PRIVACY POLICY. The standard pistol primer is an 11, but if it does not fit tightly and has to be squeezed to make it stay on, you have the wrong size. What is really going on is that the low velocity sabot or conicals drop quite a bit, and holdovers are extreme. Did you wash it in kitchen sink? They are cheaper to buy, but the first time you put any Hot Loads through one, the Soft Brass Frame will stretch, and youll just have a thing that LOOKS like a gun, but all you can do with it is hang it on the Living Room Wall!!!! In Iowa, muzzle-loading pistols of at least .44 caliber, with barrels at least four inches long and without shoulder stocks are legal for deer hunting. Theres that great close up of Preachers hands as he swaps cylinders, preparing to deal final justice to Stockburn, the evil marshal whos been terrorizing the small-time miners and the townsfolk with his equally-evil posse of deputies. I HAVE A 1858 44CAL. The last line about being used since before the civil war is technically inaccurate. Can anyone tell me a good load to start? I have no idea how many guns Ive owned since my first .22 at the age of 12 but in the most fun category I could narrow it down to two. There are about three or four brands out there, so find the one that works best. Pietta STEEL Colt Army 1860 9mm. I am not convinced about black powder handguns for deer hunting. Get an UpLula magazine loader. The Pistol was so designed, that the hammer when cocked, would suck back with it, the remnants of the cap just fired, which more often than not, would follow the principle of Gravity, so ably demonstrated by Sir Isaac Newton, and fall into the Yawning Gap, the cocked hammer revealed, So when the trigger was pressed for the next shot, there would be a sort of, Scrunch, sound, as the cap was chewed up and mashed by the falling hammer, effectivley jamming the revolver! Western Leather Holster FITS Remington 1858 Colt 1860 Army Revolver 8" & Ruger Old Army 7.5" TonyULeathergoods (6,470) $34.19 $37.99 (10% off) FREE shipping Holster for REMINGTON 1858 New Model Army NoctuaCorium (8) $91.77 More colors Western Single Action Cowboy Leather Holster Cattleman style SkilletCreek (250) $82.00 Tsk tsk. This is exacerbated by the minimal cut-out in the rear right shield of the frame, which has been done to allow you to get your fingers in to do the job. He sent it back twice because of some minor issues, but its a nice gun for ~$200. See more ideas about revolver, remington, hand guns. Ive got a friend in the Hill Country who is a maniac on the topic of hunting Bambis mom. The emphasis on having antlers to hang on the wall has led to a ratio of 20 does per buck, which is not a stable gene pool. This blued conversion cylinder converts steel frame Uberti 1858 remington revolvers from .44 black powder to .45LC/.45Schofield smokeless ammunition. AND SOME BALL TO SUITE
[2] The Remington Army revolver is large-framed revolver in .44 caliber with an 8-inch barrel length. Tops all my Glocks, Berrets, Sigs, ARs, AKs etc. 1858 Remington Steel Sheriff .44 5 1/2" Our Products: Black Powder Pistols > 1858 Army and Sheriff Models SKU: PF58ST44512 Rated: Brand: F.LLI Pietta .44 CALIBER BLUED STEEL FRAME AND BARREL 5 1/2" BARREL LIMITED QUANTITY IN STOCK! Remington with 40 grains. These guns became the veterans of the Civil War. On that point its best to use an over-powder wad, which will act like a secondary barrier against a flash over. Complete with a brass triggerguard. 1858 New Army Target Carbine Specifications and prices are subject to change without notice. Another bonus of this is the fact that the gun will spit less, this is where the ball makes the transition from the chamber into the start of the barrel/bore. (Total: 11 Items) 2012 June 10 Legends of the Wild West Signature Auction - Dallas #6079", "Buffalo Bill's Remington revolver achieves $239,000 at Heritage",, Used for factory conversions to .38 RF & U.S. Navy conversions to .38 Long Colt, Factory conversion production started in 1873, Remington-Rider Double Action New Model Belt Revolver, 1863-1865 available with fluted cylinder, conversions had two-piece cylinder, Conversions all believed to be rimfire only, Majority produced as conversions or cartridge, 5 round cylinders only with a spur trigger, This page was last edited on 13 January 2023, at 08:13. The 1858, 1861 and 1863 models were considered the finest . This is not hard and if you feel the need then an extension tube over the arm will provide all the extra effort required. Before one can change a cylinder on the Colt Design, the pistol has to be field stripped, and just imagine yourself as a United States Cavalryman, trying to hold his excited horse under control, as he strips the Colt Type revolver down into thee parts, then somehow, (It helps to be ambidextrous & double Jointed!) I have an Italian-made 1858 replica with an R&D conversion cylinder. 1858 Remington Stainless Steel Sheriff .44 5 1/2" UI Price: $485.00 Rated: .44 CALIBER STAINLESS STEEL 5 1/2" BARREL ULTRA IVORY TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK! . 35 Reviews. If youre not lucky, then youve got a tear in your femoral artery and only a few minutes to stop the bleeding before youre introduced to Eliphalet Remington at that great gun factory in the sky. The percussion caps are a standard size. Some were mentioning movies in which the Remington 1858 made an appearance. I have found that a slim, in-line capper is a near essential item, as it lets you get the percussion cap on without your big, fat fingers getting in the way. Add to Cart + Add to Wish List This black powder pistol replicates the original 1858 Remington that was used by soldiers during the American Civil War Either way, a good dose of lube also helps keep the black powder fouling moist and pliable, and easier to clean out. That means that two Colt Peacemakers coming off the line 1 minute apart (11:59PM on Dec 31 1898 and 12:00 AM on Jan 1, 19 99, define the force of the law. Java, from Plymouth MA. Great writeup of a gun that has been on my list for a while. Eventually, the design inspired the 1875 Remington, a true metallic cartridge revolver, but one that clearly shows the influences from the 1858. Complete with original box and nipple key. Apart from the sighting arrangements the main advantage of the solid frame build is that the gun is strong and rigid, and the arbors (cylinder pin) only function is to support the cylinder and allow it to rotate. Features include a brass frame and trigger guard, blued steel cylinder, octagonal barrel and walnut grips. Presented in Good Condition. Please see our cowboy ammuntion selection. In the Remington Revolver, the cap is struck by the hammer, AFTER it passes through the slot in the Recoil Shield! These replicas are very popular in civil war reenacting and Cowboy Action Shooting. Fingers on triggers, especially that Civil War vet. 5.1/2 .44 SHIPPING & RETURNS. Some folks claim doing so helps prevent chain fires, or all the cylinders going off at once. Bah! The design is effectively as strong and resistant to frame stretching as the steel-framed open-top revolvers of the same era, while being simpler to produce than an open-top revolver of adequate strength. I have developed a load for this gun, I call, The Medical Examiners Special! I call it thus, because I am convinced that anyone who tried to assault me, and who I hit Fair & Square twixt Wind & Water with it, well, the only Doctor who would be able to assist the person thus shot, would be The Medical Examiner! The reason is that .44 is the muzzle diameter. Is that what i just shot down with my 5 1/2 inch 1858? Army Generals, The Gentleman in charge of the War Appropriations Dept., and LOTS of High Ranking Army Officers! The grips were too thin to get a good grip of. Click Pictures below for larger images , prices and full gun details:-. The bucks are off limits. The stainless steel shows a smooth and tool mark free finish, while the grip is a nice piece of darkly stained walnut and smooth to the touch. His design has been in constant use since before the Civil War. The blued steel gets all the attention for Range tests. William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody used an ivory-handled New Model Army .44, serial number 73,293, from 1863 until 1906, when he gave it to his ranch foreman with a handwritten note which said that, "It never failed me. I send one of their revolvers back after opening it. 1858 Remington Army Sheriff Pietta Black Powder Pistol 5 ( 4 reviews) Your Price: $373.99 In Stock - Ships Today! The Remington Navy revolver is slightly smaller framed than the Army and in .36 caliber with a 7.375inch [Beals Navy 7.5inch] barrel length. None other than William Buffalo Bill Cody wrote of his old 1858 Remington, It never failed me. If you had a few briefcases full of C-notes sitting around last summer, you could have bid on Buffalo Bills 1858 Remington, along with his hand-written note extolling the virtues of Beals revolver. PRICE: $249.95 . For effective ignition, a ball has to fit tightly in the cylinder, and consequently a bit is shaved off when loading. 1858 Remington Dlx Texas Nickel Engraved .44 8' Ultra Ivory Grip, .44 Caliber Nickel Engraved 8" Barrel Ultra Ivory Grips Brass Frame. The 1858 is the modern name for the Remington New Model Army/Navy revolvers, which were introduced circa 1863. My very first Cap & Ball Revolver was replica of aaan1860 Colt Army Revolver. Pietta Colt SAA Full Steel 5 1/2 inch. Pietta Engraved Navy Sheriff 9mm. Or even from New York? Also on the note of black powder, someone with a lesser felony conviction can own a black powder gun as long as the magazine cannot be altered to fire High power center fire ammunition (45-70 and .45 colt cowboy rounds do not apply). This is ably illustrated by my old cartridge-firing Uberti 1873 Colt copy in 44-40 WCF. Projectile will have more energy at almost any range with longer barrel. Meat harvesting is whats done here in Texas. SPF Pair of Stainless Steel 1858 Remington Sheriff models made by Pietta 5 1/2 barrels Slix Shot nipples on all 6 chambers. It was possible to lower the Whitney hammer between cylinder chambers for safe carry, but without the Remington milled slot, the Whitney cylinder could possibly slip and rotate, allowing the hammer to strike a loaded, capped chamber and cause an accidental discharge. Today you can quickly convert your own Remington 1858, without first paying off some big corporation, by merely dropping in a cartridge conversion cylinder two popular versions are the Taylors R&D and Kirst conversions. I ended up giving it to an NRA black powder teacher to use for show and tell, (to show his class how to ruin a beautiful piece by not properly cleaning before long term storage). So I fire the shotgun first now, and cuss at the rammer, and have 9 chambers of wholy fun otherwise. It is plenty heavy. Im 75, so I move a bit slower than earlier today. Downloads Manuals Black Powder Revolvers Instruction Manual (292.32 KB) Community History Social eNews Subscription Once a year I strip them right down to the last screw, wipe the mixture of oil and black powder residue off them,(Never found any rust!) They are well made, good lock-up and, based on the limited number of times I have shot them, they shoot quite well. (If, after i Spare cylinders were not provided by the Army. The open top revolver needed some work. Not that it cant be done. Thank God I had my Reminton. Hot water dissolves the salts in black powder fouling and heats the metal so it dryes fast and prevents flash rust. The checked grips are really a nice touch and feel wonderful. Nope. Thus making it almost impossible for a cap to fall into the workings of the gun. 1858 Remington Army Sheriff Pietta Black Powder Pistol 5 ( 4 reviews) Your Price: $373.99 In Stock - Ships Today! SOLD Adler SAA Colt 1873 9mm. Rszletek Megoszts. The Pietta Remington Sheriff revolver provides the ruggedness of the solid frame and the ability to quickly change cylinders made the Remington Army a favorite of officers and infantry alike during the Civil War. All year long he trains the deer to come to his corn feeder. For this test I have picked a design that in my opinion should appeal to the ex-handgunner a lot more than the traditionalists. Some, like Traditions would rather just to volume and dont seem to be very demanding of quality. Im one of those people, yeah. Snapped back so hard the hammer tore a chunk of meat from my thumb. "[7] The Ruger "Old Army" is very similar to the Remington revolver, but is a new design. Fordyce Beals. Another and more unpleasant symptom of loose balls, if youll pardon me, is the chance of the flash entering another loaded chamber and setting off the powder. As can be imagined this is off putting to both the shooter and those to either side of them on the line. revolvers and 850 .44-cal. Finally, different guns will perform differently with different sized balls (or conicals), and that is something to experiment with as well. I have a Pietta with after-market Tresso nipples that are just slightly smaller and regular caps fall off, but Dynamil Nobel 1075s fit perfectly. One of these has been on my list of stuff to get for a long, long time. It is considered a part and can be ordered through the mail. Manufacturer model #: RGS44. No feeder, but a scoped .243 at 75 yards (distance to the tree line) no one calls it hunting. 1858 Remington Stainless Steel Frame.44 Caliber - 8" Barrel: 25-102: $520.00: 1858 Remington Stainless Steel Frame.44 Caliber - 5 1/2" Barrel: 25-106: The end result being a well timed mechanism that offers a consistent and reasonably easy cocking stroke and operation. And if both Buffalo Bill and Clint Eastwood liked it in different centuries, you know its got to be good. The greatest going away gift I ever got in my 25 years in the Army was the Uberti 1873 with my name and callsign engraved on the barrel that the guys in my battalion gave me when I left command. See 18 U.S.C. Combustibles were usually loaded with a special high performance sporting grade black powder, using the minimum charge required for a specified impact level, usually determined by pine penetration tests. 1858 New Army, Stainless Steel Adjustable Sights 95-FR18583 $499.00 Qty: OUT OF STOCK 1858 Remington Brass Nickel Engraved 1858 Remington Brass Nickel Engraved. One of the strongest and most sought after revolvers. The other great thing about the cap-and-ball revolvers is that they are not considered firearms, so you can buy all you want and have them shipped to your door. His design has been on my list of stuff to get for a long, long.! By the Army meat from my thumb were mentioning movies in which the Remington made! 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