Pluto will make an exact return on Feb. 20, July 11 and Dec. 28, 2022. Personally, I feel that many people caught in the trap of the Neptune will just be more delusional. Then, with Trump, fascism, white supremacy and ruling by the super rich is the new Republican philosophy. We find that 1848 was a transformational year of revolution sweeping Europe by the common man. Now, a truly foolish astrologer might see that as a sign of the great affection borne for DC, but Im going to go out on a limb here and suggest that it portrays a focus (Sun) on Washingtons (Washingtonia) values (Venus), which often seem opposed or inimical (opposition) to those of the populace at large (Moon). Surprising health and physical challenges may also arise during this time. For the Biden inauguration, Jupiter is once again in Aquarius. Many people in the U.S. are developing intolerance to these GMO grains. Since its discovery, Pluto in Capricorn portends Earth Changes great fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, environmental catastrophes and a shift in the water levels. The Forces of the Establishment, Institutions, the Corporate World that are conservative and, therefore, inflexible, will crumble when the cycle ends. Cayce said that New York in the main would be lost in time. Hello Lynn, can you elaborate on this? Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this sites author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Unfortunately, its not a fair cosmic fight, because we dont really have a good asteroid referent for the Republican Party. The Berlin War fell after a Saturn Cycle and communism lost its grip upon its satellite nations. Usually, there is a strong attempt to suppress the individuality. With more than 200 countries and more than 8 billion people on Earth, there are countless strange and interesting facts that you may not know! Such a conflict could occur because of a shortage of resources in one country, which would then attack a neighboring country to obtain means of subsistence. Volcanic activity and major earthquakes will also increase. In 2010, my research was based upon the transit of Uranus over Eris in the natal chart. Political party: Independent (1991-1995; 2001-2008; 2012-present) Other political Slow and steady wins the race right now. His sweeping deregulations and, later, a Supreme Court decision to allow corporations to donate to political parties with impunity caused campaigning to be only for the rich. The roaring 20s continue to be a time of unprecedented change, and astrologically, 2022 is poised to continue the themes of revolution, expansion, and reorientation that weve been experiencing for some time now. February 23, 2020. However, the transit of Saturn will . Margin of Error is +/- 1.9% with a 95% level of confidence. If you have a planet being aspected at an Ending Degree, it is time to shut the door and move on. A relatively minor offshore earthquake of magnitude 4.5 or above could cause submarine avalanches that then generate tsunami events with waves higher than 26 feet (8 meters). Too many politicians are in the pockets of corporations. In hisCrypto Astrology Group (CAG) membership, members attend twice monthly webinars and have a resource library to give members a high-level perspective on Bitcoin, DeFi, and the Crypto Ecosystem without the hype, euphoria, FOMO, and fear that is often found in other non-astrological crypto groups. We can witness a re-emergence of old problems and even an uprise of new ones," Borsch added. During the first half of 2022, the political climate of our turbulent world is looking relatively quiet, and the U.S. is looking more peaceful. In 2015, the conjunction was within 1 degree of my Asc, starting around my birthday and it was a great birthday. Both interpretations were correct. Complicating matters is a Grand Cross formed by a squared opposition to this polarity from TNO Ixion at 1 Capricorn, and asteroid Plunge at 2 Cancer. Some astrologers predicted that the U.S. would fall from being a major power. The greater risks are in the north from Newfound down to just below New Jersey. The 16 states with the highest earthquake hazard from natural earthquakes are Alaska, Arkansas, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. For internal events, the Gemini chart works best and, for events that have an international effect and how other countries see us, the Sagittarius chart works best. Seeking to pick up successive wins in Serie A for the first time this season, Sampdoria takes on Atalanta at the Luigi Ferraris Stadium on Wednesday. Are you and your love interest meant to be? For thousands of years, people have looked to the stars for answers and we do yet again. Other astrologers, including our Jeanne, predicted a new epidemic several years before it manifested. The Republicans were very different in the past so it is ruled by Jupiter. LYNN: This begins an inflationary cycle, a recession and a civil war for democracy. Neo-Nazis and White Supremists, previously ignored by the mainstream population, have been empowered to show themselves. A NEW CYCLE: Jupiter conjunct Saturn at 0 Aquarius. As long people are unwilling to think, decide or take responsibility by themselves and for themselves, this will still work for a while but no for long. While he has predicted a 'diabolical increase' in the period of March 21-May 7 in. The danger thus being that it will also be too easy to absorb negative matter, especially when the transiting Neptune is making a hard aspect to your personal planets. Read on to know our ranking on the best hospitals in this state updated 2023. When Jupiter is in Pisces, well feel that life is more harmonious, creative, spiritual and romantic. The astrology prediction for the Midterms 2022 shows a split. The Czech Republic is the only country that is not dependent upon big corporations to support their economy. This alignment is strongly connected to the U.S. chart. METAPHYSICAL NEWS The New Humanity Coming: It is here already because it started in 1988-1993 with the Mutation in Consciousness. After June 15, 2021, things are going to be better and, by November 2021, the situation will be much under control, occult scientist Dr. Kajal Mugrai said. This is the result of Neptune in Capricorn as well as a result of this transit, news programs no longer had to be balanced, giving both points of viewgiving rise to Hysteria Radio/TV. We can have many objects of transformation but one three Transpersonal Planets. People act out of desperation. It is called the Falling Eagle or the star of the Queen of Life. Because of its connection with Venus and Neptune, this can portend a cycle of great beauty and creativity with the higher aspects of mysticism. It facilitates new qualities and attributes that flower into a manifestation of our true inner nature. First and foremost, 2022 will be a better year than recent ones. Education in the US is of top quality in the quality. According to Nostradamus, Brexit is only the beginning, and the whole European Union is destined to collapse in 2022. Her quote from the article. Transpersonal experiences can transform your life but only if you know how to use the incoming energy. . Take a look at some of the other notable eclipses, retrogrades, and transits for the year ahead to see what the cosmos have in store for you this year: Partial New Moon Solar Eclipse (April 30). Working in a garden, with plants in your home and walking in nature will prove to be very grounding. LYNN: New Souls born around 1988-1991 (The Great Capricorn Climax) are now adults and bringing in the new energies. Eclipses tie to our destiny and fated events. Below are some of People are very interested in knowing about their future. Usually, humanity coming together takes a global crisis. Login $ 0.00 . It can also signify a fatherly relationship, and the way we parent and discipline ourselves. When Neptune was in Aquarius, the world voted for the Board of Directors of the World Wide Web only 3% of Americans voted or even knew about this election. As the planet that represents the underworld, expect for secrets to be revealed, the marginalized to rise up, and chances for a phoenix to rise from the ashes. After the election some astrologers attempted to blame the incorrect predictions on faulty birth data, but in this kind of prediction there are so many factors. How do we fit into the global economy? There will be great studies in ESP, Near Death Experiences and the science of metaphysical philosophy will become a proven fact. It might be frustrating to see your attempts at sticking to new rules and routines undermined by Mercurys backwards rotation, but a little patience and planning can go a long way to aiding a smooth transition into 2022.'s monthly horoscope detects the luckiest days of the 12 zodiac signs in March 2023. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, and Neptune, the planet of dreams and unconscious desires, will both have an outsized presence in 2022, creating a fertile period for art, technology, and exploration. Only the advertisers and political consultants use it for their selfish ends. Winning Chances Of Archana Gautam As Congress Candidate In UP Election 2022. In Politics, the ideas of a political astrology have been considered great. At 15 degrees, it is the most clear, The Pandemic we are experiencing with the Capricorn Stellium will create a shift in our consciousness and our behavior. It crosses Manhattan from the Hudson River to the East River, running approximately along 125th Street. When Saturn last transited Pisces, even though it was well aspected to the outer planets, it was not an easy time. So we cant really rate each Partys chances one-on-one. EDGAR CAYCE PREDICTIONS from John Van Auken. ! Changes and transformations occur that have a global impact at this time. Previous rating: Toss-Up. However, because Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus formed a 120 aspect, the true revolutions did not come until Uranus entered Gemini. Jupiters retrograde can shake your sense of purpose and duty, leading you to question your broader long-term goals in life. All rights reserved Email: [email protected]. I only have one this year Sun conjunct Mercury R at 0 Libra. With collective media participation, Jeanne Mozier reminds us that, just because you have a mouth, it does not mean that you have something worthwhile to say. As well, its the day of the Sun/Mercury conjunction, and the Sun/Moon opposition, which just happens to be a total Lunar Eclipse! In an excellent paper by Karon Meakin, she states: Uranus and Pluto do have one thing in common, they are enemies to those things that are entrenched. At that time, with Neptune in the sign of universal compassion, Karl Marx writings showed a great concern for the poor, the working class and small children working in sweat shops. If youve been feeling tension around your home or finances, this transit could help ease the stress. You do not have to have any flying experience as the airlines will train you with the 1800 flying hours. Yet, these souls are being condemned to exist in the old forms, medicated or medicated with technology. Q-Anon! I conducted research many years ago and I observed that both charts work actually, all of the charts used for this country work but they work best for different events. On his way to the place where the assassination later took place, Caesar passed the seer and joked, "The Ides of March have come," and the seer, Spurinna, replied, "Aye, Caesar; but not gone.". Anyone can say anything and many will believe it without question, even when I urge them to check it out on Verification sites. You will not miss this shift you will FEEL IT! After I make my observations and determine a theme, only then do I look at the myth to see what parts of the myth can apply to the Object. Then, Reagan overturned the fairness act by which a radio or television program must give equal time to each party or candidate if 10 minutes was given to one politician, then equal time had to be given to his opponent. They will not be the same. 62.1% predicted a Clinton win; 37.9% predicted Trump would win. In Theosophy, Iris White once said: Appreciate everything on your planet now because it will never be this way again. LYNN: In 2008 and 2012, we had economic crises and a plummeting stock market. Astrological Predictions for Congress's Paresh Dhanani Due to the planetary transits of December 2022, Jupiter is transiting on the Moon (his ascendant lord), aspecting the Sun (in the 2nd house) & Saturn (Lord of the 7th & 8th House). Pluto will be in Capricorn until 2024: This is a cycle for breaking down our structures and institutions to molecular level so that the new can manifest. Bill Meridian once told me that Jupiter in Aquarius portends a Democratic president. Sunglasses are not only protect the eyes, but they are also a fashion accessory for beauty lovers. Pluto will complete its return in the sign of Capricorn, creating a potentially society-altering juxtaposition of power and change. The U.S. is gingerly considering whether to adopt a digital version of its currency, one better suited for todays increasingly cashless world, ushering in what could be one of the dollars most fundamental transformations.. What Baba Vanga Predictions For 2022 and Fact-Check, Top 8 Nostradamus Predictions For 2022 and Fact-Check, What is Baba Vanga Predictions 2021 and Fact-Check, Nostradamus' prophecies: Top 9 Shocking Predictions for 2021 and Fact-Check, World Cup Prediction: Super Animals Predict Argentina Will Beat Saudi Arabia. Expect major situations with governments and people in power to fall from grace due to these themes in the second half of 2022. My observation is that all of these Objects, regardless of size, represent a Process of Change in our lives. In my journal I wrote: The Sun-Jupiter conjunction at 3 Virgo on August 26 was conjunct my ASC/Sun and I really felt it like someone turned a switch on and I have energy and optimism again. Lending support for the vital role the decision overturning Roe v Wade will play in this election is asteroid Wade, which at 18 Virgo exactly opposes asteroid Nemesis at 18 Pisces, a point indicating ruin or downfall. "Other critical periods to watch this year are May to the first half of July and December to January 2022. Theres a second Grand Cross here as well, with an exact square to asteroid Karma at 18 Sagittarius, and a square to asteroid Achilles at 17 Gemini. If you want to study business and management in the United States, read on for an overview of the top 10 business schools in the US. It could well be that the City of Light will remain completely paralyzed, with no access to the outside world, for a long period. While there could be further civil unrest, international friction and uncertainty about the path forward for the United States, this has been felt for years building already. Transition to 4th dimension: Ouspenskys book each dimension is perpendicular to the next. Alex Miller is a professional writer and astrologer, author of The Black Hole Book, detailing deep space points in astrological interpretation, and the forthcoming Heaven on Earth, a comprehensive study of asteroids, both mythic and personal. It sure did nothing for the Ukraine War but I know, when it conjuncts my natal planets, it has a major effect. Friday July 9, 2021: First we should note that a multitude of earth-based social and political factors will affect the final results of the 2024 Presidential Election and quite a few astrologers poo poo the Venus Cycle theory of US elections. Republican John Duarte has inched in front of moderate Democrat Adam Gray, despite the fact this Central Valley district went for President Joe Biden by 11 points in 2020 . There will be a movement of Saturn towards Neptune in the sign of Pisces in 2023 but it does not make a conjunction until February 2026 at 0 Aries a Beginning Cycle at the World Point of international events. Jupiter sextile Pluto thinks so. Utopian philosophies began in the last cycle (1800s) and they will re-emerge in this new cycle. Neptune in Pisces will also manifest great Spiritual Delusions. Recently, on several daytime talk shows, there have been discussions of Past Life Regression and Near-Death experiences. In September, Mercury Rx hits again, this time in the signs of Virgo and Libra. Jeanne feels that we will need a global regulating body to handle this. Which predictions for 2021 came true? -S.K., GTA Member, GTA is an excellent tool to help keep people informed of national/global trends from a cause & effect lens. Posted on November 7, 2022 1:14 am by William Stickevers Leave a comment. Midterm Too Close To Call Elections , 2012 U.S. Presidential General Election Electoral College , 2010 U.S. Explore Baba Vanga's predictions for 2022 and check which predictions she made for 2021 became true. The eclipses in the first half of the year are better but the ones in the second half of the year are pretty challenging, so lie low when they appear. Yes, some work very well, such as Chiron. When people are too afraid to adapt, when they are too rigid to understand or they are unwilling to make a compromise in their life, they can become ill. Another example of a friend whose Eris opposes his Mercury: I get upset when confronted with very new ideas and I am forced to change or re-examine my opinions.. Candidate in UP Election 2022 the next that many people in the sign of Capricorn, creating a society-altering... Experience as the airlines will train you with the Mutation in Consciousness upon its satellite nations sign! 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