Night fishing (where legal to do so) is an excellent way to connect with large trout, as they often come in closer to shore to feed under the cover of darkness. Lake and Pond Regulations NEW (12/27/2022) From March 1 until 6:00 am on the second Saturday of April, trout fishing in lakes and ponds, except for "trout management lakes", is catch and release only. The return of the Seeforellen strain brown trout: this trout is a lake-based strain of brown trout, originally from Europe, that sexually matures later in life and as such, typically grows faster than other strains of brown trout. Coordinates: 41.5254, -73.4841. Lake Bathymetry information is only included for the 125 waterbodies listed in the GIS Metadata. Walk-in access only after Columbus Day until the 2nd Saturday in April. % CONNECTICUT RIVER HIGGANUM CREEK TO BODKIN ROCK EXT. A Fisheries Guide to Lakes and Ponds of Connecticut features over 120 water bodies that were surveyed from 1987 through 2000. 6 mph speed limit, except 25 mph from Tuesday after Labor Day to 3rd Saturday in April. Walk in access from Route 198 (200 yards), Use of internal combustion engines prohibited. Connecticut's TMLs were selected because of their coldwater habitat, forage base (primarily landlocked alewife), or in some cases both. The last twostate recordbrown trout have been 20 plus pound Seeforellens! March 1April 30: Closed to northern pike fishing. Department of Environmental Conservation Determining fishing regulations is a simple two-step process: This information was collected and compiled by the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection over a period of time using a variety of different techniques and equipment including manual depth soundings, use of an electronic depth sounder, use of a GPS receiver to locate the boat, and digitizing previously published bathymetry maps. The The shallow nature of the lake al- Email us, Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, Rulemaking Proposals Open to Public Comment, Opportunities for People with Disabilities. DEEP Lakes & Ponds Water Quality Monitoring Program Blue-Green Algae (Cyanobacteria) Blooms Phosphorus Reduction Strategy for Inland Non-Tidal Waters Integrated Water Quality Report to Congress Water Quality Standards and Classifications Aquatic Vegetation Management: Nuisance Aquatic Vegetation Management (PDF) It includes depth contours, also called bathymetric contours, that define lines of equal water depth in feet. 4 0 obj Motors restricted to 12 cubic inches (approximately 10 horsepower). Open 8:00 a.m. to sunset (but no later than 8:00 pm). Other: 8 mph speed limit. Trout and Kokanee from6:00 am 2nd Saturday of April until the last day of February, Daily creel limit -- 5 trout AND 5 kokanee, Permit required to fish contact Aquarion Water Company at. Launch open from Opening Day to early October. Boat launch at Indian Well State Park, opens for daytime (8:00 a.m. to sunset) use on April 1st (no other amenities until mid-May). 41 State House Station Fishing is not allowed from shore within the designated "Conservation Area". May 1Nov. From the Shepaug Dam to the Stevenson Dam. Chlorophyll-A probe results for 2018 and 2019 may be 2-3 times lower than laboratory processed samples for the same station. All other species open 6:00 a.m. 2nd Saturday April - last day of February. Elevation contours shown on this map are Connecticut Contours 2000 data, which is a statewide dataset of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 ft contour lines for Connecticut based on elevation information for the year 2000. The Lake Navigation App provides advanced features of a Marine Chartplotter including adjusting water level offset and custom depth shading. Building a 10-acre lake costs $1,200 to $6,800 per acre. Feedback Survey, Application, Permitting, and Compliance Forms, Natural Shoreland Erosion Control Certification, Publications, Resources, and Legislative Reports, Watershed Management Division Public Notices, Aquatic Nuisance Control Pre-Rulemaking Focus Group, Search the Agency of Administration's Public Records Database, Department of Environmental Conservation Records Liaisons. No ice fishing or hockey playing is permitted on the small skating pond in Mohegan Park. Most avid trout fishermen that target holdover trout in Connecticut lakes concentrate their efforts during mid-May through June. We gather the data about all the spots in the United States and gradually process it and update our maps. Fishing spots and depth contours layers are available in most Lake maps. In response to these changes, Fisheries Division biologists developed alake classification systemin 2013 based on each lakes current biological conditions. Trout fishing is catch and release only from March 1 until 6:00 am second Saturday of April (Daily limit of 0). Access courtesy of Aquarion Water Company at. EAGLEVILLE LAKE, Coventry-Mansfield; 77 acres, EAST TWIN LAKE (Washining Lake), Salisbury; 569 acres, FACTORY POND (Norwalk River), Redding-Wilton; 12 acres, FACTORY POND (Town Grove Pond), Salisbury; 2 acres, FARMILL (Isinglass) RESERVOIR, Shelton; 4 acres, FERNRIDGE PARK POND, West Hartford; 0.7 acres, FISHER MEADOWS POND (Spring Lake), Avon; 41 acres, FOUNTAIN LAKE RESERVOIR, Ansonia-Seymour; 6 acres, FULTON PARK POND, LOWER, Waterbury; 2.8 acres, FULTON PARK POND, UPPER, Waterbury; 2.1 acres, FRESHWATER POND (Freshwater Brook), Enfield; 8 acres, GARDNER LAKE, Salem-Montville-Bozrah; 529 acres, Species: T, SMB, LMB, YP, CP, CB, S, WA, BB, WC, GREAT HOLLOW POND Within Wolfe Park, Monroe; 15 acres, GREEN FALLS RESERVOIR (Green Falls Pond), Voluntown; 48 acres, HALLVILLE POND (Indiantown Brook), Preston; 10 acres, HAMILTON RESERVOIR, Union-Massachusetts; 412 acres, HAMPTON RESERVOIR, Hampton-Eastford; 88 acres, HANOVER RESERVOIR, Canterbury-Sprague; 21 acres, LAKE HAYWARD (Shaw Lake), East Haddam; 174 acres, HEWITT FLYFISHING POND (Gallup Pond), North Stonington; 2 acres, HEWITT POND (Lower Hewitt Pond), North Stonington; 2 acres, Trout Management Lake and Bass Management Lake, HOGBACK RESERVOIR (see West Branch Reservoir), HOPEWELL POND/LAKE HOPEWELL (see Huntington Pond), LAKE HOUSATONIC, Shelton-Derby-Monroe-Oxford-Seymour; 328 acres, HUNTINGTON POND (Starret Pond, Lake Hopewell, Huntington Park Pond), Redding; 15 acres, INDIAN LAKE (Indian Pond), Sharon-New York; 196 acres, ISINGLASS RESERVOIR (see Farmill Reservoir), KILLINGLY POND, Killingly-Rhode Island; 122 acres, LAKE OF ISLES, North Stonington; 89 acres, LAKEWOOD LAKE (Great Brook Reservoir), Waterbury; 73 acres, LANTERN HILL POND, Ledyard-North Stonington; 23 acres, LAKE LILLINONAH, Brookfield-Bridgewater-Newtown-Southbury-New Milford; 1547 acres, Species: LMB, SMB, WP, CB, WC, NP, S, CA, YP, TM, LITTLE POND (Little Bantam), Litchfield; 15 acres, LITTLE POND (Schoolhouse Pond), Thompson; 65 acres, LONG POND, Ledyard-North Stonington; 109 acres, LOWER STORRS PUMPING POND,Mansfield; 2 acres, MAD RIVER FLOOD CONTROL IMPOUNDMENT, Winchester; 7.9 acres, MALTBY LAKES (1,2,3), Orange-West Haven; 19, 23 and 25 acres, MANSFIELD HOLLOW RESERVOIR (Naubesatuck Lake), Mansfield-Chaplin-Windham; 460 acres, MANSFIELD TOWN POND (see Bicentennial Pond), MANSFIELD TRAINING SCHOOL PONDS, Mansfield; 1.1 and 2.3 acres, LAKE McDONOUGH (Compensating Reservoir), New Hartford-Barkhamsted; 391 acres, McGRATH PARK POND (Prospect Park Pond), Prospect;1 acre, MESSERSCHMIDT POND, Deep River-Westbrook; 73 acres, MILL WOODS PARK POND, Wethersfield; 7.3 acres, MIRROR LAKE (Hubbard Park Pond), Meriden; 7.4 acres, MOHEGAN PARK POND (Spaulding Pond), Norwich; 14 acres, MOODUS RESERVOIR (Upper, Lower), East Haddam; 486 acres, MOUNT TOM POND, Morris-Litchfield-Washington; 56 acres, MUDDY POND, Woodstock-Massachusetts; 38 acres, MUDGE POND (Silver Lake), Sharon; 207 acres, NAUBESATUCK LAKE (see Mansfield Hollow Reservoir), NELLS ROCK RESERVOIR (Hope Lake), Shelton; 10.3 acres, NORTH FARMS RESERVOIR, Wallingford; 64 acres, NORTHFIELD BROOK LAKE, Litchfield; 8 acres, NORTHFIELD CUTLERY COMPANY POND, Litchfield, PAPERMILL POND (see Southford Falls Pond), PASTURE POND, Plainfield, at Quinebaug Valley State Hatchery; 1 acre, PATTACONK LAKE (Russell Jennings Pond), Chester; 56 acres, PECK POND (Keach Pond), Thompson-Putnam-Rhode Island; 14 acres, PERRY POND, Thompson-Massachusetts; 4 acres, PICKEREL LAKE, Colchester-East Haddam; 82 acres, PICKETTS POND (Osborndale State Park), Derby; 9 acres, PIERREPONT POND (Lake Naraneka), Ridgefield; 38 acres, PINE LAKE (Shelton Reservoir #2), Shelton; 7.3 acres, LAKE QUASSAPAUG, Woodbury-Middlebury; 297 acres, QUINEBAUG LAKE (Wauregan Reservoir), Killingly; 88 acres, Species: T, LMB, BB, SMB, CP, S, YP, AE, CC, ROWAN'S POND (Butternut Park Pond), Middletown; 2.9 acres, LAKE SALTONSTALL, Branford-East Haven; 422 acres, SAUGATUCK RESERVOIR, Easton-Redding-Weston; 827 acres, SCHREEDER POND (Chatfield Hollow Pond) In Chatfield Hollow State Park, Killingworth; 4 acres, SEYMOUR RESERVOIRS (1, 2, 3 and 4), Oxford; 4.4, 35, 11.5 and 37.4 acres, SHENIPSIT LAKE, Ellington-Tolland-Vernon; 532 acres, SILVER LAKE (Peat Works Pond), Berlin-Meriden; 146 acres, SOMERSVILLE MILL POND (Scantic River), Somers; 41 acres, SOUTHFORD FALLS POND (Papermill Pond) in Southford Falls State Park, Oxford-Southbury; 2.4 acres, SQUANTZ POND, Fairfield, Sherman; 270 acres, STANLEY QUARTER POND, New Britain; 6.4 acres, STATE LINE POND, Next to Route 32, Stafford; 75 acres, LAKE STIBBS (Southbury Training School Pond), Southbury; 5 acres, STRATTON BROOK PARK POND In Stratton Brook State Park, Simsbury; 2.3 acres, TAFTVILLE RESERVOIR, Access through Raymond Ouellet Park, Norwich; 25 acres, WALKERS RESERVOIR (East), Vernon; 5.1 acres, LAKE WARAMAUG, Kent-Warren-Washington; 656 acres, WARNER POND (Kazans Pond), Newtown; 11.7 acres, WEST BRANCH (Hogback) RESERVOIR, Hartland-Colebrook; 201 acres, WEST HILL POND, New Hartford-Barkhamsted; 261 acres, WEST PEQUONNOCK RESERVOIR, Monroe; 1.4 acres, Common Carp Management efforts on these lakes have focused on size and timing of trout stocking, specific fishing regulations, and also forage fish monitoring and manipulation (e.g., efforts to restore rainbow smelt into West Hill Pond) as a means of producing sustainable and, in some cases, notable brown trout fisheries. Not more than six tip-ups may be used when ice fishing. Boat livery. This CT ECO data guide replaces the previous Elevation Contours and Lake Bathymetry data guide describing a similar, previously available thematic map that included the original Elevation Contours 2000 data. depth (ft) To depth map Go back Use of motors in excess of 7- horsepower prohibited on Saturdays. White ice or snow ice is only about half as strong as new clear ice and can be very treacherous. But, for a simple and excellent trout preparation we suggest the following: Almond Trout with Mushroom Macarons and Gourmet Potatoes (serves 4). Some lakes, however, do have either speed or horsepower restrictions, so again consult theFishing Guideor theBoater's Guidebefore heading out to fish. While we have purposely avoided tables, graphs and statistics, we want you to know that our recommendations are based on careful planning and study employing every available fishery management tool. New York regulations apply for large and smallmouth bass. Digging a large pond costs $1.50 to $4.00 per cubic yard. Not more than two hooks may be used during periods of open water fishing and not more than five hooks may be used when ice fishing. Northern pike: Daily creel limit -- 1, 28 minimum length. This is commonly known as the rule of V's. Informal cartop/carry-in access only (30 yards). Long Pond (North Stonington) and Lake Wononskopomuc (Salisbury) are added as a TML. State government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Spawning Related Fish Kill Fact Sheet -Contains information regardingspawning related fish kills that are observed during May and June in many Connecticut lakes and ponds. "NOAA" and the NOAA emblem are registered trademarks of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. E-mail:[email protected], Lake Champlain Long-Term Monitoring Project. The marine chart shows depth and hydrology of Squantz Pond on the map, which is located in the Connecticut state (Fairfield). Access courtesy of the City of West Hartford, Access courtesy of the Town of Wethersfield -, All other species open 6:00 a.m. 2nd Saturday April -March 31, From March 1 to 6:00 am 2nd Saturday of April, Daily Creel Limit. Weekly Fishing Reports- See where the fishing is hot! Deep Spots If you're curious about the depth and contour of the area's lakes, ponds and bays, have a look at our collection of bathymetric maps from the N.H. Brown trout are fairly temperature tolerant and extremely piscivorous (fish eaters), making them an excellent choice for long-term management in Connecticuts coldwater lakes, as they have the ability to hold-over and survive several years after being stocked. Connecticut or New York fishing license legal on entire pond. When fishing with a bow and arrow-Daily creel limit is 12 of which, not more than 3 fish can be greater than 30 inches, WEST TWIN LAKE (Washinee Lake), Salisbury; 290 acres, WHARTON BROOK PARK POND (Allen Brook Pond) in Wharton Brook State Park, Wallingford; 5 acres, WHITNEY FLOOD CONTROL POND (Patten Brook), Stafford; 2 acres, LAKE WINTERGREEN within West Rock Ridge State Park, Hamden; 44 acres, WONONSKOPOMUC LAKE (Lakeville Lake), Salisbury; 348 acres, ZEINER POND (Lake Winfield), Plymouth; 16 acres, LAKE ZOAR, Monroe-Oxford-Newtown-Southbury; 909 acres. The new and updated information in A Fisheries Guide to Lakes and Ponds of Connecticut will be invaluable to anglers looking to improve their fishing success and for finding new opportunities to explore. Fisheries Division Program Notes and Updates- Quarterly publication that lets you stay in touch with our day to day efforts to enhance fish and fishing. Agency of Natural Resources Boating/fishing access may continue past this date. No special regulations. Regulations for TMLs have changed effective 12/27/2022. To view a list of depth maps available, select a county from the map or one of the links below. There are no distribution restrictions, but the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection should be cited on any published maps using this dataset. However, over the years, many citizens of Massachusetts have observed a decline in the health of their lakes and ponds. Fishing spots and depth contours layers are available in most Lake maps. Also featured are color illustrations of Connecticut fish by world-renowned artist Joseph Tomelleri. In addition the following have changed for East Twin Lake and Lake Wononskopomuc . Launch area open from 2nd Saturday April through Labor Day. Lake and pond fisheries management practices, Life histories of common lake and pond fishes. Largemouth and smallmouth bass: 12 to 18 protected slot limit. Methods of catching trout via boat generally fall into two categories 1) trolling, or 2) still fishing. 45 mph speed limit daytime, 25 mph from hour after sunset to hour before sunrise. First produced in 2006, Connecticut DEEPs Candlewood Lake depth map has become an angler favorite. LAKES AND PONDS HOME Tags: lakes The fishing maps app include HD lake depth contours, along with advanced features found in Fish Finder / Gps Chart Plotter systems, turning your device into a Depth Finder. It has a maximum depth of approximately 16 feet and an average depth of about six feet. Stocking Reports - Read up on recent stocking events! depth (ft) To depth map 5 Go back Leaflet | OpenStreetMap contributors Acknowledgements | Not to be used for navigation Regulations for TMLs have changed effective 12/27/2022. Still fishing can be done by anchoring or if fairly calm, can be done by allowing the breeze to slowly move the boat through the desired fishing location. A contour map that shows the depth of the pond from the top of the water to the top of the sediment at all points A composition map that shows the thickness or density of each sediment deposit; this information helps us determine how much time it will take to dredge each portion of the pond or lake Please note that public access points only are shown; town access sites may be restricted and generally are not shown (but you can get this information from town offices). Whether youre looking for trophy size bass, common carpor trout in one of our special management areas, large walleye or pike through the ice or just want to relax on a warm summers day fishing for bluegills, Connecticut anglers are provided with great opportunities tocatch a wide variety of fish throughout the year. Boat Launch in Appalachian Mountains near Springvale, ME. No ice fishing or any other winter sport or activity is permitted on Spaulding Pond in Mohegan Park. The best and most current information on Candlewood Lake depths available. Permits for non-residents can be obtained by calling. It includes depth contours, also called bathymetric contours, that define lines of equal water depth in feet. Steep slopes are represented by closely spaced contour lines. From March 1March 31; Daily creel limit1, 14 minimum length for Brook Trout, 16 minimum length for all other trout. Chain Pickerel: Daily creel limit5, 14 inch minimum length. Its normal surface elevation is 706 feet. There are three main trout species(brook trout, brown trout and rainbow trout) currently raised at Connecticut's fish hatcheries. Davis Building - 3rd Floor Facebook page- Get near real-time stocking updates. Establishes a limit of two devices per person when ice fishing on East Twin Lake or Lake Wononskopomuc. As with any fish, if you plan to keep them for the table, make sure to get them on ice as soon as possible to protect the delicate nature of the meat. From 6:00 am second Saturday of April to the last day of February: Daily creel limit is 5 trout, no more than one of which may be a brown trout, minimum length of 22 inches. Anderson Pond (Blue Lake), North Stonington (57 acres) L Species: (LMB CP CB S BB YP) Augusta, ME 04333-0041, Phone: (207) 287-8000 Beach Pond Lake nautical chart The marine chart shows depth and hydrology of Beach Pond Lake on the map, which is located in the Connecticut, Rhode Island state (New London, South). Operation of vessels prohibited from sunset to sunrise. Allen Brook Pond North Haven and Wallingford Map Map with Aerial Photo Amos Lake Preston Map Map with Aerial Photo Anderson Pond North Stonington Map Map with Aerial Photo Ashland Pond Griswold Map Map with Aerial Photo . And don't miss all the great restaurants, hotels and B&Bs nearby. <>>> Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa:, +385958056096 Three island tour from Trogir & Split, Fish picnic Trogir - One day trip from Trogir or Split, Blue Lagoon, olta, Private tours Lake Bathymetry describes the water depth for selected reservoirs, lakes, ponds, and coves in Connecticut. Largemouth and smallmouth bass: Daily creel limit5 bass, 12 inch minimum length. It seems that JavaScript is not working in your browser. Trout have been at the forefront of fisheries management in Connecticut for more than a century, and are one of the most sought after fish species by anglers, who spend approximately 2.1 million fishing trips a year seeking them. Other winter sport or activity is permitted on the small skating pond in Park... Length for all other species open 6:00 a.m. 2nd Saturday in April level and. $ 1.50 to $ 4.00 per cubic yard management practices, Life histories of common Lake pond... 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