Have since discovered when I get bad coffee at a restaurant if I ask the brand every time it turns out to be MH. But, frankly, I have found non-Arabica to be more tasty and less irritating to my digestion. A real shame. I cannot believe this. I switched from one to the other due to the bitterness and the other tasted great at first, then the next bag was bitter. Last night I go the coffee isle to buy more coffee, and what do I find? For the last 2 plastic jugs of MH Colombian it has been floating up, over the paper filter on our Bunn coffee maker, and making a HUGE mess! I still get the headaches but not for days at a time like with Folgers. How Many Cups of Coffee Can You Drink a Day? I get tons of feedback from others regarding this coffee. If any of you want REAL COFFEE, seek out a local roaster in your area OR check online for coffee sources to order from. The formulation of MAXWELL HOUSE Coffee has indeed changed and I'm sorry you thought it tasted horrible. I have a similar problem with coffee produced by a local roaster in my area named Alterra. Log food. I've been making it lighter each day and no relief. folgers taste has changed, nasty, Tasters choice i had tried was full of wood splinters. Properly made fresh coffee, in most cases, will be medium roast or dark roast which gives it a nice . Why do they always have to try to fix what isn't broke? canister of Maxwell House Medium Roast Wake Up Roast Ground Coffee ; Medium roast ground coffee with a smooth taste ; Maxwell House Medium Roast Wake Up Roast Ground Coffee has a consistently great taste ; Made with 100% coffee beans ; Great served black or with cream and sugar. Maxwell House Wake Up Roast. I have always received a good product.However, the coffee I have been buying has been tasting like colored water. I threw it out. Grind only amount of beans needed just prior to brewing--great coffee! I buy great fresh roasted beans from a small local roaster---they are popping up everywhere or you can buy online. Like the smell of a charbroiled steak, when you open a great container of dark roast coffee, you know that something special is locked inside that grind. The bottom line is that both Maxwell and Folgers coffee has gained a lot of popularity over the years. Excessive caffeine consumption can cause many of the symptoms people are describing. only small jars were available and in limited quantities. wellif you re a card carrying dedicated smoker.luckys do the trick. I haven't bought maxwell house since. November 2012, I switched to fresh roasted/ground coffee beans (from local roaster) and updated to a brewer approved by the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA). Sure enough, I'm sick to my stomach and have diarrhea again. Yumm! Maxwell House Mocha Indulge Prepared w/ water. Either way, if youre looking for an affordable brand of coffee to enjoy, either of the two will do great! It was pretty obvious then that the problem was my Maxwell House Coffee. I started to suspect the coffee which is Maxwell House! I can't say what is in Folgers that would be different than any other off brand (cheap) coffee but there is definitely something in it that is bad (for me at least). That wonderful aroma and taste was worth getting up for in the mornings. I searched the web and found this page and am so thankful! I NEVER associated it with the coffee as I drank it for years! Recently I had to buy a new coffee pot, so I got a regular Mr. Coffee Maker, about 30 some dollars, so I bought Maxwell for a change, usually use Foldgers, now when I go get my second cup there is so much junk floating around the top of my coffee, yuk, not sure if this is the coffee or the coffee maker, I did not notice this with Foldgers coffee, so confused what's causing the junk, going to go back to Foldgers and see if that nasty looking stuff is floating around in my second cup.. Symptoms improved some. As with any coffee, burning is always a risk if the coffee is over the heat source for too long. We have purchased 100% Colombian for a decade and our very satisfied with the consistent good taste. I found out they served Folgers. This is terrible! Blechhhh. It seems that every time I drink a cup of Maxwell house coffee I soon after have a terrible headache. I've been drinking coffee for years and enjoy a fresh cup or two from my Keurig each and every morning. Day 1 I felt awful after drinking it, getting both a stomach and headache. Something is WRONG with both of these coffee brands. not the best..but ok. been around for a while ya know. I'm not a Starbucks fan but when visiting our daughter it's what they drink & it's a G-Zillion times better than any of the other Smuckers (Folgers) or Kraft brands (Maxwell House, McCafe included). First few sips were fine but the sip following had me coughing and gagging and eventually vomiting. my brother got cancer from agent orange as well as others i worked with . We have always had Maxwell house coffee. I just bought 2 cans of Original coffee "they both taste like Hazle Nut coffee. No more Folgers for me. I first decided it was the peanut butter even through it was smooth peanut butter, I decided I might have become allergic to peanuts. I have been buying Maxwell House for years. What do they think? Just opened a new can of Maxwell House Columbian coffee this morning and made a fresh pot of coffee. I was on my normal routine driving to work and started to drink my Maxwell House coffee. This is just par for the course, so many foods/brands just aren't as good as they used to be and I have no doubt that is from the fat cats cutting corners (hidden inflation). It was Kraft and it wouldn't melt. So I bought another box. I have to turn the table and say that I bought a container of Original recently. We have used the 1/2 caff lite for 5 years and it was always consistently good but not any more. They claim "we don't have any records of this product having been reformulated recently". Suddenly my neck, sides of my face and chest started itching, a rash with large bumps followed. oz. Maxwell House coffee has one of the best aromas. Since I've dropped Folgers I've consumed 1 cup at my Dad's and, POOF, 30 minutes later, acne. SO since July I have been experience dizziness, and headaches. However, it is important to know that caffeine is not required on nutritional labels. I have had bitter coffee, but this does not taste like that. Really? I used to buy it at Stop and Shop and Shop Rite. I tried it three times with one container and then switched to the other coffee. With all the warnings of aspartame why is your company still using it. Cheaper beans but higher pricesnot sure what it is. But after seeing a doc, flu test & other testing all came back negative. Bad headaches from me and my wife and a feeling of nausea. taste like pesticides,bitter,no aroma and no true taste.going back to where purchased again.some one got a bad deal at the auction?maxwell house. I have recently been using Folgers coffee and been receiving bad migraines. Thought I was gonna barf everywhere. I no longer buy Maxwell House brands, so come on folks, give us back the 100% Arabica bean coffee or go away altogether!!!!!!!!! A bit pricier per ounce but good coffee. I was concerned that the cans I have stated 100% coffee. How can we do something about this? I first found this site in late 2010 after having many of the same issues of not feeling well and feeling quite bad at times after drinking Maxwell House. Me, my friends, and family have been discussing how Maxwell House coffee taste has changed. One or a few bad roasters, and brewers because if the brewer can't follow directions on the side of the packaging it bears on the flavor, should not taint the reputation of ALL American coffee roasters and producers. Looks like Maxwell house went the same route. Only from the coffee.. Have also noticed the flaky skin one person brought up.. Just bought the colombian and it's super bitter. Even Whole Foods, for example, is a supermarket that specializes in selling better coffees. It's been a little inconvenient BUT I have my coffee back and it's very good. Dark, oily looking beans, like french roast. I still had some at home to compare the two and found they're trying to cheat us out of 5-ounces while charging nearly the same price! This type of business has been this way for centuries. After I figured out MH was making us feel awful I tried others and finally settled on Kroger Breakfast Blend. So disappointed. He just started buying it again, and we have been mixing it with higher quality coffee so stretch it, and I started feeling yucky again and almost didnt even realize that was the reason until we ran out and only used the better quality and the symptoms stopped. Folgers has held the title of America's number one budget coffee brand ever since. Can't give it away and wouldn't. I don't drink coffee for the taste anyway, I only drink it doped up with cream and sugar, but, even thenI only like this brand. No other coffee has had me doubled over in pain like this. I am switching to Folgers for now and may begin to start trying some of the other richer coffees sold in the super markets such as Starbuck's, 8 O'clock Coffee, and others or I may start ordering online. Had to quit maxwell house years ago it caused severe diarrheawent to folders and only one of them didnt cause diarrheanow Im getting severely dizzy and heart arrhythmiahas anyone else been experiencing this? It worked for the smell, but not for the nausea. I was just wasting my creamer.Glad I googled. It has drastically surpassed Maxwell Coffee House. The latte flavoring was purchased at a Walmart in Billings Montana. It is the coffee. No longer do you get that great smell of the brew, but the taste is disgusting. Yes I think they do think we are stupid. The store brand tasted better too. Plus they promise and provide exceptional coffee! Lately the coffee has had a bad Banana like flavor. We tried Maxwell Housesame thing and also felt sluggish. Then one afternoon, at mom's house, still with a headache. For 8 grams of ground coffee, you will only need to pay 68 cents to a dollar! As someone who enjoys a cup of coffee in the morning every once in a while, I have noticed a decline in general in the taste of both these brands. I noticed the improvement a week or so after leaving MH alone for about two weeks. I found this site by entering "Folgers and bathroom trouble." I have been drinking MH regular for 20 years. In review of my log on this evening is when I discovered that I became ill after drinking coffee. I've been a MH drinker for over 20 yrs. There is something seriously wrong with this brand and/or this jar. With the Keurig type brewers you get more 'coffee drinks' vs true coffee consumed black or cream &/or sugar. I won't be buying any more of their products because of this. After a couple of weeks I was in the hospital. Turned out to be the coffee. when we used to buy maxwell house ground coffee about a year ago it said on the can 100% arabic coffee and it was one of the best coffees you could get for the price.now on the can it says 100% pure coffee.taste terrible.we do not buy this coffee any more. It wasn't until this morning that I put two and two together. I soon as I put the coffee mug to my lips I knew something was not right. After eating anything with 15 mintues it goes straight through me. Due to the shortage on supply shelves, they were out of Nescafe, so I got Maxwell House. I have used Maxwell House for years but just within the last year my nose has been peeling and headaches and upset tummy and frequent dirrhea. I actually have the scars from the blisters. If youre a strong coffee fan, consider laying in a store of individual filter packs of this milder flavor product for guests. I drink only MacDonald brand and I am fine with it, I do not experience the sickness that I do with Maxwell House. Same stale result. I was sick all day and couldnt think clearly due to the full body migraine it caused. So I looked up Maxwell House and other people getting sick and Wallah there it is. I can't believe this is happening to so many people. After my cure I tried the coffee again hoping it wasn't the coffee, unfortunately that was not the case and again the coffee made me feel sick, therefore I will not drink it ever again. im sure its at other places its g r e a t take from a old fat truck driver. Quit drinking it & haven't been sick since????? So, I contacted the store and manufacturer for them to investigate. Since at least 6 months, I have never been able to find a good coffee in the box of 925 gr. I am going to research brands that do not poison their yield. Done drinking coffee:(. I bought Folgers half caff because I thought it would be better than all of the caffeine in Starbucks. I finally figured out it was these 2 coffees and not whatever else I may have been eating. I have also experienced the feeling of having a panic attack. An industrious young entrepreneur by the name of James Folger was contracted to build a coffee mill for a man by the name of William Bovee. People drink coffee every day, to help give them a perk, and to help wake them up. as the lady below me said. Both tasted horrible. I wrote them but never received a reply. Troubleshooting Keurig Coffee Maker Problems, How To Shuck Oysters At Home Oyster Guide. Both brands have been around for a super long time. Tried it again yesterday thinking maybe i had a cold but instead i got instant 8 hour migrainsI'm thinking chemicals. That year I switched to buying my coffee from a local small roaster AND never looked back. Absolutely repulsive! This past year, the beans from 8 o'clock coffee (A&P) a a slightly similar problem. I can't even enjoy that stuff anymore. Bye bye to an old friend. I feel better minus headache, stomach cramps. Iced Coffee Resources; What Is The Difference Between Cold Brew And Iced Coffee; The 10 Best Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee Of 2022 Expert Suggestion Folgers is Maxwell House's arch-rival. Good to the Last Drop Every Time: Our original roast was first served to the guests of the Maxwell House Hotel in 1892. . What the hell is going on? I was convinced I had something serious wrong with me but I think it's just the coffee. I eventually noticed this only came on while drinking the coffee. looks like some of the comments related to mine are in the past 30-60 days. To give it a fair shake I tried again a second day. It is the only coffee I can drink that doesn't bother my stomach. I wish I knew what ingredient is causing us to get so sick. I find that the prices are cheaper but I will never buy it again. There is a bit of burn to this beverage, and it offers a caramelized, smoky edge. Very strange. They discontinued it a couple of months ago and the search was on for a replacement. However, lately can't find it anywhere, not on store shelves, not online. I can't say that I taste anything out of the ordinary. We tried different amounts to no avail. I will no longer drink it and see what happens . Monday was light headed and dizzy. So I did and I was fine and even went back to a full cup. We thought it strange that we both had this foul taste in our mouths after drinking it. I was ready for the skin doctor!! I got this from my Mother-in laws house that is probably 3 years or older. I need to try something else. Hopefully we can find out. Last week I skipped two days of coffee and the rash went away but I did not make the connection!as I stopped alcohol as well! It helped me figure out why I've been sick for since last Thanksgiving or so. Fourth day tried Folgers again and instant symptoms. the taste has changed. Coffee prices definitely went up---companies look into futures as needed to plan marketing and sales. We are happy to find this site and are encouraged to contact the company. 9.3 0 10. I grew up with those coffees & will somehow miss them. I don't plan on ever purchasing another product made by MH. Hi, I bought a 925 G can of Maxwell House Dark Roast on sale for a good price, then after buying it i went on line to find out who makes the best brand of store bought coffee, after going on line i was thinking about returning it, i went to the store to exchange it but they were out of the other brand that was on sale, After returning home i decided to just keep it and see for myself, i made a small pot and made it a little strong and drank it black i didn't really care for it, and a little cream and now we have a rich dark coffee, the bottom line is, i'm glad i kept it, for the cost to taste ratio it was a bargain. I thought it was just me i noticed a different taste n not a good one but i had a cold n thought it had somthing to do with it but cold is gone n i still have the strange tast so i cleaned out coffee pot thinking it would go away but no still have it ill be watching now to see whats going on thanks for sharing strange brew in Florida, I drank Maxwell House for three days and got savear. All my adult life I've drank Maxwell House original, I'm 59. It's the only brand I would drink. In 2007, Maxwell House decided to use nothing but 100% arabica beans in their coffee blend, which gave them a noticeable edge over Folgers in taste, aroma, and overall quality. I purchased 3 jars of instant coffee from ultra food with the expiration date of March 2016. I have no doubt that I have been exposed to poison via Folger's coffee. I have been drinking Maxwell House instant for over 40 years. I suspect pesticides also, someone should test these other coffees. Hmmmm.. My husband and I have always drank Maxwell House. I'm out now and drinking Dunkin. Though I'd search the web to find if anyone else had this issue and, sure enough, I found this sight. I have been fine with coffee for over a year drank it off and on prior to that, but daily for a year. Anyone know why I only like this particular brand? I started to believe that I was allergic to coffee, but have tried other coffees with no episodes, So, I still thought it might be something else wrong. $14.79. I bought a jar 11/30 at foodtown in Ocean NJ. Good can this month a bad can next. Today we are going to focus on Maxwell House when we talk about Maxwell House Wake Up Roast vs Original. Have been checking other brands. My wife and I have been drinking Maxwell House for over 30 years. MAXWELL HOUSE Maxwell House Wake Up Roast 1.915lbs, PK6. Kind of a sickening smell but went ahead and drank some and felt bad afterwards. I just threw away a perfectly fine percolator and wasted money on a new one but it is the coffee that is poison! It had the same horrible taste. I'm currently on day four and it feels even better than yesterday. I googled and it seems I am not alone. Their decaf coffee is made from pure arabica beans and is highly regarded among decaf drinkers. Copyright 2023. the point not addressed in the original question was tge wood chips: Maxwell House coffee was my coffee of choice until recently. Over the past few years the blend must have changed. We both noticed a change in the taste & thought maybe the store just had a bad shipment. Get out of your rut. If i drink either or I am in the bathroom with horrible runs, and a trash can in front of me throwing up before I even drink half a cup of it. I looked at ALL pre-ground in cans, major AND generic store brands, at my local grocery. I'm a huge coffee drinker have been for years and years not even the cheapest brand imaginable has made me sick like this. My wife and I have always enjoyed Maxwell House Master blend coffee. Best I ever had. Never again. I love having my cup each morning. The quality of food in general is of concern, I have a basic diet and never eat prepared foods from grocery stores or restaurants. I've been drinking this coffee for years, but there is something wrong with the last jar I bought. Will NOT drink this. Maxwell Coffee use to be the best coffee money could buy. I have always drank Maxwell house coffee but lately its tasted real weak. (it is not expired either). Treats me for migraines. 3-4 yrs ago I noticed the first sign of packaging getting cheaper---flimsier, looser fitting tops (not as snug a fit as before). After reading this thread I'm tossing the coffee and sticking with Eight O'Clock's Bokar blend. For over three weeks I had been horribly nauseous. MH gave me a $4 coupon that expired in a month. I was later diagnosed with Helicobacter pylori. Similarly, Maxwell House master blend's caffeine content is approximately 100 to 160 milligrams in each 2 tablespoons of grounds, or 12 fluid ounces. The Mayo Clinic says up to 400 milligrams of caffeine a day is safe for most adults, which is about 4 cups of coffee. Good bye Maxwell Housenever again. I will say I couldn't get enough coffee on former brands, it seemed to be addictive??? The rash would start out like a dry patch, then progress to small itchy blisters. ago when you opened up a can of coffee, it would go pfffff and out came the most delicious coffee odor. I just googled whether coffee brand could be a factor and sure enough I find this page with all these comments saying similar. The flavor and aroma are exceptional. I have been enjoying the flavored ground Maxwell House coffees (Hazelnut and French Vanilla) for well over a decade, and I notice now that neither tastes like the flavors they're supposed to and the coffee smells and tastes nasty. Maxwell House French Roast Decaffeinated - 11 Ounce Vacuum Bag. ". Too bad, I'll go back to Nescafe. Best flavour, best coffee, true wake up coffee are just some of the words used by reviewers to describe this coffee by Maxwell. What is going on. Maxwell's . I believe Folgers is poison in my body. I have bought other brands lately, but I miss my Maxwell. I kept saying I think it's the coffee & now after reading all the complaints I'm 100% sure. I am at the point now where I am done with them until they change back. Maxwell House Ground Coffee100% Colombian, Dark Roast, Master Blend, or Original Roast 2 Tbs., makes 12 fl. !Unbelievable but true! Way better smell and taste from the 8:00 and they state 100% arabica beans. 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