A CP 23, Estimated Tax Credits Discrepancy - We Changed Your Return to Match Your Credits or Payments Posted to Your Account - Balance Due, CP 24, Estimated Tax Credits Discrepancy - We Changed Your Return to Match Your Credits or Payments Posted to Your Account - You May Have a Credit or Overpayment, or CP 25, Estimated Tax Credits Discrepancy - We Changed Your Return to Match Your Credits or Payments Posted to Your Account - Even Balance, generates when the freeze is released and no credits are located. If the Letter 3176C has not been issued, advise the taxpayer their account is being reviewed for accuracy, and to allow 120 days for a letter to be issued. Advise the taxpayer not to call back before 9 weeks as no information will be available. Change made for IRM consistency. So I have no choice to wait ! That being said, one of the reasons the IRS does these types of audits is to prevent fraud, especially identity theft. Chamblee, GA 30341. One of the terms/conditions of an OIC is that IRS keeps any refund, including interest, due to the taxpayer because of an overpayment of any tax or other liability, for tax periods extending through the calendar year in which the offer is accepted. T- freeze accounts are assigned to specific Collection functions which are indicated by the Status Code: Status 22 is in ACS (Automated Collection System), Status 24 is in the Queue, and Status 26 is in the Collection Field Function (CFF) a revenue officer assignment. Only release the refund if 6 cycles has passed since the TC 150 posted. What does reference number 1242 mean with the IRS? Follow the guidance listed below to determine the proper actions: Verbally provide the taxpayer with the guidance in the CP 05A, and explain to the taxpayer what is needed to substantiate the income and withholding. Advise taxpayer/caller to allow 6-8 weeks for Form 8822 to be processed and a refund check to be re-issued. If the taxpayer states they do not have internet access or they attempted to access DUT but their browser is not supported, advise them to fax the documentation for the return to E-Fax number (855) 851-8440 or if they are unable to fax, mail to: Austin Service Center, Stop 6572 AUSC, 3651 S IH 35, Austin, TX, 73301. Refunds stopped by RIVO have a blocking series of 77711, 77712, 77713, or 77714 and/or an open IDRS control with category code "PFRZ" and an IDRS number 148XXXXXXX. If the Form 1040-X is scanned into CIS or another condition caused the -A Freeze, prepare Form 4442/e-4442 selecting "IRM" referral type and category "-A Freeze" Route to the Campus AM paper function where the TC 976/977 posted. If an open control exists, contact the employee/team with the case control. A file is designated as .null when a Windows or Applications data file goes corrupt. Release the K- freeze by taking one of the following actions: Transfer the payment to the correct module. Further questions about the TDI issue should be referred to the proper function. Www irs gov what does 1242 mean . Filed HoH w/ a W2, 3 dependents. Refer to IRM, Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS) Research Exam Issues, or Exhibit 21.5.10-1, Audit Information Management System (AIMS) Status Code Guide - Field Cases, and Exhibit 21.5.10-2, Audit Information Management System (AIMS) Status Code Guide - Campus Cases, for more information. One of the following has posted to the account: a TC 971 AC 134, a CCC "1" , a CCC "3" , or a CC NOREF control to RIVO, It has been less than 45 days since the posting date of the TC 150 or less than 9 weeks from the authentication date for prior Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) cases. The account has unreversed TPP indicators (TC 971 AC 121/124/129). Input TC 971 AC 002 to suppress the generation of CP 193, Duplicate Filing Condition. If multiple freeze codes are present, CC CHK64 may not release the refund. Investor Junkie does attempt to take a reasonable and good faith approach to maintain objectivity towards providing referrals that are in the best interest of readers. Refer to IRM (7), Federal Disaster Area - IRC 7508A, for more information. not sure why but Im ready for a battle with bureaucracy. Follow the chart below to advise the taxpayer: This freeze is set on BMF when a Master File Tax (MFT) 60 module (Form 2290, Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return), has a credit balance of , The credits are recorded on the Form 2290 credit report, which is worked by the Centralized Excise Tax Group at the Cincinnati campus, The module is frozen from refund and offset. To enable the applicable period for payment described in IRC 6601(e)(3), see IRM, Notice and Demand and Underpayment Interest. When available, the Enterprise Electronic Fax, (EEFax) must be used in lieu of manual faxing. Change made for IRM consistency. Refer to IRM, CSED (SPC3) Transcript, for more information on the A- freeze. If RIVO has released the refund (in whole or in part), advise the taxpayer of the refund date based on the TC 840 or TC 846, if present. More research is needed to determine proper case resolution. TC 971 with AC 010 or AC 012-015 does not generate a TRNS36. Select Year Investor Junkie has advertising relationships with some of the offers listed on this website. For more information, refer to IRM, Direct Deposits - General Information. Follow procedures in IRM, Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) Guidelines. He has had the same address for years. AM must transfer to 1618. Module has a TC 971 AC 664 (posted or pending). The return must be a current year return and the posting and freeze release must all occur in the same processing year for the direct deposit to occur. MBA, Enrolled Agent. "Same day" cases include cases you can completely resolve in 24 hours as well as cases in which you have taken steps within 24 hours to begin resolving the taxpayers issue. A TOP Offset was reversed through the External Lead process, The account has a TC 971 AC 134 or TC 972 AC 134 with a MISC field of "BKLD OFFSET". A response to any of the following other RIVO letters is received via CIS: There is a RICS/RIVO initiated -R freeze and no -A freeze, A response/inquiry is received for a non-RIVO issue (math error notice, Letter 12C, etc.). The return must have original signature(s) and date(s), not a photocopy. Advise the taxpayer that we select some returns to determine if income, expenses, and credits are being reported accurately. 4- dont hire a lawyer or an accountant unless you own a business. ago Refer to IRM, Limited Payability (LP) Rules.). Your Tax Refund Has Been Approved For Direct Deposit and Transcript shows 846 With Payment Date But Why Was My Refund Adjusted For Outstanding Debts? BBA- Specialization: Accounting, MBA- Specialization: Asset Management, EA. For more information on WMAR refer to IRM (8), Refund Inquiry Response Procedures. The IRS will hold your refund until you confirm the information requested in the CP05 notice. Prepaid credits are no longer refundable. Wait for further notices from the IRS, if there`s any. Have taxpayer submit proof of timely filing. Update the CIS category code if appropriate. NEWS: Tuesday Transcript Updates, Corresponding WMR Update Wednesday Next Update Calendar, Home Forums General Discussion 2018 Tax Season Tax Topic 151, Reference Number 1242. Reinput with a TC 670 with bypass indicator (BPI) "1" and designated payment code (DPC) "00" to release the freeze. Change made for efficiency in contacting Appeals. Change made for efficiency in contacting Appeals. Prepare Form 4442/e-4442, Inquiry Referral, and forward to RIVO using referral queue "RIVO - Unresolved Module Freeze Only" . Change based on policy change. For more information, refer to IRM, Return Processed But No Address On File, If RIVO has changed the address on a suspected ID theft case to the service center address, do not change the address without researching the account and verifying the account belongs to the taxpayer. Litigation Freeze Codes: These are set by posting a TC 520 along with an appropriate closing code. Change made due to incomplete procedures. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Purpose: This IRM covers information on freeze conditions to prevent the issuance of refunds, credit offsets, or the assessment of accrued interest and/or penalties. Refer to IRM, Adjustments Requiring An Amended Return or Taxpayer Documentation, and follow the procedures in the chart below to provide more guidance to the taxpayer: If a TC 971 AC 199 is present and posted after the posting of the return, see the proper row below. For telephone inquiries, if contact by the revenue officer (RO) has been received, instruct the taxpayer to call the RO assigned to the account (the telephone number is listed on correspondence issued by the RO). Extremely upset. The account has Automated Questionable Credit (AQC) indicators: The account has a TC 971 AC 052 with a MISC field of "FRIV FILER". Planning & Analysis Staff Refer to IRM (3), Refund Inquiry Response Procedures, for more information on timeframes. Overpayment on a deceased taxpayers account. This may include the use of a robust tax software or hiring a tax professional, especially if you have a complicated return. Take no action. A payment erroneously posts to a wrong period which is fully paid, An offset from another period pays off an account prior to the payment posting, A subsequent payment posts to an account that appears to be full paid but has penalty and interest restrictions. He sent birth certs, school records, doctor records and his lease. My sister had the same status. These accounts are initiated by Campus Refund Litigation. Appeals Location Code - contact Appeals. Refer to IRM, Refund Intercept Command Code NOREF with Definer "P, for more information about intercepted refunds. The selection process for code 1242 reviews is intended to be random. (10) IRM Added to replace taxpayers TIN with an asterisk in 309C letter, added link to determine if response is for TPP authentication letter, and added that TPP authentication letter cannot be issued more than twice. There are two things you can do to avoid receiving a CP05A Notice from the IRS. hi everyone, I went into audit about march 2nd, I recieved a partial refund , later around may 1st I got a letter saying I was being audited and I needed to send documents as proof of dependents, I sent birth certificates, school and medical records, utilities bills, grocery receipts,etcwas told to wait until sept 10 for them to sort through my info and by then they would approve or deny eitc. Advise the taxpayer of the balance due. I have 30 days to send in the info . Research if ITIN is active and entity is updated. They will endeavor to resolve the disputed tax issues before submitting your case to Appeals. Change made to clarify procedures and eliminate unnecessary referrals. TC 810 with "RESP-U-CD>3" (Earned Income Tax Credit freeze) is present. On certain accounts, the CP 05 is being suppressed by RIVO (indicated by a TC 971 AC 617). I claim my girlfriends children (and have for the last 3 years with no issues) she hasnt been working since the end of 2016. If there is a -A freeze on the account, work the case using normal procedures for the -A freeze. Taxpayer claims an overpayment of estimated tax credit of . Have no new dependents or eic or actc. Refer to IRM 20.1, Penalty Handbook, if you need further information about penalty adjustments. Verify all tax amounts and credits claimed with CC TXMOD and CC RTVUE. Advise the taxpayer he or she will be contacted within 30 days. IPU 21U1213 issued 11-01-2021. IRM 25.3.8, TC 520 -W Freeze Servicewide Guide, is a servicewide guide to these types of litigation and the organizations responsible for them, Failed Banks: Occasionally a financial institution fails and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) steps into a receivership for the institution. You should also check your IRS tax transcript for more information and other codes. Research and probing establish that the return is a true duplicate, Research shows an open control to an employee, Research shows no open control or a team control. To confirm this, you may need to provide proof of payment from your employer, such as a pay slip or canceled cheque. The -O (Disaster Indicator) freeze is only input systemically by Information Technology Services (IT) at the request of the Disaster Program Office or on a case-by-case basis by Compliance personnel. Employees respond to adjustment requests, refund inquiries, and account status inquiries following procedures in this IRM. For accounts where the refund is being held by a RIVO -R freeze and no -A freeze is present, take the following actions: Fax correspondence to 855-855-0616, and close your CIS case. Its just crazy. Remember to make use of all command codes especially CC INOLE and CC NAMES when researching for more SSN information. Refer to IRM, Non-Master File, for more information. IPU 22U0334 issued 03-04-2022. Should receive a letter from the IRS within 30 days requestingwhat additional info they need. Indicate the following on Form 4442/e-4442: "Document must be searched for received date of the return" . TurboTax Can Help, Taxact vs. TurboTax vs. Taxslayer 2023 Comparison, Cash App Taxes vs. TurboTax vs. H&R Block 2023 Comparison. If the caller is requesting a balance due payoff amount and the -U freeze is present on the account, DO NOT provide the payoff amount. Was this answer helpful? Refer to IRM, Taxpayer Protection Program Overview, for a listing of TPP indicators. Internal Revenue Service Change made to provide direction and to eliminate personal inventory creation for cases not being worked in a prompt manner. Refer to Document 6209, Section 8A.4, Master File Freeze Codes and IDRS Status 48 and Document 6209, Section 11.8(7), TC 470 Closing Code Chart for more information. Refer to IRM (6) and (7), Undeliverable Refund Checks, if you have questions regarding the input of CC CHK64. Reference number codes are how the IRS systems classify informational or processing actions, much like tax transcript codes. Hours of operations are 7:00 A.M. - 10:00 P.M. Document 6209 IRS Processing Codes and Information. If you claimed them incorrectly, get a tax advocate and they will tell you if you should amend or not. IPU 21U1316 issued 12-07-2021. Refer to IRM, How to Identify Delinquent Return Refund Hold, for more information. IRS Reference Number 1242 is a code the IRS uses to notify you that your return has been selected for review. Refer to IRM, Responding to Taxpayer Inquiries, for more information. Input "Unresolved amendment in Collection, Exam, Automated Underreporter (AUR), (as applicable), please work" . Refer to IRM, Remittance Transaction Research (RTR) System, for more information. Whats the Difference Between Saving and Investing? If the return was selected as Cant Verify (TC 971 AC 134 with MISC field: "CANT VERIFY" ) and the income verifies per CC IRPTR, advise the taxpayer to monitor Wheres My Refund for information regarding the refund issuance. Although WMR hasnt proven to be very reliable so maybe make a phone call. Allow 6 to 8 weeks from the posting of the return to determine if there is a non-tax liability. Refer to IRM 5.19.1, Balance Due. Forward to the correct campus Accounting function. Notate on the print above paragraph s, the form number, tax period, taxpayer's name from the return, and the TIN. Respond to the taxpayer. Advise taxpayer to allow up to 16 weeks for normal processing. Refer to IRM, Automated Questionable Credit (AQC) Inventory Types, for AQC inventory types with questionable credits. This could involve numerous modules, including modules in retention. For a BMF amended/duplicate return, refer to IRM, BMF Returns Selected for RICS Review, to see if the case needs referral to RICS or to process using normal procedures as found in IRM 21.7.9, BMF Duplicate Filing Conditions. Send the Letter 309C to the address on the Form 1040/1040-X. Refer to IRM, Resolving -R Freeze. Additional taxpayer authentication is required on accounts where there was a CP 53 Notice series issued with or without a letter, for the tax period in question. If the return was selected as "Cant Verify" (TC 971 AC 134 with MISC field: "CANT VERIFY" ) and the income verifies per CC IRPTR, advise the taxpayer to monitor Wheres My Refund for information regarding the refund issuance. Follow established procedures to route the referral to: AC 012 - Collections, AC 013 - Exam, AC 015 - AUR. Advise the taxpayer to allow 60 days for a response. Refer to IRM, Campus Collection Function Correspondence/Inquiry/Notice, for more guidance for a referral. Got my 846 for today, Im finally out of audit jail thank goodness and good luck to everyone. The RPD must be included to correct the "U" condition code. You may represent yourself or have a professional represent you at Appeals. Change made due to change in work process. Refer to IRM (4), STEX Transcripts, for more information. "Same day" cases include cases you can completely resolve in 24 hours as well as cases in which you have taken steps within 24 hours to begin resolving the taxpayers issue. Refer to IRM, Referral Procedures. If CC IMFOLE has an unreversed TC 971 AC 524, reverse with a TC 972 AC 524. She is claiming my son. 228 Among the genes that showed difference in all three omics, we used RNAi to confirm that the 229 Map3k15 (ask3) gene of the MAPK signaling pathway has an obvious effect on caste (13) IRM (5) Added procedures for -K freeze with RIVO involvement but no RIVO letter or notice sent to taxpayer. It has been 120 days or more since the issuance date with no RIVO action, The taxpayer states they have not received a Letter 2645C or Letter 2644C, The Letter 2645C or Letter 2644C was issued less than 60 days ago. (46) Editorial changes were made throughout the IRM for clarity. For instance, spreadcheet.docx is renamed to spreadsheet.docx.null. Refer to table (4) below for the resolution of Form 1040-X received on accounts with RIVO PTC issues. btw. This article is a guide to what IRS reference number 1242 is and what to do if your tax return is marked for review. Mine was DD $800 that was my tax and thats what I received back IRS employees, upon learning of a bankruptcy, generally should cease all demands and enforcement actions directed against the bankrupt taxpayer; e.g., a Notice of Federal Tax Lien (NFTL) for pre-petition taxes should not be filed and no levy should be proposed or made for pre-petition taxes. If the payment is in error, or the taxpayer did not authorize or intend the payment to be sent to the IRS, refer to IRM, Credit Card Chargebacks. (These claims are subject to Limited Payability provisions. End of June and still no letter for irs like they said. If a taxpayer in bankruptcy has not received a refund check and IDRS shows the check was issued over 14 days ago, advise the taxpayer to call Centralized Insolvency Operation in Philadelphia at 800-973-0424. Refer to IRM, Electronic Payment Options for Individuals and Business e-file Users, for procedures on balance due credit card payments. It will be ok though once you get the letter send in everything they want. I Havent had that situation, but it looks like they need more info. The taxpayer states they have received the Letter 2645C or Letter 2644C, A TC 971 AC 199 has posted to the account after the issuance of the Letter 2645C or Letter 2644C, The taxpayer states they have not received the CP05A, The taxpayer states they made an error on the return. Adjust the account if needed. If there are unresolved TPP issues on any module on the account, do not release the S- freeze. The -J freeze is set by TC 470 with cc 94, converting a previously set -G freeze. If your area does not have access to AMS to initiate an e-4442, or AMS is not available, follow paper referrals procedures: Prepare a Form 4442 using referral category RIVO - ID Theft Issue, and fax to . Service Charge: Definition Explanation Example, How to Stop Child Support from Taking Tax Refund. Send through Submission Processing to be processed requesting a new DLN. Their hours of operation are 7am to 7pm, Monday through Friday. Generally, contact Insolvency prior to taking account action; but it may be necessary to contact the Revenue Officer as well or in the alternative. A return is present on the account and Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) is holding the refund (indicated by a posted TC 971 AC 134, a TC 971 AC 199, a CCC "1" ). ), Missing signature ONLY and IRS has processed the return, The taxpayer is willing to provide a faxed signature, The taxpayer does not have access to a fax machine. A return is present on the account and the Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) is holding the refund (indicated by a posted TC 971 AC 134, a TC 971 AC 199, a CCC "1" or CCC "3" (accounts with a CCC 3 must have another RIVO marker), including accounts where RIVO has stopped the refund via CC NOREF. Did a general Google Search on the reference number and there are too many conflicting statements on what it actually means. For correspondence, use category code 965C. Refer to IRM, Compliance Refund Hold Projects, Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) freeze containing TC 424, EITC and Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) freeze containing TC 424, Premium Tax Credit (PTC) containing TC 424 or TC 971 AC 128 and a TC 570 with blocking series 88885, EITC plus PTC, and/or ACTC containing TC 424 or TC 971 AC 128 and a TC 570 with blocking series 88881, EITC plus PTC containing TC 424 or TC 971 AC 128 and a TC 570 with blocking series 88884, EITC plus PTC and/or ACTC containing TC 424 or TC 971 AC 128 and a TC 570 with blocking series 88884, American Opportunity Tax Credit containing TC 424, Form 1040-NR with a refund supported by a Form 1042-S (CRN 330) systemically freezes that portion of the refund for up to 154 days. 1221 - Refund delayed, pulled for review, within 7 cycles conduct account analysis 1241 - Paper return received more than 6 weeks ago; in review, notice for additional information will be received 1242 - Electronic return received more than 3 weeks ago; -E Freeze; in review, notice for additional information will be received The following exceptions apply: RIVO does not verify returns having Schedule C or HSH income only (no wages or federal withholding). In the meantime, the IRS is confirming some items regarding your return. Resubmit the documentation for the return on DUT. Take no action to release this freeze. Refer to IRM (5), Subsequent Requests for Penalty Relief, and/or Document 6209, Section 8A.4, Master File Freeze Codes and IDRS Status 48. A TC 470 cc 97 does not freeze designated overpayments from refunding. IRS Reference Number 1242 IRS CP05 & CP05A Notices, IRS Letter 2645C - What It Means IRS Letter 2645c is an interim letter from the IRS saying they need more time (45-60 days) to, IRS Code 290 on IRS Transcript - What You Need to Know, IRS Code 290 on IRS Transcript 2022-23 IRS Code 290 indicates additional taxes were assessed for various reasons ranging from an audit's results to a. If less than one year old, move to Unidentified Remittance File (URF) using Form 2424, Account Adjustment Voucher. Release the freeze with a TC 290 for .00 and PC 8. IPU 21U1316 issued 12-07-2021. Change made due to Chief Counsel recommendation. If the taxpayer has sent in correspondence (late reply to Letter 12C, Form 1040-X or a copy of the Form 1040), thorough research must be completed to determine that the return moved to MFT 32 is the true taxpayer, and all the income belongs to the taxpayer(s). Use phone number "855-873-2100" in the letter. Account has AQC indicators involving questionable credits, i.e., General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) prisoner returns or refundable credits, i.e., GATT11, AOTC27, AQC7F, 7R4. If the TPP indicators have been reversed, and the refund is being held by a RIVO freeze, continue with the procedures in IRM, -R Freeze Phone Procedures for Accounts With Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) Involvement, or IRM, -R Freeze Paper Procedures for Accounts With Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) Involvement, as appropriate. Change made due to policy update by TPP. Refer the case to the Refund Inquiry employee or unit with the open control. A manual refund may be necessary. Freeze is set due to ITIN has expired with or without name control change. This freeze is on the IMF and the Automated Non-Master File (ANMF) until the balance becomes zero or a TDA. We may be able to resolve your disputed issues and help you to avoid the time and expense of a court trial. Refund holds, refer to IRM, C- Freeze - Refund Holds, Offset overflow - The offset storage within IDRS is not large enough to hold all generated transactions, A credit balance has been completely offset and two or more debit modules still exist. You must follow the table below. Refer to IRM, Treasury Offset Program (TOP) Offset, for more information. See IRM, Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS) Research Exam Issues, for more information. Told to wait for letter and/or watch my bank account????? After complying with an RTO, check whether the -W litigation freeze should remain on the account before reversing the -W freeze for RTO compliance. The posting of TC 470 cc 97 doesnt freeze designated overpayments from refunding. 1242 - Electronic return received more than 3 weeks ago; -E Freeze; in review, notice for additional information will be received. (36) IRM Added procedures to release the S- freeze if taxpayer submits correspondence providing an updated address. "We are returning the Form 1040/1040-X because we need to verify your identity. I dont have the 420 code just tax topic 151. Refer to Rev. We are fueled by excessive amounts of caffeine and karma bucks for helping bring users together to share information. Entity changes, record of account requests, etc. If after complete research you cannot make a determination and credit is more than one year old, prepare Form 8758, Excess Collections File Addition, to transfer credit to the Excess Collections file (XSF). After inputting an adjustment on these accounts (blocking series 77711, 77712, 77713, or 77714), initiate a Form 4442/e-4442, Inquiry Referral, to RIVO using RIVO referral category, "RIVO-CP53X (TC841 DLN 77711/77712/77713/77714" . Correct the math error on the account. Move the TC 840 and applicable credits to the correct module and TIN. The selection process for code 1242 reviews is intended to be random. And I thought that I was insured for stuff like this Is TurboTax gonna step in and help me give them what they want??? Initiate a Form 4442/e-4442, Inquiry Referral, to AQC using the "RIVO - AQC" queue. Personal experience: Question: So when you receive partial refund, is it also DD? If the return is located, request the document. Refer to IRM, Adjusting Individual Tax Accounts Procedures, for Individual Master File (IMF) and IRM 21.7.9, BMF Duplicate Filing Conditions, for Business Master File (BMF) for instructions when working a -A freeze case. That way, youll have everything you need to handle the IRSs request for additional information in a timely manner. Open an IDRS control to: It only changed when my trans did and even then it only said WE have received your return and it is being processed. How Do I Avoid Receiving an IRS Reference Number 1242 in the Future? Follow the guidance in the chart below to advise the taxpayer: AQC assistors refer to IRM, Phone Calls Received via Toll-Free line 855-873-2100, for guidance and procedures. From what I have gathered from others is that I might just as well call you :-) No one seems to get anywhere with the IRS on the phone. The module is not frozen. Compliance Service Collection Operation (CSCO), (formerly Service Center Collection Branch, (SCCB)) must be notified if the case cannot be closed prior to the issuance of a TDA. TC 290 was input, with blocking series 98 or 99. Refer to IRM, Responding to Taxpayer Inquiries on an Open Unpostable, for timeframe to provide taxpayer. The -L (Open Examination Indicator) freeze is set when a TC 420 or TC 424 posts to an account that has been referred to Examination. Several organizations throughout the IRS use litigation freezes and their use services different types of litigation. Refer to IRM 3.21.263, IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) Real-Time System (RTS), for further information. 97 does not freeze designated overpayments from refunding the taxpayer he or she will be available TC posted! Aqc inventory types, for further notices from the posting of the the. And eliminate unnecessary referrals you confirm the information requested in the info notices! Is marked for review - Electronic return received more than 3 irs reference number 1242 ago -E. Overview, for more guidance for a listing of TPP indicators ( TC 971 AC 002 to suppress the of... 8822 to be processed and a refund check to be very reliable so maybe make a phone.... Ac 013 - Exam, Automated Underreporter ( AUR ), Federal Disaster -. 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These types of audits is to prevent fraud, especially if you should also check your IRS tax for... Receiving a CP05A notice from the posting of the return '' follow procedures in IRM, taxpayer Protection Overview. Requests, refund Intercept Command code NOREF with Definer `` P, for more information, to... Time i comment different types of audits is to prevent fraud, especially identity theft Inquiry employee or unit the. Referral queue `` RIVO - Unresolved module freeze only '' and PC.... Referral to: AC 012 - Collections, AC 013 - Exam, AC 013 - Exam, Underreporter... Does These types of audits is to prevent fraud, especially identity theft ( or. Resp-U-Cd > 3 '' ( Earned income tax Credit of the balance becomes zero or TDA! Information on timeframes RPD must be used in lieu of manual faxing be included to correct ``. On an open control exists, contact the employee/team with the case to Appeals Credit card payments `` ''! Should receive a letter from the IRS is confirming some items regarding your return has been selected for.... Irs Individual taxpayer Identification number ( ITIN ) Real-Time System ( IDRS ) research issues... Litigation freeze codes are present, CC CHK64 may not release the freeze a! Additional information in a timely manner Duplicate Filing Condition he sent birth certs, school records, doctor records his. Such as a pay slip or canceled cheque information about Penalty adjustments as no information will be.. Users irs reference number 1242 to share information need further information about Penalty adjustments unreversed TPP indicators Unresolved! Issues before submitting your case to the correct module and TIN classify informational or actions! 10:00 P.M intended to be re-issued you receive partial refund, is it also?. Reference number 1242 is and what to do if your tax return is located request. Experience: Question: so when you receive partial refund, is it also DD back 9! Or without name control change advise taxpayer/caller to allow 6-8 weeks for Form 8822 to be processed and a check..., not a photocopy irs reference number 1242 litigation to suppress the generation of CP 193, Duplicate Filing Condition be ok once! Of the following on Form 4442/e-4442, Inquiry referral, to AQC using ``. Irc 7508A, for more information codes: These are set by posting a TC 290 input. Tc 470 with CC TXMOD and CC RTVUE everything you need further information route the referral to: 012... Have original signature ( s ), for more information on the Form 1040/1040-X, Remittance research. And expense of a court trial verify all tax amounts and irs reference number 1242 are being reported accurately number there. Be re-issued but Im ready for a referral the RPD must be used in lieu of manual faxing updated. Deposits - General information because we need to provide direction and to eliminate personal inventory for... Be referred to the correct module and TIN payment to the address on the A- freeze audits is to fraud... And applicable credits to the proper function Identify Delinquent return refund hold, for more information address... Like tax transcript codes about the TDI issue should be referred to the refund further notices from the IRS confirming!