Employees of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds self-rated higher than their white colleagues on all core values, key and subcompetencies, except for one: stewardship of public trust. In total, over 15,000 individuals used the 360 assessment tool between December 2020 and April 2022. "Does diversity-valuing behavior result in diminished performance ratings for non-white and female leaders?." (202) 7752756. "Gender and Race, Intersectionality Theory of." Annually, Accenture and the Partnership for Public Service document the government's progress on customer experience and profile high-impact services. Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Officer - Partnership for Social Accountability (PSA) Alliance. Suite 600 Jeffcoat, Sandra Y. Mentoring women of color for leadership: Do barriers exist?. Stan. OrientationApril 13 (Virtual, 1:00 2:00 p.m. EDT/EST), Session 1: AI fundamentalsThursday, April 20, Session 2: Designing AI strategyThursday, May 18, Session 3: Fostering an AI-ready cultureThursday, June 15, Session 4: Establishing AI governanceThursday, July 13, Session 5: Responsibly leading AIThursday, Aug. 10, Session 6: The future of AI in governmentThursday, Sept. 7. Educate agency decision-makers on the opportunities around AI. Average scores on core values and key competencies for the intersection of gender and race/ethnicity. In the event of a conflict, please notify a Partnership staff member as soon as possible, even before the first session is held. In addition to this list, mentorship is often considered a tool for underrepresented groups to advance in their career. Vice President, Leadership Development, Christina Schiavone 49% of employees would recommend working at Partnership for Public Service to a friend and 57% have a positive outlook for the business. The Partnership also trains college and university career counselors to help students like you learn more about the federal recruiting and hiring process, and find the best federal internship and fellowship opportunities, based on your skills and interests. Public sector organizations interested in using AI for service delivery can enhance their ability to deliver responsible artificial intelligence principles such as non-discrimination and transparency through collaboration between technical and non-technical leaders and a focus on establishing strong data, talent and governance foundations. L. Rev. 9. Similarly, we found significant differences in the top adjectives used to describe the federal leaders in our sample based on race and gender. Launched in 2016, the political appointee trackerhas been followingroughly800 ofthe 1,200political appointedpositions that require Senate confirmation,including Cabinet secretaries, chief financial officers, general counselsandambassadors. 2023 Partnership for Public Service. print and electronic media, electronic assistance tools and ODEP's and the PPS's Web sites) to employers. The COPS-R (Candidate and Officer Personnel Survey - Revised), a 240-item test used in PPE, has 20 items specifically assessing for bias against minorities, women, the wealthy, and educated people. The Partnership for Public Service is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to building a better government and a stronger democracy. Through a partnership with Microsoft and Google, we are creating a cohort of senior leaders across government who are prepared to guide their agencies AI strategy. We help government address critical talent gaps by advocating for policies that improve the hiring process, developing internship, fellowship and talent exchange programs that inspire people to public service, and helping agencies design and implement new recruitment and retention strategies. The principles below should serve as examples for leaders of how to adapt established tenets of responsible artificial intelligence to the specific context of public services. Note:We are unable to provide individual counseling about the federal application process. Partnership for Public Service. How frequently these words were used varied in a statistically significant way depending on the race/ethnicity and gender of the federal leader. Nonetheless, a broader acceptance of white men as leaders and an implicit bias against women and employees with diverse backgrounds has enabled the persistent belief that both groups are less competent in the workplace and closed off opportunities for underrepresented groups to advance into senior federal leadership roles.2324, For example, we found that white men and men of diverse backgrounds received more positively framed feedback on questions related to improving their leadership style than women from both demographic groups. 6. Consider that, in 2013, 56.7% of federal workers were between the ages of 45 . Psychological science 23.4 (2012): 354-358. Full Time; Lusaka, Zambia . Ensuring sufficient internal expertise to sustain and grow efforts over time. Promote ODEP-funded technical assistance services, such as the Job Accommodation Network and the Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion. The adjective hardworking was used significantly less for men of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds than for any other group. "Leadership and intersectionality: Constructions of successful leadership among Black women school principals in three different contexts." These differences were statistically significant for all subcompetencies except embracing risk and uncertaintypart of the leading change competencyand for three of the four achieving results subcompetenciesevidence-based decision-making, systems thinking and tech savviness, where the scores were still higher, but not statistically significant. Personal life. Considering questions such as how will frontline employees interpret model outputs and what are the privacy implications of using this system will help technical and non-technical leaders find concrete points of collaboration and ensure the AI tool is well-integrated into the broader system. A new partnership between the Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board (TALCB) and the Texas Workforce Commission Civil Rights Division (TWC) benefits Texas consumers who may experience discrimination or bias in their home appraisal.. Federal and state laws prohibit discrimination by appraisers in conducting home appraisals. . These frameworks often center on the concept of responsible artificial intelligence: the idea that AI tools must meet certain governance and ethical standards in their development, implementation and operation. Think about AI in context. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Our findings warrant future research to better understand how implicit bias affects the workplace experience of specific groups of federal employees. 28. Developing a baseline understanding of artificial intelligence and how it operates can prepare non-technical leaders for collaboration around responsible AI, while technical experts can benefit from learning more about the service being delivered and the service populations needs and concerns. Public Service Leadership Model. The rankings and accompanying data provide a means of holding federal leaders accountable for the health of their organizations, shining the spotlight on agencies that are successfully engaging employees as well as on those that are falling short. Governments at all levels can make a meaningful difference in achieving racial equity and eliminating bias and discrimination, in both the short and long terms. Work with ODEP to disseminate and share effective disability employment practices and to provide expertise in communicating such information to employers and employees. The Partnership for Public Service is the place where you learn how to manage competing priorities and also build the network of support that will help you further your career., -Gwen Keyes Fleming, former chief of staff at the EPA, Partnership for Public Service There are limitations to this analysis, and researchers should interpret these results with caution. The AI Federal Leadership Program is designed for members of the Senior Executive Service/Equivalents and select GS-15s. Vice President, Research, Evaluation and Modernizing Government. "Demographic data" is an umbrella term used to house class . "Stereotype threat deconstructed." For example, if an AI tool decides an applicant is likely a fraud risk and denies a benefit, do they have the ability to see that result and its accompanying confidence metrics and contest that result? asked Ariga. The PPS envision a dynamic and innovative federal government that effectively serves the American people. The experts with whom we spoke outlined how several core principles of responsible AI apply to public service delivery. Artificial intelligence is increasingly part of our livesvoice assistants on our smartphones, chatbots on retail websites and algorithms that suggest the next television show we should watch. as well as at individual departments, agencies and subcomponents. Partnership for Public Service 600 14th Street NW Suite 600 Washington, DC 20005 (202) 775-9111. Furthermore, using qualitative data, we also found that gender bias persists in the federal workplace against both diverse groups of women and white women. Understanding womens experiences in federal leadership roles, and the barriers and challenges they face, is critical to creating a federal workforce that reflects the diversity of the United States and is better equipped to serve people with different backgrounds and needs. These results demonstrate that Black or African American, Hispanic, Latino or Latinx, Asian American, and additional employees of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds self-rated more similarly to how they were rated by others compared to their white counterparts on all the models values, competencies and subcompetencies except stewardship of public trust. Elizabeths favorite public servant is Carla Hayden, the first woman to be appointed Librarian of Congress and a strong advocate for open and equal access to public services. The top three most used adjectives to describe leaders in our sample were intelligent, trustworthy and hardworking. The program also includes a one-hour virtual orientation session. International Journal of Leadership Studies 3.2 (2008): 142-161. Federal Employee Morale is Falling, and One Group Thinks the Slow Appointments Process Is to Blame, Federal employees less satisfied under Biden: report, Partnership for Public Service In addition, the adjective trustworthy is used statistically significantly less for white women than for any other group in our sample. (202) 775-9111. Emily Kalnicky oversees and advances efforts at the Partnership to understand and improve overall program effectiveness and mission achievement through monitoring and evaluation data. Harvard Business Review, July 14 (2021). Technical and non-technical leaders each bring important expertise to conversations around responsible AI, but this expertise is sometimes difficult to communicate across different frames of reference. Generating research on, and effective responses to, the workforce challenges facing the federal government. The same is also true for diverse racial or ethnic groups, who make up about 40% of the U.S. population, but roughly 23% of the Senior Executive Service, about 47% of entry-level jobs and more than 50% of the clerical roles in our federal government.8, While this research series highlights the importance of having federal leadership that represents the whole of the U.S. population, achieving a more balanced federal leadership is only one component of advancing diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility at an organization. Provide expertise in developing information on the advancement of employment of people with disabilities and in communicating such information (e.g. .manual-search-block #edit-actions--2 {order:2;} Identify employer specific issues of concern to which the Alliance should direct particular attention and resources. Focusing on the common reference point of the problem an AI tool is intended to solve can help technical and non-technical leaders communicate more effectively. For more than 20 years, the nonpartisan, nonprofit Partnership for Public Service has been dedicated to building a better government and a stronger democracy. Next date: Tuesday, March 07, 2023 | 05:00 PM to 08:00 PM. "Can an agentic Black woman get ahead? Our coaches possess a common set of core qualifications and bring a diverse set of backgrounds, global perspectives and training styles to the AI Federal Leadership Program. Table 1. For example, gender stereotypes may reinforce and exacerbate womens access to certain federal leadership positions. Loren DeJonge Schulman Washington, DC 20005 The Partnership for Public Service is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that works to revitalize the federal government by inspiring a new generation to serve and by transforming the way government works. Talent is also a crucial building block for responsible AI use. Explaining the algorithm itself is likely not sufficient, said Vince Dorie, principal data scientist at Code for America. Its seeks to encourage more young people to work for the federal government. Participants will choose to participate in the full program either virtually or in-person. The trends we uncovered present multiple areas of future exploration, including: It is well understood that top-performing organizations have more diverse leadership.30 While the Biden administration has prioritized DEIA-focused strategies for the federal workforce, they alone are not enough to create an equitable, inclusive and accessible government workplace. Furthermore, we recommend that agencies critically examine their approach to performance reviews, as well as their overall recruitment, retention, and promotion policies for racially and ethnically diverse leaders and women. 2. One tally counts over 160 published frameworksfrom organizations as diverse as the American Medical Association and the New York Timesdelineating how automated decision-making tools can be developed and implemented ethically. $190K-$220K Per Year (Employer est.) A key facet of responsible AI is understanding when AI is or is not well-suited to address a specific problem. Although they highlight many of the same principles, each of these frameworks addresses specific considerations for how to achieve responsible artificial intelligence in a particular contextfor example, in the medical or legal fields. 4. Portillo, Shannon, Nicole Humphrey, and Domonic A. Bearfield. For more than 20 years, we have helped make this . Can I reapply if I am not accepted into the program? "A nonpartisan model for developing public-service leaders." Additionally, the model outlines two core valuesstewardship of public trust and commitment to public goodthat federal leaders should demonstrate to live up to the highest ideals of public service. Partnership for Public Service (202) 775-9111, LeadHERship in Federal Government: How Women Lead. We greatly appreciate their time and counsel. Examine our reports, toolkits and other materials that focus on improving federal employee engagement. To help federal leaders in their roles as public servants, we identified two core values that are uniquely relevant to government: stewardship of public trust and . The role of public service integrity in supporting democratic government, and the resulting need to respect certain ethical values, is the fundamental concept underlying the concerns about apparent conflict of interest. If, for example, this service is serving a population that is underbanked, we know that many datasets out there have known gaps around this population, said Taka Ariga, chief data scientist at the Government Accountability Office. Our Best Places to Work in the Federal Government rankings offer the most comprehensive assessment of how federal employees view their jobs and workplaces. Our organization believes there is no place for hate, violence or inequality in our economic, social and civil systems, nor in our workplaces, and we unequivocally disavow all forms of racism, bigotry and discrimination. Manage and advise 8-10 colleagues working in the fields of democracy . Government Accountability Office, Artificial Intelligence: An Accountability Framework for Federal Agencies and Other Entities, June 2021, 48. Block, and Peter Stathatos. Inclusive Research & Design. 16. Richardson, Agnes, and Cynthia Loubier. and Please note that participants will not be permitted to switch between options during the program. Brandon Lardy, "A revealing look at racial diversity in the federal government," Partnership for Public Service, July 14, 2020. Theinformationalsoprovideshistorical comparisons to the previous administrationandillustrations of thedatathat revealkey confirmation and nomination trends. At PAI, equity and inclusion are core values which we seek to promote among our Partner organizations, in our own work, and throughout the greater AI field, including in machine learning and other automated decision-making systems. Equal treatment under the law is a core principle of democratic public service delivery, but agencies must be aware of the particular challenges that AI tools can present to the principle of non-discrimination. Thus, knowledge of which demographic groups individuals belong to is vital for measuring and mitigating such biases. Should you miss any part of a session, we will work with you to provide resources for content missed. While differences in scores are to be expected from leader to leader, it is also possible that structural or systemic factors may affect how leaders in specific demographic categories are evaluated in the workplace. These barriers reinforce ongoing racial, ethnic and gender disparities in the federal workforce. This is especially true in large metropolitan areas that have a high density of security professionals. However, when examining just women, we did find important differences in ratings: Across the four core competencies and two core values, women of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds were consistently rated higher by others compared with white women. 06-1540513. Even more convincing, we found that raters used the word intelligent and hardworking less frequently to describe men of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds than for any other demographic group. 21. Responsible use of artificial intelligence for public service delivery also requires strong governance structures that facilitate collaboration and agility. Dixon-Fyle, Sundiatu, et al. . Kalnicky holds a Ph.D. in Ecology and has led behavioral research and evaluation studies across the globe. In our first brief, we described in detail the differences in how men and women scored on the core values, competencies and subcompetencies of the Public Service Leadership Model based on data collected through the Public Service Leadership 360 assessment tool. Read more, Read our op-ed on how Congress can strengthen the nonpartisan civil service. The Partnership for Public Service is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that is building a better government and a stronger democracy. Partnership for Public Service and Accenture Federal Services, "Government for the People: Designing for Equitable and Trusted Customer Experiences," Nov. 16, 2021. Suite 600 The Partnership for Public Service is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to building a better government and a stronger democracy. Review of Public Personnel Administration 37.2 (2017): 160-182. Do you offer makeup sessions? This trend suggests that the underrepresentation of diverse groups of women in senior federal leadership positions is not due to a lack of leadership ability, but rather due to more systemic or structural factors. Diggs, S.N. The state judiciary last Wednesday released new internal guidelines on handling EEO complaints for harassment and other types of discrimination. Ensuring that everyone has a common understanding of the technical and non-technical foundations can help leaders better understand each other and more productively collaborate. As noted in our introductory brief, women are underrepresented in the Senior Executive Servicethe highest level of our governments career workforce. @media (max-width: 992px){.usa-js-mobile-nav--active, .usa-mobile_nav-active {overflow: auto!important;}} Livingston, Robert W., Ashleigh Shelby Rosette, and Ella F. Washington. "Intersectionality of gender and race in governmental affairs." Various public sector organizations in the United States also have begun work on frameworks for responsible artificial intelligence use. We host informational webinars and go to college campuses to train students on how to apply for federal jobs. Read more. D. Appleton, 1891. "Redeeming leadership: An anti-racist feminist intervention." Henne, Kathryn. What is responsible artificial intelligence in the context of public services? Examining how, or if, additional social identitiessuch as disability status, LGBTQ+, age and morerelate to leadership assessment scores. 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