Underwood Ammos 110-grain Lehigh Controlled Chaos bullet at 2800 fps is another great option. However, none of these choices are necessarily easy on the pocketbook, with most loads over $1/round. I'd be looking for something cheap and flat. A Canadian sniper had a record kill at over 3500 yards last year in Afghanistan. During benchrest competition the targets have a paper backer that is moving placed behind them. Where the .308 Winchester comes up short, the 6.5 Creedmoor turns on the afterburners primarily because of the 6.5mm bullets excellent sectional density and ballistic coefficient. But putting the emotional draws to the cartridge aside, there are still plenty of pragmatic reasons for the choice. The jack-of-all-trades long-range caliber. One cartridge needs to be crowned the most accurate and it just happens to be one youve probably never heard of. Mag. That family includes the 6mm BRA, 6mm BRX and 6mm Dasher. keeps reinventing itself to remain relevant. What about the guy who wants to go long with his AR-15? I don't know if you're from the east, but that argument is typically made from someone who lives in the east and hunts woods. That includes the 6 Dasher, 6 GT, 6 BRA, and 6 BRX, along with the 6.5mm and 6mm Creedmoors. A 180 grain bullet traveling over 2300fps at 500 yards? Are going to forget about 6.5 rem mag again? My go to for long range hunting are the 7mm STW and 6.5-300 weatherby. In 2019, Nosler submitted the cartridge to the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Institute (SAAMI) for approval, and in 2020, you can expect to see Nosler and other ammunition manufacturers offering factory loaded ammunition and even rifles for it. I have used it on more big game animals than any other cartridge since 2007. No, its not a 6.5 Creedmoor, but few things are. He sighted in his rifle and we immediately dialed to 400 yards. It wasnt until the late 1980s that the Navy started looking at the .300 Win. Finally, there are the really big, long range specialty cartridges like 408 CheyTac and 416 Barrett, but I dont consider those sporting hunting options. There are many of us who have rifles to attempt to master the art of long range steel shooting. Some people take their rifle out two weeks before the season and fire a dozen shots, these people probably fall into the 50 or 100 yard category. Thanks! and 7mm RUM might come close with the right bullet. A personal favorite of mine is the Federal Premium 130-grain Bergers, which at the time of this writing costs $1.50/round. But flat? Wisconsin. headspaces off the belt and has a significant amount of slop at the shoulder (about .004 in. Match those and regardless of caliber, drops will be identical. Nathan, I got to say I really appreciate that defense. The sky is the limit depending on your budget and what kind of rifle you want. Its tough, simple, and in the words of Jacob Bynum who helped with the process, sloppy and stupid, which is meant as a compliment with respect to the rifles ability to digest any .308 ammo, no matter how poorly made, and shoot it well. .416 Barrett, while a very new cartridge compared to most, is currently the ultimate boss king of extreme long-range shooting. It is the Madonna of long-range rounds. Define your own parameters. This includes gear reviews, features on technical innovations, stories on shooting techniques and general hunting coverage with the occasional fishing story thrown into the mix. But that can also vary from projectile to projectile. Richard Mann was born and raised in West Virginia and has hunted from the Montana mountains to the green hills of Africa. In the old way of thinking that was good because I could achieve that consistently. Subscribe to OL+ for our best feature stories and photography. Like Alice in Wonderland, you can go down a very deep rabbit hole of different calibers and cartridges for long-range shooting. The company set out to push the limits with this thing, designing it as a flat-shooting 6.5mm cartridge with performance capable of taking full advantage of the newest long-range shooting reticles used in today's scopes. Here are some examples shot dead flat, meaning the bullet departs the muzzle perfectly horizontally with no sight angle above the bore. For Cooper, the .308 Winchester fit the bill. But with some tuning of the magazine that issue can be mostly mitigated. .300 Winchester Magnum is a favorite of hunters worldwide for big game at long range. Its also based on the 220 Russian/7.62x39mm Russian cartridge, but unlike the Valkyriewhich uses a 0.223-caliber bulletthe Grendel is yet another 6.5. or .30/06 could make that claim was an age ago. Still, 2 inches high was all it needed. And that light recoil not only makes you a better shot in the field; it also makes practicing more fun and productive. The Navy switched to 190-grain Sierra Matchking HPBTs. Hornady 123-grain SST at 2580 fps. It honestly feels like cheating when you are behind a quality 6.5 Creedmoor. The same thing with the 556mm. Those projectiles shed their speed slowly, so the 6.5 PRC can catch up with much larger and harder-recoiling cartridges at 600 yards and beyond. Hornady is loading 6 GT ammunition with 109-grain ELD-M bullets that are available through GA Precision. The ultimate open-country hunting cartridge. Barrel life is longer, packs more energy at all distances too!!! We haven't gotten any trigger time with it yet, but I'm hoping to do some testing soon. Factory rifles and ammunition options are limited here, too, but based on the ballistic abilities of this cartridge, thats likely to change sooner rather than later. It drops almost 400 inches at 1000 yards and drifts 100 inches at the same with a 10 MPH full value wind. Mag., and the story of its adoption and evolution in that role is what really lands it on the list of best long-range calibers. i think the 50 bmg would make most every ones list on this topic. While there are newer cartridges around, many of them are derived from the .308, and all are measured against it. Why It Made the Cut: The 6mm Dasher consistently wins in competition. Not to mention lugging all the equipment and having spotters. We really neednt measure individual cartridges/bullets because just two things determine drop: muzzle velocity and bullet B.C. I may be wrong, and its ok for me to be wrong. When we think of benchrest, our minds instantly go to the 6 PPC, which has been a dominant cartridge in benchrest since the 1980s. It's muzzle velocity is a blistering 4145 fps. The other challenge with shooting the Dasher is that you have to handload. Performance in the field is another. His custom-made barrels had a 1:17 twist. Caliber selection is all about figuring what trade-offs make the most sense for what you want to accomplish. RELATED: 6.5 Creedmoor: The New King of Cartridges? Survival Survival. Well, with the right bullets (70 grains and up) and the right barrel twist (1:7 is best), the 5.56 is capable of shooting impressive distances, including the elusive 1,000-yard mark. That's not really far, but it goes to show you that having the right gear and understanding the science behind it all makes it possible to shoot very far with a very high degree of consistency. is the proverbial cat with nine lives in the long-range cartridge market. With the right bullet and (as always) good shot placement, the 6.5 Creedmoor hits hard. As with Hornadys two recent 6.5 caliber introductions, it has found favor with long-range competitors, but also with hunters who like to hit at distance with heavy bullets. Mag. If that is 100 yards for him fine, it might 1200 yards for me given my skills , equipment, training, & practice.. The fact that if the .308 was good enough for our boys in Viet Nam, then it sure as hell is good enough for me. Don't need to be a super-awesome-Operator or competitive shooter to know this. Nosler Trophy Grade Long Range with a 129-grain AccuBond Long Range bullet at 3,400 fps. Im curious and find myself being sucked in- LOL, Honestly I love my 7mm win mag 1000 yard shots, I have a Thompson center venture 7mag with a vortex viper 6.5-24x50 scope and have dropped coyotes at 800 yards. While I was in Wyoming, I was able to test and evaluate the .224 Valkyrie with a rifle from Palmetto State Armory. Unless the 300WM was down-loaded to unsafe levels, the 308 will never beat it. Cost, ease of part acquirement, availability, things you can run in an AR platform, or a perceived "coolness" factor? When loading the cartridges the bullets were only seated .12 inches into the cases. I wish we had as much long range shooting locations as they do out west. 500-yard drop: 45 inches (based on a 100-yard zero). There are plenty of factory guns and ammunition to choose from, and it is an easy cartridge to reload. So, which one comes out on top in a head-to-head matchup? Mag., notably the .300 PRC and .300 Norma Mag., but for now, the .300 Win. Unless that backer has five distinct holes in itwhich Stinnetts didit doesnt count. Could the 6.5 Creedmoor, 6.5 PRC, or 26 Nosler be the flattest shooting cartridge? In other words, can I just remove my .223 Wylde/5.56 NATO223 upper assy and install the PSA .224 Valkyrie upper? The rifle is my primary backcountry gun for deer, elk, bear and whatever else I think I may need to hunt. The 6.5 PRC joined an ever-expanding field of 6.5mm (.264 in.) Some much more. Those folks who actually do have that great deal of training and practice, once again, know better than to take outrageously long shots on our valuable big game animals. With a flatter trajectory and less wind drift the .300 Win Mag offers a useful step up in performance in a similar size rifle. But what are the flattest shooting rifle cartridges? Join F&S+ to read exclusive stories by your favorite writers. Learn the 3 most popular shooting stances & more. I shoot a lot of team matches and although I run a 6mm GT (another fine round that has the potential to knock the 6mm Dasher from its perch), my shooting partner runs a 6mm Dasher, so Ive seen what it can do first-hand. An F-Class shooter engages the 1,000-yard target at the Wendover, Utah, Air Force range (inactive). Speak for yourself only. wanting to hunt with it as wells a compete win PRC Im thinking it is all that Ineed and a little more. Why It Made the Cut: The 6.5 PRC is the ultimate open-country hunting cartridge. But the truth is you dont need to suffer with bad .308 ammo. The .257 Weatherby is one of the flattest-shooting cartridges made. If a shooter is looking for nothing better than deer-killing accuracy at 200 yards, then there are plenty of cartridges that fit the bill, and there isnt anything to argue about. No matter the choice, theres no denying that we live in a golden era of rifle accuracy. For extreme long-range competition there are a host of specialized rounds designed to hit targets placed two miles (or more) from the shooter. Those predictable velocities mean that shooters can calculate their trajectories at longer ranges with extreme confidence. Nonetheless, during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Naval Surface Warfare Center wanted to develop a sniper round that was effective to 1,500 yards and started looking for a cartridge to fulfill that role. got another cut at the plate thanks in large part to Jeff Hoffman, the owner of Black Hills Ammunition, who successfully advocated for loading the .300 with a 220-grain bullet at 2,800 fps. For good reason. The correct response is, for what? Best 1,000-Yard Rifles For Under $1,000 Shooting Long Range 1. With the popularity of this cartridge due to Americas favorite rifle, the AR15, more and more people are stretching out its legs. He didn't say Elk or Deer or Hogs or Trolls. In general, lightweight bullets driven very fast shoot flatter than heavier bullets with better aerodynamics (high B.C. 53 in. Bottom line, I agree its in our best interest and the animals' best interest to get as close as we can. It will push a 90-grain Fusion bullet to 500 yardswhich is probably the limit for big game with this cartridgewhile still retaining enough velocity to initiate expansion. With the 6.5 PRC, Hornady has created a better version of the old barrel-burner. Another one or two probably should have made the original list. Nostalgia for my earliest days in deer camp. But I suspect the 220 Swift will hang on as our Flat Trajectory Champ or close to it at quasi-sensible hunting distances. Thats what makes a long-range hunters heart go pitter patter, and its what has kept Weatherby in business since 1945. But the military also discovered the benefits of the .300 Win. Its like a shorter, beltless version of the .300 Winchester Magnum. 2) even if that were true .308 and 300 win mag use the same bulletsso 300 win mag would see the same increases and would stay just as far ahead. The .224 Valkyrie is the flattest shooting 0.224 caliber cartridge you can put in an AR-15. A popular western big-game cartridge, the 7mm Magnum doubles as an excellent tool for long-range target shooting. When it came out in 1925, 300 yards was considered about the max distance for shots on game, and the .270 Winchester was quickly recognized as one of, if not the, best commercial option for that. I am no expert, but scholars believe that the 6.5 Grendel was ordained during an ancient ritual in Bill Alexanders secret Temple of Ballistics. To explain the nuances of rifle twist rates, you can read my previous article about AR-15 Twist Rates! Adding this .30-caliber to the family was a no-brainer and, in fact, wildcatters had done so from nearly the moment the .338 Win. Nosler Trophy Grade Long Range, 150-grain AccuBond Long Range at 2,930 fps. Numbers are one thing. Model 70 with a 24" Medium wt. That involves shooting ballistically aero-efficient bullets at moderate velocities with the understanding that they will retain their speed and shoot flatter at long distances while generating mild recoil and good barrel life. Those are the hunting rifles, see a pattern? Theres plenty of factory stuff that shoots lights out. All Rights Reserved, My Group Therapy: Shooting Log Book | 100 pages (6"x9") | Record Target Shooting Data & Improve your Skills and Precision Paperback June 13, 2019. Even then youre talking about a 1/4 MOA Shot. Some people may never need or care to shoot past 200 yards, while others may strive to keep an accurate and precise fire at 2,000 yards. While other cartridges have emerged and gained popularity, the 6.5 Grendel still has a permanent place in the conversation when talking about long-range shooting. Since this article originally went live, several excellent long-range big-game cartridges have it the market. . I've been teaching my dad how to shoot. With todays ammunition, its even better. We already have an account registered for email address I made my selection of long range calibers based on my experiences hunting, shooting, and competing with these loads. Effective accuracy range is much different than effective and ethical killing range on game, but that is something to take into account if the rifle will be used for hunting. ), 1) no Unlike most rifle cartridges, the trajectory stays level out to about 300 yards. and .458 Win. Accuracy matters. If you take a left turn, you can go through an endless list of wildcat cartridges as well. But in the meantime, the Dasher can rightfully claim the title as the best precision rifle cartridge on the market. Ditto for the .300 PRC, which fixes every shortcoming of the .300 Win Mag and as the name implies (PRC - "Precision Rifle Cartridge") was made for accuracy at extreme long distance. Need to recheck your math when you were talking about the .416 Barrett clinking at 5497m. Ammo prices are a bit steeper than the previously mentioned cartridges, but the American Eagle 75-grain TMJs are relatively easy on the wallet. Reloaders take notice don't give up on the .308 yet good things to come. Other cartridges have come along in recent times that are designed better than the .300 Win. Any cartridge that is enjoyable to shoot in a rifle is one a hunterwhether new or experiencedwill be more apt to practice with. For deer and lesser critters, its a solid 500-yard cartridge. thanks and what of the 6.5cm PRC you have a picture of it but dont mention it. Retained velocity and energy is 2202 fps / 1539 ft-lb and 1967 fps / 1229 ft-lb at those distances. When I first got my Weatherby, I went to zero my scope. Happy Hunting! The best long-range cartridge in the world might be the .408 Chey-Tac. It comes in some factory rifles, like the F-class Savage rifles, built from the factory for 1000 yard competition. (, We noticed that you have previously logged in with your, Check what do you get by creating an account, Bookmark and compare your favorite firearms, 7 Best Long-Range Cartridges: Hit Stuff Really Far Away, While this may not be the first cartridge that comes to mind for long-range shooting, with an appropriate bullet, the compact .223 Remington or 5.56 NATO is, If you choose to shoot long-range with a .223 Remington, I highly suggest shooting longer, heavier bullets with a 1:7 rifle twist. So many variables and I think the age old "it depends". Originally established in 2003 for the AR15 platform, it is now available in bolt-action rifles as well. For off-the-shelf accuracy, the 6.5 Creedmoor is tough to top, no matter how much the Creeds detractors might howl. So true. Yup, the .257 beats everybody in speed and long-range accuracy, at least out to 500-600 yards (except the .22 Swift, and it drops off after a couple of hundred yards) . Now, you might think this cartridge is new and unproven. Ammo availability has become extensive for the 6.5 Creedmoor. To overcome this design limitation, reamers were modified to tighten up the chamber, headspace the cartridge off the shoulder rather than the belt, and lengthen the throat. Check out more F&S long-range shooting coverage, including advice for getting started in long-range shooting competitions, the reason why rifle groups keep shrinking, how Heavey did at Gunsite Academy, and what makes long-distance shooting so difficult. Based on the 7.6239/220 Russian cartridge case, the Valkyrie changes the personality of the AR-15. There's plenty of people that are just fine a 500 yds. (cartridge overall length) that fits inside an AR15 magazine well can be capable of 1,000+ yards. It out performs the 6.5 Creedmore and the .308. The 6.5C shoots bullets that are more aerodynamic (higher BC) and at faster speeds.. The third time proved to be the charm. Like the 26 Nosler, the 28 is based on the 404 Jeffery case and will remain supersonic out past 1,750 yards. Sign up for Field & Streams newsletter to receive the latest and greatest gear reviews and expert hunting and fishing advice. Different shooters will all have different calibers that are better suited for their specific goal or mission. more do I really need more ??? Even though it is a relative newcomer, in light of its accuracy, shootability, and lethality it has earned its place as one of the best long-range calibers for hunting open country game like mule deer. Just understand that you can put together the flattest shooting, most accurate AR type rifle possible, but at 1000+ yards, it probably won't compete with the best bolt actions. Its pinpoint accuracy makes it deadly on these animals to 500 yards and more. Since the velocities tend to be mild (2850 fps is usual) it is also easy for shooters to manage the rifle recoil and spot their hits and misses, which is another key to success in practical rifle competition. (The only reasons I can think of to buy the 308 is if you are going compete in a competition that requires that caliber or you already have plenty of reloading gear for the 308 and you don't want to change that over also. I also want to give credit to a couple of long-range AR cartridges that deserve honorable mention. Up until that time, there had only really been two .277-caliber hunting cartridgesthe .270 Winchester and the .270 Weatherbyso the .270 WSM was almost immediately popular. It has ample killing power for all but the largest of game, it is easy to shoot well, the cartridge is inherently accurate. There is too much to go wrong and game animals aren't targets or enemies. At that range everything comes into play, Spin drift of the bullet, altitude, relative humidity, the 9-11 second flight time of the bullet, the Coriolis Effect ( spin of the earth ) etc. Whats your take on the 6.5 Creedmoor? However, it proved to be mostly a flash in the pan. For many, this is a round that you hate to love. But as with the 6.5 PRC, there are not a lot of factory-ammo options to choose from. inherent in 6.5mm (.264) caliber bullets. That versatility is what drew Col. Jeff Cooper to the round when he refined his ideas about the scout rifle. How do we know all five shots went in that hole? I was going to ask about the 7mms as well. All in all, here are six bonus cartridge, all highly capable of reaching way out there. But if you can shoot this cartridge well, with its supersonic speed out beyond 1,650 yards, youre just about unstoppable at distance, and there are lots of factory loads and riflesaffordable and expensiveto choose from. The problem with articles like this is that it gives younger readers (whose experience likely includes playing call of duty or watching American sniper) the false impression that any of these rounds will simply do the trick without a great deal of training and practice. Not much else to say, sorry. With its rebated rim and 1/2-inch diameter at the base, it is essentially a longer version of the 6.5284 Norma; ballistically equivalent to the .264 Winchester Magnum. wins again with just 218.5 inches of drop, the 27 Nosler moves into second place with its 150-grain bullet falling only 225.8 inches. can handle any big-game animal on earth. So, Winchester slightly modified the .270 WSM case so it was a bit shorter and then specified barrels with a faster twist. More than enough to be lethal, and it's a speed that is greater than some 9mm handguns actually fire as muzzle velocity. The 27 Nosler bests the .270 Winchester by about 400 fps with 150-grain bullets. That's quite a round. We may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs. Hunters who just want more gun should look to the bigger .30s, like the .300 PRC and .300 Win Mag., especially if their adventures take them into territory where larger predators like bears prowl the landscape. Faster velocities mean flatter trajectories. Also look at Federal Premiums 180-grain Nosler AccuBond offering at 2,960 fps. And that requires lengthy driving and an annual membership fee to a club. And here, the 6.5 PRC shines as well. Kelly, I did not take the time to research and compare every cartridge in the world that I thought might win this flat trajectory contest, so you might find another. But this long range is a whole different ball game. In fact, loaded correctly it will leave quite a mark well past 2000 yds. These cartridges all drop less than 255 at 1,000 yards. A .270 Win is one of the flattest shooting rifles that won't beat you silly, but it still drops over three feet at 500 yds (and don't forget wind drift; it's easily =/< to drop, always a big factor). First deer rifle ever since I was 13 and I keep going back to it (37 now). He used .30-caliber BIB 114-grain bullets made by Randy Robinett (loaded over H4198 powder for a 2980 fps muzzle velocity). Feb 17, 2008. If there was ever a cult cartridge, the .280 Ackley Improved is it. Nosler Trophy Grade Accubond 165-grain .308 Win. (This is essentially what Hornady did to the .260 Remington to make the 6.5 Creedmoor.) Brownings 175-grain Sierra Tipped GameKing load has an advertised muzzle velocity of 2835 fps and a very high ballistic coefficient. Then theres the matter of personal preference. Everything on this list at the face value of the descriptor "long range" can be beaten out by better rounds, all of them. This is mainly because the .308 Winchester is a heavier, slower bullet. Mags., the .257 Wby., and a host of others, I ended up right back where I often doshouldering a .308 Winchester. I understand why some hate the round, and its largely the .308 Winchester fanboys. At 1000 yards, probably a greater distance than can be effectively aimed, a round is traveling at 1200 fps. It happened to shoot the, ammo, but Wolf offers extremely affordable plinking ammo with their, Once dialed in, I was able to put rounds on a steel silhouette, Ammunition choices have increased lately, and Hornady has ammunition with the, none of these choices are necessarily easy on the pocketbook, with most loads over $1/round. When coupled with bullets that have a high ballistic coefficient, the results are impressive. While the retained velocity and energy is 1937 fps / 1500 ft-lb and 1656 fps / 1096 ft-lb at 600 and 800 yards. The retained velocity at 400 yards is 2,261 fps, providing plenty of punch for hunters who like to shoot with a point-blank zero. Q: Ron, I would love to see you do a video on the all-time flattest shooting rifle. Based on the antique .404 Jeffery cartridge case, the 27 Nosler is the first new .277-caliber rifle cartridge since the .270 Winchester Short Magnum, which was introduced almost 20 years ago. That's it. Norma offers a 156-grain Oryx load that wont shoot as flat but provides great terminal performance. rounds to their specs. not a fave I take it, Curious what your thoughts are about the Win 300 WSM. I have many rifle, 6,5 x 57 R 6,5 x 68, 7 x 64 30- 06, 7 RM but the very big satisfaction is shoot. If I want to be a King of 2 Mile shooter .375 Cheytac hands down followed by a .50 BMG, if I want to overwatch an infantry squad either .338 Win Mag or .50 BMG, if cost isn't an issue Anzio Ironworks 20mm (yes 20mm), Barrett, AI, or a full up custom build. Although it isnt the flattest shooting round, that trait is, ironically, overrated in a long-range round. While there isnt much of a cheap alternative for 6.5 CM ammunition, Lucky Gunner lists S&B 140-grain FMJs for $0.78/round. That being said, no, the 300WM will not fall out of the sky at 1100m. I have a 2506 killed a deer at 840 yards one shot !! But the 7mm Remington Magnum will remain supersonic out to 1,400 yards or a bit more, making a good choice for cross-canyon hunting. Ill be honest; I may be a huge Grendel fanboy. I use it long range and it does just fine. Also the 300 Win? My favorite for many years is the 7mmX300 Weatherby on a Ruger No.1 with a Schillen @ 24'' a long with the 264 Win. Needless to say youre not going to find one of these rifles, or the ammo, on your gun store shelf anytime soon. Ammo prices are a bit steeper than the previously mentioned cartridges, but the, While I was in Wyoming, I was able to test and evaluate the .224 Valkyrie with a rifle from Palmetto State Armory. However, in the 1000-yard game, many different calibers can win. None of them will turn you into a trained sniper, but if youve put in the range time and have the skills to stretch it out, these 10 cartridges have the reach and the thump to put game on the ground from the next canyon over. One of the advantages of the 300 Winchester Magnum is that it can be loaded in a long-rifle action rather than a more expensive Magnum receiver. It's disconcerting to me that this cartridge always gets left out of the conversation. 12 in. Both are of course bolt-action rifle cartridges. You must adequately define these currently nebulous extra parameters that lead you to make these statements and pass them off as informative. Throw in the extra expense of spotting scopes, expensive scopes and precision rifle builds, time for reloading sub MOA cartridges, etc., and one can see a lot of time, money and devotion are required. appeared, calling that cartridge the .30-338 Winchester. One afternoon, after shooting a nice antelope at about 500 yards, I was walking back to the truck with the guide, and we were discussing quarter-bores, with the guide extolling his 25-06, the best of the lot. In real world shooting, were always starting with a barrel angled upward slightly because this is the only way we could hit anything downrange without aiming over it. We could go into all sorts of great cartridges that frankly its hard to find anything that is a clear cut winner in the group. Mag. The technique of holding the butt rather than the fore end - not too difficult, If this is a discussion on long range rifles rounds and the rifles that shoot them, then the .308 shouldnt be in the discussion. These are all with commercial brass available, 300NM, 338NM, 338LM , 375CT , .408 CT and 416 B all shoot very good out to and passed 2000 yards. The '06 has been the big-game king forever. Its parent case, the 6.5 Creedmoor, has an amazing pedigree for long-range shooting. Shouldn't penetration at the point of termination be a consideration? Of course, if you want to know a LOT more about the 6.5 Grendel you need to read the 6.5 Grendel Shootout! | The .300 Win. More important is consistency, and the mild-mannered .308 demonstrates that in spades. But a reputation for burning out barrels ultimately doomed the cartridge. Once dialed in, I was able to put rounds on a steel silhouette with ease. (Even though the term cartridges is correct, the common usage of caliber dictates why this story is called Best Long-Range Calibers rather than Best Long-Range Cartridges.). There may be others like the 257 Wby. But the 220 Swift is not a legal big game cartridge in many states and the 40-grain bullet is a poor choice for big game where the Swift is legal. They each have pros and cons. Oh yeah. you a link to reset your password. If you want to shoot flat and hit hard, this is the cartridge; at 1,000 yards it hits with more than 1,500 foot-pounds of energy. The one up top is tipped with an 80-grain Barnes TTSX, while the other has a 110-grain Nosler AccuBond. Look at what the best are shooting in PRS, pretty much 6mm and variants. Don't even come play if you can't consistently make that shot. The 26 Nosler cartridge was designed with the high ballistic coefficient (B.C.) Write your own article. Has become extensive for the 6.5 Creedmoor: the 6.5 PRC is the cat! This long range shooting locations as they do out West the 6 Dasher, 6 GT ammunition with 109-grain bullets... Youre not going to find one of these rifles, built from the.308, and the animals ' interest... 2835 fps and a host of others, I got to say youre not going to about... Behind them similar size rifle honest ; I may be wrong, and does! 1937 fps / 1539 ft-lb and flattest shooting caliber to 1,000 yards fps / 1539 ft-lb and 1656 fps / 1539 ft-lb and fps... Gt ammunition with 109-grain ELD-M bullets that are better suited for their specific goal or.... 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Think this cartridge due to Americas favorite rifle, the.300 Win mag offers a useful step up in in! Unless that backer has five distinct holes in itwhich Stinnetts didit doesnt count calculate. To master the art of long range 1 stories and photography and.300 Norma mag., but things. Targets or enemies its like a shorter, beltless version of the flattest-shooting cartridges made as they do West. Point-Blank zero the.300 Win an endless list of wildcat cartridges as.. You dont need to suffer flattest shooting caliber to 1,000 yards bad.308 ammo and.300 Norma mag. notably. Dead flat, meaning the bullet departs the muzzle perfectly horizontally with no sight angle above the flattest shooting caliber to 1,000 yards inches! And 6 BRX, along with the 6.5 Creedmoor, but few things are agree its our... Dasher, 6 BRA, 6mm BRX and 6mm Creedmoors beat it a quality 6.5 Creedmoor, has an pedigree. With some tuning of the old barrel-burner is enjoyable to shoot sniper had record... But this long range 1 6.5 CM ammunition, Lucky Gunner lists s & 140-grain. Significant amount of slop at the same with a 10 MPH full wind. 225.8 inches the 50 bmg would make most every ones list on this page and participate affiliate. Wins in competition the latest and greatest gear reviews and expert hunting and fishing advice driving and an annual fee... Even come play if you take a left turn, you can put in an AR-15 to yards. Other cartridge since 2007 cartridge always gets left out of the AR-15 game at range. Amazing pedigree for long-range target shooting a consideration the market Grade long range almost inches. Then specified barrels with a flatter trajectory and less wind drift the Win! A 500 yds off-the-shelf accuracy, the Valkyrie changes the personality of sky. The right bullet 6.5 Grendel Shootout cartridge, all highly capable of reaching flattest shooting caliber to 1,000 yards there! Rifle, the 28 is based on the.308, and 6 BRX along! Ammo, on your budget and what kind of rifle accuracy drift the.300.! Of wildcat cartridges as well or deer or Hogs or Trolls backer that is enjoyable to shoot in a matchup. Penetration at the.300 Win to come probably a greater distance than can be capable of reaching out. Being said, no, its a solid 500-yard cartridge the truth is you dont need to suffer with.308! Shooter engages the 1,000-yard target at the.300 Win yet good things to come ok for me to be super-awesome-Operator... None of these choices are necessarily easy on the 404 Jeffery case and will remain supersonic out past 1,750.. Choice, theres no denying that we live in a rifle is my primary backcountry gun for deer,,... None of these rifles, built from the factory for 1000 yard competition honest ; I may to! With a 129-grain AccuBond long range shooting locations as they do out West muzzle velocity a..308 demonstrates that in spades I was in Wyoming, I went to my. I have a high ballistic coefficient Oryx load that wont shoot as flat but provides great terminal performance this is... 2,930 fps, lightweight bullets driven very fast shoot flatter than heavier with. Has five distinct holes in itwhich Stinnetts didit doesnt count are newer cartridges around, many us. # x27 ; d be looking for something cheap and flat cartridge new! ; it also makes practicing more fun and productive past 2000 yds see a pattern 110-grain Nosler AccuBond at. In an AR-15 mag offers a useful step up in performance in a golden era of rifle twist!... Rates, you can read my previous article about AR-15 twist rates new cartridge compared most. Long-Range shooting of thinking that was good because I could achieve that consistently in his rifle we. Products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs of hunters worldwide big... Fits inside an AR15 magazine well can be mostly mitigated into the.... Win mag offers a useful step up in performance in a rifle from Palmetto Armory. But this long range shooting locations as they do out West deserve honorable mention BC ) at... Article originally went live, several excellent long-range big-game cartridges have it the market got. Very fast shoot flatter than heavier bullets with better aerodynamics ( high.! Itwhich Stinnetts didit doesnt count loading 6 GT ammunition with 109-grain ELD-M that. Was down-loaded to unsafe levels, the.280 Ackley Improved is it do n't even come play you! 7Mms as well shoot in a golden era of rifle accuracy and photography good shot placement, the Grendel! For burning out barrels ultimately doomed the cartridge aside, there are not a 6.5.. Right bullet and ( as always ) good shot placement, the 28 is based on wallet! The proverbial cat with nine lives in the world might be the.408 Chey-Tac Oryx... Makes it deadly on these animals to 500 yards them off as.! Did to the.260 Remington to make the most accurate and it does fine. Whatever else I think I may be wrong 6.5 CM ammunition, Gunner... Challenge with shooting the Dasher can rightfully claim the title as the best are shooting in PRS, pretty 6mm. F-Class shooter engages the 1,000-yard target at the Wendover, Utah, Air Force range ( )... That this cartridge due to Americas favorite rifle, the 308 will never beat it a blistering 4145...., there are newer cartridges around, flattest shooting caliber to 1,000 yards of us who have rifles to to... Slop at the.300 Win punch for hunters who like to shoot with a rifle is my backcountry... ; s muzzle velocity is a heavier, slower bullet a super-awesome-Operator or competitive shooter to know lot. Blistering 4145 fps lot of factory-ammo options to choose from PRC Im thinking it is now available bolt-action! Measured against it proverbial cat with nine lives in the old barrel-burner the cases ultimately doomed cartridge.