8-4-101, et seq. Rule 7. The workday is set by the employer and may accommodate flexible shift scheduling. Check your email to confirm your account in order to place an offer. The Division is expected to periodically issue additional guidance regarding COMPS Order 36 through Interpretive Notice and Formal Opinions (INFOs). CO Agency Disclosure - Seller. Access to the Employee Handbooks product requires a subscription. (B) If the below conditions are met, rest periods need not be 10 minutes every 4 hours for any employees (i) governed by a collective bargaining agreement at any employer, or (ii) during time they are providing Medicaid-funded residential in-home services for an employer receiving at least 75% of its annual total gross revenue from federal and/or state Medicaid funds for providing such services. Log in
Employers shall not threaten, coerce, or discriminate against any person for the purpose of reprisal, interference, or obstruction as to any actual or anticipated investigation, hearing, complaint, or other process or proceeding relating to a wage claim, right, or rule. Unlike with meal periods, employers need not permit employees to leave the premises for their rest periods. Under COMPS Order #38, the highly compensated employee exemption applies to employees (1) who are paid on a salary basis of at least $101,250 annually and at least $865.38 per week; (2) who customarily and regularly perform any one or more of the exempt duties or responsibilities of an executive, administrative, or professional employee; and (3) Rule 1.8 of COMPS Order 36 sets forth which items are included in the calculation of an employees regular rate of pay, as well as how to calculate the regular rate for those employees who are paid a weekly salary or on some other non-hourly basis. There are narrow exceptions for qualifying doctors, teachers, lawyers, and employees in highly technical computer-related occupations. 4.1.1 Employees shall be paid time and one-half of the regular rate of pay for any work in excess of any of the following, except as provided below: (C) 12 consecutive hours without regard to the start and end time of the workday. The following employees are exempt from Rule 4 (Overtime) unless otherwise specified. 8-6-102 Construction provision (Whenever this article or any part thereof is interpreted by any court, it shall be liberally construed by such court.), applicable to rules on wages which are inadequate to supply the necessary cost of living ( 8-6-104), on conditions of labor detrimental to [worker] health or morals ( 8-6-104), on conditions of labor and hours of employment not detrimental to health or morals for workers ( 8-6-106), on what are unreasonably long hours ( 8-6-106), on what requirements are necessary to carry out the provisions of this article ( 8-6-108.5), and on minimum and overtime wages ( 8-6-109, -111, -116, -117): The provisions of the COMPS Order shall be liberally construed, with exceptions and exemptions accordingly narrowly construed. 16 0 obj COMPs Order #36 mandated that almost every employer in Colorado provide meal and rest breaks to their employees. First, it is sufficient for an employer to authorize and permit two five-minute rest periods in lieu of a 10-minute rest period, so long as the employee and employer agree, voluntarily and without coercion, and so long as five minutes is sufficient time to go back and forth to a bathroom or other place where a bona fide break would be taken. There is no minimum size of a wage claim, and thus no claim too minimal (de minimis) for recovery, because Article 4 requires paying [a]ll wages or compensation (C.R.S. Most significantly, if an employee is not authorized and permitted to take a required rest period, COMPS Order 36 states that the employee is entitled to 10 minutes of additional pay. Such an agreement does not change an employees right to pay for rest periods under Rule 5.2.4. (1) the application of systems analysis techniques and procedures, including consulting with users, to determine hardware, software, or system functional specifications, (2) the design, development, documentation, analysis, creation, testing, or modification of computer systems or programs, including prototypes, based on and related to user or system design specifications, or. 2.4 Exemptions from Overtime Requirements of the COMPS Order. As noted in the previous post, COMPS order #36 is radical overhaul of Colorado's prior wage orders. If any part (including any section, sentence, clause, phrase, word, or number) is held invalid, (A) the remainder of the COMPS Order remains valid, and (B) if the provision is held not wholly invalid, but merely in need of narrowing, the provision should be retained in narrowed form. Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification, COMPS (Colorado Overtime & Minimum Pay Standards), Interpretive Notice & Formal Opinions (INFOs) & Other Published Guidance, Digital Literacy and Inclusion Initiative, Office of Education and Training Innovation, Retaliation, Discrimination, & Harassment, Employment Opportunity Act (Credit History), Workplace Accommodations for Nursing Mothers, Colorado Chance to Compete Act (Ban the Box), Demands, Complaints, Responses, & Settlements, Paid Sick Leave under the Colorado Healthy Families and Workplaces Act (HFWA), Colorado Health Emergency Leave with Pay ("Colorado HELP") Rules March 11 - July 14, 2020, Colorado Overtime & Minimum Pay Standards (COMPS), Agricultural Labor Rights and Responsibilities, Required Reporting by Supplemental Healthcare Staffing Agencies, 2023 Publication And Yearly Calculation of Adjusted Labor Compensation, Statement of Basis, Purpose, Authority, and Findings, Colorado Overtime and Minimum Pay Standards Order ("COMPS Order") #36, INFO # 1: Colorado Overtime & Minimum Pay Standards Order (COMPS Order) #36, The Statement of Basis, Purpose, Authority, and Findings accompanying the spring 2020. Part 541 Subpart G, apply, except that under the COMPS Order, the salary must be at least the level listed below and sufficient for the minimum wage for all hours in a workweek (with the exception of certain professionals listed in Rule 2.5.2). 2.3.2 The Rule 2.3.1 exemption does not apply if an employer draws at least 50% of its annual dollar volume of business from sales to the consuming public (rather than for resale) of any services, commodities, articles, goods, wares, or merchandise.3, 3 Prior Orders for decades have covered any such employer, in any industry. For employers covered by prior Minimum Wage Orders, COMPS Order 36 provides some clarification, but does not materially change, their obligations with respect to pay for travel time, as the prior orders defined travel time as all time spent at the control or direction of an employer, excluding normal home to work travel. This definition is significantly more expansive than the definition of compensable travel time under the FLSA (as amended by the Portal to Portal Act), however, imposing heightened obligations on employers not in one of the four previously covered industries. (B) receives at least 5 minutes of rest in every 4 hours worked. 8-4-101(7), (8.5). Employers with any employees with limited English language ability shall: (A) use a Spanish-language version of the COMPS Order and poster published by the Division, if the employee(s) in question speak Spanish; or. 4 0 obj 4.2 Effect of Daily Overtime on Workday and Workweek. 1.9.1 Requiring or permitting employees to be on the employers premises, on duty, or at a prescribed workplace (but not merely permitting an employee completely relieved from duty to arrive or remain on-premises) including but not limited to, if such tasks take over one minute, putting on or removing required work clothes or gear (but not a uniform worn outside work as well), receiving or sharing work-related information, security or safety screening, remaining at the place of employment awaiting a decision on job assignment or when to begin w Log in Read more items tagged with the same topics Where any Division rule references another rule, the reference shall be deemed to include all subparts of the referenced rule. 2.4.2 Commission Sales. 1.3 Director means the Director of the Division of Labor Standards and Statistics. As previously discussed, Colorado officially adopted the Colorado Overtime and Minimum Pay Standards Order # 36 ("COMPS Order") on January 22, 2020, which went into effect on March 16,. On January 22, 2020, the Colorado Division of Labor and Employment finalized its new order now called COMPS order #36 effective March 16, 2020. endobj Three Modifications to the Order Nov'22- Dec'22: 8,600 It renames the regularly-issued Minimum Wage Order to reflect that this order covers not only minimum wages, but also overtime and other related wage and hour standards. This exemption covers: (A) an employee who is a driver, a drivers helper, or a loader or mechanic of a motor carrier, if the employee crosses state lines in the course of his or her work; and. This is considered an on-duty meal period, and that time must be compensated. Finally, COMPS Order 36 exempts certain categories of employees from its overtime rule. is an acknowledgement and witnessing a signature the same thing. While not nearly as dramatic, COMPS Order #37, which becomes effective January 1, 2021, does include some important changes. An itemized earnings statement of the information in Rule 7.1 shall be provided to each employee each pay period. Billing/Credit Card Authorization. Paid Sick Leave 88 Section 9 - District of Columbia Addendum 93 . (F) Field staff of seasonal camps or seasonal outdoor education programs who primarily provide supervision or education of minors, or education of adults; are required to reside on-premises; are provided adequate lodging and all meals free of charge and without deduction from wages; and as of January 1, 2021, are paid the amount required by subpart (1) below (with no minimum pay required before January 1, 2021). Telecommunication 47 CFR Section 1.2204. . 7.4.1 Posting. A meal credit, equal to the reasonable cost or fair market value of meals provided to the employee, may be used as part of the minimum hourly wage. not apply to the state or its agencies or entities, counties, cities and counties, municipal corporations, quasi-municipal corporations, school districts, and irrigation, reservoir, or drainage conservation companies or districts organized and existing under the laws of Colorado.2 Foreign labor contractor and field labor contractor have the definitions in C.R.S. Employers should note that salaried exempt employees must still be paid Colorado minimum wage for all hours worked. They are not intended either as a substitute for professional advice or judgment or to provide legal or other advice with respect to particular circumstances. (B) No minimum claim size. Littler Investigation Toolkit for Employers, Littler Inclusion, Equity and Diversity Playbook, Colorado Overtime and Minimum Pay Standards Order Number 36. The COMPS Order is a comprehensive regulatory change to Colorado minimum wage, overtime, and working condition rules, and imposes significant new obligations and restrictions on employers. Newly covered employers will now have to abide by the Colorado overtime rules requiring employers to pay 1 times the employees regular rate of pay for work beyond 40 hours per week, 12 hours per day, or 12 consecutive hours of work, whichever results in the higher payment of wages. As previously discussed on this blog, the Colorado Division of Labor and Employment recently finalized its new wage order, titled COMPS Order 36. Additional deductions set forth in Rule 6 of COMPS Order 36, including for uniforms, or in Colorados wage deductions statute, Colo. Rev. 24-4-103(12.5)(b), the agency shall provide certified copies of them at cost upon request or shall provide the requestor with information on how to obtain a certified copy of the material incorporated by reference from the agency originally issuing them. If the work site or other conditions make a physical posting impractical (including private residences employing only one worker, and certain entirely outdoor work sites lacking an indoor area), the employer shall provide a copy of the COMPS Order or poster to each employee within his or her first month of employment, and shall make it available to employees upon request. Similarly, the minimum salary threshold for exemptions requiring a salary (such as for administrative, executive, and professional employees) will increase to $778.85 per week ($40,500.20 per year). Alternatively, an employee may elect to pursue a complaint through the Divisions administrative procedure as described in the Colorado Wage Act, C.R.S. Michael Lore is the founder of The Lore Law Firm. This article summarizes the key changes. 8-4-105, are also permitted. (3) the design, documentation, testing, creation, or modification of computer programs related to machine operating systems. In response [] 8-6-108.5. While COMPS Order 36 does not contemplate monetary penalties for failure to comply with the posting requirements, it provides that failure to comply may result in ineligibility for employee-specific credits, deductions, or exemptions. (B) taxi cab drivers employed by a taxi service provider licensed by a state or local government. It includes time employers permit or require employees to be on the premises, on-duty, or at prescribed workplaces, but does not include merely permitting an employee completely relieved from duty to arrive or remain on the premises. When it goes into effect, COMPS Order #37 will replace COMPS Order #36, although the sweeping changes implemented by COMPS Order #36 as discussed above carry through in COMPS Order #37. 2.2 Exemption from all except Rules 1, 2, and 8. 2.2.5 Owners or proprietors. The new minimum salary thresholds for exemption from overtime began on July 1, 2020. However, the Division of Labor Standards and Statistics in the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment ("the Division") has recently implemented temporary emergency modifications to the COMPS . Denver, CO 80202-3660 1.9.2 Travel time means time spent on travel for the benefit of an employer, excluding normal home to work travel, and shall be considered time worked. (C) recorded in a written agreement (electronic form is acceptable) that states the fact and amount of the credit (but need not be a lease). Employers must also make a copy of COMPS Order 36 or Poster available upon any employees request. 2.2.6 Interstate transportation workers and taxi cab drivers. User authorizes Colorado Comps, LLC to process charges from a credit card account provided by the User. endobj November 30, 2020 Early this year, COMPS Order #36 made substantial changes in Colorado wage law. a notary may perform a copy certification of records obtained from which office. <> stream This partial overtime exemption does not apply to ski area employees performing duties related to lodging. 1.10 Tipped employee means any employee engaged in an occupation in which s/he customarily and regularly receives more than $30 per month in tips. (B) for a non-profit employer, is the highest-ranked and highest-paid employee, and is paid at least the salary threshold in Rule 2.5. Significantly, if an employer distributes a handbook, a manual, or written or posted policies to employees, as many employers do, it must include a copy of COMPS Order 36 or Poster. 1 0 obj Employers that require their employees to sign an acknowledgment of receiving those materials, such as the commonly used handbook acknowledgment, must also require a signed acknowledgement that employees were provided a copy of COMPS Order 36 or Poster. 18-4-401) if an employer or agent: (A) willfully refuses to pay wages or compensation, or falsely denies the amount of a wage claim, or the validity thereof, or that the same is due, with intent to secure for himself, herself, or another person any discount upon such indebtedness or any underpayment of such indebtedness or with intent to annoy, harass, oppress, hinder, coerce, delay, or defraud the person to whom such indebtedness is due (C.R.S. endobj As previously discussed, Colorado officially adopted the Colorado Overtime and Minimum Pay Standards Order # 36 ("COMPS Order") on January 22, 2020, which went into effect on March 16, 2020. Effective January 1, 2021, the Colorado minimum wage will increase to $12.32 per hour for nonexempt employees. 36 poster, which appears on the division's COMPS Order No. COMPS Order 36 defines compensable time worked as all time performing labor or services for an employers benefit, including all time employees are suffered or permitted to work, whether or not required. - To the extent that COMPS requires new paperwork from employers (new posters, handbook inserts, acknowledgement forms, etc . No profits to the employer may be included in the reasonable cost or fair market value of such meals furnished. In addition, a signed acknowledgment of the new order is required. Exemptions from COMPS Order 36 and Increased Salary Thresholds. Employer Record-Keeping and Posting Requirements. View our privacy policy, privacy policy (California), cookie policy, supported browsers and access your cookie settings. 8-4-101(6), has the same meaning as in the federal Fair Labor Standards Act at 29 U.S.C. COMPS Order 36 applies to virtually all private employers in Colorado and overhauls wage and pay regulations, including overtime, meal and rest breaks, exemption tests, and numerous other areas. Please note that the form is currently not optimised for mobile devices. These documents come in many shapes and functions as well, and the variations of these papers and documents are listed below: Certificates: Certificates are somewhat like acknowledgement forms as they validate a person's achievement or participation in an event. COMPS Order 36 replaces prior Minimum Wage Orders, which covered only four industries, and expands Colorado overtime, meal and rest break, and travel time requirements, as well as exemption tests, among other rules, to virtually all private employers in the state. <> If an employer requires employees to sign any handbook, manual, or policy, it must also have employees sign an acknowledgment of being provided the COMPS Order or the COMPS Order poster. L1gUskihs0Y)V"WD\ u[|L9,iaa"2ih:` N\,#MJ"'a:
Qe]V7STVA'"SJf0i}V[, .B&tyVwEzE~@Os7]I l*uKQfn ,YNh LPm_5!wt (m7,._^J{E2[X|5~RDm!o-lsIl4-Ftey0fW,4"""""2Ma2romE`ih6R}V`RnRWW1d&V ?GF.e{H([/N/peS,|}F|D. 36 informational page, outlines critical wage rights and responsibilities that are to take effect March 16, including minimum-wage eligibility, overtime pay for work in excess of 40 hours in a week or 12 hours in a day . If pay is on a piece- rate, salary, commission, or other non-hourly basis, any overtime compensation is based on an hourly regular rate calculated from the employees pay. Employees in category (i) or (ii) must receive: (1) rest periods that average, over the workday, at least 10 minutes per 4 hours worked; and. 8-4-101(5), means any person, including a migratory laborer, performing labor or services for the benefit of an employer. 1u5h.JU}6e! COMPS Order 36 deviates in important ways from the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), including by defining any tasks taking over one minute as time worked, eliminating any de minimis exception, and requiring workers to actually cross state lines to be engaged in interstate commerce. For over 25 years, his law practice and experience extend from representing individuals in all aspects of labor & employment law, with a concentration in class and collective actions seeking to recover unpaid back overtime wages, to matters involving executive severance negotiations, non-compete provisions and serious personal injury (work and non-work related). 5.2 Rest Periods. While there is substantial overlap between these exemptions and those available under the FLSA, there are also some key differences. This exemption covers a salaried employee, paid at least the applicable salary in Rule 2.5, who supervises the work of at least two full-time employees and has the authority to hire and fire, or to effectively recommend such action. In order to be exempt from overtime requirements, Colorado employees must now meet a rising minimum salary threshold that exceeds the federal threshold: $40,500 on Jan. 1, 2021 $45,000 on Jan. 1, 2022 $50,000 on Jan. 1, 2023 $55,000 on Jan. 1, 2024 For information on federal law, contact the U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division. 3.3 Reduced Minimum for Certain People with Disabilities and Minors. According to the Department, the COMPS Order is the source of key wage rights and responsibilities, including eligibility for minimum wage; overtime pay for work over 40 hours a week or 12 hours a day; meal and rest breaks; rules on wage deductions; and rules on what work time must be paid. , and that time must be compensated and minimum pay Standards Order Number.! Is radical overhaul of Colorado & # x27 ; s prior wage orders effective January 1 2020! Infos ) form is currently not optimised for mobile devices such meals furnished copy certification of records obtained which... Wage for all hours worked the Lore Law Firm acknowledgement forms, etc that almost employer. The Lore Law Firm should note that the form is currently not optimised for mobile devices almost. Under the FLSA, there are also some key differences migratory laborer, performing or! Disabilities and Minors Colorado & # x27 ; s COMPS Order # 37, which becomes effective January,... 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