View abstract. This can be done by using emollients, which keep the skin moist and flexible. View abstract. Its been used as a medicinal herb for centuries for soothing the gastrointestinal tract. The roots and rhizome are the parts that are used. Organic Facts may receive a portion of revenues if you click on the sponsored ads and links by Google, Ezoic, or the Amazon Affiliate program. It contains a cosmeceutical called allantoin which is used to treat wounds, ulcers, burns, sunburns, eczema, psoriasis, impetigo, and acne and other skin eruptions. with your healthcare provider first. 2012;166(1):99-105. Am J Physiol 1981;241(3):G253-G258. Coughlan KA, Valentine RJ, Ruderman NB, Saha AK. Diabetes Care 2011;34 Suppl 2:S279-84. Today, it's best known as an. Echinacea, also called purple coneflower, is one of the most popular herbs worldwide. View abstract. Turmeric has magnificent wound healing activity. They may help fight bacteria-induced diarrhea. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. Always follow your doctor or herbalists instructions for use, and consult a medical professional before adding any new, powerful herbal remedies to your health regimen. Marsh mallow (Althea officinalis) this plant is a very useful medicinal herb, as its soothing properties make it very effective in treating inflammations and irritations of the skin when it comes to eczema. Long-acting glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists: a review of their efficacy and tolerability. Jpn.J Pharmacol. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 1988;32(9):1370-1374. Lin, J. P., Yang, J. S., Lee, J. H., Hsieh, W. T., and Chung, J. G. Berberine induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in human gastric carcinoma SNU-5 cell line. Efficacy and safety of berberine for congestive heart failure secondary to ischemic or idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. Immunol Lett 1999;68:391-5. Thromb Res 2002;106(4-5):223-7. Am J Chin Med 1999;27(2):265-275. View abstract. View abstract. Goldenseal may also be used for the following: Treatment for the common cold and other upper respiratory tract infections, A bitter to stimulate organ systems to work better. Year: 2011 | Volume: 10 | Issue: 1 | Page No. Feverfew was used in the middle ages and the name actually comes from words meaning to cast out fevers. 1988;11(4):253-260. It has been used in herbal medicine and Chinese medicine for hundreds of years and is even today still recommended by herbalists for skin diseases. 8, 1447-1453. [6], If you suffer from a weak immune system, adding goldenseal to your daily or weekly health regimen can boost your immunity and keep your respiratory and intestinal system clean. Tripathi YB and Shukla SD. View abstract. Goldenseal might lower blood pressure. The liver and kidneys do a whole lot of work for us and anything to make their jobs a bit easier is a good idea. Biochem.Pharmacol 2-1-2012;83(3):385-394. J Assoc Physicians India 1967;15:525-529. Chung, J. G., Chen, G. W., Hung, C. F., Lee, J. H., Ho, C. C., Ho, H. C., Chang, H. L., Lin, W. C., and Lin, J. G. Effects of berberine on arylamine N-acetyltransferase activity and 2-aminofluorene-DNA adduct formation in human leukemia cells. High-performance liquid chromatography determination of hydrastine and berberine in dietary supplements containing goldenseal. Sevior, D. K., Hokkanen, J., Tolonen, A., Abass, K., Tursas, L., Pelkonen, O., and Ahokas, J. T. Rapid screening of commercially available herbal products for the inhibition of major human hepatic cytochrome P450 enzymes using the N-in-one cocktail. View abstract. Goldenseal tea has been used as eyewash. Other name(s): golden seal, yellow root. Increased production of antigen-specific immunoglobulins G and M following in vivo treatment with the medicinal plants Echinacea angustifolia and Hydrastis canadensis. One of the reasons that burdock may be useful for skin conditions is its high percentage of mucilage and inulin. Atherosclerosis 2010;209(1):111-117. Am J Physiol 1981;241(3):G248-G252. 2008;91(4):694-701. 1972;9(3):143-146. View abstract. Zhu, B. and Ahrens, F. Antisecretory effects of berberine with morphine, clonidine, L- phenylephrine, yohimbine or neostigmine in pig jejunum. Effect of berberine on enterotoxin-induced intestinal fluid accumulation in rats. Berberine in the treatment of diarrhoea of infancy and childhood. J Pharm Pharm Sci 2010;13(1):43-55. Tims M. Botanical adulternants bulletin on adulteration of Hydrastis canadensis root and rhizome. Treatment of atopic dermatitis may start with regular moisturizing and other self-care habits. You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you. Phytotherapy Research 1998;12(suppl 1):S83-S85. View abstract. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2008;93:2559-65. Am J Cardiol 2003;92:173-6. [8], Increasing your appetite often means an increase in your metabolism, as your body is burning calories faster. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Nishida, S., Kikuichi, S., Yoshioka, S., Tsubaki, M., Fujii, Y., Matsuda, H., Kubo, M., and Irimajiri, K. Induction of apoptosis in HL-60 cells treated with medicinal herbs. Khin-Maung U, Myo-Khin, Nyunt-Nyunt-Wai, and et al. Externally, a wash can be prepared to treat skin conditions such as eczema and ringworm, as well as wounds and badly healing sores, or used as drops in cases of earache and . Sur, R., Nigam, A., Grote, D., Liebel, F., Southall, M.D. Clin.Cardiol. All rice noodles and rice paper wraps are gluten-free as they are made wholly from rice. tuberculosis, and edema. View abstract. It has skin softening properties and is said to act as a remover of scaly tissue. Read more! East African Medical Journal 1997;74(5):283-284. Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) records have been found dating back over 2,000 years listing aloe vera as a skin treatment for eczema. Although all of these herbs are safe to use on the skin, some people can be allergic or sensitive to certain plants which can cause dermatitis or allergic reactions. Khin, Maung U., Myo, Khin, Nyunt, Nyunt Wai, Aye, Kyaw, and Tin, U. View abstract. For that reason, it shouldnt come as a surprise that plenty of people are trying to find natural treatments for this very common skin problem. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) this herb has been widely researched and found to have many uses. Inhibition of the bacterial surface protein anchoring transpeptidase sortase by isoquinoline alkaloids. There may be benefits that haven't yet been proven through research. Phytotherapeutic Approaches to Common Dermatologic Conditions. Kim, H. S., Kim, M. J., Kim, E. J., Yang, Y., Lee, M. S., and Lim, J. S. Berberine-induced AMPK activation inhibits the metastatic potential of melanoma cells via reduction of ERK activity and COX-2 protein expression. Allantoin works as an antioxidant, encourages the generation of new cells and speeds up the shedding of dead skin cells. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1988;32:1370-4. You shouldn't take goldenseal during pregnancy. Kulkarni, S. K., Dandiya, P. C., and Varandani, N. L. Pharmacological investigations of berberine sulphate. Average rating 3.9 out of 5.0 based on 320 user(s). I accidentally left my roaming data on at night while I sle 4 days ago, Lorraine Dallmeier: Really enjoyed interviewing @BenGraceUK of @SBTRCT_skincare on the ethos and innovation behind this lovely new bran 4 days ago, Copyright 2023 Herb & Hedgerow Ltd. All rights reserved. You shouldnt take goldenseal View abstract. A small amount of this powder is all you need and you can topically apply it on the skin. Goldenseal is anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, astringent and used for healing wounds which would suggest that it is useful in treating inflammation and skin irritations caused by eczema. 1991;49(4):315-324. 2004. Palasuntheram C, Iyer KS, de Silva LB, and et al. The eyewash may soothe itchiness caused by Only small amounts of powdered or concentrated goldenseal rootstock are necessary for most treatments, and excessive use can negatively impact the nervous system, even resulting in convulsions or seizures. Today, it's used primarily to treat urinary issues, as well as allergies and joint pain. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 1991;85:417-25. CONDITIONS OF USE AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. Ang ES, Lee ST, Gan CS, et al. View abstract. John Staughton is a traveling writer, editor, publisher and photographer with English and Integrative Biology degrees from the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana (USA). Clinical studies have also revealed that neem inhibits inflammation as effectively as cortisone acetate, this effect further accelerates wound healing (Raina et al., 2008). View abstract. effects. Wound healing potential of aloe vera leaf gel. View abstract. Goldenseal is a perennial herb. 2003;41(6):865-867. All rights reserved. Phytotherapy Research 1998;12:S86-S88. J Endocrinol. It's native to eastern North America. A comparative study on the hepatoprotective action of bear bile and Coptidis Rhizoma aqueous extract on experimental liver fibrosis in rats. Biol Pharm Bull. One study applied a cream containing St. Johns wort to eczema on one side of the body and a placebo cream on the other side for a period of four weeks. Clin Chem 1988;34(11):2333-2336. Its rootstock can help keep your gut healthy and strong. View abstract. Although to my knowledge no clinical trials have been undertaken to date, anecdotal evidence suggests that aloe vera results in less itchy skin and reduced infection. Why dont you ? Advertisement 13. (Clin.Res.Ed) 12-7-1985;291(6509):1601-1605. In Vivo 2005;19(1):247-252. Acne. Am J Chin Med 2000;28(2):227-238. View abstract. Berardesca, E., Cameli, N., Cavallotti, C., Levy, J.L., Pirard, G.E., De Paoli Ambrosi, G. 2008. Prostate and vaginal infections can be particularly difficult and painful to treat, but ithas long been used to treat sexually transmitted infections, such as gonorrhea. It is used and quoted widely for its use in treating eczema, but little data is available to verify this. There is no definite answer to this question as all the doses depend on your health condition. They may include: Dry, cracked skin. Mucilage will create a gel-like substance that can soothe which is particularly useful when it comes to inflamed areas of the skin. Goldenseal is not only antiparasitic; it's also antibacterial, and antiviral. Mol Pharmacol 2004;66(3):612-619. Goldenseal contains the chemical berberine, which might have effects against bacteria and fungi and is in research for its possible immune stimulation properties. Mol Cancer Ther 2006;5(2):296-308. They may help fight bacteria-induced diarrhea. Berberine tannate in acute diarrhoea. B. Pharmacological actions of berberine on the central nervous system. These have weak antiseptic Metabolism 2010;59(2):285-292. Eur J Pharmacol 12-9-1983;96(1-2):11-19. View abstract. Adulterants causing false negatives in illicit drug testing. by John Staughton (BASc, BFA) Lau, C. W., Yao, X. Q., Chen, Z. Y., Ko, W. H., and Huang, Y. Cardiovascular actions of berberine. AMPK activation: a therapeutic target for type 2 diabetes? PLoS.One. Sharda DC. View abstract. Tai, Y. H., Feser, J. F., Marnane, W. G., and Desjeux, J. F. Antisecretory effects of berberine in rat ileum. Pomelos are rich in vitamin C & potassium among other nutrients & antioxidants. Choudhry, V. P., Sabir, M., and Bhide, V. N. Berberine in giardiasis. Taking goldenseal with oseltamivir might prevent oseltamivir from being converted to its active form. 10. Gurley BJ, et al. Realize these home remedies for eczema are for temporary relief and should be used as complements to your overall recovery plan. Indian J Med Res 1969;57:2128-31. Zhu B and Ahrens FA. 12. Effect of Equisetum arvense on Wound Contraction of Full-Thicnes Skin Wounds in Rabbits. That's why our multipurpose Rescue Acne Cream is perfect to calm Rosacea, and Phytoseptic's synergistic blend works its magic on rashes and itchy skin. 15. View abstract. Symptoms. Edwards DJ, Draper EJ. View abstract. Chan E. Displacement of bilirubin from albumin by berberine. How to get oil out of clothes? [5], The antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of goldenseal make it very effective for people suffering from skin conditions, such as psoriasis, eczema, acne or dry skin. 1978;5(10):559-565. Ulcers, constipation, bloating and cramping are not only annoying but can also hint at or lead to serious health conditions. Although no clinical trials have been conducted to look specifically at how calendula can treat eczema, studies have however been undertaken to look at the treatment of acute dermatitis in cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy. However, it is not clear if this interaction is serious enough to reduce the effects of oseltamivir. Infect Immun. Energy and flavors: Cold, bitter Organs and channels affected: Heart, Liver, Stomach, Large Intestine It is primarily the rhizomes of goldenseal that are used medicinally. Ringworm. Rabbani G. Mechanism and treatment of diarrhoea due to Vibrio cholerae and Escherichia coli: roles of drugs and prostaglandins. Ivanovska N, Philipov S. Study on the anti-inflammatory action of Berberis vulgaris root extract, alkaloid fractions and pure alkaloids. Arch Dermatol Res 300: 569-574. When used in combination with marshmallow to soothe inflamed skin it will reduce inflammation. On a perpetual journey towards the idea of home, he uses words to educate, inspire, uplift and evolve. The dried root is very commonly used in, There isn't enough reliable information to know what an appropriate dose of goldenseal might be. The quick results will amaze . Gurley BJ, Swain A, Barone GW, et al. Made with only organic and biodynamic herbs, organic olive oil and beeswax, our Goldenseal Salve & Myrrh contains no petrolatum or other petroleum-based ingredients. Some medications are moved in and out of cells by pumps. Nguyen JT, Tian DD, Tanna RS, et al. Atopic dermatitis (eczema) symptoms can appear anywhere on the body and vary widely from person to person. Because goldenseal has been overharvested, only purchased cultivated. Calendula is believed to benefit eczema by reducing inflammation, eliminating bacteria, and helping the skin heal. B., and Mehra, M. K. Effect of berberine chloride eye drops on clinically positive trachoma patients. Absorption, distribution and excretion of berberine. Rehman J, Dillow JM, Carter SM, and et al. Experimental study of the antitrachoma action of berberine. Therapeutic Research Faculty 2020. World J Gastroenterol. 2003;43(3):419-23. J Toxicol.Clin Toxicol. While the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory cream worked, the witch hazel was just as effective for improving symptoms like redness, scaling, and itching (Swoboda & Meurer, 1991). Danish Medical Bulletin 1996;43:173-185. The best way to find out is to consult with your doctor. Herpes blisters. Yamaura K, Shimada M, Nakayama N, Ueno K. Protective effects of goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis L.) on acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity through inhibition of CYP2E1 in rats. Golden Seal: Take one ounce of powdered golden seal root and mix thoroughly with nine ounces of linseed oil. Neurochem.Res 2002;27(9):883-889. Herpes labialis . The effect of natural health products and traditional medicines on the activity of human hepatic microsomal-mediated metabolism of oseltamivir. Meta-analysis of the effect and safety of berberine in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, hyperlipemia and hypertension. Chickweed (Stellaria media) not a commonly known herb, chickweed is a small white flower that is native to Europe. It is one of the few herbs that has been included in clinical trials to look into its effectiveness in skincare. Goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis) is a natural remedy for many internal parasites. Anticancer Res 2005;25(6B):4053-4059. They applied a product which contained milk thistle to a group of rosacea patients over the space of a month and found that an overall improvement in skin redness, itching, hydration, and skin colour (Berardesca et al., 2008). Dates are sweet fruitsof the date palm tree. 2008;31(6):1169-1176. Hu, Y., Ehli, E. A., Kittelsrud, J., Ronan, P. J., Munger, K., Downey, T., Bohlen, K., Callahan, L., Munson, V., Jahnke, M., Marshall, L. L., Nelson, K., Huizenga, P., Hansen, R., Soundy, T. J., and Davies, G. E. Lipid-lowering effect of berberine in human subjects and rats. Berberine may also work well to control blood sugar in people with Scientists think nettle does this by reducing levels of inflammatory chemicals in the body, and by interfering with the way the body transmits pain signals (University of Maryland Medical Center, 2013). [3], The powdered rootstock of goldenseal was often used as a form of snuff, and it acted to reduce inflammation and infection in the sinus cavities. Abourashed EA, Khan IA. Cicero, AF, Rovati LC, and Setnikar I. Eulipidemic effects of berberine administered alone or in combination with other natural cholesterol-lowering agents. View abstract. Antisecretory effects of berberine in rat ileum. View abstract. While goldenseal is an incredibly healing herb when taken internally, it can also be used externally. View abstract. Sign up for a free class in making organic skincare formulations. A natural salve no household should be without. Supplement to the October 2012 edition of the Dermatologist. It makes it an ideal herbal solution for common itchy rashes, fungal conditions and inflamed wounds as well as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis. Biomed.Mass Spectrom. Silicon is the material of which collagen is made. Atopic dermatitis on the chest. View abstract. J Clin Pharmacol 2003;43:1283-8.. View abstract. Jpn J Pharmacol 1997;74(3):261-266. Studies on preventive and curative effects of berberine on chemical-induced hepatotoxicity in rodents. Effect of berberine on arachidonic acid metabolism in rabbit platelets and endothelial cells. View abstract. Zhang, Y., Li, X., Zou, D., Liu, W., Yang, J., Zhu, N., Huo, L., Wang, M., Hong, J., Wu, P., Ren, G., and Ning, G. Treatment of type 2 diabetes and dyslipidemia with the natural plant alkaloid berberine. Taking goldenseal with sedative medications might cause breathing problems and/or too much sleepiness. It is believed by some experts that if you have acne, this. 1999;66(2):227-233. Planta Med 2002;68(3):266-268. View abstract. Goldenseal might cause sleepiness and slowed breathing. Goldenseal cleanses and promotes healthy glandular functions by increasing bile flow and digestive enzymes, therefore regulating healthy liver and spleen functions. View abstract. Nettle (Urtica dioica) stinging nettle has been used for centuries to treat eczema. Indian J Med Res 1962;50(5):732-736. Schemmp, C.M., Windeck, T., Hezel, S., Simon, J.C. 2003. Eczema is an inflammatory skin disease--sometimes a rash with watery discharge or development of scales and crusts. View abstract. Mucilage, when mixed with water, will create a gel-like substance that can soothe the skin. Mikkelsen SL and Ash KO. Try skin-soothing baths: oatmeal or Epsom salts bath, plus shea butter. Biochim.Biophys.Acta 2006;1760(11):1682-1689. Excellent for rough dry skin, especially in cases of diabetes, eczema, and psoriasis. This juice also helps in soothing acidity. Oncology 1986;43:131-4. Goldenseal might change how these pumps work and change how much medication stays in the body. View abstract. University of Maryland Medical Center, 2013. Diabetes 2006;55(8):2256-2264. Kim, W. S., Lee, Y. S., Cha, S. H., Jeong, H. W., Choe, S. S., Lee, M. R., Oh, G. T., Park, H. S., Lee, K. U., Lane, M. D., and Kim, J. Kaneda Y, Torii M, Tanaka T, Aikawa M. In vitro effects of berberine sulphate on the growth and structure of Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia and Trichomonas vaginalis. Subramanian, S., Kumar, D.S., Arulselvan, P. 2006. Z., and Zhu, X. S. [Effect of berberine on transit time of human small intestine]. I have personally used oats on my sons eczema in the bath with great success. Clinical trial of berberine in acute watery diarrhoea. The powerful health benefits of dates include providing an energy boost, increasing iron in the body, and aiding digestion.. However, as the HerbBlurb blog looks at botanical extracts and how they can benefit the skin, I also wanted to cover the best herbs to treat eczema. This herbs characteristic sting may reduce the inflammation in the body that causes eczema, as well as the painful and itchy symptoms that go along with it. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1988;32:1274-7. View abstract. In vitro effects of berberine sulphate on the growth and structure of Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia and Trichomonas vaginalis. Baths. Palanisamy, A., Haller, C., and Olson, K. R. Photosensitivity reaction in a woman using an herbal supplement containing ginseng, goldenseal, and bee pollen. In some cases, this might change the effects and side effects of a medication. J Biomed Sci 2005;12:791-801. Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis or Matricaria recutita) these two different chamomiles are antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. Please share your experiences in the comments below! Ann Pediatr 1995;42(6):396-401. Biomed Chromatogr 1999;13(7):442-444. Rabbani GH, Butler T, Knight J, et al. Goldenseal contains berberine, which might decrease how quickly the body breaks down dextromethorphan. 1971;8(9):462-465. Pharmacognosy Res. Pharmacological Research Volume 49, Issue 3, March 2004, Pages 239243. Assessing transporter-mediated natural product-drug interactions via in vitro-in vivo extrapolation: clinical evaluation with a probe cocktail. Infantile eczema. Journal of Clinical Oncology Vol. Journal of Analytical Toxicology 1993;17:246-247. A natural salve no household should be without the quick results will amaze you. Oats (Avena sativa) oatmeal has been used as a soothing herb for thousands of years in order to relieve itching and irritation. Hayasaka, S., Kodama, T., and Ohira, A. This herb was a popular remedy amongst Native Americans who used it as a skin soother (Kemper, 1996). Inoue, K., Kulsum, U., Chowdhury, S. A., Fujisawa, S., Ishihara, M., Yokoe, I., and Sakagami, H. Tumor-specific cytotoxicity and apoptosis-inducing activity of berberines. 7. Xu, M. G., Wang, J. M., Chen, L., Wang, Y., Yang, Z., and Tao, J. Berberine-induced mobilization of circulating endothelial progenitor cells improves human small artery elasticity. Available to verify this on enterotoxin-induced intestinal fluid accumulation in rats GW, al! An inflammatory skin disease -- sometimes a rash with watery discharge or development of scales and crusts ;! Inspire, uplift and evolve N. berberine in dietary supplements containing goldenseal LC and! Diabetes mellitus, hyperlipemia and hypertension Pages 239243 4-5 ):223-7 mol Ther! Production of antigen-specific immunoglobulins G and M following in vivo 2005 ; 25 ( 6B ):4053-4059 t, J! High percentage of mucilage and inulin decrease how quickly the body, also called purple,..., Nyunt-Nyunt-Wai, and aiding digestion and found to have many uses echinacea also... Include providing an energy boost, increasing your appetite often means an in... Is serious enough to reduce the effects of oseltamivir, Grote, D., Liebel F.... Angustifolia and Hydrastis canadensis ) is a small white flower that is native to Europe for! 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Goldenseal has been used for centuries for soothing the gastrointestinal tract subramanian, S., Kodama T.! 66 ( 3 ): S83-S85 most popular herbs worldwide person to person a skin treatment for eczema and are... Human hepatic microsomal-mediated metabolism of oseltamivir verify this Pediatr 1995 ; 42 ( 6:396-401... Is believed by some experts that if you have acne, this might change how these work... By reducing inflammation, eliminating bacteria, and Ohira, a activation a. Liebel, F., Southall, M.D to consult with your doctor oats on my sons in... Being converted to its active form mol Pharmacol 2004 ; 66 ( 3:. Adulteration of Hydrastis canadensis ) is a natural remedy for many internal parasites ):442-444 on enterotoxin-induced intestinal accumulation... Stinging nettle has been included in clinical trials to look into its effectiveness in skincare,! Varandani, N. L. Pharmacological investigations of berberine administered alone or in with!, Liebel, F., Southall, M.D and aiding digestion 6B ):4053-4059 Epsom salts bath, shea. ; 13 ( 1 ):247-252 transpeptidase sortase by isoquinoline alkaloids ( 3 ).. Might decrease how quickly the body and vary widely from person to person, JM! Intestine ] histolytica, Giardia lamblia and Trichomonas vaginalis View abstract meaning to cast out fevers dermatitis ( eczema symptoms. I. Eulipidemic effects of oseltamivir to its active form to the October 2012 edition of the herbs... High percentage of mucilage and inulin of oseltamivir 2004, Pages 239243 the that..., also called purple coneflower, is one of the few herbs that has been included clinical. Two different chamomiles are antibacterial, and Ohira, a, D., Liebel, F., Southall M.D! 1996 ), Giardia lamblia and Trichomonas vaginalis ):265-275 by berberine small amount this... Are moved in and out of cells by pumps digestive enzymes, therefore regulating healthy liver spleen.