Highly recommend it when you can get it !!! Great powder for 223 & 308 among others. Improved Military Rifle IMR 4064. My lyman manual has load data for .223 and .30-06, 2 calibers I'll be loading soon.. and says it is a popular small to medium size rifle powder. Around 1990, the Scot powder company (Brigadier) offered 3032, but it was short-lived. Just picked up 8 lbs of. The five famous powders introduced by DuPont in 1935. : 2.539" Powder: 28.7 gr 33.8 gr Vel. h4895 Reduced Rifle Load. Anyone have any experience/feedback loading VV N560 with 6.5 CM? I'll verify. Given the wide variation in rifles, and the current condition thereof, chambered for cartridges like the .450/.400 NE (3 inch), I would also be extremely reluctant to publish any loads for it. Loads are still listed for many cartridges. Improved Military Rifle IMR 3031. and 55 grains ballistic tip bullets and it worked great. Really good powder, works good with 223 cartridges. Reliable. IMR Double Base Powders - Enduron. IMR Double Base Powders - IMR Target. I'm asking because I don't know not because I'm trying to be a smarta$$. Every week of WW II, as many munitions were used as in all of WW I. There was also a DuPont 17 (1915 to 1925) that was a minor variation on 16 intended specifically for British military use. 65gr, 53k psi, 3395fps, 83% load ratio. . for shooting copper jacketed bullets and cast lead alloy bullets. My preference is also for IMR 3031 in.45-70 for Sharps guns. And look at the velocity! It is equally effective in small-capacity varmint cartridges from 223 Remington to 22-250 Remington, and it's a great 30-30 Winchester powder. Sudden Death with Unknown Cause now Leading Cause of Death in Alberta, CA, Any interest in model kits? Not a brand to rest on its laurels, IMR continues to develop new powder formulas that are increasingly insensitive to weather and temperature changes, have improved burn speeds, and contain additives that remove copper bullet jacket fouling. These are ALL already compressed. Later I found out that the Match 30-06 ammo was supposed to be loaded with 4895. That brings us back to the Powley Computer. Varmint shooters with small-bore cartridges love it. Noticed a lot of published loads are close to 45+ grains for 350gr projectiles but also read some posts that for trapdoor loads the 30gr+ range is appropriate. For example, in the first edition, there are loads for the .219 Zipper, .25-35, .280 Remington, 8x57, .358 Norma Magnum and .460 Weatherby; the 16th edition lists loads for the 6mm Creedmoor, .25-36 Marlin and 7.7mm Arisaka, among others. As a medium burn speed propellant, XBR is ideally suited for cartridges like the 223 Remington/5.56mm, 308 Winchester/7.62mm NATO and the 6mm PPC. It has many of 3031s virtues, with the addition of great temperature stability and ease of metering. Has anyone built a 300WM or 300WSM to run 249/250 high BC bullets?. For more information, go towww.P65Warnings.ca.gov. This website uses cookies to ensure the best experience possible. Powleys calculations may or may not be a near-maximum load or, for that matter, an appropriate starting load. IMR 3031, 4064, 4198, 4227, 4320, 4350, 4831m 4895, 7828 and 7828 SSC. In fact, E. I. duPont arrived in America in 1800 determined to make an improved gunpowder and, by 1802, was producing gunpowder in a new plant along the Brandywine River in Wilmington, Delaware (this plant morphed into what is today the GOEX brand of black powder). I have been using imr 3031 in many different cartridges for over 40 years and was always very happy with is performance. Pet Loads and Handloader are registered trademarks of Wolfe Publishing Company. Reviews can only be submitted while being logged in. *Palmetto State Armory 9mm Deal* - HURRY! Its basically near 150 FPS less velocity using similar charge as H322. you are welcome. Biden admin insists Ohio air is safe after chemical explosion sparks fears, Somebody stuck this on the Jeep while parked at Atwoods, retrieve your Sharpe wrote that it was one of the cleanest-burning powders in the DuPont line, flexible enough to handle cartridges from the .22 Hi-Power up to the .405 Winchester, and delivering velocities equal to 17 with much lower pressures. IMR powder has long been a choice powder for knowledgeable reloaders. Frank Barnes, being a shooter, wanted to keep old rifles shooting so, along with the factory ballistics of each cartridge, he included loading data with modern powders. Improved Military Rifle IMR 4166. The maxorder quantity of any powder SKU is, https://shop.hodgdon.com/sites/www/files/2022-04/2022-IMR%20Single%20Base%20SDS. password. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Accuracy was slightly better than 1.5 MOA for 5 shot groups which is about my limit with the standard micrometer sights. Find load data for IMR 4064 propellant by clicking the button "Loads for this Powder".More about this powder:IMR 4064 is a medium-range burn speed powder and is one of the most versatile propellant in the IMR line, used for 223 Remington, 22-250 Remington, 220 Swift, 6mm Remington, 243 Winchester Super Short Magnum, 308 Winchester, 338 Winchester Magnum, and the list goes on and on. IMR-3031 is a single-base extruded powder formed into long, narrow cylinders. This can probably be attributed to prudence. In burning rate, IMR-3031 ranked in the middle, with 4227 and 4198 faster and 4064 and 4320 slower. IMRs 8208 XBR (left) combines many of the IMR-3031 (right) virtues in a powder that features smaller granules and is easier to meter accurately. Best powder for 308 and 30-06 I have found. We are proud to offer IMR 3031 Powder in stock now for sale. This demand lead to an incredible 2.5 billion pounds of smokeless propellants being manufactured by DuPont for Allied Forces in World War II. In burning rate, IMR-3031 ranked in the middle, with 4227 and 4198 faster and 4064 and 4320 slower. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. He describes it as DuPonts pride and joy for many years the most flexible of the IMR series and adapted to more different sizes and shapes of cartridge and a wider range of velocities and burning pressures than anything previously produced. It performed well, he wrote, at pressures from as low as 30,000 pounds per square inch (psi) all the way up to 55,000 psi. I know it isn't quite this simple, but if it's supposed to be versatile according to lyman, then why would it work for .30-06 and .223 but not 6.5 which is in between both of those? Product Information A propellant with many uses, IMR 3031 has long been a favorite of 308 match shooters using 168 grain match bullets. My fav bullet is 140 grain soft tip, boat tail. Shooters will find IMR 8208 XBR yields max velocities and 'tack driving' accuracy. It only required a bit of Dacron to keep the powder pressed against the primer for proper ignition. Here is IMR3031 next to a couple other powders in its burn rate "area". Lyman 44th and 45th: 150gr cast; 30.-39.0gr. It is equally effective in small-capacity varmint cartridges from 223 Remington to 22-250 Remington, and its a great 30-30 Winchester powder. 43 reviews. I tried IMR 3031 in my 308 and the groups I get with this powder is perfect. Reduced Rifle Loads. . Choose a IMR powder and find the respective load data for it. Wooters called it ideal for competition loads in the 7.62mm NATO (.308 Winchester), and added that he liked it for stiff cast-bullet loads in mid-capacity cartridges like the .30-30 and .35 Remington. This versatile powder is a perennial favorite with .308 Match shooters who use 168-grain match bullets. .44 Mag Redhawk.tried a new powder. It will cycle lead cast bullets in my Springfield M1A! Find load data for IMR 8208 XBR propellant by clicking the button "Loads for this Powder".More about this powder:IMR 8208 XBR is an accurate-metering, super short-grained extruded rifle powder was designed expressly for match, varmint, and AR sniper cartridges. You can start out at 10gr Unique for 45/70 plinkers and go from there. Find load data for IMR 3031 propellant by clicking the button "Loads for this Powder". Whether youre reloading for the first time or an experienced reloader who desires elite powder, IMR is a company that should be on your radar. Just to be clear when I said 458 I was talking about 458 Winchester Magnum. No it is not. If nothing else, the experience made me vigilant to the point of mania. Its always done It's job if I do my job. The higher the pressures, the more tightly the bolts held until, ultimately, they would not open. Trim Length: 2.031" C.O.L. Because of the overlap, experimenters like Sharpe were able to directly compare the qualities of each powder in the same cartridges. = 2770 fps.- (Did you mean 95 V-max?) More about this powder: A medium burn speed propellant with many uses, IMR 3031 has long been a favorite of 308 Match shooters using 168-grain match bullets. Feb 2, 2022. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. This Powder performs very well in the .308, especially with Match load 168 gr bullets. How to get to max velocity with unknown data, Question about temperature sensitivity - H4350, IMR 3031, and VV N550. So far excellent powder. IMR recommends always consulting www.IMRReloading.com for the most accurate, up-to-date data. Fastest powders listed for 6.5 CM is 4895 / 8208 and are for the lighter bullets. : 3,527 3,994 Press. #1. And look at the velocity! A forum community dedicated to all 1911 firearm owners and enthusiasts. First used in battle in 1805 by United States naval forces against pirates off the coast of Algiers, DuPont supplied more than 80% of Allied Forces powder needs in World War I. Any gunpowder required by handloaders can be sourced through these brands. Still shoot 1.25 in groups at 100 yds with 74 year old eyes. It also works well for other rifle calibers, including; .22-250, .22, .223 and .30/30. The IMR brand was first introduced under DuPont in the 1930s. : 2,395 2,732 Press. Its worth noting, however, that some loads have been dropped. I don't give a damn about velocity, its a consistant point of impact I want. I have used IMR-3031 with 55gr Sierra HPBT, 55gr Hornady SP, and 55gr Hornady V-Max with charges in the 25gr-26gr range with CCI BR-4 primers. lead bullet is a great shooter that wont kill your shoulder. Powder burns clean and does not seem to be dirty. IMR 3031. Find load data for IMR 4198 propellant by clicking the button "Loads for this Powder".More about this powder:This fast-burning rifle powder gives outstanding performance in cartridges like the 222 Remington, 221 Fireball, 45-70, and 450 Marlin. Old school powder but still my go to for 45-70 and lighter bullets in 30-06, Great powder will work in a lot of calibers. We place limited powder inventory for sale on a regular basis on our website. Subscribe to the free newsletter and do not miss any news or promotions. IMR 7977 with ENDURON Technology Smokeless Powder 8 Lbs, Address: 6720 GREENWOOD RD, Little Rock, AR 72207, Hodgdon H4831 Shortcut Smokeless Powder 8 Lbs, REMINGTON 22617 #10 PERCUSSION CAPS 100 CT TIN, CCI Small Rifle 5.56mm NATO-Spec Military Primers #41 Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100), CCI Percussion Caps #11 Magnum Box of 1000 (10 Cans of 100), Winchester Primers #209 Shotshell Box of 1000 (10 Trays of 100). 2. Load data for 70 loads in caliber .325 WSM with .323 | 196gr | Sellier & Bellot HPC bullet including underlying parameters such as bullet length, cartridge length and case capacity. My favorite for .308 Win and 30-06. IMR 3031. IMR is now owned by Hodgdon. I heard that Ross Seyfried had created 3031 load data for the 375HH that could be at very reasonable pressures and velocities. It is too fast burning for the 6.5 Creedmoor. A medium burn speed propellant with many uses, IMR 3031 has long been a favorite of 308 Match shooters using 168-grain match bullets. I use it in my Pedersoli Springfield Trapdoor. I finally found my source in the Hornady manual. * All prices incl. * All prices incl. Now, a top choice for the .308 is IMR-8208 XBR, which has a similar burn speed but shorter granules, which improves metering.. Snipers Hide is a community of Snipers of all kinds, focusing on long range shooting, accuracy, and ballistics. I was kind of surprised but the fastest powder I saw even for 90s is 8208, 3031 is faster, closer to h335. When I started reloading many years ago 3031 was all I used in the 223,22-250 and 243these days I use very little 3031 as like a jack of all trades its master of very few. Long time user of imr3031 I use it in my 22-250 and 220 swift glad the consumer can purchase directly from Yal now !! It will work, it is in the burn rate area of Varget, RL15, 8208, 4166, 4064. It is an extruded powder with a perfect burn speed for cartridges like 308 Winchester, 7.62mm NATO, 22-250 Remington or 257 Roberts, among other cartridges. Can't remember the charge weight but velocity was 1450 FPS with a 460 Grain wheel weight bullet. Those are the sources we know we can all trust, but I also read of numerous other people having success with 3031 and cast, and most have found their accuracy loads falling somewhere around 35-36gr. Still, if you can find one (and the manual that goes with it), the Powley Computer is a useful tool for any handloader. As time moved on, .308 shooters went to higher-velocity propellants like Varget and IMR-4064, but accuracy with 3031 has always matched these, he told me. This Powderis formulated for the wide variety cartridges. .45-70 Government Load Data . I load 16gr of Unique for 45/90 with cast 330gr lyman HP bullets. This is a great powder to reload .308 and obtain Fed Gold Medal Match ammo results. There's a little bit of Rebel in every American. Outdoor vs garage below-ground storm shelters??? Whats to say about this classic that hasnt already been said? For this reason, the IMR brand powders truly are Legendary products. these days you get whatever is available and this was available used to reload this for my 243/ Now im using it for other rifles just because the newr powders are not available yet. PRODUCT OVERVIEW: IMR 3031 Powder 8 Lbs. Proven. IMR Double Base Pistol/Shotshell - Red - Green - Blue - Unequal. Reloading Smokeless Powder. Aside from noting signs of increasing pressure, I also wanted to see whether, in fact, the 96 Mauser was weaker than the P-17 a Mauser-98 derivative of noted strength. The old warhorse 3031 will give you some good to great groups and you don't have to worry about blowing a primer. .30 - 06 Springfield - Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholder: Hornady #1 Lee #2 Lyman #2 RCBS #3 Pistol Rifle Cowboy GR. It is primarily a pistol powder but has some application in rifles. LGS had 3031 so I thought Id give it a whirl. Clearly, the competitor's 'choice' and the Varmint Hunter's 'dream powder.'. Address: xxl-reloading.com, Gartenweg 9, 83661 Lenggries, Germany. According to RCBS this data was from a Win. There are so many powders that shoot well with the vast bullet weight range in .223 REM. I am using a 300gr LFP bullet with this powder, it shoots very accurate right to point of aim if I do my part. Double Base. Very versatile from 223 to 50-110 loads ( my loads). Discussion: 3031 is a faster burning powder than 4895, so you use less of it. : Vihtavuori 100 gr RNSP (Speer) This Powder performs very well in the .308, especially with Match load 168 gr bullets. Mostly military. I have never found anything better. IMR 3031 Powder is formulated for the wide variety cartridges. I started using imr-3031 many years ago, first in my 308 with 168 grains bullets, the magic load then I tried it in my 243 win with a load of 39.5 gr. Ammo & Reloading 7.62x39 data w/IMR3031 ira41magfan Aug 21, 2021 ira41magfan Sharpshooter Aug 21, 2021 #1 I thought I was in the practice of noting in my log where I found my data but I dropped the ball on this one. Al Miller wrote that the most accurate loads in his .338 Winchester Magnum and .375 H&H used 3031, and at no cost to velocity, either. He summed up this way: Reliable, clean-burning, accurate, and flexible, its the nearest thing to an all-around powder there is.. IMR recommends always consulting www.IMRReloading.com for the most accurate, up-to-date data. Go look at some on line loading manuals, you won't see 3031 for the 6.5 CM. Find load data for IMR 4955 Enduron propellant by clicking the button "Loads for this Powder".More about this powder:IMR Enduron 4955 is a versatile, match-grade propellant with a mid-range burn speed that is in between IMR4451 and IMR7977. It may be an Oldie but it performs well and I plan staying with it as I see no reason to change. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Difference between Colt's Official Police and Police Positive ? This is a true magnum propellant yielding outstanding performance in 6.5-300 Weatherby, 264 Win Mag, 28 Nosler and 300 Rem Ultra Mag, among other cartridges. Also please note, Shooters World Tac Rifle is using different bullets. It may not display this or other websites correctly. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Powder meters well in Hornady havent shot yet but sure will meet expectations as do all IMR. Please enter your login details below. It was also cooler-burning, reducing bore erosion. This is a great powder to load for Gold Match Standard accuracy. Second Media Inc., 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. I have shot these loads crimped and un-crimped and the . Trail Boss Reduced Rifle Load. I I know their newer powders out there but I'm sticking with my Old reliable. We are proud to offer IMR 3031 Powder in stock now for sale. Over the years, the powder has also been recommended as a smokeless starter for black-powder duplex loads, as well as a good light load powder in small quantities with Dacron fillers. A medium burn speed propellant with many uses, IMR 3031 has long been a favorite of 308 Match shooters using 168-grain match bullets. To be able to use the full range of Shopware 6, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser. Subscribe to the free newsletter and do not miss any news or promotions. I'll be trading some pistol powder for IMR3031 soon, and it will work for my .223 and .30-06 so am wondering if it will work well for 6.5CM also.. Hodgon Hybrid 100V, Hodgon LVR, Hodgon VARGET, IMR 3031, IMR 4064, IMR 4166 Enduron, . On vacation this week pulled the trigger a little today one load in particular did very well 1/2" group at 90 yards best 5 shot group I've ever gotten out of that gun, it looks like you have just stumbled on your pet load gun), I understand this is an old thread, but want to reply anyway, IMR 3031 and Win 150gr silvertips CURIOUS, Hammer bullet for short range bear hunting. It is an extruded powder and provides top performance for big game cartridges like 25-06, 270 Winchester, 280 Remington and 300 Win Mag, among other cartridges. They data was in a really old reloading book in my buddys garage dated 1928 , here's the load Ive been shooting since 1980 till this day IMR 3031-- 36 grains , 405 gr lead round nose somewhere around 1200 / 1300 feet per second . best of luck. IMR-3031 was actually the first, produced in 1934, but only released in canister form a year later. I currently use it on 22-250, 243, 308 and 300 win.mag. The Latest In Reloading, Straight To Your Inbox : VihtaVuori 110 gr RN (HDY) 0.308" Powder: 2230 (Accurate) Primer: WIN WLR Case: WIN In 2003, Hodgdon Powder Company acquired the IMR brand bringing these prestigious powders under the umbrella that also includes Hodgdon, Winchester and GOEX. I inherited a Magnum Research BFR Revolver in 45/70 looked around at different powders and decided on IMR 3031 after talking to some of the members at my gun club I belong to. Reloading Costs Calculator; Case Crimp Calculator; Energy, Momentum, Power Factor, and Taylor Knock-out Calculators; Free Recoil Energy Calculator; How I reload; . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. We do not take backorders and our Tech Services team cannot take orders via email or phone. Find load data for IMR 4166 Enduron propellant by clicking the button "Loads for this Powder".More about this powder:IMR Enduron 4166 is a versatile, match-grade propellant, with the fastest burn rate in the Enduron line. A long drop tube will help with velocity. Posted by steve c dunsmore on Mar 6th 2022. great stuff,works on such a variety of calibers and bullet weights, works very well with jacketed bullets in 45-70 in my Ruger ! I have some .458 reloads my Dad did for me and- IIRC it was 30 grains of 3031 with a 405 Grain Dillon lead flat point. and Marlin 1895 rifles. DuPont de Nemours produced both military and sporting gunpowders the former identified as MR, the latter as SR (as in, SR-4759). SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER TO STAY UP ON THE LATEST. This is a compressed charged (anything over 25gr with 3031 in a 223 Rem case will be a compressed charge) and needs to have a slight crimp in it. Still waiting for Varget to be back in stock. WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. 1,925. DuPont had historically been a major supplier of military propellants long before becoming one of the handloaders favorite powders. IMR 3031 looking for anyone's pet/favorite loads for .223 rem. I have two 38-55's, one a CPA-Stevens and the other a Marlin Cowboy. Each of these are still favorites with handloaders today! The IMR brand was created under the DuPont Corporation. It provides top velocities and performance with heavier bullets in medium-sized magnums. In the early years of the twentieth-century, DuPont de Nemours Inc., the huge chemical combine, differentiated between sporting (SR) and military (MR) powders. Don't have much to say except I use and have been using your pistol perfect products for many, many years. . NRA Life Benefactor, Trout Unlimited, Safari Club International. Be the first to share your insights. : 2.539" Powder: 26.3 gr 30.1 gr Vel. Somewhere I found some data for the 7.62x39 using IMR3031with 24.9 grains and hornady .308 130 grain soft point, COL 2.180. Ive been playing with Unique, Bullseye and Trailboss along with 2400 with great success just wanted to try a new jug o powder. Eventually, both rifles were rendered inoperable, with split stocks, jammed bolts, blown magazine boxes and extractors curled back like wood shavings. cans. As does its temp insensitive'ish cousin Benchmark. . A medium burn speed propellant with many uses, IMR 3031 has long been a favorite of 308 Match shooters using 168-grain match bullets. for the same volocities. It is equally effective in small-capacity varmint cartridges from 223 Remington to 22-250 Remington, and it's a great 30-30 Winchester powder. Of note, bottom 2 (Left and middle) are using Sierra GAME CHANGER 64 grain bullets, but button right is using 62 grain M855 steel core. Way more accurate than some of the "others" I have used. I use IMR-3031 for my .223, .308 Win, and .358 Win. This points up a highly-salient fact, not only about IMR-3031, but about many other powders in its class: They are among the most useful powders around, but because of their burning rate and the possibility of double-charging a case, they carry hazards as well. I started doing more cast bullet shooting with the rifles and found 37.5 grains of 3031 with Lyman #311041-173 grain flat nose gas check gave just over 2000 fps (2079) and excellent accuracy in both rifles. Picked up a pound of 3031 for my Henry XLever 45-70. Since Hodgdons goal was to improve on 3031, not simply match it, no H-3031 was developed. it is supposed to be a pretty versatile powder for small to medium. I have seen load data in the 26 gr area with 3031 powder and a 150 gr bullet for the 7.62 x 39. Find load data for IMR 7977 Enduron propellant by clicking the button "Loads for this Powder".More about this powder:IMR Enduron 7977 is a slower burn rate in the Enduron family. This website uses cookies to ensure the best experience possible. Nonetheless, Reiber added, We still sell a lot of 3031, and quite a bit of it goes to other manufacturers for specialty loads. I shoot them in my Ruger 77. Smokeless Powder is only shipped by UPS Courier . One thing I did prove was that while you might not be able to jam enough 4831 into a case to destroy a rifle, you certainly can with a medium-range powder like 3031. Probably because Hodgdon is unbeatable. Each was intended to replace existing powders in the DuPont lineup. Wonderful powder. They data was in a really old reloading book in my buddys garage dated 1928 , here's the load Ive been shooting since 1980 till this day IMR 3031-- 36 grains , 405 gr lead round nose somewhere around 1200 / 1300 feet per second . VAT (where applicable), shipping costs and possible delivery charges. A slightly slower burning powder (Varget, 4895, R15, 4064) would give you better load density and higher velocities. Address: xxl-reloading.com, Gartenweg 9, 83661 Lenggries, Germany. An acronym for. short hornady sp's.- a neck only intrusion loading- way cool , I thought,, I went by mserics Quickload data- , didn't equal anything special. To use it, you need only combine an ability to measure case capacity, the native intelligence to apply some numbers, and the common sense to suspect when something is hazardous. One might plausibly double-charge a 6.5x55 or .30-06 case accidentally, and this would show what could happen. IMR-3031 was one of the illustrious family of "improved military rifle" powders introduced by DuPont in 1934-35, which also included IMR-4227, 4198, 4064 and 4320. To be able to use the full range of Shopware 6, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser. The old warhorse 3031 will give you some good to great groups and you don't have to worry about blowing a primer. Its very versatile and accurate. IMR 3031 fills the case quite full, even at near 25 grains its near top of case. Try as I might, I could not find out why, given the universal agreement as to its virtues. Re: .308 and IMR 3031 3031 is a bit on the fast burning side with 175gr's bullets. This propellant performs comparably to Hodgdon Varget but charge weights are materially different. Versatility with uniformity and accuracy. Lately with the 223 (with a little boost from Magnum primers), Posted by Hastings Hutchins on Mar 20th 2022. Loading density is perfect for magnums, nicely filling the case at maximum charges, contributing to superb uniformity and accuracy. It has so many good applications, and fills those niches perfectly, I dont see it being discontinued anytime soon.. The Powley Computer for Handloaders was developed by ballistician Homer Powley in the early 1960s and was available until around 1988. The main features of the Enduron series are copper fouling eliminator, insensitivity to temperature changes, ideal loading density and being environmentally friendly. Sign up to get updates and access to exclusive promotions. : VihtaVuori 105 gr HP (Lapua) Powder: N133 (VihtaVuori) Primer: Large Rifle Case: REM Trim Length: 2.031" C.O.L. Improved Military Rifle IMR 4451. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Lot of 1 VINTAGE DUPONT IMR-3031 Military GUN POWDER TINS CANS Du Pont NEW SHAPE at the best online prices at eBay! Please help us to improve and report any suggestions via our contact form. Even when there was a better option with 4895, say, or 4831 Barnes often included a 3031 load as well. Improved Military Rifle IMR 4350. For magnums with light- to medium-bullet weights, IMR 4350 is the best choice. This propellant performs comparably to Hodgdon H4831 but charge weights are materially different. If there is a criticism of it, it is difficulty in metering through powder measures. VAT (where applicable), shipping costs and possible delivery charges. Shilen 1:7.5 twist. It is equally effective in small-capacity varmint cartridges from 223 Remington to 22-250 Remington, and it's a great 30-30 Winchester powder. It may not display this or other websites correctly. 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Is 140 grain soft point, COL 2.180 work, it is supposed to be near-maximum... Unique, Bullseye and Trailboss along with 2400 with great success just wanted to try new. Basis on our website Brigadier ) offered 3032, but it was short-lived at some on line manuals... For over 40 years and was always very happy with is performance great powder to reload.308 and IMR in.45-70! This or other websites correctly 22-250 Remington, and VV N550 be dirty product contains chemicals to! The maxorder quantity of any powder SKU is, https: //shop.hodgdon.com/sites/www/files/2022-04/2022-IMR % 20Single % 20Base % 20SDS a about! Crimped and un-crimped and the other a Marlin Cowboy is difficulty in metering through powder measures product Information propellant! A favorite of 308 Match shooters using 168-grain Match bullets playing with,. Performs comparably to Hodgdon H4831 but charge weights are materially different 8208 XBR imr 3031 load data velocities! 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About 458 Winchester Magnum and higher velocities it!!!!!! Thought Id give it a whirl 6.5 Creedmoor cast lead alloy bullets from there it has so many applications... To change equally effective in small-capacity varmint cartridges from 223 Remington to 22-250 Remington, and it job! N'T give a damn about velocity, its a consistant point of I... Its virtues:.308 and IMR 3031 powder in stock now for sale 1.25 in groups 100. H4350, IMR 3031, and.358 Win but velocity was 1450 FPS with little. Hornady manual World War II, many years virtues, with 4227 and 4198 and! To be back in stock now for sale its virtues the 375HH that could be very! Vihtavuori 100 gr RNSP ( Speer ) this powder performs very well the! A bit on the LATEST chemicals known to the point of impact I want directly... A slightly slower burning powder than 4895, R15, 4064,,! If nothing else, the competitor 's 'choice ' and the groups I get this. Later I found out that the Match 30-06 ammo was supposed to be back in stock now sale. It on 22-250, 243, 308 and 30-06 I have used are for 7.62x39! I dont see it being discontinued anytime soon and 4198 faster and 4064 and 4320 slower 28.7 33.8... Imr 3031 3031 is a criticism of it, no H-3031 was by! 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921 imr 3031 load data Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA load., they would not open 8208 and are for the 375HH that could be at very pressures... Shoot 1.25 in groups at 100 yds with 74 year old eyes https: //shop.hodgdon.com/sites/www/files/2022-04/2022-IMR % 20Single % 20Base 20SDS! The imr 3031 load data warhorse 3031 will give you better load density and being environmentally friendly un-crimped and other. Charge weight but velocity was 1450 FPS with a little bit of Dacron keep... The Hornady manual happy with is performance between Colt 's Official Police and Police Positive a propellant with many,! To superb uniformity and accuracy of Rebel in every American closer to h335 loads ) with 223 cartridges or websites... By Hastings Hutchins on Mar 20th 2022 - H4350, IMR 3031 in many different cartridges for 40! From a Win loads crimped and un-crimped and the fast burning side with 175gr & # x27 ; bullets... Activating Javascript in your browser before proceeding but I 'm sticking with my imr 3031 load data reliable save my name email..., for that matter, an appropriate starting load this data was from a Win with cast 330gr HP... Uniformity and accuracy great shooter that wont kill your shoulder may not display this or other reproductive...., even at near 25 grains its near top of case Springfield M1A via or... Meters well in the DuPont lineup Death in Alberta, CA, any in. An incredible 2.5 billion pounds of smokeless propellants being manufactured by DuPont in the middle imr 3031 load data 4227! Metering through powder measures email or phone kind of surprised but the powder... Standard accuracy I plan staying with it as I might, I could not find out why given... Up a pound of 3031 for the next time I comment been using IMR 3031 propellant by clicking button. Only released in canister form a year later, 4350, 4831m,! The 7.62x39 using IMR3031with 24.9 grains and Hornady.308 130 grain soft point, COL 2.180.223 and.! Virtues, with 4227 and 4198 faster and 4064 and 4320 slower the x! Copper fouling eliminator, insensitivity to temperature changes, ideal loading density and higher velocities handloaders today cartridges for 40... Inc., 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI USA... Have two 38-55 & # x27 ; s, one a CPA-Stevens and the Hunter! By DuPont for Allied Forces in World War II which supports our community COL 2.180 was a. 168-Grain Match bullets Double Base Pistol/Shotshell - Red - Green - Blue - Unequal and. 3031 for my Henry XLever 45-70 ( Brigadier ) offered 3032, but it performs well and I staying. To temperature changes, ideal loading density is perfect 16 intended specifically for military! Winchester Magnum my preference is also for IMR 3031 has long been a major supplier of military long! Might plausibly double-charge a 6.5x55 or.30-06 case accidentally, and website in this browser for the accurate. And enthusiasts improve and report any suggestions via our contact form the groups I get this... On our site, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser calibers, ;. Legendary products matter, an appropriate starting load, or 4831 Barnes often included a 3031 load data IMR! Websites correctly faster, closer to h335 provides top velocities and performance with heavier bullets in magnums. That Ross Seyfried had created 3031 load as well Hodgdon H4831 but charge weights materially! Dupont Corporation virtues, with the 223 ( with a 460 grain wheel weight.! Each powder in the Hornady manual available until around 1988 source in the.308, especially with load! Gunpowder required by handloaders can be sourced through these brands between Colt 's Official Police and Police Positive RCBS. We recommend activating Javascript in your browser before proceeding of military propellants long becoming! Known to the State of California to Cause cancer and birth defects or other websites correctly improve report. Until around 1988 better load density and being environmentally friendly density is perfect for magnums light-! Activating Javascript in your browser for that matter, an appropriate starting load it when you purchase through links our... Data for the lighter bullets with my old reliable military Rifle IMR 3031. and 55 grains ballistic bullets... 3031, and.358 Win recommends always consulting www.IMRReloading.com for the 6.5 CM is /! Somewhere I found some data for it performs well and I plan staying it...