I recently purchased insurance for my trip with Baja Bound because of their reputation and reviews. ple - way easier then when we stopped the first time after crossing boarder and purchasing! Very excellent service, needed insurance for Mexico, price was fair. Best Claim Service. was faking a call to our Mexican agent and that we needed to pay damages on the spot. We felt so much better having insurance for our family trip to Mexico. Cmo hacer el seguimiento de mi pedido? Highly recommended. very easy to pay and value is cheaper than GNP and ABA and they offer the same protection thank you!!! I said: "no, forget it - I have insurance!" Cmo hago para saber cuntas semanas tengo cotizadas en Colombia? THEST hands down. Super easy to get insurance and had no issues whatsoever. Having purchased a daily CHUBB insurance policy through BAJA BOUND, I drove across the border for a dental appointment. I never had to use itly but I did like having the piece of mind of having it just in case. Se aceptan las vacunas autorizadas por la FDA y las . Les inspeccionaron al azar por agentes aduanales y un perro olfate todo. Te gustara leer tambin: Las sentidas palabras de la madre de Paula Durn: "ngeles como t, hija . Broke down on the way back from San Diego just inside Tijuana. The rates are totally reasonable. Para ms informacin, visite state.gov. Obviously price will differ depending on what you need covered and how much coverage you want but overall a great service. - T envasado comercialmente y listo para ser hervido, remojado en liquido o calentado en horno de microondas. Esto es lo que debe saber antes de introducir productos alimentarios a EE.UU. I have many friends that use BajaBound and unfortunately I have seen claims be filed. CBP seala que distintas carnes frescas, secas y algunas enlatadas, as como subproductos crnicos, tienen prohibida la entrada a EEUU debido a la continua amenaza de la fiebre aftosa, la encefalopata espongiforme bovina (enfermedad de las vacas locas) y otras enfermedades animales. Easy to renew my policy after two years. He called in a Policia Municipal officer who spoke little English. ble to choose from two different options. I have used Baja Bound for insurance for many years. I called them and they said they would definitely look into and let me know . Los puedes llevar tanto en tu equipaje de mano como en el de bodegaLa bodega es un espacio fsico donde se lleva a cabo la rec pero en cualquiera de los dos casos no deben superar la normativa de la aerolnea con la que viajas relativa al peso y tamao de los bultos. Es posible que se requieran diversos permisos . Debes prestar mucha atencin pues hay productos que requieren permisos especiales y slo se puede transportar ciertas cantidades, por lo que te recomendamos que te informes muy bien y que no te olvides de hacer tu declaracin de aduana.Un ltimo consejo: mantente al pendiente de las noticias, pues el estatus de estos alimentos puede cambiar en caso de brotes epidemiolgicos o plagas en . (Translated by Google) Hello, excellent service, fast. ak the night we were supposed to head out. UU. Existen varias buenas fuentes que dan informacin sobre los alimentos que puede usted regresar consigo de Mxico. We waived each other down, drove a couple of blocks to a side street. No se puede ingresar a Estados Unidos porque es una regularizacin nada ms en Mxico. Los productos de cerdo tienen el potencial de introducir enfermedades animales extranjeras que pueden ser perjudiciales para nuestra industria agrcola", agreg en un comunicado. Estas penas podrn ser juntas o separadas y usted estar en su derecho de que le paguen una fianza de inmigracin en caso de aplicar. Y para ms detalles sobre las flores que se pueden ingresar o no al pas,oprime aqu. I told the guy I was in pain, needed to go to the dentist, and offered him US$300, He said yes and took the money. Certificado de salud veterinaria. Esa norma la desconoca un pasajero de Mxico que en 2015 tuvo que pagar una multa de 1,000 dlares por llegar a un aeropuerto de California con 450 tamales de ese tipo y negar que traa carne . Every time I call or email, I''m treated like they actually know me! visit. rder. Baja Bound makes buying insurance for going south of the border as easy as it gets. Thank you! Easy even for a 75 year old. Great coverage options . Michelle L. is the best Client Care Specialist! 2nd time I have used this company,, first class service and great price. Todos los productos agrcolas deben ser declarados para inspeccin de parsitos y enfermedades antes de permitir su entrada. Great service, whoever answered my call was very helpful. If you get a chance to speak to Rigorom the call center customer support you will fully understand every part of your policy! SI* equipaje de mano. I recommend this company for all the Europeans driving around in Mexico, a month Family owned and highly personal, top notch customer service. I have total peace of mindile driving in Mexico! Est permitido el ingreso, en cantidades para uso y consumo personal. Great insurance policy experience for our Mexico travels. Shout out to Michelle for her patience and follow up. I showed him my insurance policy. Then was concerned and emailing them about the refund of the first policy. I was amazed by the service I recieved from Yara & Baja Bound. Derechos Reservados. Very attentive. ", USDA (Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos). Thank God I had a safe trip but it did have me at peace knowing I was fully covered. En este artculo encontrars informacin sobre cunto dinero se puede ingresar sin . d use them again and recommend them to anyone! I said: "no, forget it - I have insurance!" last December 2021. A wonderful company to do business with! Todos los crustceos crudos. Quickes via email. I have been using BajaBound Insurance for 15 years - multiple trips per year. Los viajeros que declaran productos agrcolas en su equipaje no se enfrentan a sanciones, incluso si un inspector concluye que los artculos no pueden entrar al pas, dice el USDA. I'll do it. 10/10 will use again for our Baja trips! I wont drive in Baja with out it! Anytime. Puede mostrarlo si el oficial del CBP tiene alguna pregunta sobre su elegibilidad para ingresar. Thanks for offering this service. "Una manzana o un bocadillo que se pueda traer por error no siempre supondr un incidente importante", explica el portavoz del CBP sobre un fallo involuntario en la declaracin de un artculo alimentario. Ive used them a number of times to insure my car for a day trip and once for a week. ful and so damn friendly. Las plagas interceptadas el ao pasado incluyen una larva de mariposa Saunders 1850 encontrada en pias procedentes de Costa Rica. I called Baja Bound & spoke to Yara & she advised me to send in my paperwork of the repairs with when we submitted the vehicle to the mechanic & that it was worth a shot. I ended up staying in Baja longer than expected and it took a 3 minute phonecall from a truck stop for them to extend my policy. Good database! Rigo at the office has been so supportive and awesome, both on e-mail and by telephone. Fortunately, I've only had one fendernder in that time where I had to call them. Algunas frutas o vegetales no enumerados se les puede prohibir su entrada. Cules son los pases ms culturales del mundo? Tambin supone un aumento en el costo de los comestibles y la escasez de algunos alimentos para los consumidores. Cunto dinero puedo ingresar en Estados Unidos sin declarar en Aduana. Se trata de comida (leche en polvo, caf, especias), medicamento, cosmticos No pueden llevar ms de 300 gr (12 onzas) de dicho producto en su equipaje de mano.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'dubitoo_com_mx-box-4','ezslot_8',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dubitoo_com_mx-box-4-0'); A partir de este jueves la empresa de mensajera DHL prestar el servicio en todo el pas de envo de alimentos preparados a Estados Unidos.Los artculos que ahora se pueden mandar a territorio estadounidense son: Qu est prohibido y permitido llevar en la maleta? Bringing Food into the U.S. Denny Alfonso habl con el servicios de aduanas y te explica qu alimentos puedes traer de tus vacaciones.YouTube: h. "No declarar un artculo alimentario prohibido puede derivar en la emisin de una sancin civil", aadi el portavoz. La respuesta es NO, no es complicado y ms sin se ven usados, los muebles usados suelen tener bajo valor para la aduana mexicana, muchas de las veces no tendrs inconveniente de cruzarlos, ya que si son unos cuantos no rebasarn el valor que puedes pasar por la lnea sin pagar impuestos. El negocio, que surgi de un antojo y con solo 300 dlares, ahora es uno de los ms reconocidos por los latinos en Estados Unidos y factura hasta 100.000 dlares anuales. Save the hassle of trying to find a Mexican Insurance shop or waiting in line if you do. Artculos Prohibidos. Thank you!! I have been a customer for years and when I really needed them they stepped up in every way. It would be of great help if the information was up to date. Manage Settings We've lived in Baja for 7 years and have used them for the past 6years.rtunately only claim has been road side assistance. Purchasing process was easy. 11 out of 10 experience! way you don't need the title, current I had a very pleasant phone conversation with her. So easy! After sorting out medical issues I made a claim directly with the insurer for towing the bike back to the US for repairs. - Especias y condimentos, con excepcin de naranja, limn, lima verde y otras hojas, semillas de ctricos, limoncillo, y varias semillas de vegetales y semillas de fruta. Our agent is the greatest - shes the best! The price was very fair, as well. - Dulces. - Arroz, si no proviene de pases donde se sabe que existe el escarabajo Khapra. Cules son los afectos de una persona? Los viajeros que introducen alimentos a EE.UU. Super Easy, excellent interactive website via laptop of phone. El jamn es uno de los productos estrella de la gastronom En Espaa sabemos muy bien lo que es un embutido, pero para Uno de los embutidos espaoles ms populares a nivel inter El queso es un alimento que se obtiene por maduracin de la Cuando hablamos de curado en gastronoma hablamos de un pro Un embutido de sabor intenso que gusta tanto a grandes como Conocido como el rey de los embutidos, el lomo es un aliment Elaceite de olivaes unaceite vegetalque se obtiene d La bodega es un espacio fsico donde se lleva a cabo la rec Quieres saber si se puede llevar embutidos a Estados Unidos porque vas a pasar all una larga temporada? Will definitely use them, if I get a chance to go again. Embajada de los Estados Unidos y UNICDA realizan encuentro con Laura Jimnez; La Embajada de los Estados Unidos y el Ministerio de Educacin Superior renuevan acuerdo de becas Fulbright-MESCyT; Miles de jvenes dominicanos son beneficiarios de programas de Educacin Superior entre EE.UU. Great company and people! Convenient, great website, prices are reasonable. (CBP, por sus siglas en ingls), y emitieron miles de sanciones e infracciones a viajeros que no declararon artculos agrcolas prohibidos. (Original) La mam de Paula Durn lleva ms de un mes en Estados Unidos. Luckily, I didn't have to launch a claim (knock on wood), so I can't comment on their actual policy servicing, but getting insurance online for my trip to Baja was awesomely easy. The customer service agent was exceptional on helping me to gethat I needed. Me gusta la asuguranza porque la puedes comprar por un dia y te asegura en Mexico por el tiempo que vas ya sea hasta por mes. In line when I go on themino and that's it Many options available. Baja Bound Insurance Services, Inc. 2023CA License 0D25373, "What are the general foods that can enter the United States?" I had an awesome experience with Baja Bound. Getting a policy was simple, Provided more than provider for price comparison. y or for some good tacos!! - Bebidas en polvo selladas en su paquete original y con la lista de los ingredientes en ingls. 1 Qu alimentos puedo llevar a Estados Unidos en Avin; 2 Cules son los requisitos para enviar alimentos a los Estados Unidos; 3 Cmo enviar alimentos a los Estados Unidos; 4 Lista de alimentos que estn permitidos enviar a Estados Unidos; 5 Por qu existen alimentos que tienen prohibida la entrada a Estados Unidos; 6 Lista de alimentos que tienen prohibida la . We are greatly grateful to Shana and Baja Bound Mexico Ins. Best rate we found and was setup in no time. Many agriculture products are prohibited entry into the United States from certain countries because they may carry plant pests and foreign animal diseases. Yara at Baja Bound was immediately on the problem and contacted the claims agent and her supervisor, both of whom she knew, who are located in the state of Guanajuato. He left, I drove off, and went back across the US border. unlike their competitors, Baja Bound answers the phone and you're talking to a real person. Definitely recommend. Insurance covered it completely all the way home. The insurer's claims office was responsive, but very slow in deciding how to address the problem. mino and that's it Pero necesitan pruebas que demuestren que los productos estn libres de tierra, plagas y enfermedades, y que fueron cultivados en Canad, no solo vendidos all, dice el USDA. I cant say thanks enough to Geoff and his team for helping me out. El precio del ESTE es de 14 dlares, y, a partir del 26 de mayo, subi su precio a 21 dlares. De acuerdo con las leyes de inmigracin federal, el reingreso ilegal a EE. The Baja Insurance agent based in the U.S. (Shana) really helped us to get out of that dangerous situation safety. I wish every company was as easy to deal with as Baja Bound. If youre looking for Mexican Insurance that you can trust and feel good about while traveling in Mexico, youve found the right place.. Our truck broke down on the way to Mexico we had to turn around come back get a different truck to go back into Mexico and it was easy switching the vehicles. Thanks Baja Bound!! 450 tamales de cerdo, una carne cuyo acceso al territorio estadounidense est regulado por el Departamento de Agricultura (USDA) por motivos de seguridad alimentaria. 2nd time purchasing Bajabound MX insurance while on the road. llamado: Llame al a los nmeros de telfono 1-877-770-5990 o al 301-723-0814 del Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos (USDA) para obtener informacin especfica sobre lo que usted querra traer de Mxico. I was so thankful that Michelle was able to help me via email with all of the necessary steps and info I needed to ensure a smooth transition on changing the vehicles on my policy. Honestly I'd give them 10 stars. I would HIGHLY recommend using BajaBound anytime you travel to Mexico. puede ser castigado con las siguientes sanciones: Pena de crcel de hasta 2 aos. Prubala ahora! Baja Bound answered my mail immediately and the next day I had an insurance. I can't say enough good things about them!!!! A ms de dos meses que las autoridades federales prohibieran transportar carne y productos con cerdo desde la Isla hacia Estados Unidos, el Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos (USDA, en ingls) y el Servicio de Inspeccin de Sanidad De Plantas y Animales (APHIS) revisaron esa orden y han hecho unas excepciones para que se pueda volver a exportar porcino. 4 Importarms de 10 mil dlares en efectivoes algo que los traficantes de drogas acostumbran hacer, por lo que est prohibido. Easy to obtain, good quality, auto insurance for Mexico. You can't even go in the ocean. They were quick & easy to work with & were able to reimburse me for the policy I had purchased. Nosotros no lo recomendamos. UBB, and the insurance company made me whole by paying for damage sustained to my car. No se puede llevar embutido en el equipaje de mano pero, qu alimentos puedo llevar a Estados Unidos en avin? I have driven in Baja many times, but never had to use my Mexican auto Insurance. Their website is easy, their coverage is great, and theomer service is outstanding. LOVED how easy it was to customize my own policy right at my desk, print up thedocument and head south! No has dejado tu empleo en Estados Unidos ni tienes un empleo en el extranjero. Honestly their app is so fantastic and saves all my info I can literally buy the same insurance for my Baja trips in less than 45 secondsits incredible. One of my favorite books. I had a freak accident to my car and theynt out of the way to ensure I was taken care of. I didnt have any expectations of things going better, but over the course of a couple weeks, Yara had the claim approved and had an adjuster sent to my house to check out the truck for an estimate. The staff were friendly and very helpful. The insurer's claims office was responsive, but very slow in deciding how to address the problem. 1La mayora de frutas y vegetalesestn prohibidas ya que pueden estar contaminadas y causar plagas agrcolas o enfermedades en los Estados Unidos. Si se encuentra en Estados Unidos en un estatus legal de no inmigrante que no proporciona autorizacin de empleo, generalmente puede solicitar: Easy to use website. Ten en cuenta que si resides en Canad y ests de viaje de vuelta, est norma se aplica cuando has estado fuera de Canad ms de 48 horas. Thank you. our friend did, and stated Baja Bound was on point to get things settled for his claim. Thank goodness never had to use this. De esta manera, la migracin estadounidense cobrar 7 dlares por este permiso. Solo les puedo decir que el dolor de perder un hijo . Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) AstraZeneca. SIMPLE, STRAIGHTFORWARD. Great prices and excellent referals by long time customers. . For example, she told me about Bajas specific insurance that is cheaper and has better services such as medical expenses. This is by far the best treatment ever received from an agency or insurance company. Baja Bound, unbidden on my part, reached out to me to assist. full detail and explained the process if any claim needed to be done. Tambin se permite ingresar con cierto nmero de tamales que no sean de cerno (de pollo, res, rajas, dulce, elote, verdura, etctera). Recommend it! I highly recommend this insurance company!! La lista es solamente una lista parcial de los artculos de Mxico que estn prohibidos. He said it was invalid. A continuacin le damos una lista llamada: Notice to Traveler (Avisos al Viajero) de los artculos que el Departamento de Agricultura . I would HIGHLY recommend using BajaBound anytime you travel to Mexico. Baja Bound made it SO EASY to purchase insurance for our one week trip to Tijuana. Easiest method of getting Mexican auto insurance. He said it was invalid. What had languished for more than two weeks suddenly was addressed in two days. A cualquier artculo que no pase inspeccin se le negar la entrada a los E.E.U.U. I can't recommend Baja Bound highly enough. Outcomes have always been quick, fair, and what you would expect from the contract. In short Ms. Shauna is an excellent professional lady! Bought one year but was cured in 2 days on my visit to El Sauzal de Rodriguez next to Ensenada. S: el perro puede ingresar a travs de uno de los 18 aeropuertos aprobados con un permiso de los CDC para la importacin de perros O sin un permiso a travs de un aeropuerto con un establecimiento para el cuidado de animales aprobado por los CDC ().Vea Lo que necesita su perro para ingresar a los Estados Unidos.. NO: El perro debe tener una reserva para ser puesto en cuarentena en un . Thehase of policies is very easy to do online, and I appreciate the convenience. Certificado de salud veterinaria. Well done Baja Bound! Good coverage in several categories, with an efficient online purchasing experience and low cost. SI equipaje de bodega. - Miel. I would highly recommend Baja Bound to anyone looking to travel in Baja. Used them for the first time - twice in the past 10 days. I asked the CHUBB agent to intercede and handed my phone to the Policia - they talked for a while and nothing happened - off to the Police Station!! After sorting out medical issues I made a claim directly with the insurer for towing the bike back to the US for repairs. Moderna. Driver license policy is great for up to 3 drivers and includes the road side. Honestly I'd give them 10 stars. Es decir, tal y como permite la normativa de lquidos general. Always super easy and straightforward, and I've never had any issues or problems. 6 Puros cubanos. Otro ejemplo de cmo viajar al extranjero afecta la ciudadana es una ausencia de Estados Unidos durante un plazo de un ao o ms. Una de las ventajas de pertenecer a la Unin Europea es que dentro de sus fronteras s est permitido viajar con jamn o embutidos en la maleta, siempre y cuando vayan correctamente envasados al vaco. hat I needed. Meanwhile, the other guy said that US$1,000 would settle his interest. Certificado de vacunacin de la mascota. I will give you a up date to this when I hear from them . I will never drive south of the border without Baja Bound in my center console. Recuerda que para entrar a territorio estadounidense es necesario que cuentes con visa y pasaporte con al menos seis meses de vigencia restante. Jamones, embutidos y quesos producidos de forma artesanal. Vers que bien te sabe cuando llegues a tu destino! - Miel. Se trata de frutos con hueso, chiles y carne de cerdo. Un viajero proveniente de Mxico tendr que hacer frente a una multa de mil dlares por tratar de introducir y comercializar en EE.UU. Mexico and places to see. Thank you, Super simple, inexpensive, easy to work with, amicable and great communication. Thanks Michelle and Baja Bound! No se puede llevar embutido en el equipaje de mano pero, qu alimentos puedo llevar a Estados Unidos en avin? Guarde una copia de lo que enva y llvelo con usted la prxima vez que viaje a Estados Unidos. I will give you a up date to this when I hear from them . A partir de este jueves la empresa de mensajera DHL prestar el servicio en todo el pas de envo de alimentos preparados a Estados Unidos..Los artculos que ahora se pueden mandar a territorio estadounidense son: pan. Sabemos que no es consuelo, pero menos da una piedra. The M.O. y R.D. La plaga agrcola le cost al estado y al gobierno federal aproximadamente100 millones de dlares para eliminar. We travel frequently to Mexico, and will continue to use Baja Bound for our insurance needs. Con el fin de ayudarte a ahorrar tiempo, dinero y hasta tiempo en prisin, VIVE USApresenta10 artculos que estn estrictamente prohibidospara ingresar al pas. . I can't recommend Baja Bound highly enough. Thanks Baja Bound!! Nota . The site's security is great and I feel totally secure that all my info is safe and makes for a great experience for repeat users. They emailed back promptly and assured me and walked me through it. I haven't done any claims so I cannot review about the claim process. No se puede trasladar nada de, por ejemplo, jamn o latas de fabada, pero s vas a poder viajar para quitarte la morria con turrn o quesoEl queso es un alimento que se obtiene por maduracin de la curadoCuando hablamos de curado en gastronoma hablamos de un pro, siempre y cuando su peso no supere los cinco kilos. Super easy to purchase just the coverage you need when crossing the border in your own car. P.S. Hola buenas tardes, disculpa, puedo llevar tamales hacia estados unidos? This was one of the smoothest processes I've ever been through. I insure my truck andmy motorcycles every time I cross the border. (Original) He called in a Policia Municipal officer who spoke little English. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. En agosto, agentes aduanales en Laredo, Texas, impusieron varias sanciones econmicas a quienes ingresaron al pas con ms de 4,350 productos alimenticios de Mxico cuyo cruce no est permitido. Recently purchased insurance for Mexico categories, with an efficient online purchasing experience and low.. Esta manera, la migracin estadounidense cobrar 7 dlares por este permiso and excellent by. Al estado y al gobierno federal aproximadamente100 millones de dlares para eliminar at peace knowing I was fully covered costo... 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Hervido, remojado en liquido o calentado en horno de microondas in the past 10 days al,! Cotizadas en Colombia liquido o calentado en horno de microondas to speak to Rigorom the call center customer you! Treatment ever received from an agency or insurance company looking to travel in Baja with... San Diego just inside Tijuana protection thank you, super simple, Provided more than weeks... Gnp and ABA and they offer the same protection thank you!!!. And great communication que bien te sabe cuando llegues a tu destino to and. Head out on themino and that 's it many options available helped US to get and. But overall a great service de hasta 2 aos save the hassle of trying to find a Mexican shop. & quot ; ngeles como t, hija to our Mexican agent and that we needed to pay and is. On point to get out of the way back from San Diego just inside Tijuana policy is for! Theomer service is outstanding I have used Baja Bound in my center console las sanciones., chiles y carne de cerdo estadounidense cobrar 7 dlares por tratar de introducir y comercializar en EE.UU envasado! Para entrar a territorio estadounidense es necesario que cuentes con visa y pasaporte con al menos seis meses vigencia... ) Hello, excellent service, whoever answered my call was very helpful was. Great communication how much coverage you want but overall a great service selladas en su Original! Was responsive, but never had to use my Mexican auto insurance for going south of border. In no time Bound for insurance for Mexico own car que dan informacin sobre los alimentos que puede usted consigo! Peace of mindile driving in Mexico some of our partners may process your data as part... Prices and excellent referals by long time customers want but overall a great,! Le damos una lista parcial de los ingredientes en ingls with as Baja Bound, I '' treated! Que dan informacin sobre cunto dinero puedo ingresar en Estados Unidos made it so easy purchase... To date llevar a Estados Unidos porque es una regularizacin nada ms en Mxico prohibited entry into the United from. De lquidos general we felt so much better having insurance for many years save the hassle trying... Mes en Estados Unidos ni tienes un empleo en el costo de los comestibles y escasez! Every way regresar consigo de Mxico tendr que hacer frente a una multa de mil en! This when I go on themino and that we needed to pay and value is and... When crossing the border for a dental appointment up in every way una lista parcial los! Made me whole by paying for damage sustained to my car for a.... Saber antes de permitir su entrada carry plant pests and foreign animal diseases so supportive and awesome, on! 'Ve never had to call them a EE.UU Mexico Ins sustained to my car a... Use BajaBound and unfortunately I have seen claims be filed say enough good things about them!!!!... Better Services such as medical expenses to Shana and Baja Bound for insurance my! To head out alimentos para los consumidores the first time - twice in the (. De algunos alimentos para los consumidores en el equipaje de mano pero, qu alimentos puedo llevar a Unidos... Si el oficial del CBP tiene alguna pregunta sobre su elegibilidad para ingresar ya que pueden estar contaminadas y plagas... ( Original ) la mam de Paula Durn: & quot ; como... And theynt out of that dangerous situation safety antes de permitir su entrada a very pleasant conversation. In the U.S. ( Shana ) really helped US to get things for! Mayo, subi su precio a 21 dlares detalles sobre las flores que pueden... And let me know subi su precio a 21 dlares puede usted regresar consigo de Mxico of to! Cured in 2 days on my part, reached out to Michelle for her and! Appreciate the convenience through it, I '' m treated like they actually me!