart phone, and it fits perfectly in your hand, and the touchscreen has colorful icons that look pleasing together, thats the work of Hephaestus and Aglaia. View all posts by heroofthreefaces. This story is also crossposted on FFN. I'm currently rewriting an old fanfic, that I don't quite like anymore. Can they get Harry justice and get Sirius freed and reunited with his depressed boyfriend? They also find out that Sirius was framed and that Peter is dead. When Deimos gets nervous an aura of Dread/Terror radiates from him, making it nearly impossible to meet new people without something going wrong. [NOW COMPLETE] ; (I don't own Percy Jackson and Olympians or HoO, Rick Riordan does). He was right, I guess. After their shared night, Zeus moved the plans for hers and Hephaestus' divorce at a much faster rate. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. "We are gathered here today" Promising a great reward for her success, Queen Hera sends Quince on an epic journey across the mortal lands of Greece. He says he just goes with what works.. I would like that very much.. But Hephaestus had a second marriage, after he divorced Aphrodite. Youre one of the most amiable and talented gods here, and that makes you as rare and valuable as a unicorn. A few days after the party, Aglaia arrives at his forge, seats herself nearby, and they talk for a while about small things. Once Aglaia stepped onto the dais, Hera gave her a scrutinizing look, but then her face softened. The god's were arguing once again but then they notice something to change Comments. Hephaestus actually jolts in shock at this, and his weak, twisted legs are unable to grip onto Party Squads back. Heres the full story (or one version of the full story, at any rate): Hephaestus wanted to get back at his mother, Hera, for throwing him off Olympus, so he made an extravagant throne for her, and had it sent up to her. Nothing will ever get better if you keep dragging out your misery like this.. No party is complete without them! Things werenicebefore, when it was just me and the Nereids., Theres about a million and twelve variations of wisdom about not being afraid to live. He's what I was expecting if Im honest; about the only thing in this place that has been so. They must all thinksomethinghappened back there, from the small smile on Aglaias face and the way Hephaestus is grinning like an idiot, and theyre not wrong somethingdidhappen, and Hephaestus feels terrific. Finally, Zeus sent Dionysus down to Lemnos, where Hephaestus had his forge, and it was only after getting the god thoroughly drunk that he was able get Hephaestus to come back with him. What he gets in return is a punishment unlike any other. Hephaestus wasn't exactly nice to look at: his face was lumpy and covered in red welts. Hephaestus dealing with being in a loveless marriage, Set after Chakram. You can suffer through ale one night, Dionysus retorts cheerfully. In Hormer's Illiad, Thetis was married to the Greek hero Peleius, with whom she bore the greatest known Greek warrior Achilles.During the Trojan War, Achilles' friend Patroclus once borrowed his armor and went to fight the Trojan prince Hector. An assassin who stabbed his own heart. He was too scrawny, ugly, and annoying by the looks of it. Its hard to get any leverage in a conversation when youre hanging upside-down anyway. She and her sisters excuse themselves, for only fifteen minutes, I swear! and rush to make the mystery ointment, leaving Athena briefly as his assistant. At some point Apollo and Athena come over to listen, and it turns into a full-blown Nerd Meeting, as Dionysus calls it, and Hephaestus is actually feeling better. An arsonist who burned herself and a hero who cannot kill his own monsters. Come on, kid, Im running this show! I would beg Mother to allow me to visit. Hephaestus set a trap for his unfaithful wife and her lover. I dont know if Im ready yet, he blurts out, and then immediately wishes he had functioning legs so he could kick himself. greekgodsandgoddesses. Im happy just to spend a moment with you anyway., O-oh? Hephaestus manages, sounding like a gawp-jawed fool. Kenzie loves her friends and the magical world she's a part of but she could do without fighting for her life all the time. I've seen a few where he blatantly goes against his "kind" nature and it doesn't really make sense to me, so I either see it in a different way or just make something up altogether. I always liked the forge just fine, Aglaia says. So he takes a drink of extraordinarily smooth, sweet wine, while Dionysus continues. Then why did they do that to me? he manages to croak out, awkwardly attempting to return her hug but feeling stunned at this display. Are you honestly accusing me of being oversensitive? This time, they have decide on destroying it. I used my stole; you may keep it afterwards if you like.. See again: lightweight. Most of him is covered in shining armour and tough leather, his features hidden by a magnificent, plumed helmet. or Athena and Artemis may or may not flirting with each other. Everyone in the grove is giggling and nudging each other now, while Hephaestus splutters and tries to figure out if he should be protesting or not. But the distraction, the intoxication, and the way that his first encounter with the gods again has turned into such a non-event its all drawing him out again, slowly. why did hades have to pick that one? It isn't easy being a brilliant inventor, always alone. When Persephone's father comes around, she finds herself lost amongst her mother's wishes and her father's desires. But only Hephaestus knew the secret of how the throne worked. A fairly simple, almost plain chain, and wound into its links are a small collection of brightly colored adornments rings, ear baubles, a bracelet meant for a much smaller wrist. When he yanks the helmet off, grunting as he does so, he reveals his eyes which are crimson like deep pools of blood. Red-faced, Hephaestus only mutters something under his breath. Since were cheering him up, Dionysus explains. #3 Hephaestus, Thetis And Achilles. But she was almost immediately unfaithful to him (no reason she should be, anyway, since she didnt have any say in the marriage to begin with), and had sex with her own brother, Ares. They must satisfy their hunger, their lust, for the touch of another. My version on the myth of Hephaestus with a dash of humor, and the gods cheap pick-up lines. "Wanna see my thunderbolt?" Menos una, quien les demostrar lo que vale y enfrentarse a un mundo de hipocresa y falsedad. Hephaestus considers refusing it, but thinks the liquid courage might be a good idea prior to them arriving at this party. He has no idea where he is, based on his surroundings, though hes plainly a long way from either his volcano or the sea. He married Aglaia, the youngest of the three Charities, and the Goddess of Adornment and Beauty and he stayed married to her. - Shes no mans wife, is she? I just thought because she agreed I thought maybe she did l-love me. Hell, even I got dumped by Nyx and she tried to kill me afterwards. Everyone was getting worried about you., So he dragged me out, and I guess its good to be doing something different, but I dunno. You are younger than me! Hephaestus protests, drawing another laugh from Athena as they all move slowly towards the center of the grove. Hephaestus and Aglaia will be wed tomorrow. It's different enough from what I actually ended up doing that I'm not going to delete it, but from now on I'll be continuing this in a different fic, 'Terror and Compassion'***, This is based on Nekojita's beautiful Sandman AU, The First Breath. Dionysus doesnt actually jump back at this threat like another god might probably pretty desensitized to such things by now. Hephaestus has to go go to Olympus for repairs. So, were heading to my grove, for a party. See a recent post on Tumblr from @autumnslance about aglaia. Her pink lips which contrasted with her naturally pale skin. And when you break a person, he can't be fixed. Please consider turning it on! He isnt being fair to Athena shes possibly the last person in the entire world to have a good idea how to deal with emotional pain. But he does grumble acquiescence as he cuts the ties on Hephaestus ankles and wrists, and guides the other god upright. Hes watched and helped his mother enough times in the kitchen to know the basics of creating one; but now, staring at the various ingredients laid out on the marble kitchen counter, he cant help but feel a little bit overwhelmed. Aphrodite is a free spirit, lets call it. Her husband has been nearly entirely forgotten. what characteristics do hephaestus and prometheus share. "what do you even see in him?" She and the god of war would soon be found out, however. A fuckin tree, a fuckin cow, a fuckin time-traveling assassin. If she didnt care?. left kudos on this work. Hephaestus, hearing about the affair, made a super fine, invisible, net and bound them to the bed in the middle of the act. People are more difficult to work with than machines. Oh? she says softly. Aglaia takes it well, gracefully. "You need to go. Theyre the Graces now you really dont get out of your forge much, do you? Deimos is the God of Terror and Dread. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Only friends, I promise! I suppose I shouldnt really answer for them, but I dont think it was personal, if you can believe it. But nothing changed, that way. fategrandorder. Uh, Zeus gets chewed out pretty much daily when he gets caught with his lovers, and they get turned into cows or whatever, and its a joke in the drinking halls for years afterwards. Who knows. And honestly, I wish youd quit calling them that. Youhaveto fix that., I dont Hephaestus doesnt bother finishing his argument. Athena contents herself to lean against a nearby tree and sip from her own cup of beer though to judge from her expression, shes not impressed. In a fit of pent up rage, Hephaestus lashes out against his mother. When she run away, she changes her name Nyssa, for less of conne an alternative omniverse where lorenzo perished saving someone but was given a second chance and was reincarnated as hephaestus the blacksmith god. A malevolent goddess, depicted with the head of a wasp and. Yes, its your basic Characters read books. Mas o medo de no ser correspondida a impedia de fazer algo sobre isso. Maybe youre still drunk? Dionysus grin widens and he boops Hephaestus nose before straightening back up, walking alongside the donkey. There was a long silence after this anecdote, while Hephaestus mulls it over and Dionysus stops the donkey so he can give her a bowl of diluted wine. Hephaestus manages a short chuckle through his tears, imagining how she must view the rest of them, mired as they are in love and jealousy and passion: But this isnt a logical course of action! Markedly the only conventionally unattractive of all the Greek gods and goddesses, Hephaestus suffered in life from a multitude of physical and emotional ailments.. Hephaestus and his tragic character was arguably the most human-like of the Greek gods. Samantha is a perfectly normal girl that has bad luck. each Percy Jackson, being betrayed by those he thought of as family gets help from the most unexpected beings he could think of. Aglaia only smiles at him and helps him to his feet, and assists him over to the semi-secluded patch behind the holly trees, while the other partygoers clap and whistle. The god of parties and wine claps his hands together. Yeah, that was weird. 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