Draw the structure of the polymer, showing the repeating monomer units. Apply knowledge of students, including their prior experiences, interests, and social-emotional learning needs, as well as their funds of knowledge and cultural, language, and socioeconomic backgrounds, to engage them in learning. What are the two conditions for using effective models or exemplars? What strategy would you recommend? z)e{\K. A. stream
Come prepared and/or be responsible for your work Effective teachers are clear teachers. Lastly, all of the available downloads are for FREE. d. The teacher sets high expectations for intelligent students such as getting higher grades. TPE 4 Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students 1. Identify which of the following tools can help you build your Professional Learning Network: Which of these is NOT an example of how to teach/incorporate digital citizenship into the classroom? They can process the question and don't feel as pressured or anxious when called. (b) What is H\Delta HH when 15.00g15.00 \mathrm{~g}15.00g of BaCl2\mathrm{BaCl}_2BaCl2 precipitate? /PageMode /UseOutlines
In the following sections, attention will be given to the ideas of Vygotsky on the relationship between the social world and cognitive development. Additional Services at PRC Dasmarias, Cavite & St Additional Testing Centers for the 2018 LEPT, ENGLISH - Q and A with Rationalizations (Part 2), ENGLISH - Q and A with Rationalizations (Part 1). Implement a randomization strategy such as pulling popsicle sticks with student's names on them to encourage participation from all students. Administer a learning styles inventory and determine which learning objectives and lessons he could adapt or revise to begin incorporating student's learning styles in his content delivery, classroom activities, and assessments. >>
Teachers are the ultimate instruments of change. combining literacy, mathematics, science, and other disciplines. Because it allows students the opportunity to control the time, pace, path, and pace of their learning so they can be engaged both in and out of the classroom. To allow students the opportunity to mentally categorize and save what they've learned as well as clarify any final misunderstanding. Pairs share out with the class what they discussed. What is the relationship between independent practice and homework? employment the importance of connecting initial teacher preparation with ongoing support and development of teaching practice in the induction years and beyond. What is the difference between a learning objective and a lesson activity? We do not claim ownership of the available reviewers. 2. 75% noted that their Science teachers used materials that were easy to understand. answer choices. 2. student and student-to-teacher interactions by communicating classroom routines, procedures, and norms to students and families. Which of the following activities should she consider? /Parent 1 0 R
Suddenly the front door flew open and all the children sat up in bed scared and trembling. She had ILLUSIVE dreams of instant wealth. After showing the class of an acrostic poem for the word spring, she asks the class to list a few other spring related words. TPE 4 - Makes Content Accessible for all Students TPE 5 - Student Engagement Understands goals and goal setting Ensures active and equitable participation Monitors student progress TPE 6 - Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices Understands important concepts about learners Designs developmentally appropriate instructional activities The technical skills above are important in an ECE career, but we all know that there's more to being a good teacher than planning lessons and activities. I saw how Ms. Collins planned instruction and communicated with her students. This is an example of: _____________________ information is breaking the information into smaller, digestible bits of information, then later ______________________that information over a series of lessons. Allows for the successful implementation of digital strategies that impact learning, teaching, and working in a digital world. instructional planning and design for both short- and long-term. <>
Ms. Gonzalez is trying to engage her students with a focus activity and sensory experience anticipatory set about the effects of hurricanes. Now that I have this perspective, Im more capable of applying my knowledge to new content areas across learning environments. 24 Lesson Plan Examples for Every Level and Subject. Her communication was superb; she asked questions and followed to ensure understanding. Differentiation of the curriculum falls into what three main categories? Because they need sheltered instruction and language supports to understand and make sense of content. They bring in the life of young children certain values. Part of constructing a lesson plan is developing meaningful academic achievement through a UDL framework so students can maximize their learning potential. Planning of instruction and design of learning experiences. 5 Ways Students Can Reflect On Their Own Learning. TPE 4 Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students 1. 25 Team Building Activities for Teachers. He should be honest, with good will and desire to work. It was a dark and stormy night. digital formats such as Weebly sites or Seesaw. Great teachers strive to support individual growth in every student in their instructional care by providing specific personalized feedback to guide each learner in understanding how they can retool his/her thinking when necessary. What three 21st century skills does the Maker Movement support? In which of the following classroom scenarios is the teacher using a Flipped Learning model? stream Locate and apply information about students' current academic status, content - and standards -related learning needs and goals, assessment data, language prof iciency status, and cultural background for both short -term and long -term instructional planning . For a more detailed description of the lesson, click the link just above the value to showcase heading. Jigsaw so that he can assign each group a section of the chapter, they learn it, discuss it, become experts and then share the most important information with the class as they listen and take notes. <<
Define the following terms: star schema, snowflake schema, fact constellation, data marts. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792]
Using step-by-step simulations with guide-on-the-side modeling, effective coaches provide models and create hands-on simulations on the field for players contemplate possible opposing countermoves and potential foils that could cause the play to be ineffective. b. This is what psychologists call the general learning-styles hypothesisthe idea that instruction students receive will be more (or less) effective if the instruction takes (or does not take) into account the student's learning-style preferences. Positive. <>>>
Educators who are familiar with the logistics of athletic coaching would most likely agree that the principles are very much alike, and the qualities of the best coaches correspond with qualities possessed by the best teachers. Aligning literacy, mathematics, science, and other disciplines.ll, TPE 4 emphasizes the importance of which teacher activity. When a teacher asks a question like: "Can you elaborate?" 3. She then calls on two or three students to share what they wrote. Oftentimes, we unconsciously care for others the way we have been cared forfor better or worse. What is the relationship between monitoring and comprehension? Effective teachers foster self-awareness within their students by creating protocols and routines that support self-reflection and self-assessment. What is a strategy he could use? Without corrective feedback, students often have no clue how to improve as learners; with it, students can be inspired by not only seeing their own progress but by feeling the affection and care of individual attention. (TPE 4 is focused on teacher knowledge, skills, and abilities related to. When using technology in the classroom, what should teachers consider first before using it? combining literacy, mathematics, science, and other disciplines. 2 0 obj India is the solitary country in the world where greater importance is attached to the teacher. 1. Mr. Pierre, a high school French teacher is teaching students how to order food in French. Texas Teachers Assessment 6 100 questions, General Knowledge Termino (L1 S1) Partiel 1, TNT700.3A: Applying Teaching and Learning Ass, Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer, Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith, Tony Chan Carusone, Vincent Gaudet. Request More Info On Our Workshops & Services. TPE 4. She shows them a historical video of the 1900 hurricane storm that devastated Galveston, Island. Detail about expectations for beginning teacher knowledge and performance is provided through TPE elements and narratives within At the end of class, he projects the questions on the board and asks students to answer them using their devices. True/False: A teacher wants to incorporate technology into his/her own classroom but is afraid and isn't sure where to begin. Teachers need to see how ideas connect across fields and to everyday life. have a better chance of improving their comprehension of what they read than those who don't. The input phase is a time to inspire students to learn and model what they will be able to do whereas the anticipatory phase engages students and introduces the content. A second grade teacher is teaching her students multi-syllable words. Mrs. Jacobs wants her students to collaborate, communicate, and submit work online for a group project they need to work on both in and outside of class. Why is it important that teachers encourage student questions in the classroom? >>
I believe this assignment contained a preliminary element toward mastery in using digital tools to create technology-rich lessons across learning environments. In which of the following scenarios is the teacher differentiating the learning environment: Ms. Gonzalez, a fifth-grade reading teacher has a variety of reading "nooks" in the room. Why is differentiation of process necessary for English Language Learners? Read the scenario below and determine which strategy the teacher is using. Teachers have the ability to shape leaders of the future in the best way for society to build positive and inspired future generations and therefore design society, both on a local and global scale. Models and practical simulations provide athletes with a clear procedural understanding of every action and counteraction to effectively attain end-goals. Identify the four factors you should consider when planning differentiated lessons? A history teacher has decided to use digital textbooks in his classroom. Their explanations, demonstrations, and class activities serve to illustrate science concepts and principles, scientific investigation, and experimentation. Coaching is about, How do I get people to play at their peak level?Phil Jackson, Chicago Bulls. endobj
In those areas in which teaching has not yet become a profession, the teacher may fill fewer of these roles. Schools are places where democratic ideals such as equality, freedom, justice are instilled in individuals. He begins class by showing pictures of various food and drink items and asks students to say them aloud together. Furthermore, we do not make any warranty with regards to reliability and accuracy of the information. curriculum should only include universal and unchanging truths? Mrs. Castro is a fourth-grade teacher. A trajectory of learning that I could foresee and make happen. A. Edutopia is a free source of information, inspiration, and practical strategies for learning and teaching in preK-12 education. % or "Tell me more about that" They are: What criteria would you use to determine if you need to adjust the pace of your lesson? Even the very best athlete with raw talent could be deemed a second-rate player with little possibility to achieve real athletic success. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making. Assign project/group roles to each student. What do you think will happen to Scrooge after this Christmas experience? Determine which of the following collaborative learning expectations would be MOST useful for effective group work? The digital videos in the power point further helped me understand how technology can assist in teaching students. 7 content (Blazar et al., 2015). Which of the following teachers has provided students with specific and timely feedback? True because the teacher should always consider the learning objectives first and then start small with a lesson he/she is comfortable with. What can you infer is happening in the following scenario: They were formulated after the committee reviewed considerable research on teachers' performance that identified specific practices that characterize the most effective instructors. He has students discuss their findings with a partner and then share aloud with the class as a whole. Establishes a physically, socially, and emotionally safe classroom environment, maintaining clear expectations for academic and social behavior c. Promotes student effort, engagement, emphasizes collaborative activities and joint problem-solving d. The Teachers role in students' life is to build the foundation for our life and also contribute to a better society. TPE 3- It is through multiple forms of assessment that teachers can create effective curriculum that meets the educational needs of every student TPE 4- A direct benefit of using multiple ways to assess student learning is that students of all learning styles have a chance to be properly assessed in a way that caters to that learning style What is teaching? identifying and using appropriate educational technology. Read the scenario below and determine which strategy is the teacher using. Making content accessible for all students can be a difficult task. Which of the following collaborative learning instructional strategies would you recommend for the following scenario? Mindset has a powerful impact on how you experience your work and whether or not you continue to grow and thrive. xXKs6g&AT )~^rl{L/=wI. Teacher's professional growth and development. Lastly, all of the available downloads are for FREE. He/she can assign a reading assignment that covers these basic facts and concepts for homework and review them briefly in class before spending time on the critical thinking concepts. Good luck and God bless. Joseph is beginning to dislike math class. endobj
1 / 100. What theory underlies this? 1-4 It can take place at any time and occur in one or several brief periods during the school day. Why is it important for students to access prior knowledge to be successful in acquiring new knowledge? Students in Mrs. Miller's Spanish class are learning conversational Spanish vocabulary and grammar. Which of the following is an example of differentiating the product for students in a fifth-grade reading class who are supposed to read and describe the parts of a story in a book they've read? For their assignment, students are taken outside and asked to take photographs of plant life and insects. Teacher's personality. What is the difference between formal groups and informal groups in a classroom setting? Although the lesson plan was about literacy, our team was able to infuse other subjects through the news articles that were related to the content subject matter. When she asks questions only a few students raise their hands to respond and she always resorts to calling on these few bright students who know all the answers. Making Subject Matter Comprehensible To Students. A teacher is having trouble with class participation. /Filter /FlateDecode
10. Through deliberate instructional approaches, these teachers often allocate class time for students to learn and to demonstrate their learning within teacher-facilitated small-groups settings. Instructor: Sharon Linde. With R.A. 9155, to which body were all the functions, programs, and activities of the Department of Education related to General Education Reviewer Part 1: 50 Questions with Answers 1. What strategy of effective questioning is Mrs. Johansen employing? x x 2. "We try to define the standard that we want everyone to work on." -Nick Saban. What is the difference between the written objective and the stated objective? Validity evidence for . Expert in some area of knowledge or skills. Over the school year he has been collecting student's writing in a portfolio. Student-led cooperative small grouping and mixed-ability-grouping can also prove effective. Similarly, effective teachers are clear and set clear targets for learning alongside models to scaffold students in meeting those targets. What is the purpose of closure during a lesson? The single framework should also provide a better guide for all teacher development . This assignment gave me a unique insight into how math learning progresses from kindergarten through high school. Which Philippine government recognizes the possible contribution of its future Reviewing assessments after a lesson and re-teaching misunderstood concepts. True/False: It is necessary for teachers to plan lessons that return to prior material taught and learned in class? All documents/photos/videos are only hosted by third parties as Google Drive. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 1224 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
Teacher B has listened to student speeches in her class. Paper formats serve the same purpose. This is just one or many ways I "incorporate specific strategies, teaching/instructional activities, procedures" and discuss Common Core goals "in order to provide a balanced and comprehensive curriculum" (TPE . The most effective teachers come to class each day ready to teach that day's lesson. They make sure their players have no question about the expectations and goals that have been set for the team. 1. Being able to decode words allows students to build fluency and increases their reading comprehension. Learning about informal/formal assessments, closure, engaging students, using time stamps, and valuable classroom management skills are all integral for teaching well and student learning. u?rblbeV(eRBJ]6 -o%b 4F-S}BJku1. 2. Teacher D has created a student response quiz online. 10 Lines on Importance Of Teacher: Teachers play a very significant role in the lives of students. He has decided that he wants students to work together to learn the information. When students arrive in class he asks them to underline instances of rhyme and repetition in the lyrics they brought. 4 0 obj
Avoid wasting instructional time. Plan, design, implement and monitor instruction, making effective use of instructional time to maximize learning opportunities and provide access to the curriculum for all students by removing barriers and providing access through instructional strategies. He then pulls the 8 struggling students into a small group, and works with them using specific feedback. True because the action flow lesson plan moves quickly building momentum throughout the lesson. xZ+J* ^\:JURlh3DeRc'o
D^ 483%EQ_E/>O+H*Ic?JNPcEYr0Hat0 TW If a teacher moves too slowly then the more advanced student can become restless and miss important information later. Creates a positive climate for learning in all educational settings b. 4. Whether its solving math equations, writing a persuasive essay, or dissecting a frog in the science lab, even the most carefully crafted lesson plan can become an epic fail if the lesson disregards the use of effective instructional models (or modeling) alongside clearly-defined outcomes for learningLearning Targets. project-based, problem-based, design-thinking, etc.). This assignment is a foundation for future lesson planning and will give me the flexibility to change lesson planning in the future as I grow and learn from more experienced educators. 1045 Words5 Pages. What effective feedback might you provide for a student whose science project did NOT meet your objectives? Furthermore, we do not make any warranty with regards to reliability and accuracy of the information. c. Because it requires both materials and human support. Which of the following graphic organizers would work best for this goal? The TPEs are organized by the six CSTP domains. True/False: The action-flow lesson plan provides ample opportunities for student engagement and variety within the lesson. TPE 2. x}k8?.QoT4Ug? endobj
The environment as the third teacher. Which of the following tools would BEST help her achieve these goals? Ms. Gonzalez tells them to find a seat on the floor and watch the short video clip. BaCl2(s)Ba2+(aq)+2Cl(aq). Used and understands a variety of informal and formal assessments b. Multiple subject 1. Observing this lesson will enable me to use some of the tactics she used and implement them into my lessons. Whether its the on or off-season, any discussion with Jimmy Shaw relating to instruction, pedagogy, or professional learning could easily be inclined to a coaching-teaching analogy in efforts to sift away the theoretical jargon and bring clarity to what most would consider fundamental best practicesor as Dr. Jimmy Shaw would say, Its just good teaching!. Writing lesson plans isn't usually a teacher's favorite part of the job, but it's a necessary one. Public servant. emphasizes the importance of the teacher in the realization of educational process. The child as the creator of his/her own learning. The key to proactive classroom management is active teacher supervision. She grades the speeches in class using a rubric and the day after all speeches have been delivered she returns the graded rubrics with notes to students. ITL 516 TPE Elements Addressed (4.8 and 4.7) TPE 4.7 Plan instruction that promotes a range of communication strategies and activity modes between teacher and student and among students that encourage student participation in learning. The teacher begins class with a question. Mrs. Davidson, begins her fourth-grade writing class each day with a five minute free write on a topic chosen by the class. A blog is an online tool that allows teachers and students to write and create content on a subject and share publicly. 33. The teacher emphasizes the meaning and different kinds of folk dance, and the importance of it into our culture. When implemented effectively, cooperative learning within small-groups and partner-work (pair-share) can allow students to be valuable human resources for one another. Obtaining and using information about students' current academic status. The best teachers also have a strong mix of "soft" or transferrable skills and natural traits to round out their technical know-how. Once they do, she chooses one and they work through each letter together as a class to write the acrostic poem for that word. On the first day of his lesson on creating a science fair project, Mrs. Stevenson brings to class a former student's science fair display board and report. I want to use a diagram to compare the traditional and authentic modes of assessment. 4 Key Characteristics Of Effective Teachers, contributed by Dr. Jimmy ShawandNira Dale. This plan achieved that goal by interconnecting visual learning through articles related to different subjects. OR Describe the Queen of Hearts. Adjust Your Mindset. These structures ensure athletes have no question as to what areas they need to focus on to improve their overall athletic performance. Many teachers have found it effective to use exemplary student work examples as instructional models to clarify learning outcomes and targets. a. Question C because it is an open-ended question with multiple correct answers that would allow many students the opportunity to respond. Effective teachers are clear teachers. What is the purpose of the anticipatory set or focus activity at the beginning of a lesson? Attitude of Gratitude Activity - Plant . Teacher A, a Values Education teacher emphasizes ethics The playbook diagrams with Xs and Os shown on a demo-board are important. b. They embed structures for students to routinely monitor their own learning progress. What are the five guiding principles of cooperative learning? TPE 1 is divided into two categories intended to take into account the differentiated teaching assignments of multiple subject and single subject teachers. Begin and/or continue to take field notes while observing the child during reading and writing time. Teacher B is providing timely and specific feedback because she returns graded rubrics to students within one day of completing their speeches and provides notes that align with the objectives on the rubric. All the children were curled up in their beds. The use of a single framework should minimize confusion about what effective teaching is. Sci:List of Philippine Fathers Hand Out, Mathematics: 120 Questions with Answer Key, Soc Sci: Philippine Presidents Contributions Hand Out. It allows students the opportunity to actively use their preferred intelligence to practice, and demonstrate an understanding of the concept to be more engaged and connected to the content. He then asks students what are some of the ways they learned last class to order food. What other stories have your read or movies have you seen where someone really disliked something? Communication skills. Application Deadline for the March 2018 LET extended. How does blended learning meet the diverse needs of students in a classroom? 1) The model is accurate and correct when first introduced. S: The goal is specific and to the point. A strategy students can use before, during, and after reading to think about, question, have control over and better understand their reading. >>
), Metacognitive prompts to help students reflect on their learning. Teachers are the cornerstones of modern-day civilization. /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageC]
Which of the following might be text features of a social studies textbook? They make sure their players have no question about the expectations and goals that have been set for the team. Question B: An adjective is a word that describes a what? At the end of class Mrs. Robinson asks students "what did we learn about today?" The __________________________________ of lesson delivery is the identification and teaching of the main concepts and skills that students need to achieve mastery of the objective. What are the most important benefits of using technology in the classroom with your students? Proactive classroom management: These are the practices that teachers and administrators can employ to teach and build acceptable behavior that is positive and helpful, promotes social acceptance, and leads to greater success in school. Mr. Johnson wants to start differentiating his curriculum but he doesn't know where or how to begin. Just as an athlete runs down the court routinely looking up to check the scoreboard, students in a self-aware learning culture develop an intrinsic need to regularly monitor their own progress through self-assessment and self-reflection. In parallel, effective teachers provide ongoing personalized corrective feedback. Mr. Johnson is a second-grade teacher. Because it allows students the opportunity to better understand their mistakes, strengths and weaknesses, and apply that feedback to future practice and learning. Unpacking the Teacher Performance Expectations (TPE1) & Reflecting on Them TPE 1.1 TPE 1.1 Examples of Evidence of TPE 1.1 Current Assets and Strengths Identify 3 Areas of Growth and an Action you will take Apply knowledge of students, including their: prior experiences, interests, and social-emotional learning needs, as well as their funds of knowledge and cultural, language, and socioeconomi . 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